예제 #1
void    dict_load_fp(const char *dict_name, VSTREAM *fp)
    const char *myname = "dict_load_fp";
    VSTRING *buf;
    char   *member;
    char   *val;
    int     lineno;
    const char *err;
    struct stat st;
    DICT   *dict;

     * Instantiate the dictionary even if the file is empty.
    DICT_FIND_FOR_UPDATE(dict, dict_name);
    buf = vstring_alloc(100);
    lineno = 0;

    if (fstat(vstream_fileno(fp), &st) < 0)
	msg_fatal("fstat %s: %m", VSTREAM_PATH(fp));
    while (readlline(buf, fp, &lineno)) {
	if ((err = split_nameval(STR(buf), &member, &val)) != 0)
	    msg_fatal("%s, line %d: %s: \"%s\"",
		      VSTREAM_PATH(fp), lineno, err, STR(buf));
	if (msg_verbose > 1)
	    msg_info("%s: %s = %s", myname, member, val);
	if (dict->update(dict, member, val) != 0)
	    msg_fatal("%s, line %d: unable to update %s:%s",
		      VSTREAM_PATH(fp), lineno, dict->type, dict->name);
    dict->owner.uid = st.st_uid;
    dict->owner.status = (st.st_uid != 0);
예제 #2
void    read_master(int fail_on_open_error)
    const char *myname = "read_master";
    char   *path;
    VSTRING *buf;
    VSTREAM *fp;
    const char *err;
    int     entry_count = 0;
    int     line_count = 0;

     * Sanity check.
    if (master_table != 0)
	msg_panic("%s: master table is already initialized", myname);

     * Get the location of master.cf.
    if (var_config_dir == 0)
    path = concatenate(var_config_dir, "/", MASTER_CONF_FILE, (char *) 0);

     * Initialize the in-memory master table.
    master_table = (PC_MASTER_ENT *) mymalloc(sizeof(*master_table));

     * Skip blank lines and comment lines. Degrade gracefully if master.cf is
     * not available, and master.cf is not the primary target.
    if ((fp = vstream_fopen(path, O_RDONLY, 0)) == 0) {
	if (fail_on_open_error)
	    msg_fatal("open %s: %m", path);
	msg_warn("open %s: %m", path);
    } else {
	buf = vstring_alloc(100);
	while (readlline(buf, fp, &line_count) != 0) {
	    master_table = (PC_MASTER_ENT *) myrealloc((char *) master_table,
				 (entry_count + 2) * sizeof(*master_table));
	    if ((err = parse_master_line(master_table + entry_count,
					 STR(buf))) != 0)
		msg_fatal("file %s: line %d: %s", path, line_count, err);
	    entry_count += 1;

     * Null-terminate the master table and clean up.
    master_table[entry_count].argv = 0;
예제 #3
VSTRING *readlline(VSTRING *buf, VSTREAM *fp, int *lineno)
    int     ch;
    int     next;
    int     start;
    char   *cp;


     * Ignore comment lines, all whitespace lines, and empty lines. Terminate
     * at EOF or at the beginning of the next logical line.
    for (;;) {
	/* Read one line, possibly not newline terminated. */
	start = LEN(buf);
	while ((ch = VSTREAM_GETC(fp)) != VSTREAM_EOF && ch != '\n')
	    VSTRING_ADDCH(buf, ch);
	if (ch == '\n' && lineno != 0)
	    *lineno += 1;
	/* Ignore comment line, all whitespace line, or empty line. */
	for (cp = STR(buf) + start; cp < END(buf) && ISSPACE(*cp); cp++)
	     /* void */ ;
	if (cp == END(buf) || *cp == '#')
	    vstring_truncate(buf, start);
	/* Terminate at EOF or at the beginning of the next logical line. */
	if (ch == VSTREAM_EOF)
	if (LEN(buf) > 0) {
	    if ((next = VSTREAM_GETC(fp)) != VSTREAM_EOF)
		vstream_ungetc(fp, next);
	    if (next != '#' && !ISSPACE(next))

     * Invalid input: continuing text without preceding text. Allowing this
     * would complicate "postconf -e", which implements its own multi-line
     * parsing routine. Do not abort, just warn, so that critical programs
     * like postmap do not leave behind a truncated table.
    if (LEN(buf) > 0 && ISSPACE(*STR(buf))) {
	msg_warn("%s: logical line must not start with whitespace: \"%.30s%s\"",
		 VSTREAM_PATH(fp), STR(buf),
		 LEN(buf) > 30 ? "..." : "");
	return (readlline(buf, fp, lineno));

