예제 #1
 * Really handle signals
void ReadLineHandleSig (void)
    UBYTE sig;
    while ((sig = (rl_signal & 30)))
        rl_signal &= 1;
        if (sig & 2)
            s_init (&rl_operate, "", 0);
            rl_key_end ();
            printf ("%s %s^C%s\n", rl_operate.txt, COLERROR, COLNONE);
            rl_print ("\r");
            rl_prompt_stat = 0;
            rl_historyadd ();
            rl_tab_state = 0;
            s_init (&rl_input, "", 0);
            CmdUserInterrupt ();
            ReadLinePromptReset ();
            ReadLinePrompt ();
#if defined(SIGTSTP) && defined(SIGCONT)
        if (sig & 4)
            ReadLineTtySet ();
            rl_print ("\r");
            ReadLinePrompt ();
        if (sig & 8)
            int gpos;

            s_init (&rl_operate, "", 0);
            gpos = rl_colpos;
            rl_key_end ();
            rl_colpos = gpos;
            printf ("%s", rl_operate.txt);
            printf (" %s^Z%s", COLERROR, COLNONE);
            ReadLineTtyUnset ();
            signal (SIGTSTP, SIG_DFL);
            raise (SIGTSTP);
#if defined(SIGWINCH)
        if (sig & 16)
            if (rl_columns != rl_getcolumns ())
                ReadLinePromptHide ();
                rl_columns = rl_getcolumns ();
예제 #2
 * Print a given SNAC.
void SnacPrint (Packet *pak)
    UWORD fam, cmd, flag, opos = pak->rpos;
    UDWORD ref, len;

    pak->rpos = 6;
    fam  = PacketReadB2 (pak);
    cmd  = PacketReadB2 (pak);
    flag = PacketReadB2 (pak);
    ref  = PacketReadB4 (pak);
    len  = PacketReadAtB2 (pak, pak->rpos);

    rl_printf ("%s %sSNAC     (%x,%x) [%s] flags %x ref %lx",
             s_dumpnd (pak->data + 6, flag & 0x8000 ? 10 + len : 10),
             COLDEBUG, fam, cmd, SnacName (fam, cmd), flag, ref);
    if (flag & 0x8000)
        rl_printf (" extra (%ld)", len);
        pak->rpos += len + 2;
    rl_printf ("%s\n", COLNONE);

    if (prG->verbose & DEB_PACK8DATA || ~prG->verbose & DEB_PACK8)
        char *f, *syn = strdup (s_sprintf ("gs%dx%ds", fam, cmd));
        rl_print (f = PacketDump (pak, syn, COLDEBUG, COLNONE));
        free (f);
        free (syn);

    pak->rpos = opos;
예제 #3
void TablePrintLang (void)
    UBYTE i;
    const char *p;

    for (i = 1; i < TableLangSize; i++)
        p = i18n (-1, TableLang[i]);

        rl_printf ("%2d. %-7s", i, p);
        if ((i + 1) & 3)
            rl_print ("\t");
            rl_print ("\n");
    rl_print ("\n");
예제 #4
 * Shows the prompt
void ReadLinePrompt ()
    int gpos = rl_colpos;

    if (rl_prompt_stat == 1)
    fprintf (stderr, "killoper: %s\n", s_qquote (rl_operate.txt));
    s_init (&rl_operate, "", 0);
    if (rl_prompt_stat == 2)
        rl_goto (0);
    if (rl_prompt_stat == 2)
        s_catc (&rl_operate, '\r');
#ifdef ANSI_TERM
        s_cat (&rl_operate, ANSI_CLEAR);
        rl_prompt_stat = 0;
    fprintf (stderr, "oper(rm): %s\n", s_qquote (rl_operate.txt));
    printf ("%s", rl_operate.txt);
    if (rl_prompt_stat == 0)
        rl_print ("\r");
        rl_print (rl_prompt.txt);
        rl_prompt_len = rl_pos ();
        rl_prompt_stat = 1;
        rl_colpos = 0;
    s_init (&rl_operate, "", 0);
    rl_recheck (TRUE);
    rl_goto (gpos);
    printf ("%s", rl_operate.txt);
예제 #5
 * Hides the prompt
void ReadLinePromptHide ()
    int pos = rl_colpos;
    ReadLineHandleSig ();
    if (rl_prompt_stat == 0)
    s_init (&rl_operate, "", 0);
    rl_goto (0);
    s_catc (&rl_operate, '\r');
#ifdef ANSI_TERM
    s_cat (&rl_operate, ANSI_CLEAR);
    printf ("%s", rl_operate.txt);
    rl_prompt_stat = 0;
    rl_colpos = pos;
    rl_print ("\r");
예제 #6
파일: oscar_dc_file.c 프로젝트: tadu/climm
 * Dispatches incoming packets on the file transfer connection.
void PeerFileDispatch (Connection *fpeer)
    Contact *cont;
    Packet *pak;
    int err = 0;
    assert (fpeer->cont);

