tree_cell * nasl_telnet_init(lex_ctxt * lexic)
 int soc = get_int_var_by_num(lexic, 0, -1);
 int opts;				/* number of options recorded */
 unsigned char buffer[1024];
#define iac buffer[0]
#define code buffer[1]
#define option buffer[2]
 tree_cell * retc;
 int n = 0, n2;

 if(soc <= 0 )
 	nasl_perror(lexic, "Syntax error in the telnet_init() function\n");
	nasl_perror(lexic, "Correct syntax is : output = telnet_init(<socket>)\n");
 	return NULL;

 iac = 255;
 opts = 0;
 while(iac == 255)
  n = read_stream_connection_min(soc, buffer, 3, 3);
  if((code == 251)||(code == 252))code = 254; /* WILL , WONT -> DON'T */
  else if((code == 253)||(code == 254))code = 252; /* DO,DONT -> WONT */
  write_stream_connection(soc, buffer,3);
  if (opts>100) break;
 if (n <= 0)
   if (opts == 0)
     return NULL;
     n = 0;

 if (opts>100)				/* remote telnet server is crazy */
	nasl_perror(lexic, "More than 100 options received by telnet_init() function! exiting telnet_init.\n");
	return NULL;

 n2 = read_stream_connection(soc, buffer + n,  sizeof(buffer) - n);
 if (n2 > 0)
   n += n2;
 retc = alloc_typed_cell(CONST_DATA);
 retc->size = n;
 retc->x.str_val = strndup(buffer, n);
#undef iac
#undef data
#undef option

  return retc;
예제 #2
tree_cell * nasl_recv_line(lex_ctxt * lexic)
 int len = get_int_local_var_by_name(lexic, "length", -1);
 int soc = get_int_local_var_by_name(lexic, "socket", 0);
 int timeout = get_int_local_var_by_name(lexic, "timeout", -1);
 char * data;
 int new_len = 0;
 int n = 0;
 tree_cell * retc;
 time_t		t1 = 0;

 if(timeout < 0) timeout = lexic->recv_timeout;
 if(len == -1 || soc <= 0)
     nasl_perror(lexic, "recv_line: missing or undefined parameter length or soc\n");
     return NULL;

 if (timeout >= 0)	/* sycalls are much more expensive than simple tests */
   t1 = time(NULL);

 if ( fd_is_stream(soc) != 0 )
  int bufsz = stream_get_buffer_sz ( soc );
  if ( bufsz <= 0 )
	stream_set_buffer(soc, len + 1 );

 data = emalloc(len+1);
  int e = read_stream_connection_min(soc, data+n, 1, 1);
  if(e < 0)
  if(e == 0)
   if( timeout >= 0 && time(NULL) - t1 < timeout)
  if((data[n-1] == '\n') ||
     (n >= len))break;
 if(n <= 0)
     return NULL;
 new_len = n;

 retc = alloc_tree_cell(0, NULL);
 retc->type = CONST_DATA;
 retc->size = new_len;
 retc->x.str_val = nasl_strndup(data, new_len);


 return retc;
예제 #3
tree_cell * nasl_recv(lex_ctxt * lexic)
 char * data;
 int len = get_int_local_var_by_name(lexic, "length", -1);
 int min_len = get_int_local_var_by_name(lexic, "min", -1);
 int soc = get_int_local_var_by_name(lexic, "socket", 0);
 int to  = get_int_local_var_by_name(lexic, "timeout", lexic->recv_timeout);
 fd_set rd;
 struct timeval tv;
 int new_len = 0;
 tree_cell * retc;
 int type = -1, opt_len = sizeof(type);
 int e;

 if(len <= 0 || soc <= 0)
	 return NULL;

 if (to <= 0) to = 5;

 tv.tv_sec = to;
 tv.tv_usec = 0; 

 data = emalloc(len);
 if ( !fd_is_stream(soc) )
 	e = getsockopt(soc, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE, &type, &opt_len);
	e = -1;
 if(e == 0 && type == SOCK_DGRAM)
  * As UDP packets may be lost, we retry up to 5 times
 int retries = 5;
 int i;
 tv.tv_sec = to / retries;
 tv.tv_usec = (to % retries) *  100000;
  FD_SET(soc, &rd);

  if(!to || select(soc+1, &rd, NULL, NULL, &tv)>0)
   int e;
   e = recv(soc, data+new_len, len-new_len, 0);
   if(e <= 0)
     return NULL;
    else break;
   else new_len+=e;
   if(new_len >= len)break;
   break; /* UDP data is never fragmented */
    * The packet may have been lost en route - we resend it
   char * data;
   int len;
   data = get_udp_data(lexic->script_infos, soc, &len);
   if(data != NULL)send(soc, data, len, 0);
   tv.tv_sec = to / retries;
   tv.tv_usec = ( to % retries) * 100000;
 else {	
 	int old = stream_set_timeout(soc, tv.tv_sec);
 	new_len = read_stream_connection_min(soc, data, min_len, len);
	stream_set_timeout(soc, old);
 if(new_len > 0)
  retc = alloc_tree_cell(0, NULL);
  retc->type = CONST_DATA;
  retc->x.str_val = nasl_strndup(data, new_len);
  retc->size = new_len;
  return retc;
 else {
	 return NULL;