예제 #1
/* user main function, called by AppFramework after system init done && wifi
 * station on in user_main thread.
OSStatus user_main( app_context_t * const app_context )
    OSStatus err = kNoErr;
    int time_sencond = 50*1000;  /* 60s */

    require(app_context, exit);

    /* Create a new thread */

    err = mico_rtos_create_thread(NULL, MICO_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, "RGB_LED", LED_handleThread, 1024, NULL );
    require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to start the RGB LED thread ." );

    err = mico_rtos_create_thread(NULL, MICO_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, "MP3_PLAY", MP3_handleThread, 1024, NULL );
    require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to start the MP3 PLAY thread" );

    err = mico_rtos_create_thread(NULL, MICO_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, "BAT_DETECT", BAT_handleThread, 500, NULL );
    require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to start the BAT DETECT thread ." );

    KEY_Init(KEY_irq_handler); //按键初始化

    mico_rtos_init_semaphore(&cupTimeObj.playMp3_sem, 1);  //信号量初始化
    mico_rtos_init_semaphore(&cupTimeObj.playLed_sem, 1);
    mico_rtos_init_semaphore(&cupTimeObj.stopLed_sem, 1);

    err = mico_init_timer(&cupTimeObj.cup_timer, time_sencond, cup_timer_timeout_handler, (void *)&cupTimeObj);
    cupTimeObj.drinkTime = 1;
    cupTimeObj.playMode = PLAY_MP3_LED;
    if (KEY_getValue() == KEY_DOWN)
        TIMER_start(); //启动定时喝水

        // printf("this is main thread.\r\n");

    if(kNoErr != err) {
        printf("ERROR: user_main thread exit with err=%d", err);
    return kNoErr;
예제 #2
파일: os_thread.c 프로젝트: yangk/Mico
int application_start( void )
  OSStatus err = kNoErr;
  mico_thread_t t_handler = NULL;
  /* Create a new thread */
  err = mico_rtos_create_thread( NULL, MICO_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, "Thread 1", thread_1, 500, NULL );
  require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to start the thread 1." );
    /* Create a new thread, and this thread will delete its self and clean its resource */
    err = mico_rtos_create_thread( &t_handler, MICO_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, "Thread 2", thread_2, 500, NULL );
    require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to start the thread 2." );
    mico_rtos_thread_join( &t_handler );
  if( err != kNoErr )
    os_thread_log( "Thread exit with err: %d", err );
  return err;  
예제 #3
OSStatus airkiss_discovery_start( char *appid, char *deviceid )
  OSStatus err = kNoErr;

  _appid = appid;
  _deviceid = deviceid;

  err = mico_rtos_create_thread(NULL, MICO_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, "ak discovery", ak_discovery_thread, 0x800, NULL );
  require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to start the airkiss discovery thread." );
  _started = true;
  return err;
OSStatus mico_system_monitor_daemen_start( void )
  OSStatus err = kNoErr;
  /*Start system monotor thread*/
  err = MICOStartSystemMonitor( );
  require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to start the system monitor." );

  /* Register first monitor */
  err = mico_system_monitor_register(&mico_monitor, APPLICATION_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_SECONDS*1000);
  require_noerr( err, exit );
  mico_init_timer(&_watchdog_reload_timer,APPLICATION_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_SECONDS*1000/2, _watchdog_reload_timer_handler, NULL);
  return err;
예제 #5
int application_start( void )
  OSStatus err = kNoErr;
  /*Register user function for MiCO nitification: WiFi status changed */
  err = mico_system_notify_register( mico_notify_WIFI_STATUS_CHANGED, (void *)micoNotify_WifiStatusHandler, NULL );
  require_noerr( err, exit ); 
  /* Start MiCO system functions according to mico_config.h */
  err = mico_system_init( mico_system_context_init( 0 ) );
  require_noerr( err, exit ); 
  /* Start TCP server listener thread*/
  err = mico_rtos_create_thread( NULL, MICO_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, "TCP_server", tcp_server_thread, 0x800, NULL );
  require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to start the tcp server thread." );
  mico_rtos_delete_thread( NULL );
  return err;
예제 #6
int application_start( void )
  OSStatus err = kNoErr;

  /*Register user function for MiCO nitification: WiFi status changed */
  err = mico_system_notify_register( mico_notify_WIFI_STATUS_CHANGED, (void *)micoNotify_WifiStatusHandler, NULL );
  require_noerr( err, exit ); 

