예제 #1
void align_reads(vector<pair<string, string> >& reference, string& read_file, string& sam_file, vector<reference_index>& refindex)
	time_t tstrt, tbgn, tnd;
	/*//Can be used for analyzing the difference between LAST and NanoBLASTer
	ifstream fp_nano;
	string nano_input;
	string nano_file = "last_but_not_nano.txt";
	char *nano = new char[nano_file.length() + 1];
	strcpy(nano, nano_file.c_str());
	fp_nano.open(nano, ifstream::in);
	unordered_map<string, int> nano_read;

	while(getline(fp_nano, nano_input))
		//cout << "" << nano_input << endl;
		nano_read[nano_input] = 1;
	cout << "Total Size of Nano Read = " << nano_read.size() << endl << endl;
	delete [] nano;
	ifstream fp_read;
	ofstream fp_sam;
	char *read = new char[read_file.length() + 1];
	strcpy(read, read_file.c_str());

	char *sam = new char[sam_file.length() + 1];
	strcpy(sam, sam_file.c_str());

	fp_read.open(read, ifstream::in);
	fp_sam.open(sam, ofstream::out | ofstream::app);

	string input, read_name, ref_name;
	string readseq, refgenome;
	string slash = "/";
	int map = 0;
	int count = 0;
	int cant_map = 0;
	int invalid_count = 0;

	fp_csv << "cnt, red_nam, red_len, red_dir, ref_nam, ref_len, ref_pos, score, span, " <<
				"percent, aln_len, spn_rat, aln_tim, tot_tim" << endl;

	getline(fp_read, input);
		//int find = input.find(slash);
		//if(find != string::npos)
		//	read_name = input.substr(1, find - 1);
		//	read_name = input.substr(1);
		read_name = input.substr(1);

		readseq = "";
		while(getline(fp_read, input))
			if(input.length() == 0)
			if(input.at(0) == '>')

			readseq += input;
		//getline(fp_read, input);
		//getline(fp_read, input);

		//ratio problem with channel_46_read_98_1406145606_2D
		//if(read_name.find("channel_407_read_0_1405093831_2D") == std::string::npos)//to optimize the output
		//if(read_name.find("channel_17_read_24_1405524767_2D") == std::string::npos)//small read to optimize
		//if(read_name.find("channel_201_read_10_1405541481_2D") == std::string::npos)//to compare version 1 and 2
		//if(read_name.find("channel_64_read_7_1403826200_template") == std::string::npos)//max length reads analysis
		//if(read_name.find("channel_424_read_1_1403566249_template") == std::string::npos)//found in last but not in nano
		//if(read_name.find("2D") == std::string::npos)//03-09-2015
		//if(read_name.find("channel_237_read_42_1406145606_2D") == std::string::npos)
		//if(read_name.find("channel_322_read_11_1405524767_template") == std::string::npos)

		//if(read_name.find("channel_171_read_2_1403855963_2D") == std::string::npos)//20 times higher than last
		//if(read_name.find("channel_82_read_0_1403855963_2D") == std::string::npos)//20 times higher than last
		//if(read_name.find("channel_221_read_19_1406145606_2D") == std::string::npos)//has maximul length of deletion
		//if(read_name.find("channel_415_read_6_1406242409_template") == std::string::npos)//has 5 times less length than last
		//if(read_name.find("channel_167_read_19_1403811400_2D") == std::string::npos)//analyze output validity
		//if(read_name.find("channel_474_read_32_1405524767_template") == std::string::npos)//found in last and nano repeat
		//if(read_name.find("channel_468_read_12_1403811400_complement") == std::string::npos)//cause exception in nano repeat
		//if(read_name.find("channel_345_read_7_1403811400_2D") == std::string::npos)//max length increased

		//if(read_name.find("channel_104_read_1_1403551548_template") == std::string::npos)//different in edit not lis
		//if(read_name.find("channel_216_read_0_1403551548_template") == std::string::npos)//different in lis not edit	
		//if(read_name.find("channel_118_read_6_1403551548_template") == std::string::npos)//different in lis and edit	
		//if(read_name.find("channel_486_read_0_1403566249_template") == std::string::npos)//reverse problem
		//if(nano_read.find(read_name) == nano_read.end())
		//if(read_name.find("channel_352_read_34_1405541481_template") == std::string::npos)//Why there are multiple results
		//if(read_name.find("channel_68_read_22_1405541481_template") == std::string::npos)//multiple results, boundary problem
		//if(read_name.find("channel_261_read_39_1405541481_template") == std::string::npos)//multiple result indexing

		//if(read_name.find("channel_302_read_2_1403855963_2D") == std::string::npos)//found in mms not in ssg = align length
		//if(read_name.find("channel_243_read_0_1403595798_template") == std::string::npos)//found in 40655 not in lis+edit
		//if(read_name.find("channel_452_read_46_1405541481_template") == std::string::npos)//same problem as above
		//if(read_name.find("channel_431_read_2_1403915857_template") == std::string::npos)//require top 40 tuple list to solve
		//readseq = readseq.substr(readseq.length() / 2, readseq.length() - readseq.length() / 2);
		//if(read_name.find("channel_199_read_0_1403841073_template") == std::string::npos)//solved
		//if(read_name.find("channel_480_read_91_1406242409_template") == std::string::npos)//in last and not in nano
		//if(read_name.find("channel_389_read_57_1406242409_template") == std::string::npos)//solved
		//if(read_name.find("channel_56_read_1_1403826200_template") == std::string::npos)
		//if(read_name.find("channel_356_read_29_1406242409_template") == std::string::npos)// < 40 in nano very weird
		//if(read_name.find("channel_131_read_5_1403826200_template") == string::npos)// < 100 in nano seems weird
		//if(read_name.find("channel_75_read_80_1406145606_template") == std::string::npos)//80% last not found now solved
		//	continue;

		if(count >= MAXREAD && MAXREAD != 0) break;
		count += 1;