     * Done.
    return (LEN(buf) > 0 ? buf : 0);
예제 #4
DICT   *dict_cidr_open(const char *mapname, int open_flags, int dict_flags)
    DICT_CIDR *dict_cidr;
    VSTREAM *map_fp;
    VSTRING *line_buffer = vstring_alloc(100);
    VSTRING *why = vstring_alloc(100);
    DICT_CIDR_ENTRY *rule;
    DICT_CIDR_ENTRY *last_rule = 0;
    int     lineno = 0;

     * Sanity checks.
    if (open_flags != O_RDONLY)
	msg_fatal("%s:%s map requires O_RDONLY access mode",
		  DICT_TYPE_CIDR, mapname);

     * XXX Eliminate unnecessary queries by setting a flag that says "this
     * map matches network addresses only".
    dict_cidr = (DICT_CIDR *) dict_alloc(DICT_TYPE_CIDR, mapname,
    dict_cidr->dict.lookup = dict_cidr_lookup;
    dict_cidr->dict.close = dict_cidr_close;
    dict_cidr->dict.flags = dict_flags | DICT_FLAG_PATTERN;
    dict_cidr->head = 0;

    if ((map_fp = vstream_fopen(mapname, O_RDONLY, 0)) == 0)
	msg_fatal("open %s: %m", mapname);

    while (readlline(line_buffer, map_fp, &lineno)) {
	rule = dict_cidr_parse_rule(vstring_str(line_buffer), why);
	if (rule == 0) {
	    msg_warn("cidr map %s, line %d: %s: skipping this rule",
		     mapname, lineno, vstring_str(why));
	if (last_rule == 0)
	    dict_cidr->head = rule;
	    last_rule->cidr_info.next = &(rule->cidr_info);
	last_rule = rule;

     * Clean up.
    if (vstream_fclose(map_fp))
	msg_fatal("cidr map %s: read error: %m", mapname);

    return (DICT_DEBUG (&dict_cidr->dict));
예제 #5
파일: dict.c 프로젝트: ajinkya93/netbsd-src
void    dict_load_fp(const char *dict_name, VSTREAM *fp)
    const char *myname = "dict_load_fp";
    VSTRING *buf;
    char   *member;
    char   *val;
    const char *old;
    int     old_lineno;
    int     lineno;
    const char *err;
    struct stat st;
    DICT   *dict;

     * Instantiate the dictionary even if the file is empty.
    DICT_FIND_FOR_UPDATE(dict, dict_name);
    buf = vstring_alloc(100);
    old_lineno = lineno = 0;

    if (fstat(vstream_fileno(fp), &st) < 0)
	msg_fatal("fstat %s: %m", VSTREAM_PATH(fp));
    for ( /* void */ ; readlline(buf, fp, &lineno); old_lineno = lineno) {
	if ((err = split_nameval(STR(buf), &member, &val)) != 0)
	    msg_fatal("%s, line %s: %s: \"%s\"",
		      format_line_number((VSTRING *) 0,
					 old_lineno + 1, lineno),
		      err, STR(buf));
	if (msg_verbose > 1)
	    msg_info("%s: %s = %s", myname, member, val);
	if ((old = dict->lookup(dict, member)) != 0
	    && strcmp(old, val) != 0)
	    msg_warn("%s, line %d: overriding earlier entry: %s=%s",
		     VSTREAM_PATH(fp), lineno, member, old);
	if (dict->update(dict, member, val) != 0)
	    msg_fatal("%s, line %d: unable to update %s:%s",
		      VSTREAM_PATH(fp), lineno, dict->type, dict->name);
    dict->owner.uid = st.st_uid;
    dict->owner.status = (st.st_uid != 0);
예제 #6
void mail_conf_checkdir(const char *config_dir)
    VSTRING *buf;
    VSTREAM *fp;
    char   *path;
    char   *name;
    char   *value;
    char   *cp;
    int     found = 0;

