bool open_external_viewer(const char *argv[], const char *dir, bool confirm, bool refresh, const char *notice) { bool ok; def_prog_mode(); /* save current tty modes */ endwin(); /* restore original tty modes */ ok = io_run_fg(argv, dir); if (confirm || !ok) { if (!ok && *notice) fprintf(stderr, "%s", notice); fprintf(stderr, "Press Enter to continue"); getc(opt_tty); } reset_prog_mode(); if (watch_update(WATCH_EVENT_AFTER_EXTERNAL) && refresh) { struct view *view; int i; foreach_displayed_view (view, i) { if (watch_dirty(&view->watch)) refresh_view(view); } } redraw_display(TRUE); return ok; }
static int view_driver(struct view *view, int key) { switch (key) { case REQ_MOVE_DOWN: case REQ_MOVE_UP: if (view) navigate_view(view, key); break; case REQ_VIEW_CLOSE: quit(0); break; case REQ_OPEN_VIM: report("Shelling out..."); def_prog_mode(); /* save current tty modes */ endwin(); /* end curses mode temporarily */ system(vim_cmd); /* run shell */ report("returned"); /* prepare return message */ reset_prog_mode(); /* return to the previous tty modes */ break; case REQ_VIEW_MAIN: open_view(view); break; case REQ_SCREEN_RESIZE: resize_display(); redraw_display(TRUE); break; default: return TRUE; } return TRUE; }
bool open_external_viewer(const char *argv[], const char *dir, bool silent, bool confirm, bool refresh, const char *notice) { bool ok; if (silent) { ok = io_run_bg(argv, dir); } else { endwin(); /* restore original tty modes */ ok = io_run_fg(argv, dir); if (confirm || !ok) { if (!ok && *notice) fprintf(stderr, "%s", notice); if (!is_script_executing()) { fprintf(stderr, "Press Enter to continue"); getc(opt_tty); } } } if (watch_update(WATCH_EVENT_AFTER_COMMAND) && refresh) { struct view *view; int i; foreach_displayed_view (view, i) { if (watch_dirty(&view->watch)) refresh_view(view); } } redraw_display(true); return ok; }
bool open_external_viewer(const char *argv[], const char *dir, bool silent, bool confirm, bool echo, bool refresh, const char *notice) { bool ok; if (echo) { char buf[SIZEOF_STR] = ""; io_run_buf(argv, buf, sizeof(buf), dir, false); if (*buf) { report("%s", buf); return true; } else { report("No output"); return false; } } else if (silent || is_script_executing()) { ok = io_run_bg(argv, dir); } else { clear(); refresh(); endwin(); /* restore original tty modes */ ok = io_run_fg(argv, dir); if (confirm || !ok) { if (!ok && *notice) fprintf(stderr, "%s", notice); fprintf(stderr, "Press Enter to continue"); getc(opt_tty); fseek(opt_tty, 0, SEEK_END); } set_terminal_modes(); } if (watch_update(WATCH_EVENT_AFTER_COMMAND) && refresh) { struct view *view; int i; foreach_displayed_view (view, i) { if (watch_dirty(&view->watch)) refresh_view(view); } } redraw_display(true); return ok; }
bool open_external_viewer(const char *argv[], const char *dir, bool confirm, const char *notice) { bool ok; def_prog_mode(); /* save current tty modes */ endwin(); /* restore original tty modes */ ok = io_run_fg(argv, dir); if (confirm) { if (!ok && *notice) fprintf(stderr, "%s", notice); fprintf(stderr, "Press Enter to continue"); getc(opt_tty); } reset_prog_mode(); redraw_display(TRUE); return ok; }
static void prompt_update_display(enum view_flag flags) { struct view *view; int i; if (flags & VIEW_RESET_DISPLAY) { resize_display(); redraw_display(TRUE); } foreach_displayed_view(view, i) { if (view_has_flags(view, flags) && view_can_refresh(view)) reload_view(view); else redraw_view(view); } }