  /* Start MiCO system functions according to mico_config.h */
  err = mico_system_init( mico_system_context_init( 0 ) );
  require_noerr( err, exit ); 

  err = mico_rtos_create_thread(NULL, MICO_APPLICATION_PRIORITY, "udp_unicast", udp_unicast_thread, 0x800, NULL );
  require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to start the UDP thread." );
  if( err != kNoErr )
    udp_unicast_log("Thread exit with err: %d", err);
  mico_rtos_delete_thread( NULL );
  return err;
예제 #7
파일: Tool.c 프로젝트: withwave/RT5350
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    DNSStatus		err;

    // Set up DNS Services and install a Console Control Handler to handle things like control-c signals.

    err = DNSServicesInitialize( kDNSFlagAdvertise, 0 );
    require_noerr_string( err, exit, "could not initialize DNSServiceTest" );

#if( __MACH__ )
    signal( SIGINT, SigIntHandler );

#if( defined( WINVER ) )
    SetConsoleCtrlHandler( ConsoleControlHandler, TRUE );

    ProcessArgs( argc, argv );

    return( err );
예제 #8
int HKSecureSocketSend( int sockfd, void *buf, size_t len, security_session_t *session)
  OSStatus       err = kNoErr;
  uint8_t*       encryptedData = NULL;
  ssize_t        sentLength = 0;
  uint64_t       encryptedDataLen;

  encryptedData = malloc(len + crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ABYTES + 4);
  require_action(encryptedData, exit, err = kNoMemoryErr);
  *(int *)encryptedData = len;
  err =  crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt(encryptedData+4, &encryptedDataLen, (uint8_t *)buf, len,
                                              (const uint8_t *)encryptedData, 4, NULL, (uint8_t *)(&session->outputSeqNo),
                                              (const unsigned char *)session->OutputKey);
  require_noerr_string(err, exit, "crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt failed");
  require_string(encryptedDataLen - crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ABYTES == len, exit, "encryptedDataLen is not properly set");

  err = SocketSend( sockfd, encryptedData, encryptedDataLen + 4 );
  require_noerr( err, exit );

    if(encryptedData) free(encryptedData);
    return sentLength;
예제 #9
파일: Tool.c 프로젝트: withwave/RT5350
static int ProcessArgs( int argc, char* argv[] )
    DNSStatus						err;
    int								i;
    const char *					name;
    const char *					type;
    const char *					domain;
    uint16_t						port;
    const char *					text;
    size_t							textSize;
    DNSBrowserRef					browser;
    DNSResolverFlags				resolverFlags;
    DNSDomainRegistrationType		domainType;
    const char *					label;
    const char *					host;
    const char *					ip;
    unsigned int					b[ 4 ];
    DNSNetworkAddress				addr;
    dns_service_discovery_ref		emulatedRef;

    // Parse the command line arguments (ignore first argument since it's just the program name).

    require_action_string( argc >= 2, exit, err = kDNSBadParamErr, "no arguments specified" );

    for( i = 1; i < argc; ++i )
        if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-bbd" ) == 0 )
            // 'b'rowse for 'b'rowsing 'd'omains

            fprintf( stdout, "browsing for browsing domains\n" );

            err = DNSBrowserCreate( 0, BrowserCallBack, NULL, &browser );
            require_noerr_string( err, exit, "create browser failed" );

            err = DNSBrowserStartDomainSearch( browser, 0 );
            require_noerr_string( err, exit, "start domain search failed" );
        else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-brd" ) == 0 )
            // 'b'rowse for 'r'egistration 'd'omains

            fprintf( stdout, "browsing for registration domains\n" );

            err = DNSBrowserCreate( 0, BrowserCallBack, NULL, &browser );
            require_noerr_string( err, exit, "create browser failed" );

            err = DNSBrowserStartDomainSearch( browser, kDNSBrowserFlagRegistrationDomainsOnly );
            require_noerr_string( err, exit, "start domain search failed" );
        else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-bs" ) == 0 )
            // 'b'rowse for 's'ervices <type> <domain>

            require_action_string( argc > ( i + 2 ), exit, err = kDNSBadParamErr, "missing arguments" );
            type 	= argv[ i++ ];
            domain 	= argv[ i ];
            if( ( domain[ 0 ] == '\0' ) || ( ( domain[ 0 ] == '.' ) && ( domain[ 1 ] == '\0' ) ) )
                domain = "local.";
            fprintf( stdout, "browsing for \"%s.%s\"\n", type, domain );

            err = DNSBrowserCreate( 0, BrowserCallBack, NULL, &browser );
            require_noerr_string( err, exit, "create browser failed" );

