예제 #1
void agents_controller( WORLD_TYPE *w )
{ /* Adhoc function to test agents, to be replaced with NN controller. tpc */
  int collision_flag=0 ;
  int i,k ;
  int maxvisualreceptor = -1 ;
  int nsomareceptors ;
  int nacousticfrequencies ;
  float delta_energy ;
  float dfb , drl, dth, dh ;
  float headth ;
  float forwardspeed ;
  float maxvisualreceptordirection ;
  float bodyx, bodyy, bodyth ;
  float x, y, h ;
  float **eyevalues, **ear0values, **ear1values, **skinvalues ;
  float ear0mag=0.0, ear1mag=0.0 ;
  time_t now ;
  struct tm *date ;
  char timestamp[30] ;
  /* Initialize */
  forwardspeed = 3.0 ;  
	a = w->agents[0] ; /* get agent pointer */
	/* test if agent is alive. if so, process sensors and actuators.  if not, report death and 
	   reset agent & world */
	if( a->instate->metabolic_charge>0.0 )
		/* get current motor rates and body/head angles */
		read_actuators_agent( a, &dfb, &drl, &dth, &dh ) ;
		read_agent_body_position( a, &bodyx, &bodyy, &bodyth ) ;
		read_agent_head_angle( a, &headth ) ;
		/* read somatic(touch) sensor for collision */  
		collision_flag = read_soma_sensor(w, a) ; 	
    skinvalues = extract_soma_receptor_values_pointer( a ) ;
    nsomareceptors = get_number_of_soma_receptors( a ) ;
    for( k=0 ; k<nsomareceptors ; k++ )
      if( (k==0 || k==1 || k==7 ) && skinvalues[k][0]>0.0 )
        //delta_energy = eat_colliding_object( w, a, k) ;
    /* read hearing sensors and load spectra for each ear, and compute integrated sound magnitudes */
    read_acoustic_sensor( w, a) ;
    ear0values = extract_sound_receptor_values_pointer( a, 0 ) ;
    ear1values = extract_sound_receptor_values_pointer( a, 1 ) ;
    nacousticfrequencies = get_number_of_acoustic_receptors( a ) ;    
    for( i=0 ; i<nacousticfrequencies ; i++ )
      ear0mag += ear0values[i][0] ;
      ear1mag += ear1values[i][0] ;
    //printf("simtime: %d ear0mag: %f ear1mag: %f\n",simtime,ear0mag,ear1mag) ;
		/* read visual sensor to get R, G, B intensity values */ 
		read_visual_sensor( w, a) ;
		eyevalues = extract_visual_receptor_values_pointer( a, 0 ) ;
    /* find brights object in visual field */
    maxvisualreceptor = intensity_winner_takes_all( a ) ;
		if( maxvisualreceptor >= 0 ) 
			/* use brightest visual receptor to determine how to turn body to center it in the field of view */
			maxvisualreceptordirection = visual_receptor_position( a->instate->eyes[0], maxvisualreceptor ) ;      
			/* rotate body to face brightes object */
			set_agent_body_angle( a, bodyth + maxvisualreceptordirection ) ;
      printf("agents_controller-  No visible object, simtime: %d, changing direction.\n",simtime) ;
      read_agent_body_position( a, &bodyx, &bodyy, &bodyth ) ;
 			set_agent_body_angle( a, bodyth + 45.0 ) ;

    /* move the agents body */
    set_forward_speed_agent( a, forwardspeed ) ;
		move_body_agent( a ) ;

		/* decrement metabolic charge by basil metabolism rate.  DO NOT REMOVE THIS CALL */
		basal_metabolism_agent( a ) ;
		simtime++ ;

	} /* end agent alive condition */
    /* Example of agent is dead condition */
		printf("agent_controller- Agent has died, eating %d objects. simtime: %d\n",a->instate->itemp[0], simtime ) ;
		now = time(NULL) ;
		date = localtime( &now ) ;
		strftime(timestamp, 30, "%y/%m/%d H: %H M: %M S: %S",date) ;
		printf("Death time: %s\n",timestamp) ;
		/* Example as to how to restore the world and agent after it dies. */
		restore_objects_to_world( Flatworld ) ;  /* restore all of the objects back into the world */
		reset_agent_charge( a ) ;               /* recharge the agent's battery to full */
		a->instate->itemp[0] = 0 ;              /* zero the number of object's eaten accumulator */
		x = distributions_uniform( Flatworld->xmin, Flatworld->xmax ) ; /* pick random starting position and heading */
		y = distributions_uniform( Flatworld->ymin, Flatworld->ymax ) ;
		h = distributions_uniform( -179.0, 179.0) ;
		printf("\nagent_controller- new coordinates after restoration:  x: %f y: %f h: %f\n",x,y,h) ;
		set_agent_body_position( a, x, y, h ) ;    /* set new position and heading of agent */
		/* Accumulate lifetime statistices */
		avelifetime += (float)simtime ;
		simtime = 0 ;
    nlifetimes++ ;
		if( nlifetimes >= maxnlifetimes )
			avelifetime /= (float)maxnlifetimes ;
			printf("\nAverage lifetime: %f\n",avelifetime) ;
			exit(0) ;
	} /* end agent dead condition */
예제 #2
void agents_controller( WORLD_TYPE *w )
{ /* Adhoc function to test agents, to be replaced with NN controller. tpc */
	int collision_flag=0 ;
	int i,k ;
	int maxvisualreceptor = -1 ;
	int nsomareceptors ;
	int nacousticfrequencies ;
	float delta_energy, old_delta_energy;
	float dfb , drl, dth, dh ;
	float headth ;
	//float forwardspeed ;
	float maxvisualreceptordirection ;
	float bodyx, bodyy, bodyth ;
	float **eyevalues, **ear0values, **ear1values, **skinvalues ;
	float ear0mag=0.0, ear1mag=0.0 ;
	time_t now ;
	struct tm *date ;
	char timestamp[30] ;
	int is_poisonous = 0;
	//temporary file
	char eye_data_file_name[20] = "./dat/eye_data_";
    char direction_data_file_name[20] = "./dat/direction_data";
	char eye_data_file_name_str[50] = "";
	int idx = 0;
    float stopping_criteria = 0.00000001;
	FILE *fp = 0x0;
    int ret = 0;
    float *input_data = 0x0;
 	a = w->agents[0] ; /* get agent pointer */
	/* test if agent is alive. if so, process sensors and actuators.  if not, report death and 
		reset agent & world */
	if(a->instate->metabolic_charge > 0.0)
		/* get current motor rates and body/head angles */
		read_actuators_agent(a, &dfb, &drl, &dth, &dh ) ;
		read_agent_body_position( a, &bodyx, &bodyy, &bodyth ) ;
		read_agent_head_angle( a, &headth );
		/* read somatic(touch) sensor for collision */  
		collision_flag = read_soma_sensor(w, a) ; 	
        skinvalues = extract_soma_receptor_values_pointer( a ) ;
        nsomareceptors = get_number_of_soma_receptors( a ) ;
		/* read visual sensor to get R, G, B intensity values to collect x values*/ 
		read_visual_sensor(w, a) ;
		eyevalues = extract_visual_receptor_values_pointer( a, 0 ) ;

