예제 #1
파일: layer.cpp 프로젝트: hgaolbb/MiniNet
* \brief forward
*             X:        [N, C, 1, 1], usually the output of affine(fc) layer
*             Y:        [N, C, 1, 1], ground truth, with 1(true) or 0(false)
* \param[in]  const vector<Blob*>& in       in[0]:X, in[1]:Y
* \param[out] double& loss                  loss
* \param[out] Blob** out                    out: dX
* \param[in]  int mode                      1: only forward, 0:forward and backward
void SVMLossLayer::go(const vector<shared_ptr<Blob>>& in,
                      double& loss,
                      shared_ptr<Blob>& dout,
                      int mode) {
    if (dout) {
    /*! let delta equals to 1 */
    double delta = 0.2;
    int N = in[0]->get_N();
    int C = in[0]->get_C();
    mat mat_x = in[0]->reshape();
    mat mat_y = in[1]->reshape();

    /*! forward */
    mat good_x = repmat(arma::sum(mat_x % mat_y, 1), 1, C);
    mat mat_loss = (mat_x - good_x + delta);
    mat_loss.transform([](double e) {return e > 0 ? e : 0;});
    mat_y.transform([](double e) {return e ? 0 : 1;});
    mat_loss %= mat_y;
    loss = accu(mat_loss) / N;
    if (mode == 1)

    /*! backward */
    mat dx(mat_loss);
    dx.transform([](double e) {return e ? 1 : 0;});
    mat_y.transform([](double e) {return e ? 0 : 1;});
    mat sum_x = repmat(arma::sum(dx, 1), 1, C) % mat_y;
    dx = (dx - sum_x) / N;
    mat2Blob(dx, dout, in[0]->size());
예제 #2
파일: DSC.cpp 프로젝트: presscorp/AdaBoost
    Constructor accepts feature values, class labels (-1 or +1) and sample weights;
    Passed data will be stored as a reference to original data;
DSC::DSC(const mat &features, const ivec &classes, const vec &weights, const int &nThresholds)
:   N_THRESHOLDS(nThresholds),
    /* Separating features by classes: */
    mat class1Features = features.rows(find(classes == -1));
    mat class2Features = features.rows(find(classes == +1));

    /* Determining the ranges for each feature: */
    minFeatures = min(features) - 1e-10;
    maxFeatures = max(features) + 1e-10;
    ranges = maxFeatures - minFeatures;

    /* Distribution of threshold values for each feature; */
    mat class1ThresholdsMat = floor(((class1Features.each_row() - minFeatures).each_row() / ranges) * (N_THRESHOLDS - 1) + 1 - 1e-10);
    class1ThresholdsMat(find(class1ThresholdsMat < 0)).zeros();
    mat class2ThresholdsMat = ceil(((class2Features.each_row() - minFeatures).each_row() / ranges) * (N_THRESHOLDS - 1) + 1 + 1e-10);
    class2ThresholdsMat(find(class2ThresholdsMat > N_THRESHOLDS - 1)).fill(N_THRESHOLDS - 1);

    /* Threshold values is vectorized by column: */
    class1Thresholds = vectorise(class1ThresholdsMat);
    class2Thresholds = vectorise(class2ThresholdsMat);

        Providing indexes of features for each label;
        After that matrix is vectorized by column:
    featureIndexes1 = vectorise(repmat(linspace<rowvec>(0, features.n_cols - 1, features.n_cols), class1Features.n_rows, 1));
    featureIndexes2 = vectorise(repmat(linspace<rowvec>(0, features.n_cols - 1, features.n_cols), class2Features.n_rows, 1));
예제 #3
// creates a mesh grid of the two arrays.
template <class T> inline
array<array_2d<T> > meshgrid(const index_array& a, const index_array& b)
	array<array_nd<T> > c(2);
	c[0] = repmat(array_nd<T>(idx(1,a.length()),a.cast()), idx(b.length() - 1,0));
	c[1] = repmat(array_nd<T>(idx(b.length(),1),b.cast()), idx(0,a.length() - 1));
	return c;
예제 #4
const matrix<T,N,A>
repmat( const matrix<T,N,A>& m, const std::size_t r, const std::size_t c )
    assert( r );
    assert( c );

    if ( 1 == r  && 1 == c ) return m;

    if ( 1 == r ) return repmat( m, 1, c-1 ) || m;

    if ( 1 == c ) return repmat( m, r-1, 1 ) && m;

    return repmat( repmat( m, 1, c), r, 1 );
예제 #5
        Mat< std::complex<T> >& coeff_out,
  const Mat< std::complex<T> >& in
  typedef typename std::complex<T> eT;
  if(in.n_elem != 0)
 	  // singular value decomposition
 	  Mat<eT> U;
    Col< T> s;
    const Mat<eT> tmp = in - repmat(mean(in), in.n_rows, 1);
    const bool svd_ok = svd(U,s,coeff_out, tmp);
    if(svd_ok == false)
      arma_print("princomp(): singular value decomposition failed");
        Mat<eT>& coeff_out,
  const Mat<eT>& in
  if(in.n_elem != 0)
    // singular value decomposition
    Mat<eT> U;
    Col<eT> s;
    const Mat<eT> tmp = in - repmat(mean(in), in.n_rows, 1);
    const bool svd_ok = svd(U,s,coeff_out, tmp);
    if(svd_ok == false)
      return false;
    coeff_out.eye(in.n_cols, in.n_cols);
  return true;
예제 #7
/// \brief PLSData::Apply
/// \param spectra Input matrix
/// \param wavelength Spectral abscissa
/// \param components Number of components to calculate
/// \return
/// Performs PLS analysis on the spectra matrix.
bool PLSData::Classify(const mat &spectra, const vec &wavelength, int components)
    mat Y = repmat(wavelength, 1, components);
    mat X_loadings, Y_loadings, X_scores, Y_scores, coefficients, percent_variance, fitted;
    bool success = Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::plsregress(spectra, Y, components,
                                        X_loadings, Y_loadings,
                                        X_scores, Y_scores,
                                        coefficients, percent_variance,