    cont = fpeer->cont;

    if (fpeer->connect & CONNECT_SELECT_W && UtilIOSelectIs (fpeer->sok, WRITEFDS))
        fpeer->connect &= ~CONNECT_SELECT_W;
        if (fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_len)
            ReadLinePromptUpdate (s_sprintf ("[%s%ld:%02d%%%s] %s%s",
                          COLCONTACT, UD2UL (fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_done), (int)((100.0 * fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_done) / fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_len),
                          COLNONE, COLSERVER, i18n (2467, "climm>")));
        UtilIOSendTCP2 (fpeer, NULL);
        QueueRetry (fpeer, QUEUE_PEER_FILE, fpeer->cont);
        if (!UtilIOSelectIs (fpeer->sok, READFDS))
    if (!(pak = UtilIOReceiveTCP2 (fpeer)))

    if (prG->verbose & DEB_PACKTCP)
        TCPPrint (pak, fpeer, FALSE);

    switch (PacketRead1 (pak))
        strc_t name, text;
        UDWORD len, off, nr, speed;

        case 0:
                   PacketRead4 (pak); /* EMPTY */
            nr   = PacketRead4 (pak); /* COUNT */
            len  = PacketRead4 (pak); /* BYTES */
            speed= PacketRead4 (pak); /* SPEED */
            name = PacketReadL2Str (pak, NULL); /* NICK  */
            PacketD (pak);
            rl_log_for (cont->nick, COLCONTACT);
            rl_printf (i18n (2161, "Receiving %ld files with total size %ld bytes at speed %lx from %s.\n"),
                     UD2UL (nr), UD2UL (len), UD2UL (speed), ConvFromCont (name, cont));
            if (len != fpeer->oscar_file_len)
                rl_printf ("FIXME: byte len different than in file request: requested %ld, sending %ld.\n",
                           UD2UL (fpeer->oscar_file_len), UD2UL (len));
                fpeer->oscar_file_len = len;
            pak = PeerPacketC (fpeer, 1);
            PacketWrite4 (pak, 64);
            PacketWriteLNTS (pak, cont->nick);
            PeerPacketSend (fpeer, pak);
            PacketD (pak);
        case 1:
            speed = PacketRead4 (pak); /* SPEED */
            name  = PacketReadL2Str (pak, NULL); /* NICK  */
            PacketD (pak);
            rl_log_for (cont->nick, COLCONTACT);
            rl_printf (i18n (2170, "Sending file at speed %lx to %s.\n"), UD2UL (speed), s_wordquote (ConvFromCont (name, cont)));
            fpeer->oscar_dc_seq = 1;
            QueueRetry (fpeer, QUEUE_PEER_FILE, cont);
        case 2:
                   PacketRead1 (pak); /* EMPTY */
            name = PacketReadL2Str (pak, NULL);
            text = PacketReadL2Str (pak, NULL);
            len  = PacketRead4 (pak);
                   PacketRead4 (pak); /* EMPTY */
                   PacketRead4 (pak); /* SPEED */
            off  = 0;
            PacketD (pak);
                Connection *ffile = ServerChild (fpeer->serv, fpeer->cont, TYPE_FILE);
                char buf[200], *p;
                int pos = 0;
                struct stat finfo;

                assert (ffile);
                pos = snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%sfiles" _OS_PATHSEPSTR "%s" _OS_PATHSEPSTR,
                                PrefUserDir (prG), cont->screen);
                snprintf (buf + pos, sizeof (buf) - pos, "%s", ConvFromCont (name, cont));
                for (p = buf + pos; *p; p++)
                    if (*p == '/')
                        *p = '_';
                finfo.st_size = 0;
                if (!stat (buf, &finfo))
                    if ((UDWORD)finfo.st_size < len)
                        off = finfo.st_size;
                fpeer->oscar_file = ffile;
                ffile->sok = open (buf, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | (off ? O_APPEND : O_TRUNC), 0660);
                if (ffile->sok == -1)
                    int rc = errno;
                    if (rc == ENOENT)
                        mkdir (s_sprintf ("%sfiles", PrefUserDir (prG)), 0700);
                        mkdir (s_sprintf ("%sfiles" _OS_PATHSEPSTR "%s", PrefUserDir (prG), cont->screen), 0700);
                        ffile->sok = open (buf, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | (off ? O_APPEND : O_TRUNC), 0660);
                    if (ffile->sok == -1)
                        rl_log_for (cont->nick, COLCONTACT);
                        rl_printf (i18n (2083, "Cannot open file %s: %s (%d).\n"),
                                 buf, strerror (rc), rc);
                        ConnectionD (fpeer);
                ffile->connect = CONNECT_OK;
                ffile->oscar_file_len = len;
                ffile->oscar_file_done = off;

