예제 #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if(argc != 4) {
    printf("Usage: %s input-file histogram output-file\n", argv[0]);
  struct img input, output;

  if(!ppmb_read(argv[1], &input.xsize, &input.ysize, &input.maxrgb, 
		&input.r, &input.g, &input.b)) {
    if(input.maxrgb > 255) {
      printf("Maxrgb %d not supported\n", input.maxrgb);

    int *hist_r, *hist_g, *hist_b;
    int *xlat_r, *xlat_g, *xlat_b;
    int N;
    FILE *hist;

    hist = fopen(argv[2], "r");
    if(!hist) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read histogram file '%s'\n", argv[2]);

    read_histogram(hist, &hist_r, &N);
    if(N != input.maxrgb+1) { fprintf(stderr, "maxrgb != red histogram length\n"); exit(1); }

    read_histogram(hist, &hist_g, &N);
    if(N != input.maxrgb+1) { fprintf(stderr, "maxrgb != green histogram length\n"); exit(1); }

    read_histogram(hist, &hist_b, &N);
    if(N != input.maxrgb+1) { fprintf(stderr, "maxrgb != blue histogram length\n"); exit(1); }

    gen_xlat(input.xsize * input.ysize, N, hist_r, &xlat_r);
    gen_xlat(input.xsize * input.ysize, N, hist_g, &xlat_g);
    gen_xlat(input.xsize * input.ysize, N, hist_b, &xlat_b);
    ggc::Timer t("equalize");
    equalize(&input, &output, xlat_r, xlat_g, xlat_b);

    if(ppmb_write(argv[3], output.xsize, output.ysize, output.r, output.g, output.b)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write output\n");
    printf("Time: %llu ns\n", t.duration());
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    float * histogram;
    int * modes;
    int num_modes,size;
    int circular = 0;
    float epsilon = 1.0;

            printf("use: hist <hist.txt> <output.txt> [epsilon [circular]]\n");
        case 5:
            circular = atoi(argv[4]);
        case 4:
            epsilon = atof(argv[3]);
        case 3:
            histogram = read_histogram(argv[1],&size);
            modes = histogram_mode_detection(histogram,size,

    return 0;
예제 #3
int main(int argc, char *arg[])
  if(argc < 2)
    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s input.pfm [-c a1 b1]\n", arg[0]);
  int wd, ht;
  float *input = read_pfm(arg[1], &wd, &ht);
  float max = 0.0f;
  // sanity checks:
  // for(int k=0;k<3*wd*ht;k++) input[k] = clamp(input[k], 0.0f, 1.0f);

  // correction requested?
  if(argc >= 9 && !strcmp(arg[2], "-c"))
    const float a[3] = {atof(arg[3]), atof(arg[4]), atof(arg[5])}, b[3] = {atof(arg[6]), atof(arg[7]), atof(arg[8])};
    // const float m[3] = {1, 1, 1};
    //   2.0f*sqrt(a[0]*1.0f+b[0])/a[0],
    //   2.0f*sqrt(a[1]*1.0f+b[1])/a[1],
    //   2.0f*sqrt(a[2]*1.0f+b[2])/a[2]};
#if 1
    // dump curves:
    for(int k=0;k<N;k++)
      for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
        // const float y = k/(N-1.0f);
        // const float x = m[c]*m[c]*a[c]*y*y/4.0f - b[c]/a[c];
        float x = k/(N-1.0f)/a[c];
        const float d = fmaxf(0.0f, x + 3./8. + (b[c]/a[c])*(b[c]/a[c]));
        x = 2.0f*sqrtf(d);
        fprintf(stderr, "%f ", x);
      fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    for(int k=0;k<wd*ht;k++)
      for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
        // input[3*k+c] = 2.0f*sqrtf(a[c]*input[3*k+c]+b[c])/(a[c]*m[c]);
        input[3*k+c] = input[3*k+c] / a[c];
        const float d = fmaxf(0.0f, input[3*k+c] + 3./8. + (b[c]/a[c])*(b[c]/a[c]));
        input[3*k+c] = 2.0f*sqrtf(d);
        max = fmaxf(max, input[3*k+c]);
    for(int k=0;k<3*wd*ht;k++) input[k] /= max;
  else if(argc >= 4 && !strcmp(arg[2], "-h"))
    int bins = 0;
    float *hist = read_histogram(arg[3], &bins);
    float *inv_hist = (float *)malloc(3*sizeof(float)*bins);
    invert_histogram(hist, inv_hist, bins);
#if 1
    // output curves and their inverse:
    for(int k=0;k<bins;k++)
      // fprintf(stderr, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", k/(float)bins, hist[3*k], hist[3*k+1], hist[3*k+2], inv_hist[3*k], inv_hist[3*k+1], inv_hist[3*k+2]);
      fprintf(stderr, "%f %f %f\n", inv_hist[3*k], inv_hist[3*k+1], inv_hist[3*k+2]);
    // fprintf(stderr,"scanned %d bins\n", bins);
    for(int k=0;k<wd*ht;k++)
      for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
        float f = clamp(input[3*k+c]*bins, 0, bins-2);
        const int bin = (int)f;
        f -= bin;
        input[3*k+c] = (1.0f-f)*inv_hist[3*bin+c] + f*inv_hist[3*(bin+1)+c];

  float std[N][3] = {{0.0f}};
  float cnt[N][3] = {{0.0f}};

