void DownloadManager::downloadRequested(const QNetworkRequest& request) { std::cout << "DownloadManager::DownloadRequested()\n"; QString src = request.url().toString(); QString dest = request.attribute(QNetworkRequest::User, "~").toString(); QFile* fileDestination = new QFile(dest); fileDestination->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); QNetworkReply* reply = mNetworkAccess.get(request); reply->setReadBufferSize(0); mActiveDownloads.insert(reply, fileDestination); connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(downloadFinished())); connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), this, SLOT(downloadError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); connect(reply, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), this, SLOT(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64))); connect(reply, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(downloadReadyRead())); DownloadData* data = new DownloadData(); data->mRemotePath = src; data->mLocalPath = dest; connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), data, SLOT(finished())); connect(reply, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), data, SLOT(catchProgress(qint64, qint64))); connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)), data, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError))); connect(data, SIGNAL(stopMe()), this, SLOT(stopDownload())); connect(data, SIGNAL(removeMe()), this, SLOT(removeDownload())); //connect(data, SIGNAL(reloadMe()), this, SLOT(reloadDownload())); emit downloadStarted(data); emit controller_showSystemTrayMessage("", "Download Started: " + data->localName()); mModel.addDownload(data); mDownloads.insert(data, reply); }
FutureProgress *ProgressView::addTask(const QFuture<void> &future, const QString &title, const QString &type, ProgressManager::ProgressFlags flags) { removeOldTasks(type); if (m_taskList.size() == 3) removeOneOldTask(); FutureProgress *progress = new FutureProgress(this); progress->setTitle(title); progress->setFuture(future); m_layout->insertWidget(0, progress); m_taskList.append(progress); progress->setType(type); if (flags.testFlag(ProgressManager::KeepOnFinish)) { progress->setKeepOnFinish(FutureProgress::KeepOnFinishTillUserInteraction); } else { progress->setKeepOnFinish(FutureProgress::HideOnFinish); } connect(progress, SIGNAL(removeMe()), this, SLOT(slotRemoveTask())); return progress; }
bool QNetworkProtocol::qt_invoke( int _id, QUObject* _o ) { switch ( _id - staticMetaObject()->slotOffset() ) { case 0: processNextOperation((QNetworkOperation*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+1)); break; case 1: startOps(); break; case 2: emitNewChildren((const QUrlInfo&)*((const QUrlInfo*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+1)),(QNetworkOperation*)static_QUType_ptr.get(_o+2)); break; case 3: removeMe(); break; default: return QObject::qt_invoke( _id, _o ); } return TRUE; }
void FileSharingWidget::stopUploading() { assert(isState(State::PlainFile_Uploading) || isState(State::ImageFile_Uploading)); assert(!FsInfo_->GetUploadingProcessId().isEmpty()); assert(FsInfo_->HasLocalPath()); setState(State::Deleted); Ui::GetDispatcher()->abortSharedFileUploading( ContactUin_, FsInfo_->GetLocalPath(), FsInfo_->GetUploadingProcessId() ); emit removeMe(); BytesTransferred_ = 0; Ui::GetDispatcher()->post_stats_to_core(core::stats::stats_event_names::filesharing_cancel); }