     * If running set-[ug]id, require that a non-default configuration
     * directory name is blessed as a bona fide configuration directory in
     * the default main.cf file.
    path = concatenate(DEF_CONFIG_DIR, "/", "main.cf", (char *) 0);
    if ((fp = vstream_fopen(path, O_RDONLY, 0)) == 0)
	msg_fatal("open file %s: %m", path);

    buf = vstring_alloc(1);
    while (found == 0 && readlline(buf, fp, (int *) 0)) {
	if (split_nameval(vstring_str(buf), &name, &value) == 0
	    && (strcmp(name, VAR_CONFIG_DIRS) == 0
		|| strcmp(name, VAR_MULTI_CONF_DIRS) == 0)) {
	    while (found == 0 && (cp = mystrtok(&value, CHARS_COMMA_SP)) != 0)
		if (strcmp(cp, config_dir) == 0)
		    found = 1;
    if (vstream_fclose(fp))
	msg_fatal("read file %s: %m", path);

    if (found == 0) {
	msg_error("unauthorized configuration directory name: %s", config_dir);
	msg_fatal("specify \"%s = %s\" or \"%s = %s\" in %s",
		  VAR_CONFIG_DIRS, config_dir,
		  VAR_MULTI_CONF_DIRS, config_dir, path);
예제 #7
int     main(int unused_argc, char **unused_argv)
	VSTRING *vp = vstring_alloc(100);
	TOK822 *list;
	VSTRING *buf = vstring_alloc(100);


	while (readlline(buf, VSTREAM_IN, (int *) 0)) {
		while (VSTRING_LEN(buf) > 0 && vstring_end(buf)[-1] == '\n') {
			vstring_end(buf)[-1] = 0;
			vstring_truncate(buf, VSTRING_LEN(buf) - 1);
		if (!isatty(vstream_fileno(VSTREAM_IN)))
			vstream_printf(">>>%s<<<\n\n", vstring_str(buf));
		list = tok822_parse_limit(vstring_str(buf), TEST_TOKEN_LIMIT);
		vstream_printf("Parse tree:\n");
		tok822_print(list, 0);

				vstring_str(tok822_internalize(vp, list, TOK822_STR_DEFL)));
		vstream_printf("Externalized, no newlines inserted:\n%s\n\n",
				vstring_str(tok822_externalize(vp, list,
						TOK822_STR_DEFL | TOK822_STR_TRNC)));
		vstream_printf("Externalized, newlines inserted:\n%s\n\n",
				vstring_str(tok822_externalize(vp, list,
						TOK822_STR_DEFL | TOK822_STR_LINE | TOK822_STR_TRNC)));
	return (0);
예제 #8
DICT   *dict_thash_open(const char *path, int open_flags, int dict_flags)
    DICT_THASH *dict_thash;
    VSTREAM *fp = 0;
    struct stat st;
    time_t  before;
    time_t  after;
    VSTRING *line_buffer = 0;
    int     lineno;
    char   *key;
    char   *value;
    HTABLE *table;
    HTABLE_INFO *ht;

     * Let the optimizer worry about eliminating redundant code.
	DICT *__d = (d); \
	if (fp != 0) \
	    vstream_fclose(fp); \
	if (line_buffer != 0) \
	    vstring_free(line_buffer); \
	return (__d); \
    } while (0)

     * Sanity checks.
    if (open_flags != O_RDONLY)
					      open_flags, dict_flags,
				  "%s:%s map requires O_RDONLY access mode",
					      DICT_TYPE_THASH, path));

     * Read the flat text file into in-memory hash. Read the file again if it
     * may have changed while we were reading.
    for (before = time((time_t *) 0); /* see below */ ; before = after) {
	if ((fp = vstream_fopen(path, open_flags, 0644)) == 0) {
	    DICT_THASH_OPEN_RETURN(dict_surrogate(DICT_TYPE_THASH, path,
						  open_flags, dict_flags,
					     "open database %s: %m", path));
	if (line_buffer == 0)
	    line_buffer = vstring_alloc(100);
	lineno = 0;
	table = htable_create(13);
	while (readlline(line_buffer, fp, &lineno)) {

	     * Split on the first whitespace character, then trim leading and
	     * trailing whitespace from key and value.
	    key = STR(line_buffer);
	    value = key + strcspn(key, " \t\r\n");
	    if (*value)
		*value++ = 0;
	    while (ISSPACE(*value))
	    trimblanks(key, 0)[0] = 0;
	    trimblanks(value, 0)[0] = 0;