    //mat residuals = fitted - spectra;
    if (success){
        AddMetadata("Type", "Classification (PCA)");
        AddMetadata("Components calculated", QString::number(components));
        AddMatrix("Percent Variance", percent_variance);
        AddMatrix("Predictor Loadings", X_loadings);
        AddMatrix("Response Loadings", Y_loadings);
        AddMatrix("Predictor Scores", X_scores);
        AddMatrix("Response Scores", Y_scores);
        AddMatrix("Coefficients", coefficients);
        AddMatrix("Fitted Data", fitted);
        //AddMatrix("Residuals", residuals);

    return success;

예제 #8
void ArmadilloSolver::solve_irls()
    // Weight vector
    fvec wsq = ones<fmat>(y.n_elem);
    //fvec wsq_ = ones<fmat>(y.n_elem);

    //fvec err_u = ones<fmat>(y.n_elem/2);
    //fvec err_v = ones<fmat>(y.n_elem/2);

    fmat A_(A.n_rows, A.n_cols);
    //fvec y_(y.n_elem);
    fvec x_(A.n_cols);

    fmat T1(A.n_cols, A.n_cols);
    fvec T2(A.n_cols);

    if (this->debug)
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] Solver dimensions: " << std::endl;
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t T1: " << T1.n_rows << " x " << T1.n_cols << std::endl;
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t T2: " << T2.n_rows << " x " << T2.n_cols << std::endl;
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t A: " << A.n_rows << " x " << A.n_cols << std::endl;
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t y: " << y.n_elem << std::endl;
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t x: " << x_.n_elem << std::endl;
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t Q: " << Q.n_rows << " x " << Q.n_cols << std::endl;

    int iters = this->n_iters;

    for (int iter=0; iter < iters; iter++) {
        A_ = A;

        // Re-weight rows of matrix and result vector
        A_.each_col() %= wsq;
        //y_ = y % wsq;

        T1 = A_.t() * A_ + Q;
        T2 = A_.t() * (y % wsq);
        x_ = arma::solve(T1,T2);

        // Computing wsq is a little different, since we want to 
        // weight both x and y direction of the pixel by the L2 error.
        wsq = square(A * x_ - y) * 1.0/this->sigma_sq;
        wsq = repmat(wsq.subvec(0,n_kp-1) + wsq.subvec(n_kp,2*n_kp-1),2,1);

        // Cauchy error
        // Note that the error would be 1.0/(1+f**2), but since we do not take the square
        // root above, we can omit the squaring here.
        for (int j=0; j < wsq.n_elem; j++)
            wsq[j] = 1.0/(1.0+wsq[j]);
        //wsq.transform( [](float f) {return 1.0/(1.0+f); } );
        wsq = sqrt(wsq);

    this->x = x_;
    this->wsq = square(wsq);
예제 #9
파일: CentreData.hpp 프로젝트: cxd/CxdMath
					 Perform the operation.
					 True if successful false otherwise.
					virtual bool Operate()
						Mat<Number> X = MatrixOperator<Number>::_source;
						_mean = sum(X, 0) / X.n_rows;
						mat mX = repmat(_mean, X.n_rows, 1);
						Mat<Number> deltaX = X - mX;
						MatrixOperator<Number>::_result = deltaX;
						return true;
        Mat< std::complex<T> >& coeff_out,
        Mat< std::complex<T> >& score_out,
  const Mat< std::complex<T> >& in
  typedef std::complex<T> eT;
  const u32 n_rows = in.n_rows;
  const u32 n_cols = in.n_cols;
  if(n_rows > 1) // more than one sample
    // subtract the mean - use score_out as temporary matrix
    score_out = in - repmat(mean(in), n_rows, 1);
    // singular value decomposition
    Mat<eT> U;
    Col< T> s;
    const bool svd_ok = svd(U,s,coeff_out,score_out);
    if(svd_ok == false)
      return false;
    // U.reset();
    // normalize the eigenvalues
    s /= std::sqrt( double(n_rows - 1) );

    // project the samples to the principals
    score_out *= coeff_out;

    if(n_rows <= n_cols) // number of samples is less than their dimensionality

  else // 0 or 1 samples
    coeff_out.eye(n_cols, n_cols);
  return true;
예제 #11
파일: DSC.cpp 프로젝트: presscorp/AdaBoost
    "getBestStump()" function saves the best decision stump's threshold, weak hypothesis and its error;
void DSC::getBestStump(Threshold &threshold, ivec &hypothesis, double &error)
    /* Separating weights by classes: */
    mat class1Weights = weights(find(classes == -1));
    mat class2Weights = weights(find(classes == +1));

    /* Accumulate weights for given thresholds ("number of thresholds" x "number of features"): */
    mat thresholdWeights1 = accumarray(join_rows(class1Thresholds, featureIndexes1),
                                       repmat(class1Weights, features.n_cols, 1),
                                       SizeMat(N_THRESHOLDS, features.n_cols));
    mat thresholdWeights2 = accumarray(join_rows(class2Thresholds, featureIndexes2),
                                       repmat(class2Weights, features.n_cols, 1),
                                       SizeMat(N_THRESHOLDS, features.n_cols));

