void CalibrateGyro(void) { int i; int ii; GyroOffset[0] = 0; GyroOffset[1] = 0; GyroOffset[2] = 0; AngleOffset[0] = 0; AngleOffset[1] = 0; for (i=0;i<1000;i++) { /** Read sensors ******************************************************/ readSensorData(); __delay32(5000); // Without this delay, the I2C command acts funny... accXangle = (atan2(accel[0], accel[2])*RAD_TO_DEG); accYangle = (atan2(accel[1], accel[2])*RAD_TO_DEG); for (ii=0;ii<3;ii++) { GyroOffset[ii] = GyroOffset[ii] + gyro[ii]; } AngleOffset[0] += accXangle; AngleOffset[1] += accYangle; } for (ii=0;ii<3;ii++) { GyroOffset[ii] = GyroOffset[ii]/1000; } AngleOffset[0] = AngleOffset[0]/1000.0; AngleOffset[1] = AngleOffset[1]/1000.0; gyroXangle = AngleOffset[0]; gyroYangle = AngleOffset[1]; compAngleX = AngleOffset[0]; compAngleY = AngleOffset[1]; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc!=2) { printf("usage: ./therm <IP address>\n"); exit(1); } //get host name char hostname[32]; hostname[31] = '\0'; gethostname(hostname,1023); char inputFile[1024] = "/etc/t_client/client.conf"; char errorLogFile[1024] = "/var/log/therm/error/g07_error_log"; FILE *fp = fopen(inputFile,"r"); FILE *fpError = fopen(errorLogFile,"a"); if(fpError==NULL) { printf("Error trying to open error file\n"); exit(1); } if(fp==NULL) { char *message; sprintf(message,"Cannot open config file %s",inputFile); writeErrorLog(fpError,message); exit(1); } char buffer[1024]; int numSensors; //read first line of file, which holds number of sensors if(fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),fp)) { numSensors = atoi(buffer); } //create array of stuct Hosts Host hosts[numSensors]; int i = 0; //for each subsequent line, add to array of structs while(fgets(buffer,sizeof(buffer),fp)) { //add name of the host strcpy(hosts[i].hostName,hostname); //add number of thermometers to struct hosts[i].numThermometers = numSensors; //add sensor number (/dev/gotemp = 0 and /dev/gotemp2 = 1) //first line would be 0 for first sensor and second line is for 2nd sensor hosts[i].sensorNumber = i; double low, high; //scan for low and high values int n = sscanf(buffer,"%lf %lf",&low,&high); //if succesfully read two items if(n==2) { //store low and high values hosts[i].lowValue = low; hosts[i].highValue = high; } else { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Error reading %s\n",inputFile); #endif char *message; sprintf(message,"Error reading file %s",inputFile); writeErrorLog(fpError,message); exit(1); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("Host %i\n",i); printf("\tName: %s\n",hosts[i].hostName); printf("\tNum Thermometers: %d\n",hosts[i].numThermometers); printf("\tSensor Number: %d\n",hosts[i].sensorNumber); printf("\tLow value: %lf\n",hosts[i].lowValue); printf("\tHigh value: %lf\n",hosts[i].highValue); #endif i++; } time_t rawtime; struct tm *tm; //load sensor data into structs for(i=0;i<numSensors;i++) { memset((char *)&tm,0,sizeof(tm)); memset((char *)&rawtime,0,sizeof(rawtime)); int sensData; if(readSensorData(i,&sensData,fpError)==0) { //put timestamp in struct time(&rawtime); tm = localtime(&rawtime); strftime(hosts[i].timeStamp,32,"%Y %m %d %H %M",tm); //put sensor data into struct hosts[i].sensorData = sensData; #ifdef DEBUG printf("Sensor Data for Host %d is %lf\n",i,hosts[i].sensorData); printf("Timestamp for Host %d is %s\n",i,hosts[i].timeStamp); #endif } else { //error logs written in read sensor data function exit(1); } } int sockfd, n; struct sockaddr_in servaddr; //ip address where server is char* ap_addr = argv[1]; //char *ap_addr = ""; char* port = "9768"; //create the socket