// An Occurence has been added void GLC_WorldHandle::addOccurence(GLC_StructOccurence* pOccurence, bool isSelected, GLuint shaderId) { Q_ASSERT(!m_OccurenceHash.contains(pOccurence->id())); m_OccurenceHash.insert(pOccurence->id(), pOccurence); GLC_StructReference* pRef= pOccurence->structReference(); Q_ASSERT(NULL != pRef); // Add instance representation in the collection if (pOccurence->useAutomatic3DViewInstanceCreation() && pRef->representationIsLoaded()) { //qDebug() << "GLC_WorldHandle::addOccurence with rep"; GLC_3DRep* p3DRep= dynamic_cast<GLC_3DRep*>(pRef->representationHandle()); GLC_3DViewInstance representation(*p3DRep); // Force instance representation id representation.setId(pOccurence->id()); // Force instance representation name representation.setName(pOccurence->name()); if (0 != shaderId) m_Collection.bindShader(shaderId); m_Collection.add(representation, shaderId); if (isSelected) { //qDebug() << pOccurence->name() << "selected"; m_Collection.select(pOccurence->id()); } } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { assert(argc>3); Bayesian bayesian(256, 256); std::string output_folder = argv[1]; std::string train_folder = argv[2]; std::string filename = argv[3]; fs::path path_to_output_folder(output_folder); path_to_output_folder/=filename; fs::path path_to_train_folder(train_folder); bayesian.train_from_folder<0,1>(path_to_train_folder); auto bayesian_m = bayesian.model(); std::ofstream file(path_to_output_folder.string()); bayesian_m.save_to_file(file); bayesian_m.gaussian_blur(5,5,1,1); cv::Mat color_map = bayesian_m.representation(); cv::imwrite(path_to_output_folder.string() + ".jpg",color_map); cv::imshow("color map",color_map); cv::waitKey(0); return 0; }
void SunMenuItemView::initialize() { Q_ASSERT_X(mItemModel != 0 && mItemModel->displayedItem() != 0, "MenuItemView::initialize()", "You should pass a valid MenuItemModel pointer"); Q_ASSERT_X(mParentLayer != 0, "MenuItemView::initialize()", "Parent layer for item MUST be specified."); connect(representation(),SIGNAL(brushChanged(const QBrush&)), this, SLOT(updateBrush(const QBrush&))); updateBrush(representation()->brush()); setAcceptHoverEvents(true); setParent(mItemModel); setParentItem(mParentItemView); // Cache useless in this situation because we don't use transformation and menu doesn't change it's position. //It's increases memory usage and greatly reduces the animation performance. setCacheMode(QGraphicsItem::NoCache); // setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemStacksBehindParent, true); if (mItemModel->displayedItem()->graphicsItem()) mItemModel->displayedItem()->graphicsItem()->setParentItem(this); connect(mItemModel, SIGNAL(childAdded(MenuItemModel*)), this, SLOT(childItemAdded(MenuItemModel*))); mSubLayer = 0; mStartAngle = 0; mSweepLength = 0; mWidth = 0; mInnerRadius = 0; if (!mItemModel->childMenus().isEmpty()) { foreach(MenuItemModel* mc, mItemModel->childMenus()) addChildItem(mc); } updateShape(); recalculateChildMenusAngles(); }
typename mpfr_bin_ieee754_flavor<T>::representation mpfr_bin_ieee754_flavor<T>::intersection(mpfr_bin_ieee754_flavor<T>::representation const& x, mpfr_bin_ieee754_flavor<T>::representation const& y) { if (!is_valid(x) || !is_valid(y)) return empty(); if (disjoint(x, y)) return empty(); else return representation(std::max(x.first, y.first), std::min(x.second, y.second)); }
typename mpfr_bin_ieee754_flavor<T>::representation mpfr_bin_ieee754_flavor<T>::convex_hull(mpfr_bin_ieee754_flavor<T>::representation const& x, mpfr_bin_ieee754_flavor<T>::representation const& y) { if (!is_valid(x) || !is_valid(y)) return empty(); if (is_empty(x)) return y; else if (is_empty(y)) return x; else return representation(std::min(x.first, y.first), std::max(x.second, y.second)); }
bool NumericRepresentationSetter::canUse(const QString &id) const { try { bool ok; quint64 objid = id.toULongLong(&ok); if ( !ok) return false; Resource resource = mastercatalog()->id2Resource(objid); if ( !resource.isValid()) return false; if ( resource.ilwisType() != itREPRESENTATION) return false; IRepresentation representation(resource); return hasType(representation->domain()->ilwisType(), itNUMERICDOMAIN); } catch(const ErrorObject& err){ } return false; }
nsresult nsDASHWebMODParser::SetRepresentations(nsIDOMElement* aAdaptSetElem, AdaptationSet* aAdaptationSet, bool &bIgnoreThisAdaptSet) { NS_ENSURE_ARG(aAdaptSetElem); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aAdaptationSet); // Assume ok until an error is found. bIgnoreThisAdaptSet = false; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> child, nextChild; nsresult rv = aAdaptSetElem->GetFirstElementChild(getter_AddRefs(child)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); #ifdef PR_LOGGING int i = 0; #endif bIgnoreThisAdaptSet = false; while (child) { nsAutoString tagName; rv = child->GetTagName(tagName); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // If child is invalid, return and ignore this |Period| if (tagName.EqualsLiteral("SegmentList") || tagName.EqualsLiteral("SegmentTemplate")) { bIgnoreThisAdaptSet = true; return NS_OK; } if (tagName.EqualsLiteral("Representation")) { nsAutoPtr<Representation> representation(new Representation()); nsAutoString value; rv = GetAttribute(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("width"), value); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if(!value.IsEmpty()) { representation->SetWidth(value.ToInteger(&rv)); } rv = GetAttribute(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("height"), value); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if(!value.IsEmpty()) { representation->SetHeight(value.ToInteger(&rv)); } rv = GetAttribute(child, NS_LITERAL_STRING("bandwidth"), value); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if(!value.IsEmpty()) { representation->SetBitrate(value.ToInteger(&rv)); } LOG("Representation #%d: width:%d height:%d bitrate:%d", i, representation->GetWidth(), representation->GetHeight(), representation->GetBitrate()); // Get |BaseURL| elements bool bIgnoreThisRep; SetRepresentationBaseUrls(child, representation, bIgnoreThisRep); // Get |SegmentBase| elements if (!bIgnoreThisRep) SetRepSegmentBase(child, representation, bIgnoreThisRep); if (!bIgnoreThisRep) { aAdaptationSet->AddRepresentation(representation.forget()); LOG("Representation #%d: added to AdaptationSet", i++); } } rv = child->GetNextElementSibling(getter_AddRefs(nextChild)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); child = nextChild; } return NS_OK; }
/** Overloaded for TDesC @returns Error code if any during writing @leave KErrNoMemory if no memory */ TInt CSerialWriter::WriteDecorated(const TDesC& aText, TInt aSeverity) { TPtrC8 representation((TUint8*)(&aText)->Ptr(), (&aText)->Size()); return WriteDecorated(representation, aSeverity ) ; }
/** * Replaces @ characters with any string * @param inner Replacement string * @param formatter String containing @ symbols * @return formatted string */ string format(const string& inner, const string& formatter) { string representation(formatter); replaceAll(representation, "@", inner); return representation; }
// Create meshes from the 3ds File void GLC_3dsToWorld::createMeshes(GLC_StructOccurence* pProduct, Lib3dsNode* pFatherNode) { GLC_StructOccurence* pChildProduct= NULL; Lib3dsMesh *pMesh= NULL; if (pFatherNode->type == LIB3DS_OBJECT_NODE) { //qDebug() << "Node type LIB3DS_OBJECT_NODE is named : " << QString(pFatherNode->name); //qDebug() << "Node Matrix :"; //qDebug() << GLC_Matrix4x4(&(pFatherNode->matrix[0][0])).toString(); // Check if the node is a mesh or dummy if (!(strcmp(pFatherNode->name,"$$$DUMMY")==0)) { pMesh = lib3ds_file_mesh_by_name(m_pLib3dsFile, pFatherNode->name); if( pMesh != NULL ) { GLC_3DRep representation(create3DRep(pMesh)); // Test if there is vertex in the mesh if (0 != representation.vertexCount()) { m_LoadedMeshes.insert(representation.name()); // Load node matrix GLC_Matrix4x4 nodeMat(&(pFatherNode->matrix[0][0])); // The mesh matrix to inverse GLC_Matrix4x4 matInv(&(pMesh->matrix[0][0])); matInv.invert(); // Get the node pivot Lib3dsObjectData *pObjectData; pObjectData= &pFatherNode->data.object; GLC_Matrix4x4 trans(-pObjectData->pivot[0], -pObjectData->pivot[1], -pObjectData->pivot[2]); // Compute the part matrix nodeMat= nodeMat * trans * matInv; // I don't know why... nodeMat.optimise(); // move the part by the matrix pProduct->addChild((new GLC_StructInstance(new GLC_3DRep(representation)))->move(nodeMat)); } else { // the instance will be deleted, check material usage QSet<GLC_Material*> meshMaterials= representation.materialSet(); QSet<GLC_Material*>::const_iterator iMat= meshMaterials.constBegin(); while (iMat != meshMaterials.constEnd()) { if ((*iMat)->numberOfUsage() == 1) { m_Materials.remove((*iMat)->name()); } ++iMat; } } } } // End If DUMMY } else return; // If there is a child, create a child product if (NULL != pFatherNode->childs) { pChildProduct= new GLC_StructOccurence(); pProduct->addChild(pChildProduct); pChildProduct->setName(QString("Product") + QString::number(pFatherNode->node_id)); //pChildProduct->move(GLC_Matrix4x4(&(pFatherNode->matrix[0][0]))); // Create Childs meshes if exists for (Lib3dsNode* pNode= pFatherNode->childs; pNode!=0; pNode= pNode->next) { createMeshes(pChildProduct, pNode); } } }
AbstractMenuBehavior* SunMenuItemView::behavior() const { return representation()->behavior(); }
String URL::Encode (const String & encode) { // Convert to UTF-8 representation Vector<Byte> utf8(UTF8().Encode(encode)); // Loop and reconstruct String encoded; for (const Byte b : utf8) { if ( // Outside ASCII range (b>=128) || ( // Not A-Z ( (b<'A') || (b>'Z') ) && // Not a-z ( (b<'a') || (b>'z') ) && // Not 0-9 ( (b<'0') || (b>'9') ) && // Not - (b!='-') && // Not _ (b!='_') && // Not . (b!='.') && // Not ~ (b!='~') ) ) { // Percent encode encoded << "%"; String representation(b,16); if (representation.Count()==1) encoded << "0"; encoded << representation; } else { // Add as regular character encoded << GraphemeCluster( static_cast<ASCIIChar>(b) ); } } return encoded; }