        Looking for threshold with minimum error;
        Here we construct cummulative sum of weights for seaprate classes, then we add them;
        In order to find the smallest error, we consider both directions of a threshold;
    mat thresholdErrors = flipud(cumsum(flipud(thresholdWeights1))) + cumsum(thresholdWeights2);
    thresholdErrors = join_cols(thresholdErrors, sum(weights) - thresholdErrors);
    uword index;
    uword featureType;
    error = thresholdErrors.min(index, featureType);
    threshold.featureType = featureType;
    if (index > N_THRESHOLDS - 1)
        threshold.direction = -1;
        index -= N_THRESHOLDS;
        threshold.direction = +1;

    threshold.value = minFeatures(featureType) + (ranges(featureType) / N_THRESHOLDS) * index;

    /* Evaluating hypothesis for derived threshold: */
    classify(threshold, features, hypothesis);

예제 #12
 HorzRepsum::HorzRepsum(const MX& x, int n) : n_(n) {
   casadi_assert(x.size2() % n == 0);
   std::vector<Sparsity> sp = horzsplit(x.sparsity(), x.size2()/n);
   Sparsity block = sp[0];
   for (int i=1;i<sp.size();++i) {
     block = block+sp[i];
   Sparsity goal = repmat(block, 1, n);
   setDependencies(project(x, goal));
예제 #13
					 Perform the operation.
					 True if successful false otherwise.
					virtual bool Operate()
						Mat<Number> source = MatrixOperator<Number>::_source;
						Mat<Number> mean = sum(source, 0) / source.n_rows;
						mean = repmat(mean, source.n_rows, 1);
						Mat<Number> delta = source - mean;
						delta = delta % delta;
						Number px = 1.0 / source.n_rows;
						MatrixOperator<Number>::_result = sum(delta*px, 0);
						return true;
예제 #14
파일: layer.cpp 프로젝트: hgaolbb/MiniNet
* \brief forward
*             X:        [N, C, 1, 1], usually the output of affine(fc) layer
*             Y:        [N, C, 1, 1], ground truth, with 1(true) or 0(false)
* \param[in]  const vector<Blob*>& in       in[0]:X, in[1]:Y
* \param[out] double& loss                  loss
* \param[out] Blob** out                    out: dX
void SoftmaxLossLayer::go(const vector<shared_ptr<Blob>>& in,
                          double& loss,
                          shared_ptr<Blob>& dout,
                          int mode) {
    //Blob X(*in[0]);
    //Blob Y(*in[1]);
    if (dout) {
    int N = in[0]->get_N();
    int C = in[0]->get_C();
    int H = in[0]->get_H();
    int W = in[0]->get_W();
    assert(H == 1 && W == 1);

    mat mat_x = in[0]->reshape();
    mat mat_y = in[1]->reshape();

    /*! forward */
    mat row_max = repmat(arma::max(mat_x, 1), 1, C);
    mat_x = arma::exp(mat_x - row_max);
    mat row_sum = repmat(arma::sum(mat_x, 1), 1, C);
    mat e = mat_x / row_sum;
    //mat rrs = arma::sum(e, 1);
    mat prob = -arma::log(e);
    /*! loss should near -log(1/C) */
    loss = accu(prob % mat_y) / N;
    /*! only forward */
    if (mode == 1)

    /*! backward */
    mat dx = e - mat_y;
    dx /= N;
    mat2Blob(dx, dout, (*in[0]).size());
예제 #15
void test_repmat() {
  // TODO(sanja): silly sanity check, write a better test
  double **A = new_matrix2(2, 3);
  int i, j;
  for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
    for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
      A[i][j] = (3 * i + (j+1));
  double **B = new_matrix2(4, 9);
  repmat(B, A, 2, 3, 2, 3);
  print_matrix(A, 2, 3);
  print_matrix(B, 4, 9);
예제 #16
파일: ccl_math.c 프로젝트: mhoward3210/ccl
int ccl_mat_distance(const double *A,const int a_i,const int a_j,const double *B,const int b_i,const int b_j,double * D){
    gsl_matrix * D_ = gsl_matrix_alloc(a_j,b_j);
    if (a_i!=b_i){
        return 0;
    gsl_matrix * A_ = gsl_matrix_alloc(a_i,a_j);
    gsl_matrix * B_ = gsl_matrix_alloc(b_i,b_j);
    gsl_matrix * A_o = gsl_matrix_alloc(a_i,a_j);
    gsl_matrix * B_o = gsl_matrix_alloc(b_i,b_j);


    double * a2 = malloc(a_j*sizeof(double));
    double * b2 = malloc(b_j*sizeof(double));



예제 #17
cv::Mat SIFT::sp_normalize_sift_arr( Mat sift_arr,float threshold )
	Mat siftlen=sp_normalize_sift_len(sift_arr);
	Mat normalize_ind1=compare(siftlen,threshold);
	Mat normalize_ind2=change(normalize_ind1);

	Mat sift_arr_hcontrast=search(sift_arr,normalize_ind1);

	Mat sift_arr_lcontrast=search(sift_arr,normalize_ind2);

	sift_arr_hcontrast= suppresss(sift_arr_hcontrast,0.2);
	sift_arr_lcontrast= suppresss(sift_arr_lcontrast,0.2);

