/* public native void dbopen(String path, int flags, String locale); */
static void dbopen(JNIEnv* env, jobject object, jstring pathString, jint flags)
    int err;
    sqlite3 * handle = NULL;
    sqlite3_stmt * statement = NULL;
    char const * path8 = env->GetStringUTFChars(pathString, NULL);
    int sqliteFlags;

    // register the logging func on sqlite. needs to be done BEFORE any sqlite3 func is called.

    // convert our flags into the sqlite flags
    if (flags & CREATE_IF_NECESSARY) {
    } else if (flags & OPEN_READONLY) {
        sqliteFlags = SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY;
    } else {
        sqliteFlags = SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE;

    err = sqlite3_open_v2(path8, &handle, sqliteFlags, NULL);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        LOGE("sqlite3_open_v2(\"%s\", &handle, %d, NULL) failed\n", path8, sqliteFlags);
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto done;

    // The soft heap limit prevents the page cache allocations from growing
    // beyond the given limit, no matter what the max page cache sizes are
    // set to. The limit does not, as of 3.5.0, affect any other allocations.

    // Set the default busy handler to retry for 1000ms and then return SQLITE_BUSY
    err = sqlite3_busy_timeout(handle, 1000 /* ms */);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        LOGE("sqlite3_busy_timeout(handle, 1000) failed for \"%s\"\n", path8);
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto done;

    static const char* integritySql = "pragma integrity_check(1);";
    err = sqlite3_prepare_v2(handle, integritySql, -1, &statement, NULL);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        LOGE("sqlite_prepare_v2(handle, \"%s\") failed for \"%s\"\n", integritySql, path8);
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto done;

    // first is OK or error message
    err = sqlite3_step(statement);
    if (err != SQLITE_ROW) {
        LOGE("integrity check failed for \"%s\"\n", integritySql, path8);
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto done;
    } else {
        const char *text = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(statement, 0);
        if (strcmp(text, "ok") != 0) {
            LOGE("integrity check failed for \"%s\": %s\n", integritySql, path8, text);
            jniThrowException(env, "android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException", text);
            goto done;

    err = register_android_functions(handle, UTF16_STORAGE);
    if (err) {
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto done;

    LOGV("Opened '%s' - %p\n", path8, handle);
    env->SetIntField(object, offset_db_handle, (int) handle);
    handle = NULL;  // The caller owns the handle now.

    // Release allocated resources
    if (path8 != NULL) env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(pathString, path8);
    if (statement != NULL) sqlite3_finalize(statement);
    if (handle != NULL) sqlite3_close(handle);
예제 #2
/* public native void dbopen(String path, int flags, String locale); */
static void dbopen(JNIEnv* env, jobject object, jstring pathString, jint flags)
    int err;
    sqlite3 * handle = NULL;
    sqlite3_stmt * statement = NULL;
    char const * path8 = env->GetStringUTFChars(pathString, NULL);
    int sqliteFlags;
    // Error code handling for SQLite exec
    char* zErrMsg = NULL;

    // register the logging func on sqlite. needs to be done BEFORE any sqlite3 func is called.

    // convert our flags into the sqlite flags
    if (flags & CREATE_IF_NECESSARY) {
    } else if (flags & OPEN_READONLY) {
        sqliteFlags = SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY;
    } else {
        sqliteFlags = SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE;

    err = sqlite3_open_v2(path8, &handle, sqliteFlags, NULL);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        LOGE("sqlite3_open_v2(\"%s\", &handle, %d, NULL) failed\n", path8, sqliteFlags);
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto done;

    // WAL is a new rollback method available in SQLite v3.7+. WAL speeds up writes to
    // SQLite databases. WAL cannot be used with Read Only databases or databases opened
    // in read only mode.

    // Check if DB can use WAL mode; Open in WAL mode for non-ReadOnly DBs
    if(!(flags & OPEN_READONLY) && (use_wal_mode(path8))) {
        // Configure databases to run in WAL mode.
        err = sqlite3_exec(handle,"PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;",
                           NULL, NULL,&zErrMsg);
        if (SQLITE_OK != err) {
           LOGE("sqlite3_exec - Failed to set WAL mode for [%s] \n", path8);
           err = sqlite3_exec(handle,"PRAGMA journal_mode = DELETE;",
                           NULL, NULL,&zErrMsg);
           if(SQLITE_OK != err) {
               LOGE("sqlite3_exec - Failed to set DELETE mode for [%s] \n", path8);
               throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
               goto done;
        else {
            LOGI("WAL succesfuly enabled for [%s] \n", path8);
            // Set autocheckpoint = 100 pages
            err = sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint(handle,
            if (SQLITE_OK != err) {
               LOGE("sqlite3_exec to set WAL autocheckpoint failed\n");
               throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
               goto done;
            } else if (use_wal_mode(path8) == 2) {
                /* Try to disable fsyncs. We don't care if it fails */
                sqlite3_exec(handle,"PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;",
                           NULL, NULL,&zErrMsg);

    // The soft heap limit prevents the page cache allocations from growing
    // beyond the given limit, no matter what the max page cache sizes are
    // set to. The limit does not, as of 3.5.0, affect any other allocations.

    // Set the default busy handler to retry for 1000ms and then return SQLITE_BUSY
    err = sqlite3_busy_timeout(handle, 1000 /* ms */);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        LOGE("sqlite3_busy_timeout(handle, 1000) failed for \"%s\"\n", path8);
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto done;

    static const char* integritySql = "pragma integrity_check(1);";
    err = sqlite3_prepare_v2(handle, integritySql, -1, &statement, NULL);
    if (err != SQLITE_OK) {
        LOGE("sqlite_prepare_v2(handle, \"%s\") failed for \"%s\"\n", integritySql, path8);
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto done;

    // first is OK or error message
    err = sqlite3_step(statement);
    if (err != SQLITE_ROW) {
        LOGE("integrity check failed for \"%s\"\n", integritySql, path8);
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto done;
    } else {
        const char *text = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(statement, 0);
        if (strcmp(text, "ok") != 0) {
            LOGE("integrity check failed for \"%s\": %s\n", integritySql, path8, text);
            jniThrowException(env, "android/database/sqlite/SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException", text);
            goto done;

    err = register_android_functions(handle, UTF16_STORAGE);
    if (err) {
        throw_sqlite3_exception(env, handle);
        goto done;

    LOGV("Opened '%s' - %p\n", path8, handle);
    env->SetIntField(object, offset_db_handle, (int) handle);
    handle = NULL;  // The caller owns the handle now.

    // Release allocated resources
    if (path8 != NULL) env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(pathString, path8);
    if (statement != NULL) sqlite3_finalize(statement);
    if (handle != NULL) sqlite3_close(handle);