예제 #1
QColor QgsColorDialog::getLiveColor( const QColor &initialColor, QObject *updateObject, const char *updateSlot, QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const bool allowAlpha )
  QColor returnColor( initialColor );

  QSettings settings;

  //using native color dialogs?
  bool useNative = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "/qgis/native_color_dialogs" ), false ).toBool();
  if ( useNative )
    QColorDialog* liveDialog = new QColorDialog( initialColor, parent );
    liveDialog->setWindowTitle( title.isEmpty() ? tr( "Select Color" ) : title );
    liveDialog->setOptions( allowAlpha ? QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel : ( QColorDialog::ColorDialogOption )0 );

    connect( liveDialog, SIGNAL( currentColorChanged( const QColor& ) ),
             updateObject, updateSlot );

    if ( liveDialog->exec() )
      returnColor = liveDialog->currentColor();
    delete liveDialog;
    QgsColorDialog* liveDialog = new QgsColorDialog( parent, 0, initialColor );
    liveDialog->setWindowTitle( title.isEmpty() ? tr( "Select Color" ) : title );
    if ( !allowAlpha )
      liveDialog->setAllowAlpha( false );

    connect( liveDialog, SIGNAL( currentColorChanged( const QColor& ) ),
             updateObject, updateSlot );

    if ( liveDialog->exec() )
      returnColor = liveDialog->color();
    delete liveDialog;

  return returnColor;
예제 #2
QColor QgsColorDialog::getLiveColor( const QColor& initialColor, QObject* updateObject, const char* updateSlot,
                                     QWidget* parent,
                                     const QString& title,
                                     const QColorDialog::ColorDialogOptions& options )
  QColor returnColor( initialColor );
  QColorDialog* liveDialog = new QColorDialog( initialColor, parent );
  liveDialog->setWindowTitle( title.isEmpty() ? tr( "Select Color" ) : title );
  liveDialog->setOptions( options );

  connect( liveDialog, SIGNAL( currentColorChanged( const QColor& ) ),
           updateObject, updateSlot );

  if ( liveDialog->exec() )
    returnColor = liveDialog->currentColor();
  delete liveDialog;
  liveDialog = nullptr;

  return returnColor;
예제 #3
QColor QgsColorDialogV2::getLiveColor( const QColor &initialColor, QObject *updateObject, const char *updateSlot, QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const bool allowAlpha )
  QColor returnColor( initialColor );
  QgsColorDialogV2* liveDialog = new QgsColorDialogV2( parent, 0, initialColor );
  liveDialog->setWindowTitle( title.isEmpty() ? tr( "Select Color" ) : title );
  if ( !allowAlpha )
    liveDialog->setAllowAlpha( false );

  connect( liveDialog, SIGNAL( currentColorChanged( const QColor& ) ),
           updateObject, updateSlot );

  if ( liveDialog->exec() )
    returnColor = liveDialog->color();
  delete liveDialog;
  liveDialog = nullptr;

  return returnColor;
예제 #4
QColor GeneralConfig::getColorFromString(QString colorString) {
/* -converts a color defined in a string to a 'QColor' object, using regexp validation, and returnes it */
    if ( colorString.isEmpty() ) return QColor();   //return if no color is specified

    //cleen up the string
    colorString = colorString.simplified();
    colorString = colorString.trimmed();

    QColor returnColor(0, 0, 0);    //dummy color to be returned
    int p = 0;                      //used for regexp validator

    //regexps to check color value
    QRegularExpressionValidator isRGB( QRegularExpression("\\d{1,3} \\d{1,3} \\d{1,3}") );              //check if RGB
    QRegularExpressionValidator isRGBA( QRegularExpression("\\d{1,3} \\d{1,3} \\d{1,3} \\d{1,3}") );    //check if RGBA
    QRegularExpressionValidator isHEX( QRegularExpression("^#([0-9A-Fa-f]{3}|[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}|[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}|[0-9A-Fa-f]{9}|[0-9A-Fa-f]{12})$") );//check if HEX code
    QRegularExpressionValidator isName( QRegularExpression("\\w+") );                                   //check if color name

    //check color value
    if ( isRGB.validate(colorString, p) == 2) {
        QStringList rgb = colorString.split( QRegularExpression("\\s") );
        returnColor.setRgb( rgb.at(0).toInt(), rgb.at(1).toInt(), rgb.at(2).toInt() );
    else if ( isRGBA.validate(colorString, p) == 2) {
        QStringList rgb = colorString.split( QRegularExpression("\\s") );
        returnColor.setRgb( rgb.at(0).toInt(), rgb.at(1).toInt(), rgb.at(2).toInt(), rgb.at(3).toInt() );
    else if ( isHEX.validate(colorString, p) == 2) {
    else if ( isName.validate(colorString, p) ) {
        returnColor.setNamedColor( colorString.toLower().remove( QRegularExpression("\\s+") ) );

    //check color is valid and return
    if ( returnColor.isValid() ) return returnColor;
    else return QColor();