static bool view_driver(struct view *view, enum request request) { int i; if (request == REQ_NONE) return true; if (request >= REQ_RUN_REQUESTS) { request = open_run_request(view, request); // exit quickly rather than going through view_request and back if (request == REQ_QUIT) return false; } request = view_request(view, request); if (request == REQ_NONE) return true; switch (request) { case REQ_MOVE_UP: case REQ_MOVE_DOWN: case REQ_MOVE_PAGE_UP: case REQ_MOVE_PAGE_DOWN: case REQ_MOVE_HALF_PAGE_UP: case REQ_MOVE_HALF_PAGE_DOWN: case REQ_MOVE_FIRST_LINE: case REQ_MOVE_LAST_LINE: move_view(view, request); break; case REQ_SCROLL_FIRST_COL: case REQ_SCROLL_LEFT: case REQ_SCROLL_RIGHT: case REQ_SCROLL_LINE_DOWN: case REQ_SCROLL_LINE_UP: case REQ_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN: case REQ_SCROLL_PAGE_UP: case REQ_SCROLL_WHEEL_DOWN: case REQ_SCROLL_WHEEL_UP: scroll_view(view, request); break; case REQ_VIEW_GREP: open_grep_view(view); break; case REQ_VIEW_MAIN: open_main_view(view, OPEN_DEFAULT); break; case REQ_VIEW_DIFF: open_diff_view(view, OPEN_DEFAULT); break; case REQ_VIEW_LOG: open_log_view(view, OPEN_DEFAULT); break; case REQ_VIEW_TREE: open_tree_view(view, OPEN_DEFAULT); break; case REQ_VIEW_HELP: open_help_view(view, OPEN_DEFAULT); break; case REQ_VIEW_REFS: open_refs_view(view, OPEN_DEFAULT); break; case REQ_VIEW_BLAME: open_blame_view(view, OPEN_DEFAULT); break; case REQ_VIEW_BLOB: open_blob_view(view, OPEN_DEFAULT); break; case REQ_VIEW_STATUS: open_status_view(view, OPEN_DEFAULT); break; case REQ_VIEW_STAGE: open_stage_view(view, NULL, 0, OPEN_DEFAULT); break; case REQ_VIEW_PAGER: open_pager_view(view, OPEN_DEFAULT); break; case REQ_VIEW_STASH: open_stash_view(view, OPEN_DEFAULT); break; case REQ_NEXT: case REQ_PREVIOUS: if (view->parent) { int line; view = view->parent; line = view->pos.lineno; view_request(view, request); move_view(view, request); if (view_is_displayed(view)) update_view_title(view); if (line != view->pos.lineno) view_request(view, REQ_ENTER); } else { move_view(view, request); } break; case REQ_VIEW_NEXT: { int nviews = displayed_views(); int next_view = nviews ? (current_view + 1) % nviews : current_view; if (next_view == current_view) { report("Only one view is displayed"); break; } current_view = next_view; /* Blur out the title of the previous view. */ update_view_title(view); report_clear(); break; } case REQ_REFRESH: report("Refreshing is not supported by the %s view", view->name); break; case REQ_PARENT: report("Moving to parent is not supported by the %s view", view->name); break; case REQ_BACK: report("Going back is not supported by the %s view", view->name); break; case REQ_MAXIMIZE: if (displayed_views() == 2) maximize_view(view, true); break; case REQ_OPTIONS: toggle_option(view); break; case REQ_SEARCH: case REQ_SEARCH_BACK: search_view(view, request); break; case REQ_FIND_NEXT: case REQ_FIND_PREV: find_next(view, request); break; case REQ_MOVE_NEXT_MERGE: case REQ_MOVE_PREV_MERGE: report("Moving between merge commits is not supported by the %s view", view->name); break; case REQ_STOP_LOADING: foreach_view(view, i) { if (view->pipe) report("Stopped loading the %s view", view->name), end_update(view, true); } break; case REQ_SHOW_VERSION: report("tig-%s (built %s)", TIG_VERSION, __DATE__); return true; case REQ_SCREEN_REDRAW: redraw_display(true); break; case REQ_EDIT: report("Nothing to edit"); break; case REQ_ENTER: report("Nothing to enter"); break; case REQ_VIEW_CLOSE: /* XXX: Mark closed views by letting view->prev point to the * view itself. Parents to closed view should never be * followed. */ if (view->prev && view->prev != view) { maximize_view(view->prev, true); view->prev = view; watch_unregister(&view->watch); view->parent = NULL; break; } /* Fall-through */ case REQ_QUIT: return false; default: report("Unknown key, press %s for help", get_view_key(view, REQ_VIEW_HELP)); return true; } return true; }
