예제 #1
void osd_update_horizon( void )
	// TODO: Change away from using roll degrees.  Use tangent as the slope.
	struct relative2D matrix_accum ;
	matrix_accum.x = rmat[8] ;
	matrix_accum.y = rmat[6] ;
	long earth_roll = rect_to_polar(&matrix_accum) ;			// binary angle (0 - 256 = 360 degrees)
	earth_roll = (-earth_roll * BYTECIR_TO_DEGREE) >> 16 ;		// switch polarity, convert to -180 - 180 degrees
	earth_roll = -earth_roll ;
	matrix_accum.y = rmat[7] ;
	long earth_pitch = rect_to_polar(&matrix_accum) ;			// binary angle (0 - 256 = 360 degrees)
	earth_pitch = (-earth_pitch * BYTECIR_TO_DEGREE) >> 16 ;	// switch polarity, convert to -180 - 180 degrees
	earth_pitch = -earth_pitch ;
	char i ;
		int h = earth_roll * i - earth_pitch * 16 + 60 ;
		char height = h / 120 ;
		char subHeight = ((h % 120) * 16 / 120) ;
		if (h < 0) { height-- ; subHeight-- ; }
		subHeight &= 0x0F ;
		h = lastRoll * i - lastPitch * 16 + 60 ;
		char lastHeight = h / 120 ;
		if (h < 0) lastHeight-- ;
		if (height != 0 || OSD_SHOW_CENTER_DOT != 1 || (i != -1 && i != 0))
			if (height >= -OSD_SPACING && height <= OSD_SPACING)
				osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC(OSD_SPACING + 3 - height, 15+i)) ;
				osd_spi_write(0x7, 0xC0 + subHeight) ;	// DMDI: Write a '-'
		if (lastHeight != 0 || OSD_SHOW_CENTER_DOT != 1 || (i != -1 && i != 0))
			if (height != lastHeight && lastHeight >= -OSD_SPACING && lastHeight <= OSD_SPACING)
				osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC(OSD_SPACING + 3 - lastHeight, 15+i)) ;
				osd_spi_write(0x7, 0x00) ;	// DMDI: Write a ' '
	lastRoll = earth_roll ;
	lastPitch = earth_pitch ;
	return ;
예제 #2
// In the future, we could include more than 2 flight plans...
// flightplanNum is 0 for the main lgo instructions, and 1 for RTL instructions
//void init_flightplan(int16_t flightplanNum)
void flightplan_logo_begin(int16_t flightplanNum)
	struct relative2D curHeading;
	struct relative3D IMUloc;
	int8_t earth_yaw;
	int16_t angle;

	if (flightplanNum == 1) // RTL instructions set
		currentInstructionSet = (struct logoInstructionDef*)rtlInstructions;
		numInstructionsInCurrentSet = NUM_RTL_INSTRUCTIONS;
	else if (flightplanNum == 0) // Main instructions set
		currentInstructionSet = (struct logoInstructionDef*)instructions;
		numInstructionsInCurrentSet = NUM_INSTRUCTIONS;

	instructionIndex = 0;

	logoStackIndex = 0;
	logoStack[logoStackIndex].frameType = LOGO_FRAME_TYPE_SUBROUTINE;
	logoStack[logoStackIndex].arg = 0;
	logoStack[logoStackIndex].returnInstructionIndex = -1;  // When starting over, begin on instruction 0

	currentTurtle = PLANE;
	penState = 0; // 0 means down.  more than 0 means up

	turtleLocations[PLANE].x._.W1 = IMUlocationx._.W1;
	turtleLocations[PLANE].y._.W1 = IMUlocationy._.W1;
	turtleLocations[PLANE].z = IMUlocationz._.W1;

	turtleLocations[CAMERA].x._.W1 = IMUlocationx._.W1;
	turtleLocations[CAMERA].y._.W1 = IMUlocationy._.W1;
	turtleLocations[CAMERA].z = IMUlocationz._.W1;

