예제 #1
int main() {
    pc.printf("Starting up\r\n");
    loadMotor.period(0.01f); // 100 Hz
    loadMotor.write(0.1f); // Initially 50% duty cycle
    max = 0.0f;
    min = 1.0f;
    count = 0;
    loadDuty = 0.2f;
    loadDirection = 1;
    while(1) {
        float yellow = loadEncoderYellow.read();
        float green = loadEncoderGreen.read();
        float net = green - yellow;
        pc.printf("Net Output: %f\r\n", net);
        /* Maximum and minimum value calculations for testing */
        if(net > max) {
            max = net;
        if(net < min) {
            min = net;
        if(net > 0.5f) {
        if(count > 25) {
            count = 0;
        float currentTime = timer.read();
        if(currentTime > 5) {
            loadDuty = loadDuty + 0.05f;
        if(loadDirectionLocal < 0) {
            loadDirection = 0;
        } else {
            loadDirection = 1;
예제 #2
task lcd() {
	const float flyPwrIncrement = 5;
	const word battThresh = 7800;
	const long pwrBtnsDelayInterval = 750,
		pwrBtnsRepeatInterval = 100,
		dispPwrTimeout = 1000;

	bool dispPwr = false,
		doUseLRPwr = true,
		flash = false,
		forceBattWarning = true,

	float pwrBtns;
	long time = nSysTime, flashTs = time, dispPwrTs = time, pwrBtnTs = time;
	string str;

	DLatch dismissWarningLatch, pwrBtnLatch, pwrBtnLRModeLatch, pwrBtnSRModeLatch;

	while (true) {
		time = nSysTime;

		if (nImmediateBatteryLevel < battThresh) {
			if ((time - flashTs) >= 500) {
				flash = !flash;
				flashTs = time;

			SensorValue[redLed] =
				SensorValue[yellowLed] =
				SensorValue[greenLed] = flash;
		else {
			SensorValue[redLed] =
				SensorValue[yellowLed] =
				SensorValue[greenLed] = 0;


		if (nLCDButtons & kButtonCenter) {
			bLCDBacklight = true;

			displayLCDCenteredString(0, "Battery:");


			displayLCDString(1, 0, str);
		else if (nImmediateBatteryLevel < battThresh && (rkBotDisabled || rkAutonMode || forceBattWarning)) {
			bLCDBacklight = flash;

			if (flash) displayLCDCenteredString(0, "BATTERY WARNING");

			displayLCDString(1, 0, str);

			if (fallingEdge(&dismissWarningLatch, nLCDButtons || (abs(vexRT[AccelY]) > 63))) forceBattWarning = false;
		else if (rkBotDisabled) {
			bLCDBacklight = false;

			displayLCDCenteredString(0, "Moosebot Mk. II");
			displayLCDCenteredString(1, "4800Buckets");
		else if (rkAutonMode) {
			bLCDBacklight = true;

			displayLCDCenteredString(0, "BUCKETS MODE");
			displayLCDCenteredString(1, "ENGAGED");
		else { //User op mode
			bLCDBacklight = true;

			pwrBtnsDown = PWR_BTN_DOWN ^ PWR_BTN_UP;
			risingEdge(&pwrBtnLatch, pwrBtnsDown);

			if (pwrBtnsDown || (PWR_BTN_LRMODE ^ PWR_BTN_SRMODE)) dispPwrTs = time;

			if (risingEdge(&pwrBtnLRModeLatch, PWR_BTN_LRMODE)) doUseLRPwr = true;
			if (risingEdge(&pwrBtnSRModeLatch, PWR_BTN_SRMODE)) doUseLRPwr = false;

			if (pwrBtnsDown) {
				dispPwrTs = time;

				if (pwrBtnLatch.out || (time - pwrBtnTs >= (pwrBtnsRepeating ? pwrBtnsRepeatInterval : pwrBtnsDelayInterval))) {
					pwrBtnTs = time;
					if (!pwrBtnsRepeating) pwrBtnsRepeating = true;

					pwrBtns = twoWay((nLCDButtons & kButtonLeft) || vexRT[Btn7D], -flyPwrIncrement, (nLCDButtons & kButtonRight) || vexRT[Btn7U], flyPwrIncrement);

					if (doUseLRPwr) flyLRPwr += pwrBtns;
					else flySRPwr += pwrBtns;

			if (time - dispPwrTs <= dispPwrTimeout) {
				if (doUseLRPwr) {
					displayLCDCenteredString(0, "Long  Power:");
					displayLCDNumber(1, 0, flyLRPwr);
				else {
					displayLCDCenteredString(0, "Short Power:");
					displayLCDNumber(1, 0, flySRPwr);
			else if (flyTbh.doRun) {
				sprintf(str, "% 07.2f  % 07.2f",
					fmaxf(-999.99, fminf(999.99, flyDiff.out)),
					fmaxf(-999.99, fminf(999.99, flyTbh.err)));
				displayLCDString(0, 0, str);

				sprintf(str, "% 07.2f  % 07.2f",
					fmaxf(-999.99, fminf(999.99, fly2Flt.out)),
					fmaxf(-999.99, fminf(999.99, flyTbh.out)));
				displayLCDString(1, 0, str);