int get_input(int prompt_position) { struct view *view; int i, key, cursor_y, cursor_x; if (prompt_position) input_mode = TRUE; while (TRUE) { bool loading = FALSE; foreach_view (view, i) { update_view(view); if (view_is_displayed(view) && view->has_scrolled && use_scroll_redrawwin) redrawwin(view->win); view->has_scrolled = FALSE; if (view->pipe) loading = TRUE; } /* Update the cursor position. */ if (prompt_position) { getbegyx(status_win, cursor_y, cursor_x); cursor_x = prompt_position; } else { view = display[current_view]; getbegyx(view->win, cursor_y, cursor_x); cursor_x = view->width - 1; cursor_y += view->pos.lineno - view->pos.offset; } setsyx(cursor_y, cursor_x); /* Refresh, accept single keystroke of input */ doupdate(); nodelay(status_win, loading); key = wgetch(status_win); /* wgetch() with nodelay() enabled returns ERR when * there's no input. */ if (key == ERR) { } else if (key == KEY_RESIZE) { int height, width; getmaxyx(stdscr, height, width); wresize(status_win, 1, width); mvwin(status_win, height - 1, 0); wnoutrefresh(status_win); resize_display(); redraw_display(TRUE); } else { input_mode = FALSE; if (key == erasechar()) key = KEY_BACKSPACE; return key; } }
int main (int argc, char** argv) { const char* default_port = "23"; struct sigaction sa; int i; /* process command line args */ for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { /* help */ if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) { printf( "CLC %s by Sean Middleditch <*****@*****.**>\n" "This program has been released into the PUBLIC DOMAIN.\n\n" "Usage:\n" " clc [-h] <host> [<port>]\n\n" "Options:\n" " -h display help\n", CLC_VERSION ); return 0; } /* other unknown option */ if (argv[i][0] == '-') { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option %s.\nUse -h to see available options.\n", argv[i]); exit(1); } /* if host is unset, this is the host */ if (host == NULL) { host = argv[i]; /* otherwise, it's a port */ } else { port = argv[i]; } } /* ensure we have a host */ if (host == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No host was given.\nUse -h to see command format.\n"); exit(1); } /* set default port if none was given */ if (port == NULL) port = default_port; /* cleanup on any failure */ atexit(cleanup); /* set terminal defaults */ memset(&terminal, 0, sizeof(struct TERMINAL)); terminal.state = TERM_ASCII; terminal.flags = TERM_FLAGS_DEFAULT; terminal.color = TERM_COLOR_DEFAULT; /* initial telnet handler */ telnet = telnet_init(telnet_telopts, telnet_event, 0, 0); /* connect to server */ sock = do_connect(host, port); if (sock == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to %s:%s\n", host, port); exit(1); } printf("Connected to %s:%s\n", host, port); /* set initial banner */ snprintf(banner, sizeof(banner), "CLC - %s:%s (connected)", host, port); /* configure curses */ initscr(); start_color(); nonl(); cbreak(); noecho(); win_main = newwin(LINES-2, COLS, 0, 0); win_banner = newwin(1, COLS, LINES-2, 0); win_input = newwin(1, COLS, LINES-1, 0); idlok(win_main, TRUE); scrollok(win_main, TRUE); nodelay(win_input, FALSE); keypad(win_input, TRUE); use_default_colors(); init_pair(COLOR_RED, COLOR_RED, -1); init_pair(COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLUE, -1); init_pair(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_GREEN, -1); init_pair(COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_CYAN, -1); init_pair(COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_MAGENTA, -1); init_pair(COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, -1); init_pair(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_WHITE, -1); init_pair(TERM_COLOR_DEFAULT, -1, -1); wbkgd(win_main, COLOR_PAIR(TERM_COLOR_DEFAULT)); wclear(win_main); init_pair(10, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); wbkgd(win_banner, COLOR_PAIR(10)); wclear(win_banner); init_pair(11, -1, -1); wbkgd(win_input, COLOR_PAIR(11)); wclear(win_input); redraw_display(); /* set signal handlers */ memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = handle_signal; sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGWINCH, &sa, NULL); /* initial edit buffer */ memset(&editbuf, 0, sizeof(struct EDITBUF)); /* setup poll info */ struct pollfd fds[2]; fds[0].fd = 1; fds[0].events = POLLIN; fds[1].fd = sock; fds[1].events = POLLIN; /* main loop */ while (running) { /* poll sockets */ if (poll(fds, 2, -1) == -1) { if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) { endwin(); fprintf(stderr, "poll() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } } /* resize event? */ if (have_sigwinch) { have_sigwinch = 0; redraw_display(); } /* escape? */ if (have_sigint) { exit(0); } /* input? */ if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { int key = wgetch(win_input); if (key != ERR) on_key(key); } /* process input data */ if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) { char buffer[2048]; int ret = recv(sock, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0); if (ret == -1) { if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) { endwin(); fprintf(stderr, "recv() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; } } else if (ret == 0) { running = 0; } else { recv_bytes += ret; telnet_recv(telnet, buffer, ret); } } /* flush output */ paint_banner(); wnoutrefresh(win_main); wnoutrefresh(win_banner); wnoutrefresh(win_input); doupdate(); } /* final display, pause */ sock = -1; autobanner = 1; paint_banner(); wnoutrefresh(win_banner); doupdate(); wgetch(win_input); /* clean up */ endwin(); printf("Disconnected.\n"); /* free memory (so Valgrind leak detection is useful) */ telnet_free(telnet); return 0; }
static int view_driver(struct view *view, enum request request) { int i; if (request == REQ_NONE) return TRUE; if (request >= REQ_RUN_REQUESTS) { request = open_run_request(view, request); // exit quickly rather than going through view_request and back if (request == REQ_QUIT) return FALSE; } request = view_request(view, request); if (request == REQ_NONE) return TRUE; switch (request) { case REQ_MOVE_UP: case REQ_MOVE_DOWN: case REQ_MOVE_PAGE_UP: case REQ_MOVE_PAGE_DOWN: case REQ_MOVE_FIRST_LINE: case REQ_MOVE_LAST_LINE: move_view(view, request); break; case REQ_SCROLL_FIRST_COL: case REQ_SCROLL_LEFT: case REQ_SCROLL_RIGHT: case REQ_SCROLL_LINE_DOWN: case REQ_SCROLL_LINE_UP: case REQ_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN: case REQ_SCROLL_PAGE_UP: case REQ_SCROLL_WHEEL_DOWN: case REQ_SCROLL_WHEEL_UP: scroll_view(view, request); break; case REQ_VIEW_GREP: open_grep_view(view); break; case REQ_VIEW_MAIN: case REQ_VIEW_DIFF: case REQ_VIEW_LOG: case REQ_VIEW_TREE: case REQ_VIEW_HELP: case REQ_VIEW_BRANCH: case REQ_VIEW_BLAME: case REQ_VIEW_BLOB: case REQ_VIEW_STATUS: case REQ_VIEW_STAGE: case REQ_VIEW_PAGER: case REQ_VIEW_STASH: open_view(view, request, OPEN_DEFAULT); break; case REQ_NEXT: case REQ_PREVIOUS: if (view->parent) { int line; view = view->parent; line = view->pos.lineno; view_request(view, request); move_view(view, request); if (view_is_displayed(view)) update_view_title(view); if (line != view->pos.lineno) view_request(view, REQ_ENTER); } else { move_view(view, request); } break; case REQ_VIEW_NEXT: { int nviews = displayed_views(); int next_view = (current_view + 1) % nviews; if (next_view == current_view) { report("Only one view is displayed"); break; } current_view = next_view; /* Blur out the title of the previous view. */ update_view_title(view); report_clear(); break; } case REQ_REFRESH: report("Refreshing is not supported by the %s view", view->name); break; case REQ_PARENT: report("Moving to parent is not supported by the the %s view", view->name); break; case REQ_BACK: report("Going back is not supported for by %s view", view->name); break; case REQ_MAXIMIZE: if (displayed_views() == 2) maximize_view(view, TRUE); break; case REQ_OPTIONS: case REQ_TOGGLE_LINENO: case REQ_TOGGLE_DATE: case REQ_TOGGLE_AUTHOR: case REQ_TOGGLE_FILENAME: case REQ_TOGGLE_GRAPHIC: case REQ_TOGGLE_REV_GRAPH: case REQ_TOGGLE_REFS: case REQ_TOGGLE_CHANGES: case REQ_TOGGLE_IGNORE_SPACE: case REQ_TOGGLE_ID: case REQ_TOGGLE_FILES: case REQ_TOGGLE_TITLE_OVERFLOW: case REQ_TOGGLE_FILE_SIZE: case REQ_TOGGLE_UNTRACKED_DIRS: case REQ_TOGGLE_VERTICAL_SPLIT: { char action[SIZEOF_STR] = ""; enum view_flag flags = toggle_option(view, request, action); if (flags == VIEW_FLAG_RESET_DISPLAY) { resize_display(); redraw_display(TRUE); } else { foreach_displayed_view(view, i) { if (view_has_flags(view, flags) && !view->unrefreshable) reload_view(view); else redraw_view(view); } } if (*action) report("%s", action); } break; case REQ_TOGGLE_SORT_FIELD: case REQ_TOGGLE_SORT_ORDER: report("Sorting is not yet supported for the %s view", view->name); break; case REQ_DIFF_CONTEXT_UP: case REQ_DIFF_CONTEXT_DOWN: report("Changing the diff context is not yet supported for the %s view", view->name); break; case REQ_SEARCH: case REQ_SEARCH_BACK: search_view(view, request); break; case REQ_FIND_NEXT: case REQ_FIND_PREV: find_next(view, request); break; case REQ_STOP_LOADING: foreach_view(view, i) { if (view->pipe) report("Stopped loading the %s view", view->name), end_update(view, TRUE); } break; case REQ_SHOW_VERSION: report("tig-%s (built %s)", TIG_VERSION, __DATE__); return TRUE; case REQ_SCREEN_REDRAW: redraw_display(TRUE); break; case REQ_EDIT: report("Nothing to edit"); break; case REQ_ENTER: report("Nothing to enter"); break; case REQ_VIEW_CLOSE: /* XXX: Mark closed views by letting view->prev point to the * view itself. Parents to closed view should never be * followed. */ if (view->prev && view->prev != view) { maximize_view(view->prev, TRUE); view->prev = view; break; } /* Fall-through */ case REQ_QUIT: return FALSE; default: report("Unknown key, press %s for help", get_view_key(view, REQ_VIEW_HELP)); return TRUE; } return TRUE; }
enum request run_prompt_command(struct view *view, const char *argv[]) { enum request request; const char *cmd = argv[0]; size_t cmdlen = cmd ? strlen(cmd) : 0; if (!cmd) return REQ_NONE; if (string_isnumber(cmd)) { int lineno = view->pos.lineno + 1; if (parse_int(&lineno, cmd, 0, view->lines + 1) == SUCCESS) { if (!lineno) lineno = 1; select_view_line(view, lineno - 1); report_clear(); } else { report("Unable to parse '%s' as a line number", cmd); } } else if (iscommit(cmd)) { int lineno; if (!(view->ops->column_bits & view_column_bit(ID))) { report("Jumping to commits is not supported by the %s view", view->name); return REQ_NONE; } for (lineno = 0; lineno < view->lines; lineno++) { struct view_column_data column_data = {}; struct line *line = &view->line[lineno]; if (view->ops->get_column_data(view, line, &column_data) && && !strncasecmp(, cmd, cmdlen)) { string_ncopy(view->env->search, cmd, cmdlen); select_view_line(view, lineno); report_clear(); return REQ_NONE; } } report("Unable to find commit '%s'", view->env->search); return REQ_NONE; } else if (cmdlen > 1 && (cmd[0] == '/' || cmd[0] == '?')) { char search[SIZEOF_STR]; if (!argv_to_string(argv, search, sizeof(search), " ")) { report("Failed to copy search string"); return REQ_NONE; } if (!strcmp(search + 1, view->env->search)) return cmd[0] == '/' ? REQ_FIND_NEXT : REQ_FIND_PREV; string_ncopy(view->env->search, search + 1, strlen(search + 1)); return cmd[0] == '/' ? REQ_SEARCH : REQ_SEARCH_BACK; } else if (cmdlen > 1 && cmd[0] == '!') { struct view *next = &pager_view; bool copied; /* Trim the leading '!'. */ argv[0] = cmd + 1; copied = argv_format(view->env, &next->argv, argv, FALSE, TRUE); argv[0] = cmd; if (!copied) { report("Argument formatting failed"); } else { /* When running random commands, initially show the * command in the title. However, it maybe later be * overwritten if a commit line is selected. */ argv_to_string(next->argv, next->ref, sizeof(next->ref), " "); next->dir = NULL; open_pager_view(view, OPEN_PREPARED | OPEN_WITH_STDERR); } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "save-display")) { const char *path = argv[1] ? argv[1] : "tig-display.txt"; if (!save_display(path)) report("Failed to save screen to %s", path); else report("Saved screen to %s", path); } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "exec")) { struct