	// Calculate heading from Direction Cosine Matrix (rather than GPS), 
	// So that this code works when the plane is static. e.g. at takeoff
	curHeading.x = -rmat[1];
	curHeading.y = rmat[4];
	earth_yaw = rect_to_polar(&curHeading);  //  (0=East,  ccw)
	angle = (earth_yaw * 180 + 64) >> 7;    //  (ccw, 0=East)
	angle = -angle + 90;                            //  (clockwise, 0=North)
	turtleAngles[PLANE] = turtleAngles[CAMERA] = angle;


	IMUloc.x = IMUlocationx._.W1;
	IMUloc.y = IMUlocationy._.W1;
	IMUloc.z = IMUlocationz._.W1;

	interruptIndex = 0;
	interruptStackBase = 0;

예제 #3
int main(void)
    Rect_V input;
    Polar_V result;

    printf("Enter x and y coordinates (q to quit): ");
    while (scanf("%lf %lf", &input.x, &input.y) == 2) {
        result = rect_to_polar(input);
        printf("Magnitude: %.2f, angle: %.2f\n", result.magnitude, result.angle);
        printf("Enter x and y coordinates (q to quit): ");

    return 0;
예제 #4
int main()
    RECT_V input;
    POLAR_V result;

    puts("enter x,y coordinates: enter q to quit:");
    while(scanf("%lf %lf",&input.x, &input.y) == 2)
        result  = rect_to_polar(input);
        printf("magnitude = %0.2f, angle = %0.2f\n",result.magnitude, result.angle);

    return 0;

예제 #5
static int16_t get_current_angle(void)
	// Calculate heading from Direction Cosine Matrix (rather than GPS), 
	// So that this code works when the plane is static. e.g. at takeoff
	struct relative2D curHeading;
	int8_t earth_yaw;
	int16_t angle;

	curHeading.x = -rmat[1];
	curHeading.y = rmat[4];
	earth_yaw = rect_to_polar(&curHeading); // (0=East,  ccw)
	angle = (earth_yaw * 180 + 64) >> 7;    // (ccw, 0=East)
	angle = -angle + 90;                    // (clockwise, 0=North)
	if (angle < 0) angle += 360;
	return angle;
예제 #6
static int16_t get_angle_to_point(int16_t x, int16_t y)
	struct relative2D vectorToGoal;
	int8_t dir_to_goal;
	int16_t angle;

	vectorToGoal.x = turtleLocations[currentTurtle].x._.W1 - x;
	vectorToGoal.y = turtleLocations[currentTurtle].y._.W1 - y;
	dir_to_goal = rect_to_polar (&vectorToGoal);