            err = DNSBrowserStartServiceSearch( browser, kDNSBrowserFlagAutoResolve, type, domain );
            require_noerr_string( err, exit, "start service search failed" );
        else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-lsi" ) == 0 )
            // 'l'ookup 's'ervice 'i'nstance <name> <type> <domain>

            require_action_string( argc > ( i + 3 ), exit, err = kDNSBadParamErr, "missing arguments" );
            name 	= argv[ i++ ];
            type 	= argv[ i++ ];
            domain 	= argv[ i ];
            if( ( domain[ 0 ] == '\0' ) || ( ( domain[ 0 ] == '.' ) && ( domain[ 1 ] == '\0' ) ) )
                domain = "local.";
            fprintf( stdout, "resolving \"%s.%s.%s\"\n", name, type, domain );

            resolverFlags = kDNSResolverFlagOnlyIfUnique |
            err = DNSResolverCreate( resolverFlags, name, type, domain, ResolverCallBack, 0, NULL, NULL );
            require_noerr_string( err, exit, "create resolver failed" );
        else if( ( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-rdb" ) == 0 ) || ( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-rdbd" ) == 0 ) )
            // 'r'egister 'd'omain for 'b'rowsing ['d'efault] <domain>

            require_action_string( argc > ( i + 1 ), exit, err = kDNSBadParamErr, "missing arguments" );
            if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-rdb" ) == 0 )
                domainType = kDNSDomainRegistrationTypeBrowse;
                label = "";
                domainType = kDNSDomainRegistrationTypeBrowseDefault;
                label = "default ";
            domain = argv[ i ];
            if( ( domain[ 0 ] == '\0' ) || ( ( domain[ 0 ] == '.' ) && ( domain[ 1 ] == '\0' ) ) )
                domain = "local.";
            fprintf( stdout, "registering \"%s\" as %sbrowse domain\n", domain, label );

            err = DNSDomainRegistrationCreate( 0, domain, domainType, NULL );
            require_noerr_string( err, exit, "create domain registration failed" );
        else if( ( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-rdr" ) == 0 ) || ( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-rdrd" ) == 0 ) )
            // 'r'egister 'd'omain for 'r'egistration ['d'efault] <domain>

            require_action_string( argc > ( i + 1 ), exit, err = kDNSBadParamErr, "missing arguments" );
            if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-rdr" ) == 0 )
                domainType = kDNSDomainRegistrationTypeRegistration;
                label = "";
                domainType = kDNSDomainRegistrationTypeRegistrationDefault;
                label = "default ";
            domain = argv[ i ];
            if( ( domain[ 0 ] == '\0' ) || ( ( domain[ 0 ] == '.' ) && ( domain[ 1 ] == '\0' ) ) )
                domain = "local.";
            fprintf( stdout, "registering \"%s\" as %sregistration domain\n", domain, label );

            err = DNSDomainRegistrationCreate( 0, domain, domainType, NULL );
            require_noerr_string( err, exit, "create domain registration failed" );
        else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-rs" ) == 0 )
            // 'r'egister 's'ervice <name> <type> <domain> <port> <txt>

            require_action_string( argc > ( i + 5 ), exit, err = kDNSBadParamErr, "missing arguments" );
            name 		= argv[ i++ ];
            type 		= argv[ i++ ];
            domain	 	= argv[ i++ ];
            port 		= (uint16_t) atoi( argv[ i++ ] );
            text 		= argv[ i ];
            textSize	= strlen( text );
            if( ( domain[ 0 ] == '\0' ) || ( ( domain[ 0 ] == '.' ) && ( domain[ 1 ] == '\0' ) ) )
                domain = "local.";
            fprintf( stdout, "registering service \"%s.%s.%s\" port %d text \"%s\"\n", name, type, domain, port, text );

            err = DNSRegistrationCreate( 0, name, type, domain, (DNSPort) port, text, (DNSCount) textSize, NULL, NULL,
                                         RegistrationCallBack, NULL, NULL );
            require_noerr_string( err, exit, "create registration failed" );
        else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-rps" ) == 0 )
            DNSHostRegistrationFlags		hostFlags;