run_request req = { view->keymap, {}, argv + 1 }; enum status_code code = parse_run_request_flags(&req.flags, argv + 1); if (code != SUCCESS) { report("Failed to execute command: %s", get_status_message(code)); } else { return exec_run_request(view, &req); } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "toggle")) { enum view_flag flags = VIEW_NO_FLAGS; enum status_code code = prompt_toggle(view, argv, &flags); const char *action = get_status_message(code); if (code != SUCCESS) { report("%s", action); return REQ_NONE; } prompt_update_display(flags); if (*action) report("%s", action); } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "script")) { if (is_script_executing()) { report("Scripts cannot be run from scripts"); } else if (!open_script(argv[1])) { report("Failed to open %s", argv[1]); } } else { struct key key = {}; enum status_code code; enum view_flag flags = VIEW_NO_FLAGS; /* Try :<key> */ key.modifiers.multibytes = 1; string_ncopy(, cmd, cmdlen); request = get_keybinding(view->keymap, &key, 1); if (request != REQ_NONE) return request; /* Try :<command> */ request = get_request(cmd); if (request != REQ_UNKNOWN) return request; code = set_option(argv[0], argv_size(argv + 1), &argv[1]); if (code != SUCCESS) { report("%s", get_status_message(code)); return REQ_NONE; } if (!strcmp(cmd, "set")) { struct prompt_toggle *toggle; toggle = find_prompt_toggle(option_toggles, ARRAY_SIZE(option_toggles), "", argv[1], strlen(argv[1])); if (toggle) flags = toggle->flags; } if (flags) { prompt_update_display(flags); } else { request = view_can_refresh(view) ? REQ_REFRESH : REQ_SCREEN_REDRAW; if (!strcmp(cmd, "color")) init_colors(); resize_display(); redraw_display(TRUE); } } return REQ_NONE; }
int get_input(int prompt_position, struct key_input *input, bool modifiers) { struct view *view; int i, key, cursor_y, cursor_x; if (prompt_position) input_mode = TRUE; memset(input, 0, sizeof(*input)); while (TRUE) { bool loading = FALSE; foreach_view (view, i) { update_view(view); if (view_is_displayed(view) && view->has_scrolled && use_scroll_redrawwin) redrawwin(view->win); view->has_scrolled = FALSE; if (view->pipe) loading = TRUE; } /* Update the cursor position. */ if (prompt_position) { getbegyx(status_win, cursor_y, cursor_x); cursor_x = prompt_position; } else { view = display[current_view]; getbegyx(view->win, cursor_y, cursor_x); cursor_x = view->width - 1; cursor_y += view->pos.lineno - view->pos.offset; } setsyx(cursor_y, cursor_x); /* Refresh, accept single keystroke of input */ doupdate(); nodelay(status_win, loading); key = wgetch(status_win); /* wgetch() with nodelay() enabled returns ERR when * there's no input. */ if (key == ERR) { } else if (key == KEY_ESC && modifiers) { input->modifiers.escape = 1; } else if (key == KEY_RESIZE) { int height, width; getmaxyx(stdscr, height, width); wresize(status_win, 1, width); mvwin(status_win, height - 1, 0); wnoutrefresh(status_win); resize_display(); redraw_display(TRUE); } else { int pos, key_length; input_mode = FALSE; if (key == erasechar()) key = KEY_BACKSPACE; /* * Ctrl-<key> values are represented using a 0x1F * bitmask on the key value. To 'unmap' we assume that: * * - Ctrl-Z is handled by Ncurses. * - Ctrl-m is the same as Return/Enter. * - Ctrl-i is the same as Tab. * * For all other key values in the range the Ctrl flag * is set and the key value is updated to the proper * ASCII value. */ if (KEY_CTL('a') <= key && key <= KEY_CTL('x') && key != KEY_RETURN && key != KEY_TAB) { input->modifiers.control = 1; key = key | 0x40; } if ((key >= KEY_MIN && key < KEY_MAX) || key < 0x1F) { // || key == ' ') { input->data.key = key; return input->data.key; } input->modifiers.multibytes = 1; input->data.bytes[0] = key; key_length = utf8_char_length(input->data.bytes); for (pos = 1; pos < key_length && pos < sizeof(input->data.bytes) - 1; pos++) { input->data.bytes[pos] = wgetch(status_win); } return OK; } }