	     * Enforce the "key whitespace value" format. Disallow missing
	     * keys or missing values.
	    if (*key == 0 || *value == 0) {
		msg_warn("%s, line %d: expected format: key whitespace value"
			 " -- ignoring this line", path, lineno);
	    if (key[strlen(key) - 1] == ':')
		msg_warn("%s, line %d: record is in \"key: value\" format;"
			 " is this an alias file?", path, lineno);

	     * Optionally fold the key.
	    if (dict_flags & DICT_FLAG_FOLD_FIX)

	     * Store the value under the key. Handle duplicates
	     * appropriately.
	    if ((ht = htable_locate(table, key)) != 0) {
		if (dict_flags & DICT_FLAG_DUP_IGNORE) {
		     /* void */ ;
		} else if (dict_flags & DICT_FLAG_DUP_REPLACE) {
		    ht->value = mystrdup(value);
		} else if (dict_flags & DICT_FLAG_DUP_WARN) {
		    msg_warn("%s, line %d: duplicate entry: \"%s\"",
			     path, lineno, key);
		} else {
		    msg_fatal("%s, line %d: duplicate entry: \"%s\"",
			      path, lineno, key);
	    } else {
		htable_enter(table, key, mystrdup(value));

	 * See if the source file is hot.
	if (fstat(vstream_fileno(fp), &st) < 0)
	    msg_fatal("fstat %s: %m", path);
	if (vstream_fclose(fp))
	    msg_fatal("read %s: %m", path);
	fp = 0;					/* DICT_THASH_OPEN_RETURN() */
	after = time((time_t *) 0);
	if (st.st_mtime < before - 1 || st.st_mtime > after)

	 * Yes, it is hot. Discard the result and read the file again.
	htable_free(table, myfree);
	if (msg_verbose > 1)
	    msg_info("pausing to let file %s cool down", path);

     * Create the in-memory table.
    dict_thash = (DICT_THASH *)
	dict_alloc(DICT_TYPE_THASH, path, sizeof(*dict_thash));
    dict_thash->dict.lookup = dict_thash_lookup;
    dict_thash->dict.sequence = dict_thash_sequence;
    dict_thash->dict.close = dict_thash_close;
    dict_thash->dict.flags = dict_flags | DICT_FLAG_DUP_WARN | DICT_FLAG_FIXED;
    if (dict_flags & DICT_FLAG_FOLD_FIX)
	dict_thash->dict.fold_buf = vstring_alloc(10);
    dict_thash->info = 0;
    dict_thash->table = table;
    dict_thash->dict.owner.uid = st.st_uid;
    dict_thash->dict.owner.status = (st.st_uid != 0);

    DICT_THASH_OPEN_RETURN(DICT_DEBUG (&dict_thash->dict));
예제 #9
void    read_master(int fail_on_open_error)
    const char *myname = "read_master";
    char   *path;
    VSTRING *buf;
    ARGV   *argv;
    VSTREAM *fp;
    int     entry_count = 0;
    int     line_count = 0;

     * Sanity check.
    if (master_table != 0)
	msg_panic("%s: master table is already initialized", myname);

     * Get the location of master.cf.
    if (var_config_dir == 0)
    path = concatenate(var_config_dir, "/", MASTER_CONF_FILE, (char *) 0);

     * We can't use the master daemon's master_ent routines in their current
     * form. They convert everything to internal form, and they skip disabled
     * services.
     * The postconf command needs to show default fields as "-", and needs to
     * know about all service names so that it can generate service-dependent
     * parameter names (transport-dependent etc.).
#define MASTER_BLANKS	" \t\r\n"		/* XXX */

     * Initialize the in-memory master table.
    master_table = (PC_MASTER_ENT *) mymalloc(sizeof(*master_table));

     * Skip blank lines and comment lines. Degrade gracefully if master.cf is
     * not available, and master.cf is not the primary target.
    if ((fp = vstream_fopen(path, O_RDONLY, 0)) == 0) {
	if (fail_on_open_error)
	    msg_fatal("open %s: %m", path);
	msg_warn("open %s: %m", path);
    } else {
	buf = vstring_alloc(100);
	while (readlline(buf, fp, &line_count) != 0) {
	    master_table = (PC_MASTER_ENT *) myrealloc((char *) master_table,
				 (entry_count + 2) * sizeof(*master_table));
	    argv = argv_split(STR(buf), MASTER_BLANKS);
	    if (argv->argc < PC_MASTER_MIN_FIELDS)
		msg_fatal("file %s: line %d: bad field count",
			  path, line_count);
	    master_table[entry_count].name_space =
		concatenate(argv->argv[0], ".", argv->argv[1], (char *) 0);
	    master_table[entry_count].argv = argv;
	    master_table[entry_count].valid_names = 0;
	    master_table[entry_count].all_params = 0;
	    entry_count += 1;