	// dir_to_goal                          // 0-255 (ccw, 0=East)
	angle = (dir_to_goal * 180 + 64) >> 7;  // 0-359 (ccw, 0=East)
	angle = -angle + 90;                    // 0-359 (clockwise, 0=North)
	if (angle < 0) angle += 360;
	if (angle > 360) angle -= 360;
	return angle;
예제 #7
void osd_update_values( void )
	switch (osd_phase)
		case 0:
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_ALTITUDE+1) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(IMUlocationz._.W1, 0, 0, NUM_FLAG_SIGNED, 0, 0) ;		// Altitude
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_CPU_LOAD+1) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(udb_cpu_load(), 3, 0, 0, 0, 0) ;					// CPU
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_VARIO_NUM) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(IMUvelocityz._.W1, 0, 0, NUM_FLAG_SIGNED, 0, 0) ;		// Variometer
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_VARIO_ARROW) ;
			if (IMUvelocityz._.W1 <= -VARIOMETER_HIGH)
				osd_spi_write(0x7, 0xD4) ;						// Variometer down fast
			else if (IMUvelocityz._.W1 <= -VARIOMETER_LOW)
				osd_spi_write(0x7, 0xD2) ;						// Variometer down slowly
			else if (IMUvelocityz._.W1 < VARIOMETER_LOW)
				osd_spi_write(0x7, 0x00) ;						// Variometer flat (was 0xD0)
			else if (IMUvelocityz._.W1 < VARIOMETER_HIGH)
				osd_spi_write(0x7, 0xD1) ;						// Variometer up slowly
			else if (IMUvelocityz._.W1 >= VARIOMETER_HIGH)
				osd_spi_write(0x7, 0xD3) ;						// Variometer up fast
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_AP_MODE) ;
			if (!flags._.pitch_feedback)
				osd_spi_write(0x7, 0x97) ;						// M : Manual Mode
			else if (!flags._.GPS_steering)
				osd_spi_write(0x7, 0x9D) ;						// S : Stabilized Mode
			else if (udb_flags._.radio_on && !flags._.rtl_hold)
				osd_spi_write(0x7, 0xA1) ;						// W : Waypoint Mode
			else if (flags._.rtl_hold && udb_flags._.radio_on)
				osd_spi_write(0x7, 0x92) ;						// H : RTL Hold, has signal
				osd_spi_write(0x7, 0x9C) ;						// R : RTL Mode, lost signal
			break ;
		case 1:
			signed char dir_to_goal ;
			int dist_to_goal ;
			struct relative2D curHeading ;
			curHeading.x = -rmat[1] ;
			curHeading.y = rmat[4] ;
			signed char earth_yaw = rect_to_polar(&curHeading) ;// 0-255 (0=East,  ccw)
			if (flags._.GPS_steering)
				dir_to_goal = desired_dir - earth_yaw ;
				dist_to_goal = abs(tofinish_line) ;
				struct relative2D toGoal ;
				toGoal.x = 0 - IMUlocationx._.W1 ;
				toGoal.y = 0 - IMUlocationy._.W1 ;
				dir_to_goal = rect_to_polar ( &toGoal ) - earth_yaw ;
				dist_to_goal = toGoal.x ;
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_DIST_TO_GOAL+1) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(dist_to_goal, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ;	// Distance to wp/home
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_ARROW_TO_GOAL) ;
			osd_write_arrow(dir_to_goal) ;
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_HEADING_NUM+1) ;
			// earth_yaw										// 0-255 (0=East,  ccw)
			int angle = (earth_yaw * 180 + 64) >> 7 ;			// 0-359 (0=East,  ccw)
			angle = -angle + 90;								// 0-359 (0=North, clockwise)
			if (angle < 0) angle += 360 ;						// 0-359 (0=North, clockwise)
			osd_spi_write_number(angle, 3, 0, NUM_FLAG_ZERO_PADDED, 0, 0) ;	// heading
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_HEADING_CARDINAL) ;
			osd_spi_write_string(heading_strings[((unsigned char)(earth_yaw+8))>>4]) ;	// heading
			// Vertical angle from origin to plane
			int verticalAngle = 0 ;
			if (dist_to_goal != 0)
				struct relative2D componentsToPlane ;
				componentsToPlane.x = dist_to_goal ;
				componentsToPlane.y = IMUlocationz._.W1 ;
				verticalAngle = rect_to_polar(&componentsToPlane) ;		// binary angle (0 - 256 = 360 degrees)
				verticalAngle = (verticalAngle * BYTECIR_TO_DEGREE) >> 16 ;	// switch polarity, convert to -180 - 180 degrees
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_VERTICAL_ANGLE_HOME) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(verticalAngle, 0, 0, NUM_FLAG_SIGNED, 0, 0x4D); // Footer: Degree symbol
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_ROLL_RATE) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(abs(omegagyro[1])/DEGPERSEC, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0) ;	// roll rate in degrees/sec/sec
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_PITCH_RATE) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(abs(omegagyro[0])/DEGPERSEC, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0) ;	// pitch rate in degrees/sec/sec
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_YAW_RATE) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(abs(omegagyro[2])/DEGPERSEC, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0) ;	// yaw rate in degrees/sec/sec
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_BATT_CURRENT) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(battery_current._.W1, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0xB4) ;	// tenths of Amps being used right now
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_BATT_USED) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(battery_mAh_used._.W1, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0xB7) ;	// mAh used so far


