예제 #1
// 获取一次数据以供发送
void GetData()
	Uint8 *data;
		/* Wait 10 sets of data from ADS1298_ISR(). */
		Semaphore_pend(semDRDY, BIOS_WAIT_FOREVER);

		// 获取缓冲区地址
		data = dataPool;

		// 切换数据池
		if(dataPool == *DataPool1)
			dataPool = *DataPool2;
			dataPool = *DataPool2;


		Data2Send = AllData[8-Channel_No];


		Event_post(eventServer, Event_Id_01);
예제 #2
int execute_query(
     /**/  sqlite3  *db,
     /**/  char     *query,
     /**/  int     (*apply_bindings)(sqlite3_stmt *, const void *),
     const void     *data,
     /**/  int     (*retrieve_data)(sqlite3_stmt *, const void *),
     /**/  void     *output )
     sqlite3_stmt *statement;
     int           rc;

     if ( (rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, query, strlen(query), &statement, NULL )) != SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

     if ( apply_bindings != NULL  &&  (rc = apply_bindings( statement, data )) != SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

     if ( (rc = sqlite3_step( statement )) == SQLITE_DONE )
          if ( (rc = sqlite3_finalize( statement )) != SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

          return SQLITE_NOTFOUND;

     while ( rc == SQLITE_ROW )
          if ( retrieve_data != NULL  &&  (rc = retrieve_data( statement, output )) != SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

          rc = sqlite3_step( statement );

     if ( rc != SQLITE_DONE ) return rc;

     return sqlite3_finalize( statement );
예제 #3
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray * prhs[]){
	// check number of arguments
	if( nrhs!=2 )
		mexErrMsgTxt("This function requires 2 arguments\n");
	if( !mxIsNumeric(prhs[0]) )
		mexErrMsgTxt("varargin{0} must be a valid kdtree pointer\n");
	if( !mxIsNumeric(prhs[1]) )
		mexErrMsgTxt("varargin{1} must be a query set of points\n");
    // retrieve the tree pointer
    KDTree* tree;
    retrieve_tree( prhs[0], tree ); 
    // retrieve the query data
    double* query_data;
    int npoints, ndims;
    retrieve_data( prhs[1], query_data, npoints, ndims );
    // printf("query size: %dx%d\n", npoints, ndims);
    // check dimensions
    if( ndims != tree->ndims() ) 
    	mexErrMsgTxt("vararg{1} must be a [Nxk] matrix of N points in k dimensions\n");   
    // npoints x 1 indexes in output
    plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(npoints, 1, mxREAL);
    double* indexes = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
    // cout << "nindexes: " << mxGetM(plhs[0]) << "x" << mxGetN(plhs[0]) << endl;
    // execute the query FOR EVERY point storing the index
    vector< double > query(ndims,0);
    for(int i=0; i<npoints; i++)
    	for( int j=0; j<ndims; j++ ){
    		query[j]   = query_data[ i+j*npoints ];
    		indexes[i] = tree->closest_point(query)+1;
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    // Initialize the BSP system
    if (!bsp_init("e_primitives.elf", argc, argv)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: bsp_init() failed\n");
        return -1;

    // Get the number of processors available
    int nprocs_available = bsp_nprocs();

    printf("Amount of cores available: %i\n", nprocs_available);
    for (;;) {
        printf("Enter the amount of cores to use: ");
        nprocs = 0;
        if (scanf("%d", &nprocs) < 0)
            return 1;
        if (nprocs <= 0 || nprocs > nprocs_available)
            printf("Invalid. Enter a number between 1 and %d\n",

    // Initialize the epiphany system, and load the e-program
    if (!bsp_begin(nprocs)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: bsp_begin() failed\n");
        return -1;

    // Send some initial data to the processors (i.e. matrices)

    // Run the SPMD on the e-cores

    printf("Retrieving results\n");

    // Retrieve results

    // Finalize
예제 #5
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]){
	// read the parameters
	// check input
	uint64 *pointer_to_tree;
	if( nrhs != 1 || !mxIsNumeric(prhs[0]) )
		mexErrMsgTxt("A unique scalar number with the expected size of the queue is necessary.\n");

	// retrieve the data
	int nelems = 100;	
	retrieve_data( prhs[0], nelems );

	// instantiate the priority queue
	MaxHeap<double>* pq = new MaxHeap<double>(nelems);