	Mat tep(sift_arr_hcontrast.rows,1,CV_32F);
	sift_arr_hcontrast = sift_arr_hcontrast /repmat(tep, 1,sift_arr.cols);


	return sift_arr;
예제 #18
TrainData: 784*5000, 行数表示数据维度,列数表示数据个数
TrainLabels: 5000*1, values from 1 to N, don't start from 0!
InputWeight: 随机生成的输入矩阵
C: 参数C
void run_ELM(mat TrainData,mat TrainLabels, mat &H, mat &K, mat *InputWeight, mat *Bias, std::string *ActivationFunction, double C, int layers, int NumberClasses ){
	printf("Now in POSELM function!\n");
	int NumberTrainData = TrainData.n_cols;

	H = TrainData;
	int NumberHiddenUnits = TrainData.n_rows;
	for(int layer_id = 0; layer_id < layers; layer_id++){
		NumberHiddenUnits = InputWeight[layer_id].n_rows;
		H = InputWeight[layer_id] * H + repmat(Bias[layer_id],1,NumberTrainData);
		H = ActivateFunction(ActivationFunction[layer_id],H);

	K = H.t() * H;
	printf("Now exit from POSELM function!\n");
예제 #19
cv::Mat SIFT::repmat( Mat src,int height,int width )
	CvSize size=src.size();
		Mat x(src.rows,src.cols*width,CV_32F);
		for(int i=0;i<width;i++)
			for(int j=0;j<size.height;j++)
				float *pt=src.ptr<float>(j);
				for(int m=0;m<size.width;m++)
		return x;
	else if(width==1)
		Mat x(src.rows*height,src.cols,CV_32F);
		for(int i=0;i<height;i++)
			for(int j=0;j<size.height;j++)
				float *pt=src.ptr<float>(j);
				for(int k=0;k<size.width;k++)
		return x;
		Mat x(src.rows * height, src.cols * height, CV_32F);
		for (int i = 0; i < src.rows; i++ )
			Mat repRow = repmat(x.row(i), 1, width);
			for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
				repRow.copyTo(x.row(j * height + i));
		return x;
예제 #20
파일: layer.cpp 프로젝트: hgaolbb/MiniNet
* \brief forward
*             X:        [N, C, Hx, Wx]
*             weight:   [F, C, Hw, Ww]
*             bias:     [F, 1, 1, 1]
*             out:      [N, F, 1, 1]
* \param[in]  const vector<Blob*>& in       in[0]:X, in[1]:weights, in[2]:bias
* \param[in]  const Param* param            params
* \param[out] Blob& out                     Y
void AffineLayer::forward(const vector<shared_ptr<Blob>>& in, shared_ptr<Blob>& out) {
    if (out) {
    int N = in[0]->get_N();
    int F = in[1]->get_N();

    mat x = in[0]->reshape();
    mat w = in[1]->reshape();
    mat b = in[2]->reshape();
    b = repmat(b, 1, N).t();
    mat ans = x * w.t() + b;
    mat2Blob(ans, out, F, 1, 1);

예제 #21
 * Generate random samples chosen from the multivariate Gaussian
 * distribution with mean MU and covariance SIGMA.
 * X ~ N(u, Lambda) => Y = B * X + v ~ N(B * u + v, B * Lambda * B')
 * Therefore, if X ~ N(0, Lambda),
 * then Y = B * X + MU ~ N(MU, B * Lambda * B').
 * We only need to do the eigen decomposition: SIGMA = B * Lambda * B'.
 * @param MU 1 x d mean vector
 * @param SIGMA covariance matrix
 * @param cases number of d dimensional random samples
 * @return cases-by-d sample matrix subject to the multivariate
 *         Gaussian distribution N(MU, SIGMA)
Matrix& mvnrnd(Matrix& MU, Matrix& SIGMA, int cases) {

	int d = MU.getColumnDimension();

	if (MU.getRowDimension() != 1) {
		errf("MU is expected to be 1 x %d matrix!\n", d);

	if (norm(SIGMA.transpose().minus(SIGMA)) > 1e-10)
		errf("SIGMA should be a %d x %d real symmetric matrix!\n", d);

	Matrix** eigenDecompostion = eigs(SIGMA, d, "lm");

	Matrix& B = *eigenDecompostion[0];
	Matrix& Lambda = *eigenDecompostion[1];


	Matrix& X = *new DenseMatrix(d, cases);
	std::default_random_engine generator(time(NULL));
	std::normal_distribution<double> normal(0.0, 1.0);
	double sigma = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
		sigma = Lambda.getEntry(i, i);
		if (sigma == 0) {
			X.setRowMatrix(i, zeros(1, cases));
		if (sigma < 0) {
			errf("Covariance matrix should be positive semi-definite!\n");
		for (int n = 0; n < cases; n++) {
			X.setEntry(i, n, normal(generator) * pow(sigma, 0.5));

	Matrix& Y = plus(mtimes(B, X), repmat(MU.transpose(), 1, cases)).transpose();

	return Y;

