예제 #1
int main(int argc, char** argv){

  BaseString sql;
  if ((handle_options(&argc, &argv, my_long_options, NULL)))
    return 2;

  printf("# SQL commands for creating the tables in MySQL Server which\n");
  printf("# are used by the NDBINFO storage engine to access system\n");
  printf("# information and statistics from MySQL Cluster\n");

  printf("# Only create objects if NDBINFO is supported\n");
  printf("SELECT @have_ndbinfo:= COUNT(*) FROM "
                  "information_schema.engines WHERE engine='NDBINFO' "
                  "AND support IN ('YES', 'DEFAULT');\n\n");

  printf("# Only create objects if version >= 7.1\n");
  sql.assfmt("SELECT @have_ndbinfo:="
             " (@@ndbinfo_version >= (7 << 16) | (1 << 8)) || @ndbinfo_skip_version_check");

  sql.assfmt("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `%s`", opt_ndbinfo_db);

  printf("# Set NDBINFO in offline mode during (re)create of tables\n");
  printf("# and views to avoid errors caused by no such table or\n");
  printf("# different table definition in NDB\n");
  sql.assfmt("SET @@global.ndbinfo_offline=TRUE");

    // Lookup tables which existed in other engine before
    // they were hardcoded into ha_ndbinfo. Drop to allow
    // the new ndbinfo tables(and in some cases views) to
    // be created
    const char* old_lookups[] =
    printf("# Drop obsolete lookups in %s\n", opt_ndbinfo_db);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(old_lookups)/sizeof(old_lookups[0]); i++)
      sql.assfmt("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`.`%s`",
                 opt_ndbinfo_db, old_lookups[i]);

  printf("# Drop any old views in %s\n", opt_ndbinfo_db);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_views; i++)
    sql.assfmt("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `%s`.`%s`",
               opt_ndbinfo_db, views[i].name);

  printf("# Drop any old lookup tables in %s\n", opt_ndbinfo_db);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_lookups; i++)
    BaseString table_name = replace_tags(lookups[i].name);

    sql.assfmt("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`.`%s`",
               opt_ndbinfo_db, table_name.c_str());

  for (int i = 0; i < Ndbinfo::getNumTables(); i++)
    const Ndbinfo::Table& table = Ndbinfo::getTable(i);

    printf("# %s.%s%s\n",
            opt_ndbinfo_db, opt_table_prefix, table.m.name);

    /* Drop the table if it exists */
    sql.assfmt("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`.`%s%s`",
               opt_ndbinfo_db, opt_table_prefix, table.m.name);

    /* Create the table */
    sql.assfmt("CREATE TABLE `%s`.`%s%s` (",
               opt_ndbinfo_db, opt_table_prefix, table.m.name);

    const char* separator = "";
    for(int j = 0; j < table.m.ncols ; j++)
      const Ndbinfo::Column& col = table.col[j];

      sql.appfmt("%s", separator);
      separator = ",";

      sql.appfmt("`%s` ", col.name);

      case Ndbinfo::Number:
        sql.appfmt("INT UNSIGNED");
      case Ndbinfo:: Number64:
        sql.appfmt("BIGINT UNSIGNED");
      case Ndbinfo::String:
        fprintf(stderr, "unknown coltype: %d\n", col.coltype);

      if (col.comment[0] != '\0')
        sql.appfmt(" COMMENT \"%s\"", col.comment);


    sql.appfmt(") COMMENT=\"%s\" ENGINE=NDBINFO", table.m.comment);



  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_lookups; i++)
    lookup l = lookups[i];
    BaseString table_name = replace_tags(l.name);
    printf("# %s.%s\n", opt_ndbinfo_db, table_name.c_str());

    /* Drop the table if it exists */
    sql.assfmt("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`.`%s`",
               opt_ndbinfo_db, table_name.c_str());

    /* Create lookup table */
    sql.assfmt("CREATE TABLE `%s`.`%s` (%s) ENGINE=NDBINFO",
               opt_ndbinfo_db, table_name.c_str(), l.columns);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_views; i++)
    view v = views[i];

    printf("# %s.%s\n", opt_ndbinfo_db, v.name);

    BaseString view_sql = replace_tags(v.sql);