		for(k = 0 ; k < nsomareceptors ; k++)
            ret = LMScalculate(eyevalues[a->instate->eyes[0]->nreceptors/2], a->instate->eyes[0]->nbands, 0, 0);
            if((k == 0) && skinvalues[k][0] > 0.0 && ret == 1)
                delta_energy = eat_colliding_object(w, a, k) ;
//                /*Train the neuron*/
//                if(delta_energy != 0)
//                {
//                    object_num++;
//                    LMScalculate(eyevalues[a->instate->eyes[0]->nreceptors/2], a->instate->eyes[0]->nbands, 1, (delta_energy > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0));
//                }
        /*Move robot*/
        ret = set_direction(w, a, 0);
        read_agent_body_position(a, &bodyx, &bodyy, &bodyth) ;
        if(ret == -1)
            set_agent_body_angle(a, bodyth + 45);
            set_agent_body_angle(a, bodyth + a->instate->eyes[0]->receptor_locations[ret] + a->instate->eyes[0]->receptor_directions[ret]);
		/* move the agents body */
		set_forward_speed_agent(a, forwardspeed) ;
		move_body_agent(a) ;

		/* decrement metabolic charge by basil metabolism rate.  DO NOT REMOVE THIS CALL */
		basal_metabolism_agent(a) ;
		simtime++ ;
	} /* end agent alive condition */
		/* Example of agent is dead condition */
		printf("agent_controller- Agent has died, eating %d objects. simtime: %d\n",a->instate->itemp[0], simtime ) ;
		now = time(NULL) ;
		date = localtime( &now ) ;
        sprintf(eye_data_file_name_str, "./dat/timevsspeed.csv");
		if((fp = fopen(eye_data_file_name_str, "a+")) != 0x0)
			fprintf(fp, "%f,%f,%d\n", forwardspeed, init_head_position, simtime);

		/* Example as to how to restore the world and agent after it dies. */
		restore_objects_to_world(Flatworld) ;  /* restore all of the objects back into the world */
		reset_agent_charge( a ) ;               /* recharge the agent's battery to full */
		a->instate->itemp[0] = 0 ;              /* zero the number of object's eaten accumulator */
        /* keep starting position the same and change head angle */
        init_head_position += 20;

        nlifetimes++ ;
        if(nlifetimes%18 == 0)
            init_head_position -= 360;
            forwardspeed += 0.01;
        init_x = (Flatworld->xmax + Flatworld->xmin)/2;
        init_y = (Flatworld->ymax + Flatworld->ymin)/2;
		printf("\nagent_controller- new coordinates after restoration:  x: %f y: %f h: %f f: %f\n", init_x, init_y, init_head_position, forwardspeed) ;
		set_agent_body_position(a, init_x, init_y, init_head_position) ;
		/* Accumulate lifetime statistices */
		simtime = 0 ;
		if(nlifetimes >=  360) //|| (epoch_num > 10 && fabs(rmss[epoch_num - 1] - rmss[epoch_num - 2]) < stopping_criteria))   /*Add stopping condition for the neuron training to stop*/
            /*plot data and clean up data*/
//            sprintf(eye_data_file_name_str, "%sdata.csv", eye_data_file_name);
//            printf("store the data and exit with epoch %d\n", epoch_num);
//            if((fp = fopen(eye_data_file_name_str, "w+")) != 0x0)
//            {
//                /*Log rms*/
//                for(idx = 0; idx < epoch_num; idx++)
//                {
//                    fprintf(fp, "%d,%lg\n", idx+1, rmss[idx]);
//                }
//                fprintf(fp, "\nThe final weights are:\n");
//                /*Log weights*/
//                for(idx = 0; idx <= neuron_brain.input_num; idx++)
//                {
//                    fprintf(fp, "%lg,", neuron_brain.weights[idx]);
//                }
//                fclose(fp);
//            }
//            epoch_num = 0;
			exit(0) ;
//			rmss[epoch_num] = pow(accumulated_rms/object_num, 0.5);
//            printf("This is the %dth epoch with %f random speed with %f rms\n", epoch_num, forwardspeed, rmss[epoch_num]);
//			epoch_num++;
//			accumulated_rms = 0;
//			object_num = 0;
	} /* end agent dead condition */
}/*end agents_controller()*/