sockfd=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if(sockfd < 0) { writeErrorLog(fpError,"Error opening socket"); perror("ERROR opening socket"); exit(1); } //build server inet address bzero(&servaddr,sizeof(servaddr)); servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(ap_addr); //the address servaddr.sin_port=htons(atoi(port)); //the port //connect if(connect(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *) &servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)) < 0) { writeErrorLog(fpError,"Error connecting"); perror("ERROR connecting"); exit(1); } int send_numSensors = htonl(numSensors); if( sendto(sockfd,&send_numSensors,sizeof(send_numSensors),0, (struct sockaddr *) &servaddr,sizeof(servaddr)) < 0) { writeErrorLog(fpError,"Error writing number of sensors socket"); perror("ERROR writing to socket"); exit(1); } //send packet of hosts to server for(i=0;i<numSensors;i++) { //hosts[i].sensorData = 1000; //set action to 0 to send hosts[i].action = 0; //here write to server sendHostToServer(&sockfd,&servaddr,fpError,&hosts[i]); } //now find out if overtemp so send packets w/ action = 1 for(i=0;i<numSensors;i++) { hosts[i].action = 1; sendHostToServer(&sockfd,&servaddr,fpError,&hosts[i]); } int overTemp = 0; //1 if overheating socklen_t servlen = sizeof(servaddr); for(i=0;i<numSensors;i++) { if(recvfrom(sockfd,&overTemp,sizeof(overTemp),0,(struct sockaddr*)&servaddr,&servlen)<0) { perror("Error receiving overtemp"); exit(1); } if(overTemp==1) { printf("SYSTEM SHUTDOWN, SENSOR %d IS OVERHEATING\n",i); exit(1); } overTemp = 0; } close(sockfd); fclose(fp); fclose(fpError); return 0; } //end main
void __attribute__((__interrupt__, __auto_psv__)) _T1Interrupt(void) { unsigned int *chptr; // For sending a float value unsigned int command; // For sending commands to Axis Converter double gyroXrate, gyroYrate; char nRFstatus; unsigned char rfCommands[32]; // Commands received from remote unsigned char nRFregisters[10]; int iii; long long xSpeedFilterSum = 0; long long ySpeedFilterSum = 0; // Toggle LED _LATA4 = 1; /** Read sensors ******************************************************/ readSensorData(); __delay32(1000); // Without this delay, the I2C command acts funny... accXangle = ((atan2(accel[0], accel[2]))*RAD_TO_DEG)-AngleOffset[0]; accYangle = ((atan2(accel[1], accel[2]))*RAD_TO_DEG)-AngleOffset[1]; gyroXrate = ((double)gyro[0]-(double)GyroOffset[0])/131; gyroYrate = -(((double)gyro[1]-(double)GyroOffset[1])/131); /** Feedback Loop *****************************************************/ compAngleX = (compFilterGyro*(compAngleX+(gyroYrate*(double)SAMPLE_TIME)))+(compFilterAccel*accXangle); // Calculate the angle using a Complimentary filter compAngleY = (compFilterGyro*(compAngleY+(gyroXrate*(double)SAMPLE_TIME)))+(compFilterAccel*accYangle); if (enableSteppers == 1) { iCompAngleY += compAngleY; iCompAngleX += compAngleX; } else { iCompAngleY = 0.0; iCompAngleX = 0.0; } ySpeed = -((compAngleY)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleY-compAngleYlast)*(double)dGAIN+gyroXrate*(double)iGAIN); xSpeed = -((compAngleX-sGAIN)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleX-compAngleXlast)*(double)dGAIN+gyroYrate*(double)iGAIN); xSpeedFilter[SpeedFilterCounter] = xSpeed; ySpeedFilter[SpeedFilterCounter] = ySpeed; for(iii = 0; iii<=SpeedFilterLength;iii++) { xSpeedFilterSum += xSpeedFilter[iii]; ySpeedFilterSum += ySpeedFilter[iii]; } xSpeed = (long long)xSpeedFilterSum/(SpeedFilterLength+1); ySpeed = (long long)ySpeedFilterSum/(SpeedFilterLength+1); // ySpeed = -((compAngleY)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleY-compAngleYlast)*(double)dGAIN); // xSpeed = -((compAngleX)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleX-compAngleXlast)*(double)dGAIN); // if (xSpeed<0) // xSpeed = -(xSpeed*xSpeed); // else // xSpeed = xSpeed*xSpeed; // if (ySpeed<0) // ySpeed = -(ySpeed*ySpeed); // else // ySpeed = ySpeed*ySpeed; compAngleXlast = compAngleX; compAngleYlast = compAngleY; // xSpeed = gyroXrate *1000; // ySpeed = gyroYrate *1000; /** Build command string **********************************************/ command = 0b1000000000000000; if (enableSteppers == 1) command = command | 0b0100000000000000; /* Send data to Axis Controller ***************************************/ chptr = (unsigned char *) ∠ // For sending a float value CS_Axis = 0; /* Command: MSB * 15: 0 = NO Speed Values * 14: 1 = Enable Stepper Driver * 13: */ WriteSPI2(command); // Command: MSB WriteSPI2(xSpeed); // Send x-velocity vector WriteSPI2(ySpeed); // Send y-velocity vector WriteSPI2(*chptr++); // Sending first part of float value WriteSPI2(*chptr); // Sending second part of float value CS_Axis = 1; /** Prepare telemetry *************************************************/ setRawData2string(); /**** Telemetry string format for command=0x42 ************************/ /** command, axh, axl, ayh, ayl, azh, azl, th, tl, 9byte **/ /** gxh, gxl, gyh, gyl, gzh, gzl, cxh, cxl, cyh, cyl, czh, czl,12byte**/ /** motorStatus 1byte**/ /** --Total 22byte **/ serString[16] = xSpeed & 0xFF; // Temporary sending additional telemetry serString[15] = xSpeed >> 8; serString[18] = ySpeed & 0xFF; serString[17] = ySpeed >> 8; // serString[18] = iax & 0xFF; // serString[17] = iax >> 8; // serString[20] = igy & 0xFF; // serString[19] = igy >> 8; serString[21] = enableSteppers; SpeedFilterCounter++; if (SpeedFilterCounter> SpeedFilterLength) SpeedFilterCounter = 0; /** Receive RF commands if any ********************************************/ // LDByteWriteSPI(0x20, 0b00001010); nRFstatus = LDBytePollnRF(); for(iii=0; iii<10;iii++) // For debug { nRFregisters[iii] = readnRFbyte(iii); } if (nRFstatus & 0b01000000) // Data Ready RX FIFO { // _LATB4 = 1; //// Delay10TCYx(100); LDByteReadSPI(0x61, rfCommands, 21); // Read RX FIFO LDByteWriteSPI(0x27 , 0b01000000); // Clear RX FIFO interrupt bit //ByteWriteSPI(0xE2 , 0xFF); //Flush RX FIFO if(rfCommands[0] == 0x82) { if(enableSteppers) { enableSteppers = 0; buttonState = 0; //_LATB4 = 0; } else { enableSteppers = 1; buttonState = 2; //_LATB4 = 1; } } else if (rfCommands[0] == 0x83) { _LATB4 = 1; // Set the received values to variables for(iii=1;iii<19;iii += 3){ if(rfCommands[iii]<9) setValueCode[rfCommands[iii]] = (rfCommands[iii+1]<<8) + rfCommands[iii+2]; } pGAIN = setValueCode[1]; dGAIN = setValueCode[2]; compFilterGyro = (float)setValueCode[4]/(float)1000; compFilterAccel = 1.0 - compFilterGyro; iGAIN = (float)setValueCode[3]/100.0; //angle = (setValueCode[6]-180)* PI /180.0; //SpeedFilterLength = setValueCode[5]; LDByteWriteI2C(0x00D0, 0x1A, setValueCode[5]); // 0.0 ms and disable FSYNC sGAIN = (float)(setValueCode[6]-1000)/100.0; } // //LATDbits.LATD3 = 0; // } // LDByteWriteSPI(0x20, 0b00001010); // // LDByteWriteSPI(0x26, 0b00000010); // Set RC_CH to reset retransmit counter LDCommandWriteSPI(0xE2); // Flush RX buffer (not during ACK) /** Send telemetry ********************************************************/ // _LATB15 = 0; // Set CE low to stop receiving data // LDByteWriteSPI(0x20 , 0b00001010); // Set to send mode // __delay32(100); LDByteWriteSPI(0x27, 0b00010000); // clear MAX_RT (max retries) LDCommandWriteSPI(0xE1); // Flush TX buffer (tx buffer contains last failed transmission) LDByteWriteSPI(0x27, 0b00100000); // clear TX_DS (ACK received) sendnRFstring( serString, 22); /** Set nRF to recive mode ************************************************/ // __delay32(1000); // LDByteWriteSPI(0x27, 0b00100000); // clear TX_DS (ACK received) // LDByteWriteSPI(0x20 , 0b00001011); // Set to receive mode // _LATB15 = 1; // Set CE high to start receiving data /* Done with interrupt ****************************************************/ _LATA4 = 0; _T1IF = 0; // Clear Timer 1 interrupt flag }