		//if(count < 11762) continue;
		cout << count << ") " << read_name << endl;
		if(readseq.length() < MINREADLEN || readseq.length() > MAXREADLEN)//03-09-2015
			cout << "Invalid String Found" << endl;
			invalid_count += 1;
			count -= 1;
			fp_sam << read_name << "\t4\t*\t0\t0\t*\t*\t0\t0\t" << readseq << "\t*" << endl;
			//fp_csv << count << ", " << readseq.length() << ", 0, 0, 0, " <<
			//		"0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, " << difftime(tnd, tstrt) << endl;
		if(count <= MINREAD) continue;
		//if(count < 318) continue;	
		if(DEBUG == 99)	
			fp_csv << count << ", " << read_name << ", " << readseq.length() << ", ";

		//readseq = reverse_complement(readseq);
		int match_info, global_match = -1, indpos;
		int match, max_match = 0, match_index, dir;
		vector<vector<string> > list_final_result;
		//time_t start, end;
		//clock_t t_start, t_end;

		//for(int i = 0; i < reference.size(); i++)

			//vector<pair<int, pair<int, int> > > kmer_ref;
			vector<pair<int, vector<pair<int, int> > > > kmer_ref;
			//cout << "Analysis for forward:" << endl;
			//t_start = clock();

			read_vs_reference(readseq, read_name, FF, refindex, kmer_ref);

			//t_end = clock();
			//cout << "Total time taken for calling forward read_vs_ref = " << difftime(end, start) << endl;
			//t_lookup += t_end - t_start;
			//align(readseq, read_name, FF, refindex, kmer_ref, final_result);

			//cout << "Data for reverse:" << endl;
			//t_start = clock();
			if(SINGLE == 1)
				string reverse = reverse_complement(readseq);
				read_vs_reference(reverse, read_name, FR, refindex, kmer_ref);
			//t_end = clock();
			//cout << "Total time taken for calling reverse read_vs_ref = " << difftime(end, start) << endl;
			//t_lookup += t_end - t_start;
			//cout << endl <<endl;

			//uncomment here for aligninng read
			align(readseq, read_name, FR, refindex, kmer_ref, list_final_result);
			if(list_final_result.size() == 0)
				cant_map += 1;
				//fp_csv << difftime(tnd, tbgn) << ", " << difftime(tnd, tstrt) << endl;
				fp_sam << read_name << "\t4\t*\t0\t0\t*\t*\t0\t0\t" << readseq << "\t*" << endl;

		for(int i = 0; i < list_final_result.size(); i++)
			vector<string>& final_result = list_final_result[i];
			fp_sam << final_result[0];
			for(int k = 1; k < final_result.size(); k++)
                        	fp_sam << "\t" << final_result[k];
                        	//cout << i << ": " << output[k] << endl;
			fp_sam << endl;
			map += 1;
		if(list_final_result.size() == 0 && SAM_FORMAT == 1)
			fp_sam << read_name << "\t4\t*\t0\t0\t*\t*\t0\t0\t" << readseq << "\t*" << endl;
		if(DEBUG == 99)
			fp_csv << endl;//difftime(tnd, tbgn) << ", " << difftime(tnd, tstrt) << endl;
		//cout << "\nTime taken to process " << count << "th read = " << difftime(tnd, tstrt) << "\n" << endl;	

	cout << endl;
	cout << "Overall Statistics - " << endl;
	cout << "total reference size = " << reference.size() << endl << endl;
	cout << "Total read = " << count << endl << endl;
	cout << "Total read mapped = " << map << endl << endl;
	cout << "Total unmapped read = " << cant_map << endl << endl;
	cout << "Out of range read (< 100 or > 15000) = " << invalid_count << endl << endl; 
	//cout << "Total MAX_MATCHED (= " << MAX_MATCHED << ") Reads = " << MAX_SCORED << endl << endl;


	delete [] read;
	delete [] sam;

예제 #2
    // kmer rank
    REQUIRE( kmer_rank("AAAAA", 5) == 0 );
    REQUIRE( kmer_rank("GATGA", 5) == 568 );
    REQUIRE( kmer_rank("TTTTT", 5) == 1023 );
    REQUIRE( kmer_rank("GATGA", 5) == rc_kmer_rank("TCATC", 5 ) );

    // lexicographic increment
    std::string str = "AAAAA";
    REQUIRE( str == "AAAAC" );

    str = "AAAAT";
    REQUIRE( str == "AAACA" );

    // complement, reverse complement
    REQUIRE( complement('A') == 'T' );
    REQUIRE( reverse_complement("GATGA") == "TCATC" );


TEST_CASE( "math", "[math]") {
    GaussianParameters params;
    params.mean = 4;
    params.stdv = 2;
    params.log_stdv = log(params.stdv);

    REQUIRE( normal_pdf(2.25, params) == Approx(0.1360275) );
    REQUIRE( log_normal_pdf(2.25, params) == Approx(log(normal_pdf(2.25, params))) );