     * Null-terminate the master table and clean up.
    master_table[entry_count].argv = 0;
예제 #10
DICT   *dict_pcre_open(const char *mapname, int open_flags, int dict_flags)
    DICT_PCRE *dict_pcre;
    VSTREAM *map_fp;
    struct stat st;
    VSTRING *line_buffer;
    DICT_PCRE_RULE *last_rule = 0;
    DICT_PCRE_RULE *rule;
    int     lineno = 0;
    int     nesting = 0;
    char   *p;

     * Sanity checks.
    if (open_flags != O_RDONLY)
	return (dict_surrogate(DICT_TYPE_PCRE, mapname, open_flags, dict_flags,
			       "%s:%s map requires O_RDONLY access mode",
			       DICT_TYPE_PCRE, mapname));

     * Open the configuration file.
    if ((map_fp = vstream_fopen(mapname, O_RDONLY, 0)) == 0)
	return (dict_surrogate(DICT_TYPE_PCRE, mapname, open_flags, dict_flags,
			       "open %s: %m", mapname));
    if (fstat(vstream_fileno(map_fp), &st) < 0)
	msg_fatal("fstat %s: %m", mapname);

    line_buffer = vstring_alloc(100);

    dict_pcre = (DICT_PCRE *) dict_alloc(DICT_TYPE_PCRE, mapname,
    dict_pcre->dict.lookup = dict_pcre_lookup;
    dict_pcre->dict.close = dict_pcre_close;
    dict_pcre->dict.flags = dict_flags | DICT_FLAG_PATTERN;
    if (dict_flags & DICT_FLAG_FOLD_MUL)
	dict_pcre->dict.fold_buf = vstring_alloc(10);
    dict_pcre->head = 0;
    dict_pcre->expansion_buf = 0;

    if (dict_pcre_init == 0) {
	pcre_malloc = (void *(*) (size_t)) mymalloc;
	pcre_free = (void (*) (void *)) myfree;
	dict_pcre_init = 1;
    dict_pcre->dict.owner.uid = st.st_uid;
    dict_pcre->dict.owner.status = (st.st_uid != 0);

     * Parse the pcre table.
    while (readlline(line_buffer, map_fp, &lineno)) {
	p = vstring_str(line_buffer);
	trimblanks(p, 0)[0] = 0;		/* Trim space at end */
	if (*p == 0)
	rule = dict_pcre_parse_rule(mapname, lineno, p, nesting, dict_flags);
	if (rule == 0)
	if (rule->op == DICT_PCRE_OP_IF) {
	} else if (rule->op == DICT_PCRE_OP_ENDIF) {
	if (last_rule == 0)
	    dict_pcre->head = rule;
	    last_rule->next = rule;
	last_rule = rule;

    if (nesting)
	msg_warn("pcre map %s, line %d: more IFs than ENDIFs",
		 mapname, lineno);


    return (DICT_DEBUG (&dict_pcre->dict));
예제 #11
파일: postmap.c 프로젝트: Gelma/Postfix
static void postmap(char *map_type, char *path_name, int postmap_flags,
		            int open_flags, int dict_flags)
    VSTREAM *source_fp;
    VSTRING *line_buffer;
    MKMAP  *mkmap;
    int     lineno;
    char   *key;
    char   *value;
    struct stat st;
    mode_t  saved_mask;

     * Initialize.
    line_buffer = vstring_alloc(100);
    if ((open_flags & O_TRUNC) == 0) {
	source_fp = VSTREAM_IN;
	vstream_control(source_fp, VSTREAM_CTL_PATH, "stdin", VSTREAM_CTL_END);
    } else if (strcmp(map_type, DICT_TYPE_PROXY) == 0) {
	msg_fatal("can't create maps via the proxy service");
    } else if ((source_fp = vstream_fopen(path_name, O_RDONLY, 0)) == 0) {
	msg_fatal("open %s: %m", path_name);
    if (fstat(vstream_fileno(source_fp), &st) < 0)
	msg_fatal("fstat %s: %m", path_name);