QNetworkProtocol::QNetworkProtocol() : QObject() { d = new QNetworkProtocolPrivate( this ); connect( d->opStartTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( startOps() ) ); connect( d->removeTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( removeMe() ) ); if ( url() ) { connect( this, SIGNAL( data( const QByteArray &, QNetworkOperation * ) ), url(), SIGNAL( data( const QByteArray &, QNetworkOperation * ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( finished( QNetworkOperation * ) ), url(), SIGNAL( finished( QNetworkOperation * ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( start( QNetworkOperation * ) ), url(), SIGNAL( start( QNetworkOperation * ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( newChildren( const QValueList<QUrlInfo> &, QNetworkOperation * ) ), url(), SIGNAL( newChildren( const QValueList<QUrlInfo> &, QNetworkOperation * ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( newChildren( const QValueList<QUrlInfo> &, QNetworkOperation * ) ), url(), SLOT( addEntry( const QValueList<QUrlInfo> & ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( createdDirectory( const QUrlInfo &, QNetworkOperation * ) ), url(), SIGNAL( createdDirectory( const QUrlInfo &, QNetworkOperation * ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( removed( QNetworkOperation * ) ), url(), SIGNAL( removed( QNetworkOperation * ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( itemChanged( QNetworkOperation * ) ), url(), SIGNAL( itemChanged( QNetworkOperation * ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( dataTransferProgress( int, int, QNetworkOperation * ) ), url(), SIGNAL( dataTransferProgress( int, int, QNetworkOperation * ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( connectionStateChanged( int, const QString & ) ), url(), SIGNAL( connectionStateChanged( int, const QString & ) ) ); } connect( this, SIGNAL( finished( QNetworkOperation * ) ), this, SLOT( processNextOperation( QNetworkOperation * ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( newChild( const QUrlInfo &, QNetworkOperation * ) ), this, SLOT( emitNewChildren( const QUrlInfo &, QNetworkOperation * ) ) ); }
void FutureProgressPrivate::fadeAway() { m_isFading = true; QGraphicsOpacityEffect *opacityEffect = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect; opacityEffect->setOpacity(1.); m_q->setGraphicsEffect(opacityEffect); QSequentialAnimationGroup *group = new QSequentialAnimationGroup(this); QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(opacityEffect, "opacity"); animation->setDuration(Utils::StyleHelper::progressFadeAnimationDuration); animation->setEndValue(0.); group->addAnimation(animation); animation = new QPropertyAnimation(m_q, "maximumHeight"); animation->setDuration(120); animation->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::InCurve); animation->setStartValue(m_q->sizeHint().height()); animation->setEndValue(0.0); group->addAnimation(animation); connect(group, SIGNAL(finished()), m_q, SIGNAL(removeMe())); group->start(QAbstractAnimation::DeleteWhenStopped); emit m_q->fadeStarted(); }
//Remove the key from the tree having as root this node //Return true, if a node storing key was found and deleted //Otherwise, return false -- there is no node storing key //isRight==false: this node is left child of parent //isRight==true: this node is right child of parent bool Node::remove(string key, Node* parent, bool isRight) { //if key is smaller than the value if(key < value.first){ //check if the node storing key has a left child, if so continue if(!l_thread) return left->remove(key, this, false); else{ return false; } } // if the key is larger than the value else if(key > value.first){ //check if the node storing key has a right child, if so continue if(!r_thread) return right->remove(key, this, true); else{ return false; } } //if the key is found else if(key == value.first){ //check if the node storing key has any children, //if so replace root with the largest value of the left subtree and remove the leaf if(!r_thread && !l_thread){ value = left->findMax()->value; return left->remove(value.first, this, false); } //else remove the node else{ removeMe(parent,isRight); return true; } } return false; }