예제 #22
파일: construct_a.hpp 프로젝트: fengwang/di
 const matrix_type make_gaussian_electron( const matrix_type& s, const value_type v ) const
     auto ans = s;
     auto const factor = v / value_type( 511 ) + value_type( 1 );
     std::for_each( ans.begin(), ans.end(), [factor]( value_type & s_ )
         const value_type A[] = {0.3626, 0.9737, 2.7209, 1.7660};
         const value_type B[] = {0.4281, 3.5770, 19.3905, 64.3334};
         value_type tmp[4];
         std::fill( tmp, tmp + 4, value_type() );
         auto const ss = s_ * s_;
         std::transform( B, B + 4, tmp, [ss]( value_type b )
             return std::exp( -b * ss );
         } );
         s_ = factor * std::inner_product( A, A + 4, tmp, value_type() );
     return repmat( ans, 8, 1 );
예제 #23
void repmat(char *dest, const char *src, int ndim, int *destdimsize, 
	    int *dimsize, const int *dims, int *rep) 
  int d = ndim-1;
  int i, chunk;
  /* copy the first repetition into dest */
  if(d == 0) {
    chunk = dimsize[0];
  else {
    /* recursively repeat each slice of src */
    for(i=0;i<dims[d];i++) {
      repmat(dest + i*destdimsize[d-1], src + i*dimsize[d-1], 
	     ndim-1, destdimsize, dimsize, dims, rep);
    chunk = destdimsize[d-1]*dims[d];
  /* copy the result rep-1 times */
         Mat< std::complex<typename T1::pod_type> >&     coeff_out,
  const Base< std::complex<typename T1::pod_type>, T1 >& X,
  const typename arma_cx_only<typename T1::elem_type>::result* junk
  typedef typename T1::pod_type     T;
  typedef          std::complex<T> eT;
  const unwrap<T1>    Y( X.get_ref() );
  const Mat<eT>& in = Y.M;
  if(in.n_elem != 0)
 	  // singular value decomposition
 	  Mat<eT> U;
    Col< T> s;
    const Mat<eT> tmp = in - repmat(mean(in), in.n_rows, 1);
    const bool svd_ok = svd(U,s,coeff_out, tmp);
    if(svd_ok == false)
      return false;
    coeff_out.eye(in.n_cols, in.n_cols);
  return true;
예제 #25
파일: ccl_math.c 프로젝트: mhoward3210/ccl
void ccl_gaussian_rbf(const double * X,int i, int j,const double *C,int k, int d,double s,double * BX){
    double* D = malloc(d*j*sizeof(double));
    int cc;
    for (cc=0;cc<d*j;cc++){
        BX[cc] = exp(-0.5/s*D[cc]);
    double * vec = malloc(j*sizeof(double));
    for (cc=0;cc<j;cc++){
        vec[cc] = 1/vec[cc];
    double * tmp = malloc(d*j*sizeof(double));
    gsl_matrix BX_ = gsl_matrix_view_array(BX,d,j).matrix;
    gsl_matrix tmp_ = gsl_matrix_view_array(tmp,d,j).matrix;
예제 #26
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  const mxArray *srcmat;
  int ndim, *dimsize, eltsize;
  const int *dims;
  int ndimdest, *destdims, *destdimsize;
  char *src, *dest;
  int *rep;
  int i,nrep;
  int extra_rep = 1;
  int empty;

  if(nrhs < 2) mexErrMsgTxt("Usage: xrepmat(A, [N M ...])");
  srcmat = prhs[0];
  if(mxIsSparse(srcmat)) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Sorry, can't handle sparse matrices yet.");
  if(mxIsCell(srcmat)) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Sorry, can't handle cell arrays yet.");
  ndim = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(srcmat);
  dims = mxGetDimensions(srcmat);
  eltsize = mxGetElementSize(srcmat);

  /* compute dimension sizes */
  dimsize = mxCalloc(ndim, sizeof(int));
  dimsize[0] = eltsize*dims[0];
  for(i=1;i<ndim;i++) dimsize[i] = dimsize[i-1]*dims[i];

  /* determine repetition vector */
  ndimdest = ndim;
  if(nrhs == 2) {
    nrep = mxGetN(prhs[1]);
    if(nrep > ndimdest) ndimdest = nrep;
    rep = mxCalloc(ndimdest, sizeof(int));
    for(i=0;i<nrep;i++) {
      double repv = mxGetPr(prhs[1])[i];
      rep[i] = (int)repv;
    if(nrep == 1) {
      /* special behavior */
      nrep = 2;
      rep[1] = rep[0];
  else {
    nrep = nrhs-1;
    if(nrep > ndimdest) ndimdest = nrep;
    rep = mxCalloc(ndimdest, sizeof(int));
    for(i=0;i<nrep;i++) {
      rep[i] = (int)*mxGetPr(prhs[i+1]);
  for(i=nrep;i<ndimdest;i++) rep[i] = 1;

  /* compute output size */
  destdims = mxCalloc(ndimdest, sizeof(int));
  for(i=0;i<ndim;i++) destdims[i] = dims[i]*rep[i];
  for(;i<ndimdest;i++) { 
    destdims[i] = rep[i];
    extra_rep *= rep[i];
  destdimsize = mxCalloc(ndim, sizeof(int));
  destdimsize[0] = eltsize*destdims[0];
  for(i=1;i<ndim;i++) destdimsize[i] = destdimsize[i-1]*destdims[i];

  /* for speed, array should be uninitialized */
  plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(ndimdest, destdims, mxGetClassID(srcmat), 

  /* if any rep[i] == 0, output should be empty array.
     Added by KPM 11/13/02.
  empty = 0;
  for (i=0; i < nrep; i++) {
    if (rep[i]==0) 
      empty = 1;
  if (empty) 

  src = (char*)mxGetData(srcmat);
  dest = (char*)mxGetData(plhs[0]);
  if(ndimdest > ndim) memrep(dest,destdimsize[ndim-1],extra_rep);
  if(mxIsComplex(srcmat)) {
    src = (char*)mxGetPi(srcmat);
    dest = (char*)mxGetPi(plhs[0]);
    if(ndimdest > ndim) memrep(dest,destdimsize[ndim-1],extra_rep);
예제 #27
cv::Mat SIFT::sp_find_sift_grid( Mat I,Mat gridX,Mat gridY,int patchSize, float sigma_edge )
	int num_angles=8;
	float num_bins=4;
	int num_samples=num_bins*num_bins;
	int alpha = 9;

	float angle_step=2*pi/num_angles;