			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_BATT_VOLTAGE) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(battery_voltage._.W1, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0xA0) ;	// tenths of Volts


			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_RSSI) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(rc_signal_strength, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0xB3) ;	// RC Receiver signal strength as 0-100%

			break ;
		case 2:
			osd_update_horizon() ;
			break ;
		case 3:
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_AIR_SPEED_M_S) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(air_speed_3DIMU/100, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0) ;	// speed in m/s
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_AIR_SPEED_MI_HR) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(air_speed_3DIMU/45, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0) ;	// speed in mi/hr
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_AIR_SPEED_KM_HR) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(air_speed_3DIMU/28, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0) ;	// speed in km/hr
			unsigned int ground_speed_3DIMU = 
				vector3_mag ( 	IMUvelocityx._.W1 ,
								IMUvelocityy._.W1 ,
								IMUvelocityz._.W1   ) ;
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_GROUND_SPEED_M_S) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(ground_speed_3DIMU/100, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0) ;	// speed in m/s
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_GROUND_SPEED_MI_HR) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(ground_speed_3DIMU/45, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0) ;	// speed in mi/hr
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_GROUND_SPEED_KM_HR) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(ground_speed_3DIMU/28, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0) ;	// speed in km/hr
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_VERTICAL_ACCEL) ;
			union longww gravity_z ;
			gravity_z.WW = __builtin_mulss(GRAVITY, rmat[8]) << 2;
			osd_spi_write_number((ZACCEL_VALUE - gravity_z._.W1)/(100*ACCELSCALE), 3, 0, NUM_FLAG_SIGNED, 0, 0) ;	// vertical acceleration rate in units of m/sec/sec
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_VERTICAL_WIND_SPEED) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(estimatedWind[2]/10, 4, 1, NUM_FLAG_SIGNED, 0, 0) ;	// vertical wind speed in m/s
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_TOTAL_ENERGY) ;
			osd_spi_write_number(total_energy, 4, 0, NUM_FLAG_SIGNED, 0, 0) ;	// total energy in meters above the origin
#if (OSD_AUTO_HIDE_GPS == 1)
			boolean showGPS = ( IMUlocationz._.W1 < 20 || ground_velocity_magnitudeXY < 150) ;
			boolean showGPS = 1 ;
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_NUM_SATS) ;
			if (showGPS)
				osd_spi_write_number(svs, 0, 0, 0, 0xEB, 0) ;			// Num satelites locked, with SatDish icon header
				osd_spi_erase_chars(3) ;
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_GPS_LAT) ;
			if (showGPS)
				osd_spi_write_number(labs(lat_gps.WW/10), 8, 6, 0, 0, (lat_gps.WW >= 0) ? 0x98 : 0x9D) ; // Footer: N/S
				osd_spi_erase_chars(9) ;
			osd_spi_write_location(OSD_LOC_GPS_LONG) ;
			if (showGPS)
				osd_spi_write_number(labs(long_gps.WW/10), 9, 6, 0, 0, (long_gps.WW >= 0) ? 0x8F : 0xA1) ; // Footer: E/W
				osd_spi_erase_chars(10) ;
			break ;
	return ;
예제 #8
void serial_output_8hz( void )
	unsigned int mode ;
	struct relative2D matrix_accum ;
	union longbbbb accum ;
	int desired_dir_deg ;  // desired_dir converted to a bearing (0-360)
	long earth_pitch ;		// pitch in binary angles ( 0-255 is 360 degreres)
	long earth_roll ;		// roll of the plane with respect to earth frame
	//long earth_yaw ;		// yaw with respect to earth frame
	accum.WW  = ( desired_dir * BYTECIR_TO_DEGREE ) + 32768 ;
	desired_dir_deg  = accum._.W1 - 90 ; // "Convert UAV DevBoad Earth" to Compass Bearing
	if ( desired_dir_deg < 0 ) desired_dir_deg += 360 ; 

