int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ros::init (argc, argv, "right_arm_kinematics");
  ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(1);
  /* Load the robot model */
  robot_model_loader::RDFLoader robot_model_loader("robot_description"); 

  /* Get a shared pointer to the model */
  robot_model::RobotModelPtr kinematic_model = robot_model_loader.getModel();

  /* Get and print the name of the coordinate frame in which the transforms for this model are computed*/
  ROS_INFO("Model frame: %s", kinematic_model->getModelFrame().c_str());  
  /* Create a kinematic state - this represents the configuration for the robot represented by kinematic_model */
  robot_state::RobotStatePtr kinematic_state(new robot_state::RobotState(kinematic_model));

  /* Set all joints in this state to their default values */

  /* Get the configuration for the joints in the right arm of the PR2*/
  robot_state::JointStateGroup* joint_state_group = kinematic_state->getJointStateGroup("right_arm");

  /* Get the names of the joints in the right_arm*/
  const std::vector<std::string> &joint_names = joint_state_group->getJointModelGroup()->getJointModelNames();
  /* Get the joint states for the right arm*/
  std::vector<double> joint_values;

  /* Print joint names and values */
  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < joint_names.size(); ++i)
    ROS_INFO("Joint %s: %f", joint_names[i].c_str(), joint_values[i]);

  /* Set one joint in the right arm outside its joint limit */
  joint_values[0] = 1.57;
  /* Check whether any joint is outside its joint limits */
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Current state is " << (kinematic_state->satisfiesBounds() ? "valid" : "not valid"));  

  /* Enforce the joint limits for this state and check again*/
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Current state is " << (kinematic_state->satisfiesBounds() ? "valid" : "not valid"));    

  /* Compute FK for a set of random joint values*/
  const Eigen::Affine3d &end_effector_state = joint_state_group->getRobotState()->getLinkState("r_wrist_roll_link")->getGlobalLinkTransform();        
  /* Print end-effector pose. Remember that this is in the model frame */
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Translation: " << end_effector_state.translation()); 
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Rotation: " << end_effector_state.rotation()); 

  /* Set joint state group to a set of random values*/

  /* Do IK on the pose we just generated using forward kinematics
   * Here 10 is the number of random restart and 0.1 is the allowed time after
   * each restart
  bool found_ik = joint_state_group->setFromIK(end_effector_state, 10, 0.1);
  /* Get and print the joint values */
  if (found_ik)
    for(std::size_t i=0; i < joint_names.size(); ++i)
      ROS_INFO("Joint %s: %f", joint_names[i].c_str(), joint_values[i]);
    ROS_INFO("Did not find IK solution");

  /* Get and print the Jacobian for the right arm*/
  Eigen::Vector3d reference_point_position(0.0,0.0,0.0);
  Eigen::MatrixXd jacobian;  
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Jacobian: " << jacobian);   

  return 0;
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ros::init (argc, argv, "ptu_kinematics");
  ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(1);

  // Start
  // ^^^^^
  // Setting up to start using the RobotModel class is very easy. In
  // general, you will find that most higher-level components will
  // return a shared pointer to the RobotModel. You should always use
  // that when possible. In this example, we will start with such a
  // shared pointer and discuss only the basic API. You can have a
  // look at the actual code API for these classes to get more
  // information about how to use more features provided by these
  // classes.
  // We will start by instantiating a
  // `RobotModelLoader`_
  // object, which will look up
  // the robot description on the ROS parameter server and construct a
  // :moveit_core:`RobotModel` for us to use.
  // .. _RobotModelLoader:
  robot_model_loader::RobotModelLoader robot_model_loader("robot_description");
  robot_model::RobotModelPtr kinematic_model = robot_model_loader.getModel();
  ROS_INFO("Model frame: %s", kinematic_model->getModelFrame().c_str());

  // Using the :moveit_core:`RobotModel`, we can construct a
  // :moveit_core:`RobotState` that maintains the configuration
  // of the robot. We will set all joints in the state to their
  // default values. We can then get a
  // :moveit_core:`JointModelGroup`, which represents the robot
  // model for a particular group, e.g. the "right_arm" of the PR2
  // robot.
  robot_state::RobotStatePtr kinematic_state(new robot_state::RobotState(kinematic_model));
  const robot_state::JointModelGroup* joint_model_group = kinematic_model->getJointModelGroup("ptu");

  const std::vector<std::string> &joint_names = joint_model_group->getJointModelNames();

  // Get Joint Values
  // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  // We can retreive the current set of joint values stored in the state for the right arm.
  std::vector<double> joint_values;
  kinematic_state->copyJointGroupPositions(joint_model_group, joint_values);
  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < joint_names.size(); ++i)
    ROS_INFO("Joint %s: %f", joint_names[i].c_str(), joint_values[i]);

  // Joint Limits
  // ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  // setJointGroupPositions() does not enforce joint limits by itself, but a call to enforceBounds() will do it.
  /* Set one joint in the right arm outside its joint limit */
  joint_values[0] = 1.57;
  kinematic_state->setJointGroupPositions(joint_model_group, joint_values);

  /* Check whether any joint is outside its joint limits */
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Current state is " << (kinematic_state->satisfiesBounds() ? "valid" : "not valid"));

  /* Enforce the joint limits for this state and check again*/
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Current state is " << (kinematic_state->satisfiesBounds() ? "valid" : "not valid"));

  // Forward Kinematics
  // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  // Now, we can compute forward kinematics for a set of random joint
  // values. Note that we would like to find the pose of the
  // "r_wrist_roll_link" which is the most distal link in the
  // "right_arm" of the robot.
  double pan = 0.0;
  double tilt = 0.0;
  kinematic_state->setJointPositions("pan",  &pan);
  kinematic_state->setJointPositions("tilt", &tilt);
  const Eigen::Affine3d &end_effector_state = kinematic_state->getGlobalLinkTransform("head_xtion_depth_optical_frame");

  /* Print end-effector pose. Remember that this is in the model frame */
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Translation: " << end_effector_state.translation());
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Rotation: " << end_effector_state.rotation());

  // Inverse Kinematics
  // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  // We can now solve inverse kinematics (IK) for the right arm of the
  // PR2 robot. To solve IK, we will need the following:
  //  * The desired pose of the end-effector (by default, this is the last link in the "right_arm" chain): end_effector_state that we computed in the step above.
  //  * The number of attempts to be made at solving IK: 5
  //  * The timeout for each attempt: 0.1 s
  bool found_ik = kinematic_state->setFromIK(joint_model_group, end_effector_state, 10, 0.1);

  // Now, we can print out the IK solution (if found):
  if (found_ik)
    kinematic_state->copyJointGroupPositions(joint_model_group, joint_values);
    for(std::size_t i=0; i < joint_names.size(); ++i)
      ROS_INFO("Joint %s: %f", joint_names[i].c_str(), joint_values[i]);
    ROS_INFO("Did not find IK solution");

  // Get the Jacobian
  // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  // We can also get the Jacobian from the :moveit_core:`RobotState`.
  Eigen::Vector3d reference_point_position(0.0,0.0,0.0);
  Eigen::MatrixXd jacobian;
  kinematic_state->getJacobian(joint_model_group, kinematic_state->getLinkModel(joint_model_group->getLinkModelNames().back()),
  ROS_INFO_STREAM("Jacobian: " << jacobian);

  return 0;