예제 #1
void update(par* p, gsl_vector** dbiases, gsl_matrix** dweights, double step){
  regularisation(p, dbiases, dweights);
  momentum_update(p, dbiases, dweights, step);
double pewarpcost(float *x, float *bX, float *bY, float *dbY, float *bZ,
        mwSignedIndex *bdims, uint8_T *target, float *source, uint8_T *mask,
        mwSignedIndex *ddims, float *skrn, int skrnl, float xscale,
        float regstrength, float *H, uint8_T *warped, float *def)
    int nvox = ddims[0] * ddims[1] * ddims[2];
    /* float *def = mxMalloc(sizeof(float) * nvox); */
    float *jac = mxMalloc(sizeof(float) * nvox);
    /* uint8_T *warped = mxMalloc(sizeof(uint8_T) * nvox); */
    /* float *H = mxMalloc(sizeof(float) * 256 * 256); */
    float *Htmp = mxMalloc(sizeof(float) * 256 * 256);

    double *s1 = mxMalloc(sizeof(double) * 256);
    double *s2 = mxMalloc(sizeof(double) * 256);
    double s, sL, s1L, s2L;
    double cost;
    /* mexPrintf(">>> Start -> %lu (CLOCKS_PER_SEC: %lu)\n", clock(), CLOCKS_PER_SEC); */
    getDef(def, ddims, bdims[0], bX, bdims[1], bY, bdims[2], bZ, x, xscale);
    /* The actual Jacobian is 1 + jac, but it is easier to add 1 later. */
    getDef(jac, ddims, bdims[0], bX, bdims[1], dbY, bdims[2], bZ, x, xscale);
    /* mexPrintf("getDef done -> %lu\n", clock()); */

    /* For some reason, execution is single-threaded without the num_threads clause.
     * TODO: Find out why and change. */
    #pragma omp parallel num_threads(4) shared(s, sL, s1L, s2L)
        peResampleAndApplyJacobian(warped, source, def, /* jac, */ mask, ddims);
        /* if (omp_get_thread_num() == 1)
            mexPrintf("peResampleAndApplyJacobian done -> %lu\n", clock()); */
        hist2(H, target, warped, mask, nvox);
        /* if (omp_get_thread_num() == 1)
            mexPrintf("hist2 done -> %lu\n", clock()); */
        smoothRows(Htmp, H, 256, 256, skrn, skrnl);
        smoothCols(H, Htmp, 256, 256, skrn, skrnl);
        /* if (omp_get_thread_num() == 1)
            mexPrintf("smooth... done -> %lu\n", clock()); */
        #pragma omp single
            s = histSumAll(H, 65536);

        #pragma omp sections
            #pragma omp section
                sL = histLogAll(H, s, 65536);

            #pragma omp section
                s1L = histLogVert(H, s1, s, 256, 256);

            #pragma omp section
                s2L = histLogHorz(H, s2, s, 256, 256);
        /* if (omp_get_thread_num() == 1)
            mexPrintf("hist... done -> %lu\n", clock()); */
    cost = - (s1L + s2L) / sL + regstrength * regularisation(jac, nvox);
    /* mexPrintf("regularisation done -> %lu\n", clock());
    mexPrintf("<<<\n"); */
    /* mexPrintf("cost: %f  sL: %f  s1L: %f  s2L: %f  #voxels: %d\n", cost, sL, s1L, s2L, nvox); */

    /* mxFree(def); */
    /* mxFree(warped); */
    /* mxFree(H); */

    return cost;