	//初始化angles 为一个一维矩阵从0到2*pi;间隔为angle_step
	Mat angles=create(0,2*pi,angle_step);
	angles=deleteO(angles); //删除最后一个元素

	CvSize size=I.size();
	//int hgt=size.height;
	//int wid=size.width;

	int num_patches=gridX.total();//计算gridX总共有多少个元素

	Mat sift_arr=Mat::zeros(num_patches,num_samples*num_angles,CV_32F);

	int  f_wid = 4 * ceil(sigma_edge) + 1;
	Mat G=gaussian(f_wid,sigma_edge);

	Mat GX=gradientX(G);
	Mat GY=gradientY(G);


	Mat I_X(I.rows,I.cols,CV_32F);
	I_X=filter2(GX,I);              //因为I,图片读入不同,所以I_X不同,与I有关的均布相同,但是,都正确

	Mat I_Y(I.rows,I.cols,CV_32F);

	Mat T(I_X.rows,I_X.cols,CV_32F);
	Mat I_mag(I_X.rows,I_X.cols,CV_32F);
	Mat I_theta=matan2(I_Y,I_X);

	Mat interval=create(2/num_bins,2,2/num_bins);

	Mat sample_x=meshgrid_X(interval,interval);

	Mat sample_y=meshgrid_Y(interval,interval);



	Mat I_orientation[8] = {Mat::zeros(size,CV_32F)};
	for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
		I_orientation[i] = Mat::zeros(size,CV_32F);
	float *pt=angles.ptr<float>(0);

	for(int a=0;a<num_angles;a++)
		Mat tep1=mcos(I_theta-pt[a]);//cos
		Mat tep(tep1.rows,tep1.cols,CV_32F);

	for(int i=0;i<num_patches;i++)

		double r=patchSize/2;
		float l=(float)(i/gridX.rows);
		float m=i%gridX.rows;
		float cx=gridX.at<float>(m,l)+r-0.5;
		float cy=gridY.at<float>(m,l)+r-0.5;

		Mat sample_x_t=Add(sample_x*r,cx);
		Mat sample_y_t=Add(sample_y*r,cy);
		float *pt1=sample_y_t.ptr<float>(0);
		float sample_res=pt1[1]-pt1[0];

// 		int c=(int)i/gridX.rows;
// 		float *ptc1=gridX.ptr<float>(c);
// 		int x_lo=ptc1[i%gridX.rows];

		int x_lo = gridX.at<float>(i % gridX.rows, i / gridX.rows);
		int x_hi=patchSize+x_lo-1;
/*		float *ptc2=gridY.ptr<float>(c);*/

		int y_lo=gridY.at<float>(i % gridY.rows, i / gridY.rows);
		int y_hi=y_lo+patchSize-1;

		Mat A=create(x_lo,x_hi,1);
		Mat B=create(y_lo,y_hi,1);

		Mat sample_px=meshgrid_X(A,B);
		Mat sample_py=meshgrid_Y(A,B);

		int num_pix = sample_px.total();//计算sample_px元素总数

		Mat dist_px=abs(repmat(sample_px,1,num_samples)-repmat(sample_x_t,num_pix,1));
		Mat dist_py=abs(repmat(sample_py,1,num_samples)-repmat(sample_y_t,num_pix,1));

		Mat weights_x=dist_px/sample_res;
		Mat weights_x_l=Less(weights_x,1);

		Mat weights_y=dist_py/sample_res;
		Mat weights_y_l=Less(weights_y,1);
		Mat weights=weights_x.mul(weights_y);

		Mat curr_sift=Mat::zeros(num_angles,num_samples,CV_32F);
		for(int a=0;a<num_angles;a++)
			//Mat I=getNum(I_orientation[a],y_lo,y_hi,x_lo,x_hi);
			Mat I = I_orientation[a](Range(y_lo, y_hi), Range(x_lo, x_hi));
			Mat tep=reshapeY(I);

			// Fill tep with zeros to fit size of weight
			if (tep.cols < weights.cols)
				for (int i = tep.rows; i < weights.rows; i++)

			Mat t=tep.mul(weights);
			Mat ta=sum_every_col(t);
			float *p=ta.ptr<float>(0);
			for(int i=0;i<curr_sift.cols;i++)

		Mat tp=reshapeX(curr_sift);
		float *p=tp.ptr<float>(0);
		for(int j=0;j<sift_arr.cols;j++)