     * Turn off group/other read permissions as indicated in the source file.
    if ((postmap_flags & POSTMAP_FLAG_SAVE_PERM) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
	saved_mask = umask(022 | (~st.st_mode & 077));

     * If running as root, run as the owner of the source file, so that the
     * result shows proper ownership, and so that a bug in postmap does not
     * allow privilege escalation.
    if ((postmap_flags & POSTMAP_FLAG_AS_OWNER) && getuid() == 0
	&& (st.st_uid != geteuid() || st.st_gid != getegid()))
	set_eugid(st.st_uid, st.st_gid);

     * Open the database, optionally create it when it does not exist,
     * optionally truncate it when it does exist, and lock out any
     * spectators.
    mkmap = mkmap_open(map_type, path_name, open_flags, dict_flags);

     * And restore the umask, in case it matters.
    if ((postmap_flags & POSTMAP_FLAG_SAVE_PERM) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode))

     * Add records to the database.
    lineno = 0;
    while (readlline(line_buffer, source_fp, &lineno)) {

	 * Split on the first whitespace character, then trim leading and
	 * trailing whitespace from key and value.
	key = STR(line_buffer);
	value = key + strcspn(key, " \t\r\n");
	if (*value)
	    *value++ = 0;
	while (ISSPACE(*value))
	trimblanks(key, 0)[0] = 0;
	trimblanks(value, 0)[0] = 0;

	 * Enforce the "key whitespace value" format. Disallow missing keys
	 * or missing values.
	if (*key == 0 || *value == 0) {
	    msg_warn("%s, line %d: expected format: key whitespace value",
		     VSTREAM_PATH(source_fp), lineno);
	if (key[strlen(key) - 1] == ':')
	    msg_warn("%s, line %d: record is in \"key: value\" format; is this an alias file?",
		     VSTREAM_PATH(source_fp), lineno);

	 * Store the value under a case-insensitive key.
	mkmap_append(mkmap, key, value);
	if (mkmap->dict->error)
	    msg_fatal("table %s:%s: write error: %m",
		      mkmap->dict->type, mkmap->dict->name);

     * Close the mapping database, and release the lock.

     * Cleanup. We're about to terminate, but it is a good sanity check.
    if (source_fp != VSTREAM_IN)
예제 #12
파일: master_ent.c 프로젝트: Gelma/Postfix
MASTER_SERV *get_master_ent()
    VSTRING *buf = vstring_alloc(100);
    VSTRING *junk = vstring_alloc(100);
    MASTER_SERV *serv;
    char   *cp;
    char   *name;
    char   *host = 0;
    char   *port = 0;
    char   *transport;
    int     private;
    int     unprivileged;		/* passed on to child */
    int     chroot;			/* passed on to child */
    char   *command;
    int     n;
    char   *bufp;
    char   *atmp;
    const char *parse_err;
    static char *saved_interfaces = 0;

    if (master_fp == 0)
	msg_panic("get_master_ent: config file not open");
    if (master_disable == 0)
	msg_panic("get_master_ent: no service disable list");

     * XXX We cannot change the inet_interfaces setting for a running master
     * process. Listening sockets are inherited by child processes so that
     * closing and reopening those sockets in the master does not work.
     * Another problem is that library routines still cache results that are
     * based on the old inet_interfaces setting. It is too much trouble to
     * recompute everything.
     * In order to keep our data structures consistent we ignore changes in
     * inet_interfaces settings, and issue a warning instead.
    if (saved_interfaces == 0)
	saved_interfaces = mystrdup(var_inet_interfaces);

     * Skip blank lines and comment lines.
    for (;;) {
	if (readlline(buf, master_fp, &master_line) == 0) {
	    return (0);
	bufp = vstring_str(buf);
	if ((cp = mystrtok(&bufp, master_blanks)) == 0)
	name = cp;
	transport = get_str_ent(&bufp, "transport type", (char *) 0);
	vstring_sprintf(junk, "%s.%s", name, transport);
	if (match_service_match(master_disable, vstring_str(junk)) == 0)

     * Parse one logical line from the configuration file. Initialize service
     * structure members in order.
    serv = (MASTER_SERV *) mymalloc(sizeof(MASTER_SERV));
    serv->next = 0;

     * Flags member.
    serv->flags = 0;

