예제 #1
ImageInput::read_scanlines (int ybegin, int yend, int z,
                            TypeDesc format, void *data,
                            stride_t xstride, stride_t ystride)
    return read_scanlines (ybegin, yend, z, 0, m_spec.nchannels,
                           format, data, xstride, ystride);
예제 #2
ImageInput::read_image (TypeDesc format, void *data,
                        stride_t xstride, stride_t ystride, stride_t zstride,
                        ProgressCallback progress_callback,
                        void *progress_callback_data)
    bool native = (format == TypeDesc::UNKNOWN);
    stride_t pixel_bytes = native ? (stride_t) m_spec.pixel_bytes (native)
                                  : (stride_t) (format.size()*m_spec.nchannels);
    if (native && xstride == AutoStride)
        xstride = pixel_bytes;
    m_spec.auto_stride (xstride, ystride, zstride, format, m_spec.nchannels,
                        m_spec.width, m_spec.height);
    bool ok = true;
    if (progress_callback)
        if (progress_callback (progress_callback_data, 0.0f))
            return ok;
    if (m_spec.tile_width) {
        // Tiled image
        for (int z = 0;  z < m_spec.depth;  z += m_spec.tile_depth) {
            for (int y = 0;  y < m_spec.height;  y += m_spec.tile_height) {
                ok &= read_tiles (m_spec.x, m_spec.x+m_spec.width,
                                  y+m_spec.y, std::min (y+m_spec.y+m_spec.tile_height, m_spec.y+m_spec.height),
                                  z+m_spec.z, std::min (z+m_spec.z+m_spec.tile_depth, m_spec.z+m_spec.depth),
                                  format, (char *)data + z*zstride + y*ystride,
                                  xstride, ystride, zstride);
                if (progress_callback &&
                    progress_callback (progress_callback_data, (float)y/m_spec.height))
                    return ok;
    } else {
        // Scanline image -- rely on read_scanlines, in chunks of 64
        const int chunk = 256;
        for (int z = 0;  z < m_spec.depth;  ++z)
            for (int y = 0;  y < m_spec.height && ok;  y += chunk) {
                int yend = std::min (y+m_spec.y+chunk, m_spec.y+m_spec.height);
                ok &= read_scanlines (y+m_spec.y, yend, z+m_spec.z, format,
                                      (char *)data + z*zstride + y*ystride,
                                      xstride, ystride);
                if (progress_callback)
                    if (progress_callback (progress_callback_data, (float)y/m_spec.height))
                        return ok;
    if (progress_callback)
        progress_callback (progress_callback_data, 1.0f);
    return ok;
예제 #3
static void read_tile_from_file(struct tiff_tile *t, char *filename, int tidx)
	TIFF *tif = tiffopen_fancy(filename, "r");
	if (!tif) fail("could not open TIFF file \"%s\" for reading", filename);

	uint32_t w, h;
	uint16_t spp, bps, fmt, planarity;
	TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH,      &w);
	TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH,     &h);
	TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, &spp);
	TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE,   &bps);
	TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT,    &fmt);
	TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif, TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG,    &planarity);
	t->spp = spp;
	t->bps = bps;
	t->fmt = fmt;
	t->broken = false;

	if (planarity != PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG)
		fail("broken pixels not supported yet");

	if (TIFFIsTiled(tif)) {
		int nt = TIFFNumberOfTiles(tif);
		if (tidx < 0 || tidx >= nt)
			fail("bad tile index %d", tidx);

		t->w = tiff_tilewidth(tif);;
		t->h = tiff_tilelength(tif);

		int ii[2];
		tiff_tile_corner(ii, tif, tidx);
		//int ii = tw*i;
		//int jj = th*j;

		int tbytes = TIFFTileSize(tif);
		t->data = xmalloc(tbytes);
		memset(t->data, 0, tbytes);
		int r = my_readtile(tif, t->data, ii[0], ii[1], 0, 0);
		if (r != tbytes) fail("could not read tile");
	} else { // not tiled, read the whole image into 0th tile
		read_scanlines(t, tif);
