예제 #1
void MacText::render(int from, int to) {

	from = MAX<int>(0, from);
	to = MIN<int>(to, _textLines.size() - 1);

	// Clear the screen
	_surface->fillRect(Common::Rect(0, _textLines[from].y, _surface->w, _textLines[to].y + getLineHeight(to)), _bgcolor);

	for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) {
		int xOffset = 0;
		if (_textAlignment == kTextAlignRight)
			xOffset = _textMaxWidth - getLineWidth(i);
		else if (_textAlignment == kTextAlignCenter)
			xOffset = (_textMaxWidth / 2) - (getLineWidth(i) / 2);

		// TODO: _textMaxWidth, when -1, was not rendering ANY text.
		for (uint j = 0; j < _textLines[i].chunks.size(); j++) {
			if (_textLines[i].chunks[j].text.empty())

			_textLines[i].chunks[j].getFont()->drawString(_surface, _textLines[i].chunks[j].text, xOffset, _textLines[i].y, _maxWidth, _fgcolor);
			xOffset += _textLines[i].chunks[j].getFont()->getStringWidth(_textLines[i].chunks[j].text);

	for (uint i = 0; i < _textLines.size(); i++) {
		debugN(4, "%2d ", i);

		for (uint j = 0; j < _textLines[i].chunks.size(); j++)
			debugN(4, "[%d (%d)] \"%s\" ", _textLines[i].chunks[j].fontId, _textLines[i].chunks[j].textSlant, _textLines[i].chunks[j].text.c_str());

		debug(4, "%s", "");
예제 #2
void MacText::render(int from, int to) {

	from = MAX<int>(0, from);
	to = MIN<int>(to, _text.size());

	int lineH = _font->getFontHeight() + _interLinear;
	int y = from * lineH;

	// Clear the screen
	_surface->fillRect(Common::Rect(0, y, _surface->w, to * lineH), _bgcolor);

	for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
		int xOffset = 0;
		if (_textAlignment == kTextAlignRight) xOffset = _textMaxWidth - _font->getStringWidth(_text[i]);
		else if (_textAlignment == kTextAlignCenter) xOffset = (_textMaxWidth / 2) - (_font->getStringWidth(_text[i]) / 2);

		//TODO: _textMaxWidth, when -1, was not rendering ANY text.
		_font->drawString(_surface, _text[i], xOffset, y, _maxWidth, _fgcolor);

		y += _font->getFontHeight() + _interLinear;