     * All servers busy warning timer.
    serv->busy_warn_time = 0;

     * Service name. Syntax is transport-specific.
    serv->ext_name = mystrdup(name);

     * Transport type: inet (wild-card listen or virtual) or unix.
#define STR_SAME	!strcmp

    if (STR_SAME(transport, MASTER_XPORT_NAME_INET)) {
	if (!STR_SAME(saved_interfaces, var_inet_interfaces)) {
	    msg_warn("service %s: ignoring %s change",
		     serv->ext_name, VAR_INET_INTERFACES);
	    msg_warn("to change %s, stop and start Postfix",
	serv->type = MASTER_SERV_TYPE_INET;
	atmp = mystrdup(name);
	if ((parse_err = host_port(atmp, &host, "", &port, (char *) 0)) != 0)
	    msg_fatal("%s: line %d: %s in \"%s\"",
		      VSTREAM_PATH(master_fp), master_line,
		      parse_err, name);
	if (*host) {
	    serv->flags |= MASTER_FLAG_INETHOST;/* host:port */
	    if (inet_addr_host(MASTER_INET_ADDRLIST(serv), host) == 0)
		msg_fatal("%s: line %d: bad hostname or network address: %s",
			  VSTREAM_PATH(master_fp), master_line, name);
	    serv->listen_fd_count = MASTER_INET_ADDRLIST(serv)->used;
	} else {
		strcasecmp(saved_interfaces, INET_INTERFACES_ALL) ?
		own_inet_addr_list() :		/* virtual */
		wildcard_inet_addr_list();	/* wild-card */
	    serv->listen_fd_count = MASTER_INET_ADDRLIST(serv)->used;
	MASTER_INET_PORT(serv) = mystrdup(port);
	for (n = 0; /* see below */ ; n++) {
	    if (n >= MASTER_INET_ADDRLIST(serv)->used) {
		serv->flags |= MASTER_FLAG_LOCAL_ONLY;
	    if (!sock_addr_in_loopback(SOCK_ADDR_PTR(MASTER_INET_ADDRLIST(serv)->addrs + n)))
    } else if (STR_SAME(transport, MASTER_XPORT_NAME_UNIX)) {
	serv->type = MASTER_SERV_TYPE_UNIX;
	serv->listen_fd_count = 1;
	serv->flags |= MASTER_FLAG_LOCAL_ONLY;
    } else if (STR_SAME(transport, MASTER_XPORT_NAME_FIFO)) {
	serv->type = MASTER_SERV_TYPE_FIFO;
	serv->listen_fd_count = 1;
	serv->flags |= MASTER_FLAG_LOCAL_ONLY;
    } else if (STR_SAME(transport, MASTER_XPORT_NAME_PASS)) {
	serv->type = MASTER_SERV_TYPE_PASS;
	serv->listen_fd_count = 1;
	/* If this is a connection screener, remote clients are likely. */
    } else {
	fatal_with_context("bad transport type: %s", transport);

     * Service class: public or private.
    private = get_bool_ent(&bufp, "private", "y");
예제 #13
static void postalias(char *map_type, char *path_name, int postalias_flags,
		              int open_flags, int dict_flags)
    VSTREAM *source_fp;
    VSTRING *line_buffer;
    MKMAP  *mkmap;
    int     lineno;
    VSTRING *key_buffer;
    VSTRING *value_buffer;
    TOK822 *tok_list;
    TOK822 *key_list;
    TOK822 *colon;
    TOK822 *value_list;
    struct stat st;
    mode_t  saved_mask;

     * Initialize.
    line_buffer = vstring_alloc(100);
    key_buffer = vstring_alloc(100);
    value_buffer = vstring_alloc(100);
    if ((open_flags & O_TRUNC) == 0) {
	source_fp = VSTREAM_IN;
	vstream_control(source_fp, VSTREAM_CTL_PATH, "stdin", VSTREAM_CTL_END);
    } else if (strcmp(map_type, DICT_TYPE_PROXY) == 0) {
	msg_fatal("can't create maps via the proxy service");
    } else if ((source_fp = vstream_fopen(path_name, O_RDONLY, 0)) == 0) {
	msg_fatal("open %s: %m", path_name);
    if (fstat(vstream_fileno(source_fp), &st) < 0)
	msg_fatal("fstat %s: %m", path_name);