int16_t main(void) { unsigned int buttonCounter = 20000; int i; /* Configure the oscillator for the device */ ConfigureOscillator(); /* Initialize IO ports and peripherals */ InitApp(); //initSerial(); initSPI1(); initSPI2(); InitI2C(); __delay32(1600000); // allow for POR for all devices initnRF(); ControlByte = 0x00D0; // mpu6050 address InitMPU6050(ControlByte); // InitHMC5883L(); __delay_ms(500); /** Init control loop *****************************************************/ readSensorData(); accXangle = (atan2(accel[0], accel[2])*RAD_TO_DEG); accYangle = (atan2(accel[1], accel[2])*RAD_TO_DEG); gyroXangle = accXangle; gyroYangle = accYangle; compAngleX = accXangle; compAngleY = accYangle; AngleOffset[0] = accXangle; AngleOffset[1] = accYangle; CalibrateGyro(); // Finding the gyro zero-offset SetupInterrupts(); ////// int serStringN = 14; ////// char nRFstatus = 0; //////// int i; ////// delaytime = 1; ////// bool mode = 0; while(1) { /** Read Button RB7 for enable steppers *******************************/ if (buttonState == 0 && PORTBbits.RB7 && !buttonCounter) { buttonState = 1; buttonCounter = 20000; enableSteppers = 0; } if (buttonState == 1 && !PORTBbits.RB7 && !buttonCounter) { enableSteppers = 2; __delay32(40000000); buttonState = 2; buttonCounter = 20000; enableSteppers = 1; } if (buttonState == 2 && PORTBbits.RB7 && !buttonCounter) { buttonState = 3; buttonCounter = 20000; enableSteppers = 0; } if (buttonState == 3 && !PORTBbits.RB7 && !buttonCounter) { buttonState = 0; buttonCounter = 20000; enableSteppers = 0; } if (buttonCounter) { buttonCounter--; } for (i=0;i<100;i++) { i=i; } // __delay32(100); } }
void SensorDataManagerTask(void* pdata){ int8_t cnt = 0; int16_t rawData[9]; int8_t err = NO_ERR; INT8U os_err = OS_ERR_NONE; //start uint32_t start = alt_timestamp(); uint32_t stop = 0; if (alt_timestamp() == 0 && alt_timestamp_start() < 0) { printf("ERROR starting timer"); } while(1){ //Semaphore for periodic task OSSemPend(sensorDataManageTaskSem, 0, &os_err); start = alt_timestamp(); err = readSensorData(rawData); //get newRawData acclX[cnt] = rawData[0]; //fill arrays with new raw data acclY[cnt] = rawData[1]; acclZ[cnt] = rawData[2]; gyroX[cnt] = rawData[3] - gyroOffsets[0]; //sensor Offsets are only available for gyrodata gyroY[cnt] = rawData[4] - gyroOffsets[1]; gyroZ[cnt] = rawData[5] - gyroOffsets[2]; compX[cnt] = rawData[6]; compY[cnt] = rawData[7]; compZ[cnt] = rawData[8]; cnt++; if(cnt>=20){ err = avgAllArrays(); //measure sensor sampling time stop = alt_timestamp(); averagedDataDeltaT = (stop - start) / 50; //*1000/alt_ticks_per_second(); //calculate the time needed to get all sensordata in system Ticks/ micro seconds if (alt_timestamp() == 0 && alt_timestamp_start() < 0) { printf("ERROR starting timer"); } SDM_NEW_DATA_AVAILABLE = 1; //new data is available } cnt = cnt % VALUE_NUM; //cnt goes from 0 to VALUE_NUM and then starts with 0 again OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 0, 10); //uncomment if sensordata reading is to fast for the i2c interface -> set delay to appropriate value } }