	return sift_arr;
예제 #28
파일: fbnn.cpp 프로젝트: AthrunArthur/ffsae
  //NNBP performs backpropagation
  void FBNN::nnbp(void)
//     std::cout << "start nnbp" << std::endl;
    std::vector<FMatrix_ptr> oDs;
    //initialize oDs
    for(int i = 0; i < m_iN; i++)
    if(m_strOutput == "sigm")
      *oDs[m_iN -1] = bitWiseMul(*m_oEp,bitWiseMul(*m_oAs[m_iN -1],*m_oAs[m_iN -1] - 1));
    else if(m_strOutput == "softmax" || m_strOutput == "linear")
      *oDs[m_iN -1] = - (*m_oEp);
    for(int i = m_iN - 2; i > 0; i--)
      FMatrix d_act;
      if(m_strActivationFunction == "sigm")
	d_act = bitWiseMul(*m_oAs[i],1 - (*m_oAs[i]));
      else if(m_strActivationFunction == "tanh_opt")
	d_act = 1.7159 * 2/3 - 2/(3 * 1.7159) * bitWiseSquare(*m_oAs[i]);
      if(m_fNonSparsityPenalty > 0)
	FMatrix pi = repmat(*m_oPs[i],m_oAs[i]->rows(),1);
	FMatrix sparsityError = addPreColumn(m_fNonSparsityPenalty * (1 - m_fSparsityTarget) / (1 - pi) - m_fNonSparsityPenalty * m_fSparsityTarget / pi,0);
	//Backpropagate first derivatives
	if(i == m_iN - 2)//in this case in oDs there is not the bias term to be removed  
	  *oDs[i] = bitWiseMul(*oDs[i+1] * (*m_oWs[i]) + sparsityError,d_act);//Bishop (5.56)
	else//in this case in oDs the bias term has to be removed
	  *oDs[i] = bitWiseMul(delPreColumn(*oDs[i+1]) * (*m_oWs[i]) + sparsityError,d_act);
	//Backpropagate first derivatives
	if(i == m_iN - 2)//in this case in oDs there is not the bias term to be removed  
	  *oDs[i] = bitWiseMul((*oDs[i+1]) * (*m_oWs[i]),d_act);//Bishop (5.56)
	else//in this case in oDs the bias term has to be removed
	  *oDs[i] = bitWiseMul(delPreColumn(*oDs[i+1]) * (*m_oWs[i]),d_act);
      if(m_fDropoutFraction > 0)
	*oDs[i] = bitWiseMul(*oDs[i],addPreColumn(*m_odOMs[i],1));
    if(m_odWs.empty())//Initialize m_odWs
        for(int i = 0; i < m_iN - 1; i++)
    for(int i = 0; i < m_iN - 1; i++)
      if(i == m_iN - 2)
	*m_odWs[i] = trans(*oDs[i+1]) * (*m_oAs[i]) / oDs[i+1]->rows();
	*m_odWs[i] = trans(delPreColumn(*oDs[i+1])) * (*m_oAs[i]) / oDs[i+1]->rows();
//     std::cout << "end nnbp" << std::endl;

예제 #29
void HMM::_fwdback(mat init_state_distrib, mat _transmat, mat obslik,
		mat &alpha, mat &beta, mat& gamma, double &loglik, mat &xi_summed,
		cube &gamma2, cube &obslik2,
		bool fwd_only, bool compute_gamma2) {

	 * Compute the posterior probs. in an HMM using the forwards backwards algo.
	 * Notation:
	 *  Y(t) = observation, Q(t) = hidden state, M(t) = mixture variable (for MOG outputs)
	 *  A(t) = discrete input (action) (for POMDP models)
	 * INPUT:
	 *  init_state_distrib(i) = Pr(Q(1) = i)
	 *  transmat(i,j) = Pr(Q(t) = j | Q(t-1)=i)
	 *   or transmat{a}(i,j) = Pr(Q(t) = j | Q(t-1)=i, A(t-1)=a) if there are discrete inputs
	 *  obslik(i,t) = Pr(Y(t)| Q(t)=i)

	bool scaled = true;
	bool maximize = false;
	bool compute_xi = true;

	int Q = obslik.n_rows;
	int T = obslik.n_cols;

	mat mixmat;
	mat act;	// qui act è tutti zero, altrimenti potrebbe essere un input, TODO aggiungere &act negli input
	mat scale;

	if (obslik2.is_empty())
		compute_gamma2 = false;

	act = zeros(1,T);			// TODO this could be a colvec
	scale = ones(1,T);
	field<mat> transmat(1,1);
	transmat(0,0) = _transmat;

	// scale(t) = Pr(O(t) | O(1:t-1)) = gamma21/c(t) as defined by Rabiner (1989).
	// Hence prod_t scale(t) = Pr(O(1)) Pr(O(2)|O(1)) Pr(O(3) | O(1:2)) ... = Pr(O(1), ... ,O(T))
	// or log P = sum_t log scale(t).
	// Rabiner suggests multiplying beta(t) by scale(t), but we can instead
	// normalise beta(t) - the constants will cancel when we compute gamma.

	if (compute_xi)
		xi_summed = zeros(Q,Q);
	// xi_summed = [];

	//%%%%%%%%% Forwards %%%%%%%%%%
	//cout << "fwdback > Forwards" << endl;

	int t = 0;
	alpha.col(0) = vectorize(init_state_distrib) % obslik.col(t);
	if (scaled){
		std::pair<mat,double> _tmp = normaliseC(alpha.col(t));
		alpha.col(t) = _tmp.first;
		scale(t) = _tmp.second;

	for(int t=1; t<T; t++) {
		mat trans;
		mat m;

		trans = transmat(act(t-1));

		if (maximize){
			//m = max_mult(trans.t(), alpha.col(t-1)); // TODO max_mult
		} else {
			m = trans.t() * alpha.col(t-1);

		alpha.col(t) = vectorize(m) % obslik.col(t);

		if (scaled) {
			std::pair<mat,double> _tmp = normaliseC(alpha.col(t));
			alpha.col(t) = _tmp.first;
			scale(t) = _tmp.second;

		if (compute_xi && fwd_only) {// useful for online EM
			xi_summed = xi_summed + normalise((alpha.col(t-1) * obslik.col(t).t()) % trans);

	if (scaled) {
		uvec _s = find(scale);  	// se c'è almeno uno zero
									// portando a logaritmo c'è almeno un infinito
									// quindi somma tutto a infinito
		if ( _s.is_empty() ) {
			loglik = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
		} else {
			loglik = sum(sum(log(scale))); // nested arma::sum because sum(mat X) return a rowvec
	} else {
		loglik = log(sum(alpha.col(T)));

	if (fwd_only) {
		gamma = alpha;

