예제 #1
PcaModel PcaModel::loadStatismoModel(path h5file, PcaModel::ModelType modelType)
	logging::Logger logger = Loggers->getLogger("shapemodels");
	PcaModel model;

	// Load the shape or color model from the .h5 file
	string h5GroupType;
	if (modelType == ModelType::SHAPE) {
		h5GroupType = "shape";
	} else if (modelType == ModelType::COLOR) {
		h5GroupType = "color";

	H5::H5File h5Model;

	try {
		h5Model = H5::H5File(h5file.string(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
	catch (H5::Exception& e) {
		string errorMessage = "Could not open HDF5 file: " + string(e.getCDetailMsg());
		throw errorMessage;

	// Load either the shape or texture mean
	string h5Group = "/" + h5GroupType + "/model";
	H5::Group modelReconstructive = h5Model.openGroup(h5Group);

	// Read the mean
	H5::DataSet dsMean = modelReconstructive.openDataSet("./mean");
	hsize_t dims[2];
	dsMean.getSpace().getSimpleExtentDims(dims, NULL);	// dsMean.getSpace() leaks memory... maybe a hdf5 bug, maybe vlenReclaim(...) could be a fix. No idea.
	//H5::DataSpace dsp = dsMean.getSpace();
	Loggers->getLogger("shapemodels").debug("Dimensions of the model mean: " + lexical_cast<string>(dims[0]));
	model.mean = Mat(1, dims[0], CV_32FC1); // Use a row-vector, because of faster memory access and I'm not sure the memory block is allocated contiguously if we have multiple rows.
	dsMean.read(model.mean.ptr<float>(0), H5::PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT);
	model.mean = model.mean.t(); // Transpose it to a col-vector

	// Read the eigenvalues
	dsMean = modelReconstructive.openDataSet("./pcaVariance");
	dsMean.getSpace().getSimpleExtentDims(dims, NULL);
	Loggers->getLogger("shapemodels").debug("Dimensions of the pcaVariance: " + lexical_cast<string>(dims[0]));
	model.eigenvalues = Mat(1, dims[0], CV_32FC1);
	dsMean.read(model.eigenvalues.ptr<float>(0), H5::PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT);
	model.eigenvalues = model.eigenvalues.t();

	// Read the PCA basis matrix
	dsMean = modelReconstructive.openDataSet("./pcaBasis");
	dsMean.getSpace().getSimpleExtentDims(dims, NULL);
	Loggers->getLogger("shapemodels").debug("Dimensions of the PCA basis matrix: " + lexical_cast<string>(dims[0]) + ", " + lexical_cast<string>(dims[1]));
	model.pcaBasis = Mat(dims[0], dims[1], CV_32FC1);
	dsMean.read(model.pcaBasis.ptr<float>(0), H5::PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT);

	modelReconstructive.close(); // close the model-group

	// Read the noise variance (not implemented)
	/*dsMean = modelReconstructive.openDataSet("./noiseVariance");
	float noiseVariance = 10.0f;
	dsMean.read(&noiseVariance, H5::PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT);
	dsMean.close(); */

	// Read the triangle-list
	string representerGroupName = "/" + h5GroupType + "/representer";
	H5::Group representerGroup = h5Model.openGroup(representerGroupName);
	dsMean = representerGroup.openDataSet("./reference-mesh/triangle-list");
	dsMean.getSpace().getSimpleExtentDims(dims, NULL);
	Loggers->getLogger("shapemodels").debug("Dimensions of the triangle-list: " + lexical_cast<string>(dims[0]) + ", " + lexical_cast<string>(dims[1]));
	Mat triangles(dims[0], dims[1], CV_32SC1);
	dsMean.read(triangles.ptr<int>(0), H5::PredType::NATIVE_INT32);
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < model.triangleList.size(); ++i) {
		model.triangleList[i][0] = triangles.at<int>(i, 0);
		model.triangleList[i][1] = triangles.at<int>(i, 1);
		model.triangleList[i][2] = triangles.at<int>(i, 2);

	// Load the landmarks mappings:
	// load the reference-mesh
	representerGroup = h5Model.openGroup(representerGroupName);
	dsMean = representerGroup.openDataSet("./reference-mesh/vertex-coordinates");
	dsMean.getSpace().getSimpleExtentDims(dims, NULL);
	Loggers->getLogger("shapemodels").debug("Dimensions of the reference-mesh vertex-coordinates matrix: " + lexical_cast<string>(dims[0]) + ", " + lexical_cast<string>(dims[1]));
	Mat referenceMesh(dims[0], dims[1], CV_32FC1);
	dsMean.read(referenceMesh.ptr<float>(0), H5::PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT);

	// convert to 3 vectors with the x, y and z coordinates for easy searching
	vector<float> refx(referenceMesh.col(0).clone());
	vector<float> refy(referenceMesh.col(1).clone());
	vector<float> refz(referenceMesh.col(2).clone());

	// load the landmarks info (mapping name <-> reference (x, y, z)-coords)
	H5::Group landmarksGroup = h5Model.openGroup("/metadata/landmarks");
	dsMean = landmarksGroup.openDataSet("./text");
	H5std_string outputString;
	Loggers->getLogger("shapemodels").debug("Reading landmark information from the model.");
	dsMean.read(outputString, dsMean.getStrType());
	vector<string> landmarkLines;
	boost::split(landmarkLines, outputString, boost::is_any_of("\n"), boost::token_compress_on);
	for (const auto& l : landmarkLines) {
		if (l == "") {
		vector<string> line;
		boost::split(line, l, boost::is_any_of(" "), boost::token_compress_on);
		string name = line[0];
		int visibility = lexical_cast<int>(line[1]);
		float x = lexical_cast<float>(line[2]);
		float y = lexical_cast<float>(line[3]);
		float z = lexical_cast<float>(line[4]);
		// Find the x, y and z values in the reference
		const auto ivx = std::find(begin(refx), end(refx), x);
		const auto ivy = std::find(begin(refy), end(refy), y);
		const auto ivz = std::find(begin(refz), end(refz), z);
		// TODO Check for .end()!
		const auto vertexIdX = std::distance(begin(refx), ivx);
		const auto vertexIdY = std::distance(begin(refy), ivy);
		const auto vertexIdZ = std::distance(begin(refz), ivz);
		// assert vx=vy=vz
		// Hmm this is not perfect. If there's another vertex where 1 or 2 coords are the same, it fails.
		// We should do the search differently: Find _all_ the vertices that are equal, then take the one that has the right x, y and z.
		model.landmarkVertexMap.insert(make_pair(name, vertexIdX));

	return model;
예제 #2
Matrix4D ReflectX()
	Matrix4D refx(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
	return refx;