            // 'r'egister 'p'roxy 's'ervice <host> <ip> <name> <type> <domain> <port> <txt>

            require_action_string( argc > ( i + 7 ), exit, err = kDNSBadParamErr, "missing arguments" );
            host		= argv[ i++ ];
            ip			= argv[ i++ ];
            name 		= argv[ i++ ];
            type 		= argv[ i++ ];
            domain	 	= argv[ i++ ];
            port 		= (uint16_t) atoi( argv[ i++ ] );
            text 		= argv[ i ];
            textSize	= strlen( text );
            if( ( domain[ 0 ] == '\0' ) || ( ( domain[ 0 ] == '.' ) && ( domain[ 1 ] == '\0' ) ) )
                domain = "local.";

            sscanf( ip, "%u.%u.%u.%u", &b[ 0 ], &b[ 1 ], &b[ 2 ], &b[ 3 ] );
            addr.addressType 			= kDNSNetworkAddressTypeIPv4;
            addr.u.ipv4.addr.v8[ 0 ] 	= (DNSUInt8) b[ 0 ];
            addr.u.ipv4.addr.v8[ 1 ] 	= (DNSUInt8) b[ 1 ];
            addr.u.ipv4.addr.v8[ 2 ] 	= (DNSUInt8) b[ 2 ];
            addr.u.ipv4.addr.v8[ 3 ] 	= (DNSUInt8) b[ 3 ];

            fprintf( stdout, "registering proxy service \"%s.%s.%s\" port %d text \"%s\"\n", name, type, domain, port, text );

            hostFlags = kDNSHostRegistrationFlagOnlyIfNotFound | kDNSHostRegistrationFlagAutoRenameOnConflict;
            err = DNSHostRegistrationCreate( hostFlags, host, domain, &addr, NULL,
                                             HostRegistrationCallBack, NULL, NULL );
            require_noerr_string( err, exit, "create host registration failed" );

            err = DNSRegistrationCreate( 0, name, type, domain, (DNSPort) port, text, (DNSCount) textSize, host, NULL,
                                         RegistrationCallBack, NULL, NULL );
            require_noerr_string( err, exit, "create registration failed" );
        else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-rnss" ) == 0 )
            // 'r'egister 'n'o 's'uch 's'ervice <name> <type> <domain>

            require_action_string( argc > ( i + 3 ), exit, err = kDNSBadParamErr, "missing arguments" );
            name 		= argv[ i++ ];
            type 		= argv[ i++ ];
            domain	 	= argv[ i++ ];
            if( ( domain[ 0 ] == '\0' ) || ( ( domain[ 0 ] == '.' ) && ( domain[ 1 ] == '\0' ) ) )
                domain = "local.";
            fprintf( stdout, "registering no-such-service \"%s.%s.%s\"\n", name, type, domain );

            err = DNSNoSuchServiceRegistrationCreate( 0, name, type, domain, NULL, RegistrationCallBack, NULL, NULL );
            require_noerr_string( err, exit, "create no-such-service registration failed" );
        else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-ebs" ) == 0 )
            // 'e'mulated 'b'rowse for 's'ervices <type> <domain>

            require_action_string( argc > ( i + 2 ), exit, err = kDNSBadParamErr, "missing arguments" );
            type 	= argv[ i++ ];
            domain 	= argv[ i ];
            if( ( domain[ 0 ] == '\0' ) || ( ( domain[ 0 ] == '.' ) && ( domain[ 1 ] == '\0' ) ) )
                domain = "local.";
            fprintf( stdout, "emulated browsing for \"%s.%s\"\n", type, domain );

            emulatedRef = DNSServiceBrowserCreate( type, domain, EmulatedBrowserCallBack, NULL );
            require_action_string( emulatedRef, exit, err = kDNSUnknownErr, "create emulated browser failed" );
        else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-ebd" ) == 0 )
            int		registrationOnly;

            // 'e'mulated 'b'rowse for 'd'omains <registration/browse>

            require_action_string( argc > ( i + 1 ), exit, err = kDNSBadParamErr, "missing arguments" );
            type = argv[ i++ ];
            if( strcmp( type, "registration" ) == 0 )
                registrationOnly = 1;
            else if( strcmp( type, "browse" ) == 0 )
                registrationOnly = 0;
                require_action_string( 0, exit, err = kDNSBadParamErr, "invalid browse type" );
            fprintf( stdout, "emulated browsing for %s domains\n", type );

            emulatedRef = DNSServiceDomainEnumerationCreate( registrationOnly, EmulatedDomainEnumerationCallBack, NULL );
            require_action_string( emulatedRef, exit, err = kDNSUnknownErr, "create emulated domain browser failed" );
        else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-elsi" ) == 0 )
            // 'e'mulated 'l'ookup 's'ervice 'i'nstance <name> <type> <domain>