	if (flags._.GPS_steering == 0 && flags._.pitch_feedback == 0)
		mode = 1 ;
	else if (flags._.GPS_steering == 0 && flags._.pitch_feedback == 1)
		mode = 2 ;
	else if (flags._.GPS_steering == 1 && flags._.pitch_feedback == 1 && udb_flags._.radio_on == 1)
		mode = 3 ;
	else if (flags._.GPS_steering == 1 && flags._.pitch_feedback == 1 && udb_flags._.radio_on == 0)
		mode = 0 ;
		mode = 99 ; // Unknown
	//  Roll
	//  Earth Frame of Reference
	matrix_accum.x = rmat[8] ;
	matrix_accum.y = rmat[6] ;
	earth_roll = rect_to_polar(&matrix_accum) ;					// binary angle (0 - 256 = 360 degrees)
	earth_roll = (-earth_roll * BYTECIR_TO_DEGREE) >> 16 ;		// switch polarity, convert to -180 - 180 degrees
	//  Pitch
	//  Earth Frame of Reference
	//  Note that we are using the matrix_accum.x
	//  left over from previous rect_to_polar in this calculation.
	//  so this Pitch calculation must follow the Roll calculation
	matrix_accum.y = rmat[7] ;
	earth_pitch = rect_to_polar(&matrix_accum) ;				// binary angle (0 - 256 = 360 degrees)
	earth_pitch = (-earth_pitch * BYTECIR_TO_DEGREE) >> 16 ;	// switch polarity, convert to -180 - 180 degrees
	// Yaw
	// Earth Frame of Reference
	// Ardustation does not use yaw in degrees
	// matrix_accum.x = rmat[4] ;
	// matrix_accum.y = rmat[1] ;
	// earth_yaw = rect_to_polar(&matrix_accum) ;				// binary angle (0 - 256 = 360 degrees)
	// earth_yaw = (earth_yaw * BYTECIR_TO_DEGREE) >> 16 ;		// switch polarity, convert to -180 - 180 degrees
	// The Ardupilot GroundStation protocol is mostly documented here:
	//    http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/ardupilot-telemetry-protocol
	if (udb_heartbeat_counter % 40 == 0)  // Every 8 runs (5 heartbeat counts per 8Hz)
			lat_gps.WW / 10 , long_gps.WW / 10 , (float)(sog_gps.BB / 100.0), (float)(climb_gps.BB / 100.0),
			(alt_sl_gps.WW - alt_origin.WW) / 100, desiredHeight, (float)(cog_gps.BB / 100.0), desired_dir_deg,
			waypointIndex, tofinish_line, (float)(voltage_milis.BB / 100.0), 
			(int)((udb_pwOut[THROTTLE_OUTPUT_CHANNEL] - udb_pwTrim[THROTTLE_OUTPUT_CHANNEL])/20),
			earth_roll, earth_pitch,
		) ;
	else if (udb_heartbeat_counter % 10 == 0)  // Every 2 runs (5 heartbeat counts per 8Hz)
			(int)((udb_pwOut[THROTTLE_OUTPUT_CHANNEL] - udb_pwTrim[THROTTLE_OUTPUT_CHANNEL])/20),
			earth_roll, earth_pitch,
		) ;
	return ;
예제 #9
void estLocation(void)
	static int8_t cog_previous = 64;
	static int16_t sog_previous = 0;
	static int16_t climb_rate_previous = 0;
	static uint16_t velocity_previous = 0;
	static int16_t location_previous[] = { 0, 0, 0 };

	union longbbbb accum;
	union longww accum_velocity;
	int8_t cog_circular;
	int8_t cog_delta;
	int16_t sog_delta;
	int16_t climb_rate_delta;
	int32_t location[3];
	int16_t location[3];
	int16_t location_deltaZ;
	struct relative2D location_deltaXY;
	struct relative2D velocity_thru_air;
	int16_t velocity_thru_airz;