    /* Create or replace the view */
    BaseString sql;
    sql.assfmt("CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` "
               "SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `%s`.`%s` AS %s",
               opt_ndbinfo_db, v.name, view_sql.c_str());

  printf("# Finally turn off offline mode\n");
  sql.assfmt("SET @@global.ndbinfo_offline=FALSE");

  return 0;
예제 #2
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public Attribution
 * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.openemm.org/cpal1.html. The License is based on the Mozilla
 * Public License Version 1.1 but Sections 14 and 15 have been added to cover
 * use of software over a computer network and provide for limited attribution
 * for the Original Developer. In addition, Exhibit A has been modified to be
 * consistent with Exhibit B.
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
 * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
 * The Original Code is OpenEMM.
 * The Original Developer is the Initial Developer.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is AGNITAS AG. All portions of
 * the code written by AGNITAS AG are Copyright (c) 2007 AGNITAS AG. All Rights
 * Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): AGNITAS AG. 
# include	"xmlback.h"

static bool_t
expand_tags (tag_t *base) /*{{{*/
	bool_t		st;
	tag_t		*cur, *tmp;
	const xmlChar	*ptr;
	int		len;
	int		n, pos;
	int		bstart;
	xmlBufferPtr	out;
	st = true;
	for (cur = base; cur; cur = cur -> next) {
		for (tmp = base; tmp; tmp = tmp -> next)
			tmp -> used = (tmp == cur ? true : false);
		ptr = xmlBufferContent (cur -> value);
		len = xmlBufferLength (cur -> value);
		pos = 0;
		bstart = 0;
		out = NULL;
		while (pos < len) {
			n = xmlCharLength (ptr[pos]);
			if ((n == 1) && (ptr[pos] == '[')) {
				int	start, end;
				start = pos++;
				end = -1;
				while (pos < len) {
					n = xmlCharLength (ptr[pos]);
					if ((n == 1) && (ptr[pos] == ']')) {
						end = pos;
					pos += n;
				if (end != -1) {
					for (tmp = base; tmp; tmp = tmp -> next)
						if ((! tmp -> used) && tag_match (tmp, ptr + start, end - start))
					if (tmp) {
						if (! out)
							if (! (out = xmlBufferCreate ())) {
								st = false;
						if (bstart < start)
							xmlBufferAdd (out, ptr + bstart, start - bstart);
						xmlBufferAdd (out, xmlBufferContent (tmp -> value), xmlBufferLength (tmp -> value));
						tmp -> used = true;
						bstart = pos;
			} else
				pos += n;
		if (out) {
			if (bstart < len)
				xmlBufferAdd (out, ptr + bstart, len - bstart);
			xmlBufferFree (cur -> value);
			cur -> value = out;
	return st;
replace_tags (blockmail_t *blockmail, receiver_t *rec, block_t *block, bool_t ishtml) /*{{{*/
	bool_t		st;
	long		start, cur, next, end, len;
	const xmlChar	*content;
	int		tidx;
	tagpos_t	*tp;
	int		n;
	tag_t		*tag;
	st = expand_tags (rec -> tag);
	start = 0;
	end = xmlBufferLength (block -> content);
	content = xmlBufferContent (block -> content);
	xmlBufferEmpty (block -> in);
	for (cur = start, tidx = 0; cur < end; ) {
		if (tidx < block -> tagpos_count) {
			tp = block -> tagpos[tidx++];
			next = tp -> start;
		} else {
			tp = NULL;
			next = end;
		len = next - cur;
		if (len > 0)
			xmlBufferAdd (block -> in, content + cur, len);
		if (tp) {
			cur = tp -> end;
			tag = NULL;
			if (tp -> type & (TP_DYNAMIC | TP_DYNAMICVALUE)) {
				if (tp -> tname) {
					dcache_t	*dc;
					const dyn_t	*dyn;
					for (dc = rec -> cache; dc; dc = dc -> next)
						if (! strcmp (dc -> name, tp -> tname))
					if (! dc)
						for (dyn = blockmail -> dyn; dyn; dyn = dyn -> next)
							if (! strcmp (dyn -> name, tp -> tname)) {
								if (dc = dcache_alloc (tp -> tname, dyn)) {
									dc -> next = rec -> cache;
									rec -> cache = dc;
					if (dc) {
						for (dyn = dc -> dyn; dyn; dyn = dyn -> sibling)
							if (dyn_match (dyn, blockmail -> eval))
						if (dyn) {
							block_t	*use;
							use = NULL;
							if (tp -> type & TP_DYNAMICVALUE) {
								for (n = 0; (! use) && (n < dyn -> block_count); ++n)
									switch (dyn -> block[n] -> nr) {
									case 0:
										if (! ishtml)
											use = dyn -> block[n];
									case 1:
										if (ishtml)
											use = dyn -> block[n];
							} else if (tp -> type & TP_DYNAMIC)
								use = tp -> content;
							if (use)
								if (replace_tags (blockmail, rec, use, ishtml))
									xmlBufferAdd (block -> in, xmlBufferContent (use -> in), xmlBufferLength (use -> in));
									st = false;
			} else {
				for (n = 0; (n < 2) && (! tag); ++n) {
					for (tag = n ? blockmail -> gtag : rec -> tag; tag; tag = tag -> next)
						if (((tag -> hash == 0) || (tp -> hash == 0) || (tag -> hash == tp -> hash)) &&
						    (xmlEqual (tag -> name, tp -> name)))
			if (tag && ((n = xmlBufferLength (tag -> value)) > 0))
				xmlBufferAdd (block -> in, xmlBufferContent (tag -> value), n);
		} else
			cur = next;
	return st;
예제 #3
int main(int argc, char** argv){