            require_action_string( argc > ( i + 3 ), exit, err = kDNSBadParamErr, "missing arguments" );
            name 	= argv[ i++ ];
            type 	= argv[ i++ ];
            domain 	= argv[ i ];
            if( ( domain[ 0 ] == '\0' ) || ( ( domain[ 0 ] == '.' ) && ( domain[ 1 ] == '\0' ) ) )
                domain = "local.";
            fprintf( stdout, "emulated resolving \"%s.%s.%s\"\n", name, type, domain );

            emulatedRef = DNSServiceResolverResolve( name, type, domain, EmulatedResolverCallBack, NULL );
            require_action_string( emulatedRef, exit, err = kDNSUnknownErr, "create emulated resolver failed" );
        else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-ers" ) == 0 )
            // 'e'mulated 'r'egister 's'ervice <name> <type> <domain> <port> <txt>

            require_action_string( argc > ( i + 5 ), exit, err = kDNSBadParamErr, "missing arguments" );
            name 		= argv[ i++ ];
            type 		= argv[ i++ ];
            domain	 	= argv[ i++ ];
            port 		= (uint16_t) atoi( argv[ i++ ] );
            text 		= argv[ i ];
            textSize	= strlen( text );
            if( ( domain[ 0 ] == '\0' ) || ( ( domain[ 0 ] == '.' ) && ( domain[ 1 ] == '\0' ) ) )
                domain = "local.";
            fprintf( stdout, "registering service \"%s.%s.%s\" port %d text \"%s\"\n", name, type, domain, port, text );

            emulatedRef = DNSServiceRegistrationCreate( name, type, domain, htons( port ), text,
                          EmulatedRegistrationCallBack, NULL );
            require_action_string( emulatedRef, exit, err = kDNSUnknownErr, "create emulated registration failed" );
        else if( ( argv[ i ][ 0 ] == '-' ) && isdigit( argv[ i ][ 1 ] ) )
            // Preset

            ProcessPreset( atoi( &argv[ i ][ 1 ] ) );
            err = 0;
            goto exit;
        else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-q" ) == 0 )
            // Quiet (no text records)

            gPrintTXTRecords = 0;
        else if( ( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-help" ) == 0 ) || ( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-h" ) == 0 ) )
            // Help

            err = 0;
            goto exit;
            // Unknown parameter.

            require_action_string( 0, exit, err = kDNSBadParamErr, "unknown parameter" );
            goto exit;

    // Run until control-C'd.

#if( __MACH__ )

#if( defined( WINVER ) )
    while( !gQuit )
        Sleep( 200 );

    err = kDNSNoErr;

    if( err )
    return( err );
//------------------------------------- API ------------------------------------
OSStatus micokit_STmems_init(void)
  OSStatus err = kUnknownErr;
  button_init_t init;

  //init RGB LED(P9813)
  rgb_led_close();  // off
  dc_motor_set(0);   // off
  // init OLED

  OLED_ShowString(OLED_DISPLAY_COLUMN_START, OLED_DISPLAY_ROW_2, (uint8_t*)"MiCO            ");
  OLED_ShowString(OLED_DISPLAY_COLUMN_START, OLED_DISPLAY_ROW_3, (uint8_t*)"   Starting... ");
  OLED_ShowString(OLED_DISPLAY_COLUMN_START, OLED_DISPLAY_ROW_4, (uint8_t*)"                ");

  init.gpio = MICOKIT_STMEMS_KEY1;
  init.pressed_func = micokit_STmems_key1_clicked_callback;
  init.long_pressed_func = NULL;
  init.long_pressed_timeout = 5000;
  button_init( IOBUTTON_USER_1, init);

  init.gpio = MICOKIT_STMEMS_KEY2;
  init.pressed_func = micokit_STmems_key2_clicked_callback;
  init.long_pressed_func = NULL;
  init.long_pressed_timeout = 5000;
  button_init( IOBUTTON_USER_2, init);
  /*init HTS221 */
  err = hts221_sensor_init();
  require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to Init HTS221" );
  /*init UVIS25 */
  err = uvis25_sensor_init();
  require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to Init UVIS25" );
  /*init LSM9DS1_ACC_GYR */
  err = lsm9ds1_acc_gyr_sensor_init();
  require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to Init LSM9DS1_ACC_GYR" );
  err = lsm9ds1_mag_sensor_init();
  require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to Init LSM9DS1_MAG" );
  /*init LPS25HB */
  err = lps25hb_sensor_init();
  require_noerr_string( err, exit, "ERROR: Unable to Init LPS25HB" );
  return err;