				SensorValue[redLed] =
					SensorValue[yellowLed] =
					SensorValue[greenLed] = 0;

				if (isTbhInThresh(&flyTbh, velThresh)) {
					if (isTbhDerivInThresh(&flyTbh, accelThresh)) SensorValue[greenLed] = 1;
					else  SensorValue[yellowLed] = 1;
				else SensorValue[redLed] = 1;
			else {
				sprintf(str, "%-8s%8s", "Speed", "Error");
				displayLCDString(0, 0, str);

				sprintf(str, "%-8s%8s", "Accel", "Out");
				displayLCDString(1, 0, str);

예제 #3
void TeleopJoy::joyCallback(const sensor_msgs::Joy::ConstPtr& joy) {
  // init previous_buttons
  if(previous_buttons.size() != joy->buttons.size()) {
    previous_buttons = std::vector<int>(joy->buttons);

  // arm, disarm
  if(risingEdge(joy, config.disarm_button)) {
  else if(risingEdge(joy, config.arm_button)) {

  // mode switching
  if(risingEdge(joy, config.stabilize_button)) {
    mode = MODE_STABILIZE;
  else if(risingEdge(joy, config.alt_hold_button)) {
    mode = MODE_ALT_HOLD;

  // takeoff and land
  if(risingEdge(joy, config.land_button)) {
  else if(risingEdge(joy, config.takeoff_button)) {

  // change camera_tilt
  if(risingEdge(joy, config.cam_tilt_reset)) {
    camera_tilt = 1500;
  else if(risingEdge(joy, config.cam_tilt_up)) {
    camera_tilt = camera_tilt + config.cam_tilt_step;
    if(camera_tilt > PPS_MAX) {
      camera_tilt = PPS_MAX;
  else if(risingEdge(joy, config.cam_tilt_down)) {
    camera_tilt = camera_tilt - config.cam_tilt_step;
    if(camera_tilt < PPS_MIN) {
      camera_tilt = PPS_MIN;

  // remember current button states for future comparison
  previous_buttons = std::vector<int>(joy->buttons);

  // send rc override message
  mavros_msgs::OverrideRCIn msg;

  msg.channels[5] = mapToPpm(config.x_scaling  * computeAxisValue(joy, config.x_axis,  config.expo)); // forward  (x)
  msg.channels[6] = mapToPpm(config.y_scaling  * computeAxisValue(joy, config.y_axis,  config.expo)); // strafe   (y)
  msg.channels[2] = mapToPpm(config.z_scaling  * computeAxisValue(joy, config.z_axis,  config.expo)); // throttle (z)

  msg.channels[1] = mapToPpm(config.wx_scaling * computeAxisValue(joy, config.wx_axis, config.expo)); // roll     (wx)
  msg.channels[0] = mapToPpm(config.wy_scaling * computeAxisValue(joy, config.wy_axis, config.expo)); // pitch    (wy)
  msg.channels[3] = mapToPpm(config.wz_scaling * computeAxisValue(joy, config.wz_axis, config.expo)); // yaw      (wz)

  msg.channels[4] = mode; // mode
  msg.channels[7] = camera_tilt; // camera tilt

예제 #4
task userOp() {

	const float cutFac = 3;

	DLatch cutLatch, flipLatch, tankLatch, flyLRLatch, flySRLatch;

	word driveA, driveB, flyDir = 0;

#define driveX driveA
#define driveY driveB
#define driveL driveA
#define driveR driveB

	resetDLatch(&cutLatch, 0);
	resetDLatch(&flipLatch, 0);
	resetDLatch(&tankLatch, 0);
	resetDLatch(&flyLRLatch, 0);
	resetDLatch(&flySRLatch, 0);

	while (true) {
		risingBistable(&flipLatch, vexRT[Btn8D]);

		if (risingBistable(&tankLatch, vexRT[Btn8L])) {
			driveL = vexRT[ChLY];
			driveR = vexRT[ChRY];

			if (flipLatch.out) {
				driveL ^= driveR;
				driveR ^= driveL;
				driveL ^= driveR;

				driveL *= -1;
				driveR *= -1;
		else {
			driveX = vexRT[ChRX];
			driveY = vexRT[ChLY];

			if (flipLatch.out) driveY *= -1;

		if (risingBistable(&cutLatch, vexRT[Btn8U])) {
			driveX = (word)(driveX / cutFac);
			driveY = (word)(driveY / cutFac);

		if (tankLatch.out) {
			tank4(driveL, driveR, flWheel, blWheel, frWheel, brWheel);
		else {
			arcade4(driveX, driveY, flWheel, blWheel, frWheel, brWheel);

		if (risingEdge(&flyLRLatch, vexRT[Btn5U]))
			flyDir = flyDir == 1 ? 0 : 1;

		if (risingEdge(&flySRLatch, vexRT[Btn5D]))
			flyDir = flyDir == 2 ? 0 : 2;

		switch (flyDir) {
			case 1: updateTbhController(&flyCtl, flyLRPwr); break;
			case 2: updateTbhController(&flyCtl, flySRPwr); break;
			default: updateTbhController(&flyCtl, 0); break;

		motor[intake] = motor[lift] =
			joyDigi2(Btn6U, 127, Btn6D, -127);


#undef driveX
#undef driveY
#undef driveL
#undef driveR