enum request run_prompt_command(struct view *view, const char *argv[]) { enum request request; const char *cmd = argv[0]; size_t cmdlen = cmd ? strlen(cmd) : 0; if (!cmd) return REQ_NONE; if (string_isnumber(cmd)) { int lineno = view->pos.lineno + 1; if (parse_int(&lineno, cmd, 1, view->lines + 1) == SUCCESS) { select_view_line(view, lineno - 1); report_clear(); } else { report("Unable to parse '%s' as a line number", cmd); } } else if (iscommit(cmd)) { string_ncopy(view->env->search, cmd, cmdlen); return REQ_JUMP_COMMIT; } else if (cmdlen > 1 && (cmd[0] == '/' || cmd[0] == '?')) { char search[SIZEOF_STR]; if (!argv_to_string(argv, search, sizeof(search), " ")) { report("Failed to copy search string"); return REQ_NONE; } if (!strcmp(search + 1, view->env->search)) return cmd[0] == '/' ? REQ_FIND_NEXT : REQ_FIND_PREV; string_ncopy(view->env->search, search + 1, strlen(search + 1)); return cmd[0] == '/' ? REQ_SEARCH : REQ_SEARCH_BACK; } else if (cmdlen > 1 && cmd[0] == '!') { struct view *next = &pager_view; bool copied; /* Trim the leading '!'. */ argv[0] = cmd + 1; copied = argv_format(view->env, &next->argv, argv, FALSE, TRUE); argv[0] = cmd; if (!copied) { report("Argument formatting failed"); } else { /* When running random commands, initially show the * command in the title. However, it maybe later be * overwritten if a commit line is selected. */ argv_to_string(next->argv, next->ref, sizeof(next->ref), " "); next->dir = NULL; open_pager_view(view, OPEN_PREPARED | OPEN_WITH_STDERR); } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "toggle")) { char action[SIZEOF_STR] = ""; enum view_flag flags = prompt_toggle(view, argv, action); int i; if (flags & VIEW_RESET_DISPLAY) { resize_display(); redraw_display(TRUE); } foreach_displayed_view(view, i) { if (view_has_flags(view, flags) && !view->unrefreshable) reload_view(view); else redraw_view(view); } if (*action) report("%s", action); } else {
static enum request run_prompt_command(struct view *view, char *cmd) { enum request request; if (!cmd) return REQ_NONE; if (string_isnumber(cmd)) { int lineno = view->pos.lineno + 1; if (parse_int(&lineno, cmd, 1, view->lines + 1) == SUCCESS) { select_view_line(view, lineno - 1); report_clear(); } else { report("Unable to parse '%s' as a line number", cmd); } } else if (iscommit(cmd)) { string_ncopy(view->env->search, cmd, strlen(cmd)); request = view_request(view, REQ_JUMP_COMMIT); if (request == REQ_JUMP_COMMIT) { report("Jumping to commits is not supported by the '%s' view", view->name); } } else if (strlen(cmd) == 1) { struct key_input input = { { cmd[0] } }; return get_keybinding(&view->ops->keymap, &input); } else if (cmd[0] == '/' || cmd[0] == '?') { const char *search = cmd + 1; if (!strcmp(search, view->env->search)) return cmd[0] == '/' ? REQ_FIND_NEXT : REQ_FIND_PREV; string_ncopy(view->env->search, search, strlen(search)); return cmd[0] == '/' ? REQ_SEARCH : REQ_SEARCH_BACK; } else if (cmd[0] == '!') { struct view *next = VIEW(REQ_VIEW_PAGER); const char *argv[SIZEOF_ARG]; int argc = 0; cmd++; /* When running random commands, initially show the * command in the title. However, it maybe later be * overwritten if a commit line is selected. */ string_ncopy(next->ref, cmd, strlen(cmd)); if (!argv_from_string(argv, &argc, cmd)) { report("Too many arguments"); } else if (!argv_format(view->env, &next->argv, argv, FALSE, TRUE)) { report("Argument formatting failed"); } else { next->dir = NULL; open_view(view, REQ_VIEW_PAGER, OPEN_PREPARED); } } else { request = get_request(cmd); if (request != REQ_UNKNOWN) return request; char *args = strchr(cmd, ' '); if (args) { *args++ = 0; if (set_option(cmd, args) == SUCCESS) { request = !view->unrefreshable ? REQ_REFRESH : REQ_SCREEN_REDRAW; if (!strcmp(cmd, "color")) init_colors(); resize_display(); redraw_display(TRUE); } } return request; } return REQ_NONE; }