  BaseString sql;
  if ((handle_options(&argc, &argv, my_long_options, NULL)))
    return 2;

  printf("# SQL commands for creating the tables in MySQL Server which\n");
  printf("# are used by the NDBINFO storage engine to access system\n");
  printf("# information and statistics from MySQL Cluster\n");

  printf("# Only create objects if NDBINFO is supported\n");
  printf("SELECT @have_ndbinfo:= COUNT(*) FROM "
                  "information_schema.engines WHERE engine='NDBINFO' "
                  "AND support IN ('YES', 'DEFAULT');\n\n");

  printf("# Only create objects if version >= 7.1\n");
  sql.assfmt("SELECT @have_ndbinfo:="
             " (@@ndbinfo_version >= (7 << 16) | (1 << 8)) || @ndbinfo_skip_version_check");

  printf("# Only create objects if ndbinfo namespace is free\n");
  sql.assfmt("SET @@ndbinfo_show_hidden=TRUE");
  sql.assfmt("SELECT @have_ndbinfo:= COUNT(*) = 0"
             " FROM information_schema.tables WHERE"
             " table_schema = @@ndbinfo_database AND"
             " LEFT(table_name, LENGTH(@@ndbinfo_table_prefix)) ="
             " @@ndbinfo_table_prefix AND"
             " engine != \"ndbinfo\"");
  sql.assfmt("SET @@ndbinfo_show_hidden=default");

  sql.assfmt("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `%s`", opt_ndbinfo_db);

  printf("# Set NDBINFO in offline mode during (re)create of tables\n");
  printf("# and views to avoid errors caused by no such table or\n");
  printf("# different table definition in NDB\n");
  sql.assfmt("SET @@global.ndbinfo_offline=TRUE");

  printf("# Drop any old views in %s\n", opt_ndbinfo_db);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_views; i++)
    sql.assfmt("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `%s`.`%s`",
               opt_ndbinfo_db, views[i].name);

  printf("# Drop any old lookup tables in %s\n", opt_ndbinfo_db);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_lookups; i++)
    BaseString table_name = replace_tags(lookups[i].name);

    sql.assfmt("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`.`%s`",
               opt_ndbinfo_db, table_name.c_str());

  for (int i = 0; i < Ndbinfo::getNumTables(); i++)
    const Ndbinfo::Table& table = Ndbinfo::getTable(i);

    printf("# %s.%s%s\n",
            opt_ndbinfo_db, opt_table_prefix, table.m.name);

    /* Drop the table if it exists */
    sql.assfmt("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `%s`.`%s%s`",
               opt_ndbinfo_db, opt_table_prefix, table.m.name);

    /* Create the table */
    sql.assfmt("CREATE TABLE `%s`.`%s%s` (",
               opt_ndbinfo_db, opt_table_prefix, table.m.name);

    const char* separator = "";
    for(int j = 0; j < table.m.ncols ; j++)
      const Ndbinfo::Column& col = table.col[j];

      sql.appfmt("%s", separator);
      separator = ",";

      sql.appfmt("`%s` ", col.name);

      case Ndbinfo::Number:
        sql.appfmt("INT UNSIGNED");
      case Ndbinfo:: Number64:
        sql.appfmt("BIGINT UNSIGNED");
      case Ndbinfo::String:
        fprintf(stderr, "unknown coltype: %d\n", col.coltype);

      if (col.comment[0] != '\0')
        sql.appfmt(" COMMENT \"%s\"", col.comment);


    sql.appfmt(") COMMENT=\"%s\" ENGINE=NDBINFO", table.m.comment);



  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_lookups; i++)
    lookup l = lookups[i];
    BaseString table_name = replace_tags(l.name);
    printf("# %s.%s\n", opt_ndbinfo_db, table_name.c_str());

    /* Create lookup table */
    sql.assfmt("CREATE TABLE `%s`.`%s` (%s)",
               opt_ndbinfo_db, table_name.c_str(), l.columns);

    /* Insert data */
    sql.assfmt("INSERT INTO `%s`.`%s` VALUES ",
               opt_ndbinfo_db, table_name.c_str());

  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_views; i++)
    view v = views[i];

    printf("# %s.%s\n", opt_ndbinfo_db, v.name);

    BaseString view_sql = replace_tags(v.sql);

    /* Create or replace the view */
    BaseString sql;
    sql.assfmt("CREATE OR REPLACE DEFINER=`root@localhost` "
               "SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `%s`.`%s` AS %s",
               opt_ndbinfo_db, v.name, view_sql.c_str());

  printf("# Finally turn off offline mode\n");
  sql.assfmt("SET @@global.ndbinfo_offline=FALSE");

  return 0;