  // one level haar decomposition, separable, decimated, lifting scheme
  for(int j=0;j<ht;j++)
    for(int i=0;i<wd-1;i+=2)
      float *buf = input + 3*(wd*j + i);
      for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
        buf[c] += buf[3+c];
        buf[c] *= .5f;
        buf[3+c] -= buf[c];
      // buf += 3;
  for(int i=0;i<wd;i++)
    for(int j=0;j<ht-1;j+=2)
      float *buf = input + 3*(wd*j + i);
      for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
        buf[c] += buf[3*wd+c];
        buf[c] *= .5f;
        buf[3*wd+c] -= buf[c];
      // buf += 3*wd;

#if 0
  // debug: write full wavelet transform:
  write_pfm("wt.pfm", input, wd, ht);
  // debug: write LL
  float *out = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*3*wd/2*ht/2);
  for(int j=0;j<ht-1;j+=2)
    for(int i=0;i<wd-1;i+=2)
      for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
        out[3*((wd/2)*(j/2)+(i/2))+c] = input[3*(wd*j+i)+c];
  write_pfm("LL.pfm", out, wd/2, ht/2);

  // sort pairs (LL,HH) for each color channel:
  float *llhh = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*wd*ht/2);
  for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
    int k = 0;
    for(int j=0;j<ht-1;j+=2)
      for(int i=0;i<wd-1;i+=2)
        llhh[2*k]   = input[3*(wd*j+i)+c];
        llhh[2*k+1] = fabsf(input[3*(wd*(j+1)+(i+1))+c]);
    qsort(llhh, k, 2*sizeof(float), compare_llhh);
    // estimate std deviation for every bin we've got:
    for(int begin=0;begin<k;)
      // LL is used to estimate brightness:
      const int bin = (int)clamp(llhh[2*begin]*N, 0, N-1);
      int end = begin+1;
      while((end < k) && ((int)clamp(llhh[2*end]*N, 0, N-1) == bin))
      assert(end >= k || bin <= (int)clamp(llhh[2*end]*N, 0, N-1));
      // fprintf(stderr, "from %d (%d) -- %d (%d)\n", begin, bin, end, (int)clamp(llhh[2*end]*N, 0, N-1));

      // estimate noise by robust statistic (assumes zero mean of HH band):
      // MAD: median(|Y - med(Y)|) = 0.6745 sigma
      // if(end - begin > 10)
        // fprintf(stdout, "%d %f %d\n", bin, median(llhh+2*begin, end-begin)/0.6745, end - begin);
      std[bin][c] += median(llhh+2*begin, end-begin)/0.6745;
      cnt[bin][c] = end - begin;

      begin = end;

#if 0
  // recover noise curve:
  for(int k=0;k<wd*ht;k++)
    for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
      const int i = clamp(ref[3*k+c]*N, 0, N-1);
      cnt[i][c] ++;
      const float diff = input[3*k+c] - ref[3*k+c];
      // assume zero mean:
      var[i][c] += diff*diff; // - E(X^2)
#if 0

  // normalize
  for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
    for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
      if(cnt[i][c] > 0.0f)
        std[i][c] /= cnt[i][c];
        std[i][c] = 0.0f;

  // scale back in case we needed to bin it down:
  if(max > 0.0f)
    for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
      for(int k=0;k<3;k++) std[i][k] *= max;
  // output variance per brightness level:
  // fprintf(stdout, "# bin std_r std_g std_b hist_r hist_g hist_b cdf_r cdf_g cdf_b\n");
  float sum[3] = {0.0f};
  for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
    for(int k=0;k<3;k++) sum[k] += std[i][k];
  float cdf[3] = {0.0f};
  for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
    fprintf(stdout, "%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", i/(float)N, std[i][0], std[i][1], std[i][2],
        cnt[i][0], cnt[i][1], cnt[i][2],
        cdf[0]/sum[0], cdf[1]/sum[1], cdf[2]/sum[2]);
        // cdf[0], cdf[1], cdf[2]);
    for(int k=0;k<3;k++) cdf[k] += std[i][k];