		// convert GPS course of 360 degrees to a binary model with 256
		accum.WW = __builtin_muluu(COURSEDEG_2_BYTECIR, cog_gps.BB) + 0x00008000;
		// re-orientate from compass (clockwise) to maths (anti-clockwise) with 0 degrees in East
		cog_circular = -accum.__.B2 + 64;

		// compensate for GPS reporting latency.
		// The dynamic model of the EM406 and uBlox is not well known.
		// However, it seems likely much of it is simply reporting latency.
		// This section of the code compensates for reporting latency.
		// markw: what is the latency? It doesn't appear numerically or as a comment
		// in the following code. Since this method is called at the GPS reporting rate
		// it must be assumed to be one reporting interval?

		if (dcm_flags._.gps_history_valid)
			cog_delta = cog_circular - cog_previous;
			sog_delta = sog_gps.BB - sog_previous;
			climb_rate_delta = climb_gps.BB - climb_rate_previous;

			location_deltaXY.x = location[0] - location_previous[0];
			location_deltaXY.y = location[1] - location_previous[1];
			location_deltaZ    = location[2] - location_previous[2];
			cog_delta = 0;
			sog_delta = 0;
			climb_rate_delta = 0;
			location_deltaXY.x = location_deltaXY.y = location_deltaZ = 0;
		dcm_flags._.gps_history_valid = 1;
		actual_dir = cog_circular + cog_delta;
		cog_previous = cog_circular;

		// Note that all these velocities are in centimeters / second

		ground_velocity_magnitudeXY = sog_gps.BB + sog_delta;
		sog_previous = sog_gps.BB;

		GPSvelocity.z = climb_gps.BB + climb_rate_delta;
		climb_rate_previous = climb_gps.BB;

		accum_velocity.WW = (__builtin_mulss(cosine(actual_dir), ground_velocity_magnitudeXY) << 2) + 0x00008000;
		GPSvelocity.x = accum_velocity._.W1;

		accum_velocity.WW = (__builtin_mulss(sine(actual_dir), ground_velocity_magnitudeXY) << 2) + 0x00008000;
		GPSvelocity.y = accum_velocity._.W1;

		rotate_2D(&location_deltaXY, cog_delta); // this is a key step to account for rotation effects!!

		GPSlocation.x = location[0] + location_deltaXY.x;
		GPSlocation.y = location[1] + location_deltaXY.y;
		GPSlocation.z = location[2] + location_deltaZ;

		location_previous[0] = location[0];
		location_previous[1] = location[1];
		location_previous[2] = location[2];

		velocity_thru_air.y = GPSvelocity.y - estimatedWind[1];
		velocity_thru_air.x = GPSvelocity.x - estimatedWind[0];
		velocity_thru_airz  = GPSvelocity.z - estimatedWind[2];

#if (HILSIM == 1)
		air_speed_3DGPS = hilsim_airspeed.BB; // use Xplane as a pitot
		air_speed_3DGPS = vector3_mag(velocity_thru_air.x, velocity_thru_air.y, velocity_thru_airz);

		calculated_heading  = rect_to_polar(&velocity_thru_air);
		// veclocity_thru_air.x becomes XY air speed as a by product of CORDIC routine in rect_to_polar()
		air_speed_magnitudeXY = velocity_thru_air.x; // in cm / sec

#if (GPS_RATE == 4)
		forward_acceleration = (air_speed_3DGPS - velocity_previous) << 2; // Ublox enters code 4 times per second
#elif (GPS_RATE == 2)
		forward_acceleration = (air_speed_3DGPS - velocity_previous) << 1; // Ublox enters code 2 times per second
		forward_acceleration = (air_speed_3DGPS - velocity_previous);      // EM406 standard GPS enters code once per second

		velocity_previous = air_speed_3DGPS;