void CHsWidget::emitRemoveMe() { emit removeMe(this); }
void DlgSetRDRPropertyByExpressionEditor::on_btnDelete_clicked() { emit removeMe(this); }
void Playlist::load() { m_bLoadingState = true; int lastIndex = 0; setModelHeaders(); QString fName = m_Settings->appPath(); fName += QString::number(m_Hash); if(QFile::exists(fName)) { QSettings sfile(fName, QSettings::IniFormat); // Playlist data: library id/name, etc. sfile.beginGroup("Playlist"); switch(m_listType) { case PlaylistWidget::Search: m_sSearch = sfile.value("strSearch").toString(); m_Parser->setSearchStr(m_sSearch); m_Parser->setOffset(sfile.value("offset").toInt()); m_Parser->setMore(sfile.value("more").toBool()); m_Parser->setReqType(0); m_listWidget->setSearchStr(m_sSearch); break; case PlaylistWidget::AudioLib: setLibId(sfile.value("libraryId").toString(), "0"); m_LibraryName = sfile.value("libraryName").toString(); m_listWidget->setLibraryName(m_LibraryName); m_Parser->setReqType(1); break; case PlaylistWidget::Suggestions: m_Parser->setOffset(sfile.value("offset").toInt()); m_Parser->setMore(sfile.value("more").toBool()); m_Parser->setReqType(2); break; case PlaylistWidget::DbSearch: m_sSearch = sfile.value("strSearch").toString(); m_listWidget->setSearchStr(m_sSearch); break; } lastIndex = sfile.value("last_track").toInt(); sfile.endGroup(); // Tracks data int size = sfile.beginReadArray("Tracks"); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { sfile.setArrayIndex(i); Track *t = new Track(this); t->setArtist(sfile.value("artist").toString()); t->setTitle(sfile.value("title").toString()); t->setAlbum(sfile.value("album").toString()); t->setUrl(sfile.value("url").toString()); t->setDuration(sfile.value("duration").toString()); t->setLenght(sfile.value("lenght").toInt()); t->setAid(sfile.value("aid").toString()); t->setOid(sfile.value("oid").toString()); t->setHash(sfile.value("hash").toString()); t->setDelHash(sfile.value("delHash").toString()); t->setBitrate(sfile.value("bitrate").toInt()); t->setMetaArtist(sfile.value("metaArtist").toString()); t->setMetaTitle(sfile.value("metaTitle").toString()); t->setMetaAlbum(sfile.value("metaAlbum").toString()); t->setMetaLoaded(sfile.value("meta").toBool()); addTrack(t); connect(t, SIGNAL(removeMe()), SLOT(onTrackSelfRemove())); } //fixme if(lastIndex < 0) lastIndex = 0; if(!m_tList.isEmpty()) { if(m_tList.size() > 0 && m_tList.size() >= lastIndex) m_LastTrack = m_tList.at(lastIndex); else m_LastTrack = m_tList.first(); } else { m_LastTrack = 0; } sfile.endArray(); } m_bLoadingState = false; m_listWidget->setActiveIndex(m_ProxyModel->index(lastIndex, 0)); }
// ParticleSystem2D //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ParticleSystem2D::~ParticleSystem2D() { removeMe(); } // end ParticleSystem2D
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllNotOnPartnerListL // Strips all data from entity that is not supported by remote server. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllNotOnPartnerListL( CVersitParser* aEntity, TBool& aModified, TBool aParamLevelCheck ) const { _DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllNotOnPartnerListL(): begin"); TInt remotepropertycount = iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( iUsedRemoteMimeType ).PropertyCount(); if( iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( iUsedRemoteMimeType ).PropertyCount() ) { // Check correct Data Sync protocol TInt value( EDataSyncNotRunning ); TSmlProtocolVersion usedSyncProtocol( ESmlVersion1_2 ); TInt error = RProperty::Get( KPSUidDataSynchronizationInternalKeys, KDataSyncStatus, value ); if ( error == KErrNone && value == EDataSyncRunning ) { usedSyncProtocol = ESmlVersion1_1_2; } TBool wasModified( EFalse ); CArrayPtr<CParserProperty>* allProps = aEntity->ArrayOfProperties( EFalse ); for( TInt i = 0; i < allProps->Count(); ) // Variable i is not increased here because size of count might be changes during loop { const CParserProperty& ownProperty = *allProps->At( i ); TBool removeMe( ETrue ); for( TInt i2 = 0; i2 < iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( iUsedRemoteMimeType ).PropertyCount(); i2++ ) { const CSmlDataProperty& remoteProperty = iRemoteStoreFormat->MimeFormat( iUsedRemoteMimeType ).Property( i2 ); TPtrC8 remotename = remoteProperty.Field().Name().DesC(); if( !ownProperty.Name().Compare( remoteProperty.Field().Name().DesC() ) ) { TInt remoteparamcount = remoteProperty.ParamCount(); if( remoteProperty.ParamCount() > 0 && aParamLevelCheck ) { if ( usedSyncProtocol == ESmlVersion1_1_2 ) { const CParserProperty* p = allProps->At( i ); TInt entityParamCount = (( CNSmlProperty* )p)->ParamCount(); if( entityParamCount > 0) { for( TInt i3 = 0; i3 < remoteProperty.ParamCount(); i3++ ) { TPtrC8 remoteparamname = remoteProperty.Param( i3 ).Field().Name().DesC(); if( ownProperty.Param( remoteProperty.Param( i3 ).Field().Name().DesC() ) ) { removeMe = EFalse; } } } else { removeMe = EFalse; } } else // ESmlVersion1_2 { CArrayPtr<CParserParam>* ownerparamarray = ownProperty.ParamArray(); if(ownerparamarray != NULL) { for(TInt ownerparam = 0; ownerparam < ownerparamarray->Count(); ownerparam++) { removeMe = ETrue; const CParserParam& ownParam = *ownerparamarray->At( ownerparam ); TPtrC8 ownparamname = ownParam.Name(); TPtrC8 ownparamvalue = ownParam.Value(); if(ownparamvalue == _L8("")) { for(TInt remoteparam = 0; remoteparam < remoteProperty.ParamCount(); remoteparam++) { TDesC8 remoteparamname = remoteProperty.Param( remoteparam ).Field().Name().DesC(); const CSmlDataField& field = remoteProperty.Param( remoteparam ).Field(); if( field.EnumValueCount() > 0) { for( TInt rmtenumcount = 0; rmtenumcount < field.EnumValueCount(); rmtenumcount++ ) { TPtrC8 rmtenumvalue = field.EnumValue( rmtenumcount ).DesC(); if( rmtenumvalue.Compare(ownparamname)== 0 ) { removeMe = EFalse; break; } } } else { removeMe = EFalse; break; } } } else { //Handling when the device supports VersitTokenType as "Encoding" if(ownparamname == KVersitTokenENCODING) { removeMe = EFalse; } else { for(TInt remoteparam = 0; remoteparam < remoteProperty.ParamCount(); remoteparam++) { TDesC8 remoteparamname = remoteProperty.Param( remoteparam ).Field().Name().DesC(); if(ownparamname.Compare(remoteProperty.Param( remoteparam ).Field().Name().DesC()) == 0) { const CSmlDataField& field = remoteProperty.Param( remoteparam ).Field(); if( field.EnumValueCount() > 0) { for( TInt rmtenumcount = 0; rmtenumcount < field.EnumValueCount(); rmtenumcount++ ) { TPtrC8 rmtenumvalue = field.EnumValue( rmtenumcount ).DesC(); if( rmtenumvalue.Compare(ownparamvalue)== 0 ) { removeMe = EFalse; break; } } } else { removeMe = EFalse; break; } } } } } if( removeMe ) { break; } } } else { removeMe = EFalse; } } } else { removeMe = EFalse; } if( !removeMe ) { break; } } } if( removeMe ) { #ifdef __NSML_DEBUG__ TPtrC8 pn( ownProperty.Name() ); DBG_ARGS8(_S8("CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllNotOnPartnerListL(): Dropping %S"), &pn); #endif // __NSML_DEBUG__ delete allProps->At( i ); allProps->Delete( i ); wasModified = ETrue; aModified = ETrue; } else { #ifdef __NSML_DEBUG__ TPtrC8 pn( ownProperty.Name() ); DBG_ARGS8(_S8("CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllNotOnPartnerListL(): NOT dropping %S"), &pn); #endif // __NSML_DEBUG__ i++; } } // can't use aModified as that may have been set earlier! if( wasModified ) { allProps->Compress(); } } _DBG_FILE("CNSmlDataModBase::StripAllNotOnPartnerListL(): end"); }
void ZoneClock::removeTimeout() { emit removeMe(this); }
void DataExplorer::on_pushButton_clicked() { emit(removeMe(this)); }