	// convert the pointer to generic
	plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1,1,mxUINT64_CLASS,mxREAL);
	pointer_to_tree = (uint64 *)mxGetData(plhs[0]);
	pointer_to_tree[0] = (uint64)pq;
예제 #6
파일: tail.c 프로젝트: ndim/e2tools
/* Name:	tail()
 * Description:
 * This function displays the last lines at the end of a file in an ext2
 * file system.
 * Algorithm:
 * Get the directory and basename of the file
 * Determine the inode number for the file
 * Open the file for reading
 * Skip to the last block in the file
 * While we have not found the last num_lines of newline characters
 *	  Skip backwards in the file one block and read it
 * Display the contents of the block from that point on.
 * Display the rest of the file if not contained in the block
 * Save the current location of the file.
 * If we are following the file as it grows
 *	  While forever
 *		  Sleep
 *		  Re-read the inode for the file
 *		  If the size has changed
 *			  Display the file from the saved point on
 *            Save the current location of the file.
 * Global Variables:
 * None
 * Arguments:
 * ext2_filsys *fs;             Our filesystem
 * ext2_ino_t root;             The root directory inode number
 * char *input;                 The name of the input file to tail
 * int num_lines;               The number of lines to display
 * int follow;                  Flag indicating if the we should follow any
 *                              new contents to the file.
 * int sleep_int;               The number of seconds to sleep between checking
 *                              for new lines
 * char *cur_filesys
 * Return Values:
 * 0 - the last number of lines was displayed correctly.
 * an error occurred.
 * Author: Keith W. Sheffield
 * Date:   08/07/2002
 * Modification History:
 * MM/DD/YY		 Name				Description
static long
tail(ext2_filsys *fs_ptr, ext2_ino_t root, char *input, int num_lines,
     int follow, int sleep_int, char *cur_filesys)
  ext2_filsys fs = *fs_ptr;
  ext2_ino_t cwd;
  ext2_ino_t tail_ino;
  ext2_ino_t t_tail_ino;
  char *tail_dir;
  char *tail_name;
  long retval;
  char buf[BLK_SIZE];
  unsigned int bytes_to_read;
  unsigned int bytes_read;
  char *ptr;
  struct ext2_inode inode;
  ext2_file_t tail_fd;    
  ext2_off_t offset;
  ext2_off_t cur_pos;

  if (get_file_parts(fs, root, input, &cwd, &tail_dir, &tail_name))

  /* get the inode number for the source file */
  if ((retval = ext2fs_namei(fs, cwd, cwd, tail_name, &tail_ino)))
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: file %s\n",error_message(retval),

  /* open the file */
  if ((retval = ext2fs_file_open(fs, tail_ino, 0, &tail_fd)))
      fputs(error_message(retval), stderr);
      return retval;

  /* get the length of the file and determine where to start reading */
  inode.i_size = offset = ext2fs_file_get_size(tail_fd);
  bytes_to_read = offset % BLK_SIZE;
  if (bytes_to_read == 0)
    bytes_to_read = BLK_SIZE;

  offset -= bytes_to_read;
  if (((int32_t)offset) < 0)
    offset = 0;

      /* seek to the start of the last block in the file */
      if ((retval = ext2fs_file_lseek(tail_fd, offset, EXT2_SEEK_SET, NULL)))
          fputs(error_message(retval), stderr);
          return retval;
      /* read the last block in the file */
      if ((retval = ext2fs_file_read(tail_fd, buf, bytes_to_read,
          fputs(error_message(retval), stderr);
          return retval;
      if (bytes_to_read != bytes_read)
          fputs("error reading file\n", stderr);
      ptr = buf + bytes_read - 1;
      while (bytes_to_read--)
          if (*ptr == '\n' && num_lines-- == 0)
              /* if the newline wasn't the last character in the buffer, then
               * print what's remaining.
              if (bytes_to_read != bytes_read - 1)
		  if (0 > write(1, ptr, bytes_read - bytes_to_read - 1))
		      perror("writing bytes to stdout");
		      return -1;
              offset = 0;       /* make sure we break out of the main loop */

      offset -= (offset < BLK_SIZE) ? offset : BLK_SIZE;
      bytes_to_read = BLK_SIZE;
  while (offset > 0);

  /* if we are here and have any lines left, we hit the beginning, so
   * dump the rest of what's in memory out.
  if (num_lines > 0)
      if (0 > write(1, buf, bytes_read)) {
	perror("writing bytes to stdout");
	return -1;
  /* retreive the current position in the file */
  if ((retval = ext2fs_file_lseek(tail_fd, 0, EXT2_SEEK_CUR, &cur_pos)))
      fputs(error_message(retval), stderr);
      return retval;

  /* ok, if we are before the end of the file, then dump the rest of it */
  if (cur_pos < inode.i_size)
      if ((retval = read_to_eof(tail_fd, 1, cur_pos, &cur_pos)))
          return retval;

  if ((retval = ext2fs_file_close(tail_fd)))
      fputs(error_message(retval), stderr);
      return retval;

  if (follow)
          /* I don't know how to force a re-read of the file system info yet,
           * so, just close the file system and reopen it.
          if ((retval = open_filesystem(cur_filesys, &fs, &root, 0)))
              *fs_ptr = NULL;
              fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", error_message(retval), cur_filesys);
              return retval;
          *fs_ptr = fs;

          /* if we are following the name, find the directory and file name
           * again.
          if (follow == FOLLOW_NAME)
              cwd = root;
              if (tail_dir != NULL && *tail_dir != '\0' &&
                  strcmp(tail_dir, ",") != 0 &&
                  (retval = change_cwd(fs, root, &cwd, tail_dir)))
                  fprintf(stderr, "Error changing to directory %s\n",

              /* get the inode number for the source file */
              if ((retval = ext2fs_namei(fs, cwd, cwd, tail_name,
                  fprintf(stderr, "%s: file %s\n",error_message(retval),

              /* if we are dealing with a new file, then start from the
               * beginning.
              if (t_tail_ino != tail_ino)
                  tail_ino = t_tail_ino;
                  cur_pos = 0;
          if ((retval = ext2fs_read_inode(fs, tail_ino, &inode)))
              fputs(error_message(retval), stderr);
              return retval;
          if (inode.i_size > cur_pos)
              if ((retval = retrieve_data(fs, tail_ino, 1, NULL, 0, cur_pos,
                  fputs(error_message(retval), stderr);
                  return retval;
          else if (inode.i_size < cur_pos)
              /* the file was truncated, so bail */