예제 #1
파일: cvPicture.cpp 프로젝트: loyoen/Jet
vector<LPPACKAGE> cvPic::getPrintPack()
    string srcImg = ImgName;									// 源图片的位置
    int num = 0;															// 连通图个数
    cv::Mat grayImg = cv::imread( srcImg );									// 将图片加载
    cv::Mat labelImg;
    vector<int> stRun,enRun,rowRun,runLabels;
    vector<pair<int,int>> equivalences;

    vector<int> imgX,imgY,imgColor;
    int imgWidth,imgHeight;

    cv::cvtColor( grayImg, labelImg, CV_BGR2GRAY );							// 灰度化图像
    cv::threshold( labelImg, labelImg, 150, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY );		// 二值化图像

    packagePictureInfo( labelImg, imgX, imgY, imgColor );
    imgWidth = labelImg.cols;
    imgHeight = labelImg.rows;

    fillRunVectors( labelImg, num, stRun, enRun, rowRun );					// 完成团的标记与等价对列表的生成
    firstPass( stRun, enRun, rowRun, num, runLabels, equivalences, 1 );		// 八邻接
    replaceSameLabel( runLabels, equivalences );

    printf( "连通图数目为:%d\n", num );
    return getPackages(imgWidth,imgHeight,imgX,imgY,imgColor);
예제 #2
std::vector<MYPOINT> FindBiggestContour(cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char> origin, std::vector<MYPOINT> Points)
	std::vector<MYPOINT> contour;
	cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char> mask;
	//compute the binary img
	int threshold = otsu(origin, Points, mask, 1);
	unsigned char *bi_img = new unsigned char[origin.width()*origin.height()];
	for (int i = 0; i < origin.height(); i++){
		for (int j = 0; j < origin.width(); j++){
			if (origin.atXY(j, i) >= threshold && mask.atXY(j, i) == 255)
				bi_img[i*origin.width() + j] = 255;
				bi_img[i*origin.width() + j] = 0;
	cimg_library::CImg<unsigned char> bi(bi_img, origin.width(), origin.height());
	std::vector<int> stRun, enRun, rowRun, masRun;
	int NumberofRuns = 0, offset = 1, maxRun = 1;
	fillRunVector(bi, NumberofRuns, stRun, enRun, rowRun, masRun);
	std::vector<int> runLabels;
	std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> equivalences;
	firstPass(stRun, enRun, rowRun, NumberofRuns, runLabels, equivalences, offset);
	if (!NumberofRuns){
		std::cout << "NOTHING FOUND!!!" << std::endl 
			<<"size of contour is: "<< contour.size() <<  std::endl;
		return contour;
	replaceSameLabel(runLabels, equivalences);

	int maxLabel = *max_element(runLabels.begin(), runLabels.end());
	int *MassofRuns = new int[maxLabel + 1];
	memset(MassofRuns, 0, (maxLabel + 1)*sizeof(int));

	memset(bi_img, 0, (bi.height()*bi.width())*sizeof(unsigned char));
	for (int c = 0; c < NumberofRuns; c++){
		MassofRuns[runLabels[c]] += masRun[c];
		if (MassofRuns[runLabels[c]]>maxRun){
			maxRun = MassofRuns[runLabels[c]];
			maxLabel = runLabels[c];
		int i = rowRun[c]; 
		for (int j = stRun[c]; j <= enRun[c]; j++){
			bi_img[i*bi.width() + j] = runLabels[c];
	for (int i = 0; i < bi.height(); i++)
	for (int j = 0; j < bi.width(); j++) {
		if (bi_img[i*bi.width()+j] == maxLabel)
			bi_img[i*bi.width() + j] = 255;
			bi_img[i*bi.width() + j] = 0;

	return FindContour(bi_img, bi.width(), bi.height());
void ObstacleDetection::ObstacleDetecting(const int obstacleMap[120][120], RobPose cRobotPos)

    int cObstacleMap[120][120];
    memcpy(cObstacleMap, obstacleMap, 120*120*sizeof(int));

    numberOfRuns = 0;
    offset = 1;
    obsNum = 0;

    std::stringstream out;
    std::string filename = "ObstacleMap" + out.str() + ".txt";
    std::ofstream Obstaclemapfile(filename);
    if (Obstaclemapfile.is_open())
        for(int i = 0; i < 120; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < 120; j++)
                Obstaclemapfile<<cObstacleMap[i][j]<<" ";

    fillRunVectors(cObstacleMap, numberOfRuns, stRun, enRun, rowRun);

    if(numberOfRuns > 0)
        firstPass(stRun, enRun, rowRun, numberOfRuns, runLabels, equivalences, offset);
        replaceSameLabel(runLabels, equivalences);
        FindObstacle(stRun, enRun, rowRun, numberOfRuns, runLabels, obsNum, obsPoses, cRobotPos);
        cout<<"Num of Obstalces: "<<obsNum<<endl;