	//%%%%%%%%% Backwards %%%%%%%%%%
	//cout << "fwdback > Backwards" << endl;

	int M;
	mat trans;
	mat denom;

	beta = zeros(Q,T);
	if (compute_gamma2) {
		M = mixmat.n_cols;
		gamma2 = zeros(Q,M,T);
	} else {
		//gamma2 = []

	beta.col(T-1) = ones(Q,1);

	gamma.col(T-1) = normalise(alpha.col(T-1) % beta.col(T-1));

	if (compute_gamma2) {
		denom = obslik.col(t) + (obslik.col(t)==0); // replace 0s with 1s before dividing
		gamma2.slice(t) = obslik2.slice(t) % mixmat % repmat(gamma.col(t), 1, M) % repmat(denom, 1, M);

	for (int t=T-2; t>=0; t--) { // T-2 because there are some calls to t+1
								 // and col(T) will generate the error Mat::col(): out of bounds
					             // so we must assure the limit of col(T-1)
		mat b = beta.col(t+1) % obslik.col(t+1);
		trans = transmat(act(t));
		if (maximize){
			mat B = repmat(vectorize(b).t(), Q, 1);
			beta.col(t) = max(trans % B, 1);
		} else
			beta.col(t) = trans * b;

		if (scaled)
			beta.col(t) = normalise( beta.col(t) );

		gamma.col(t) = normalise(alpha.col(t) % beta.col(t));

		if (compute_xi){
			xi_summed = xi_summed + normalise((trans % (alpha.col(t) * b.t())));

		if (compute_gamma2){
			denom = obslik.col(t) + (obslik(t)==0); // replace 0s with 1s before dividing
			gamma2.slice(t) = obslik2.slice(t) % mixmat % repmat(gamma.col(t), 1, M) % repmat(denom, 1, M);
예제 #30
arma::mat OneSamplePermTestingCPU(arma::mat data, 
                                  int nPermutations,
                                  double maxMemory)
    std::string permMatrixPath = "/Users/felipegb94/PermTest/data/face/PermutationMatrix.arma";
    int N; // Total number of subjects
    int V; // Total number of statistics/voxels to be tested
    int nPermutationsPerIteration; // Number of permutations done at once
    int numIterations; // nPermutations/nPermutationsPerIteration
    int lastIteration;
    int start, end; // Start and end of current interval

    arma::mat permutationMatrix;
    arma::mat maxT; // Maximum null distribution
    arma::mat dataSquared;
    arma::mat gMean;
    arma::mat gVar;
    arma::mat tStatMatrix;

    /* Set constant values and allocate memory */   
    N = data.n_rows; 
    V = data.n_cols;
    permutationMatrix = OneSampleGetPermutationMatrix(nPermutations, N);
    dataSquared = data % data;
    nPermutationsPerIteration = GetIntervalDimension(V, maxMemory);
    lastIteration = nPermutations % nPermutationsPerIteration;
    numIterations = floor(nPermutations/nPermutationsPerIteration);
    maxT = arma::zeros(nPermutations,1);

    std::cout << "Number of subjects (rows in data matrix): " << N << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Number of voxels per subject (cols in data matrix and cols in indexMatrix): ";
    std::cout << V << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Number of Permutations (rows in permutations matrix):" << nPermutations << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Rows in permutationMatrix = " << permutationMatrix.n_rows << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Cols in permutationMatrix = " << permutationMatrix.n_cols << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Interval Size = " << nPermutationsPerIteration << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Number of Passes = " << numIterations << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Last Iteration = " << lastIteration << std::endl;

    int i = 0;

    arma::mat varTerm1 = repmat(arma::sum(dataSquared,0), nPermutationsPerIteration,1)/N;
    arma::mat varTerm1LastItr = repmat(arma::sum(dataSquared,0), lastIteration, 1)/N;
    std::cout << "VarTerm rows " << varTerm1LastItr.n_rows << std::endl;
    std::cout << "VarTerm cols " << varTerm1LastItr.n_cols << std::endl;
    /* Permutation loop */
        #pragma omp parallel for
    for(i = 0;i < numIterations;i++)
        start = nPermutationsPerIteration * i;
        end = (nPermutationsPerIteration * i) + nPermutationsPerIteration - 1;
        printf("Iteration %d , start %d, end %d of %d \n", i, start, end, nPermutations-1);

        gMean = (permutationMatrix(arma::span(start,end), arma::span::all) * data) / N;
        gVar = (varTerm1) - (gMean % gMean); 
        tStatMatrix = (gMean) / sqrt(gVar/(N-1));

        maxT(arma::span(start,end),arma::span::all) = arma::max(tStatMatrix,1);
    if(lastIteration != 0)
        start = nPermutationsPerIteration * i;
        end = nPermutations - 1;
        printf("Iteration %d , start %d, end %d of %d \n", i, start, end, nPermutations-1);

        gMean = (permutationMatrix(arma::span(start,end), arma::span::all) * data) / N;
        gVar = varTerm1LastItr - (gMean % gMean); 
        tStatMatrix = (gMean) / sqrt(gVar/(N-1));

        maxT(arma::span(start,end),arma::span::all) = arma::max(tStatMatrix,1);

    std::string prefix = "OneSampleMaxT_CPU";
    SaveMaxT(maxT, nPermutations, prefix);

    return maxT;