     * Turn off group/other read permissions as indicated in the source file.
    if ((postalias_flags & POSTALIAS_FLAG_SAVE_PERM) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
	saved_mask = umask(022 | (~st.st_mode & 077));

     * If running as root, run as the owner of the source file, so that the
     * result shows proper ownership, and so that a bug in postalias does not
     * allow privilege escalation.
    if ((postalias_flags & POSTALIAS_FLAG_AS_OWNER) && getuid() == 0
	&& (st.st_uid != geteuid() || st.st_gid != getegid()))
	set_eugid(st.st_uid, st.st_gid);

     * Open the database, create it when it does not exist, truncate it when
     * it does exist, and lock out any spectators.
    mkmap = mkmap_open(map_type, path_name, open_flags, dict_flags);

     * And restore the umask, in case it matters.
    if ((postalias_flags & POSTALIAS_FLAG_SAVE_PERM) && S_ISREG(st.st_mode))

     * Add records to the database.
    lineno = 0;
    while (readlline(line_buffer, source_fp, &lineno)) {

	 * Tokenize the input, so that we do the right thing when a quoted
	 * localpart contains special characters such as "@", ":" and so on.
	if ((tok_list = tok822_scan(STR(line_buffer), (TOK822 **) 0)) == 0)

	 * Enforce the key:value format. Disallow missing keys, multi-address
	 * keys, or missing values. In order to specify an empty string or
	 * value, enclose it in double quotes.
	if ((colon = tok822_find_type(tok_list, ':')) == 0
	    || colon->prev == 0 || colon->next == 0
	    || tok822_rfind_type(colon, ',')) {
	    msg_warn("%s, line %d: need name:value pair",
		     VSTREAM_PATH(source_fp), lineno);

	 * Key must be local. XXX We should use the Postfix rewriting and
	 * resolving services to handle all address forms correctly. However,
	 * we can't count on the mail system being up when the alias database
	 * is being built, so we're guessing a bit.
	if (tok822_rfind_type(colon, '@') || tok822_rfind_type(colon, '%')) {
	    msg_warn("%s, line %d: name must be local",
		     VSTREAM_PATH(source_fp), lineno);

	 * Split the input into key and value parts, and convert from token
	 * representation back to string representation. Convert the key to
	 * internal (unquoted) form, because the resolver produces addresses
	 * in internal form. Convert the value to external (quoted) form,
	 * because it will have to be re-parsed upon lookup. Discard the
	 * token representation when done.
	key_list = tok_list;
	tok_list = 0;
	value_list = tok822_cut_after(colon);

	tok822_internalize(key_buffer, key_list, TOK822_STR_DEFL);

	tok822_externalize(value_buffer, value_list, TOK822_STR_DEFL);

	 * Store the value under a case-insensitive key.
	mkmap_append(mkmap, STR(key_buffer), STR(value_buffer));
	if (mkmap->dict->error)
	    msg_fatal("table %s:%s: write error: %m",
		      mkmap->dict->type, mkmap->dict->name);

     * Update or append sendmail and NIS signatures.
    if ((open_flags & O_TRUNC) == 0)
	mkmap->dict->flags |= DICT_FLAG_DUP_REPLACE;

     * Sendmail compatibility: add the @:@ signature to indicate that the
     * database is complete. This might be needed by NIS clients running
     * sendmail.
    mkmap_append(mkmap, "@", "@");
    if (mkmap->dict->error)
	msg_fatal("table %s:%s: write error: %m",
		  mkmap->dict->type, mkmap->dict->name);

     * NIS compatibility: add time and master info. Unlike other information,
     * this information MUST be written without a trailing null appended to
     * key or value.
    mkmap->dict->flags &= ~DICT_FLAG_TRY1NULL;
    mkmap->dict->flags |= DICT_FLAG_TRY0NULL;
    vstring_sprintf(value_buffer, "%010ld", (long) time((time_t *) 0));
#if (defined(HAS_NIS) || defined(HAS_NISPLUS))
    mkmap->dict->flags &= ~DICT_FLAG_FOLD_FIX;
    mkmap_append(mkmap, "YP_LAST_MODIFIED", STR(value_buffer));
    mkmap_append(mkmap, "YP_MASTER_NAME", var_myhostname);

     * Close the alias database, and release the lock.

     * Cleanup. We're about to terminate, but it is a good sanity check.
    if (source_fp != VSTREAM_IN)