                rl_log_for (cont->nick, COLCONTACT);
                rl_printf (i18n (2162, "Receiving file %s (%s) with %ld bytes as %s.\n"),
                         name->txt, text->txt, UD2UL (len), buf);
            pak = PeerPacketC (fpeer, 3);
            PacketWrite4 (pak, off);
            PacketWrite4 (pak, 0);
            PacketWrite4 (pak, 64);
            PacketWrite4 (pak, 1);
            PeerPacketSend (fpeer, pak);
            PacketD (pak);

        case 3:
            off = PacketRead4 (pak);
                  PacketRead4 (pak); /* EMPTY */
                  PacketRead4 (pak); /* SPEED */
            nr  = PacketRead4 (pak); /* NR */
            PacketD (pak);
            rl_log_for (cont->nick, COLCONTACT);
            rl_printf (i18n (2163, "Sending file %ld at offset %ld.\n"),
                       UD2UL (nr), UD2UL (off));
            err = lseek (fpeer->oscar_file->sok, off, SEEK_SET);
            if (err == -1)
                err = errno;
                rl_log_for (cont->nick, COLCONTACT);
                rl_printf (i18n (2084, "Error while seeking to offset %ld: %s (%d).\n"),
                           UD2UL (off), strerror (err), err);
                TCPClose (fpeer);
            fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_done = off;
            fpeer->oscar_file->connect = CONNECT_OK;
            QueueRetry (fpeer, QUEUE_PEER_FILE, cont);
        case 4:
            rl_log_for (cont->nick, COLCONTACT);
            rl_printf (i18n (2169, "File transfer aborted by peer (%d).\n"),
                     PacketRead1 (pak));
            PacketD (pak);
            PeerFileClose (fpeer);

        case 5:
            rl_printf ("FIXME: Ignoring speed change to %d.\n",
                     PacketRead1 (pak));
            PacketD (pak);

        case 6:
            if (fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_done + pak->len - 1 > fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_len)
                rl_log_for (cont->nick, COLCONTACT);
                rl_printf (i18n (2165, "The peer sent more bytes (%ld) than the file length (%ld).\n"),
                           UD2UL (fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_done + pak->len - 1), UD2UL (fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_len));
                PacketD (pak);
                TCPClose (fpeer);
            if (pak->len <= 1)
                PacketD (pak);
            len = write (fpeer->oscar_file->sok, pak->data + 1, pak->len - 1);
            if (len + 1 != pak->len)
                rl_log_for (cont->nick, COLCONTACT);
                rl_printf (i18n (2575, "Error writing to file (%lu bytes written out of %u).\n"), UD2UL (len), pak->len - 1);
                PacketD (pak);
                TCPClose (fpeer);
            fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_done += len;
            if (fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_len == fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_done)
                ReadLinePromptReset ();
                rl_log_for (cont->nick, COLCONTACT);
                rl_print  (i18n (2166, "Finished receiving file.\n"));
                fsync (fpeer->oscar_file->sok);
                close (fpeer->oscar_file->sok);
                fpeer->oscar_file->sok = -1;
                fpeer->oscar_file->connect = CONNECT_OK;
            else if (fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_len)
                ReadLinePromptUpdate (s_sprintf ("[%s%ld %02d%%%s] %s%s",
                              COLINCOMING, UD2UL (fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_done), (int)((100.0 * fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_done) / fpeer->oscar_file->oscar_file_len),
                              COLNONE, COLSERVER, i18n (2467, "climm>")));
            PacketD (pak);
            rl_log_for (cont->nick, COLCONTACT);
            rl_print  (i18n (2167, "Error - unknown packet.\n"));
            rl_print  (s_dump (pak->data, pak->len));
            PacketD (pak);
            PeerFileClose (fpeer);
    if ((prG->verbose & DEB_TCP) && err)
        rl_printf ("%s %s: %d\n", s_now, i18n (2029, "Protocol error on peer-to-peer connection"), err);
        PeerFileClose (fpeer);
예제 #7
파일: util_io.c 프로젝트: tadu/climm
io_err_t UtilIOShowError (Connection *conn, io_err_t rc)
    int e = errno;
    const char *t = NULL;

    switch (rc) {
        case IO_CONNECTED: 
            rl_print ("");
            if (prG->verbose || (conn->serv && conn == conn->serv->conn))
                if (rl_pos () > 0)
                     rl_print (i18n (1634, "ok.\n"));
            return IO_CONNECTED;

        case IO_OK:
            return IO_OK;

        case IO_NO_MEM:
        case IO_NO_PARAM:
            assert (0);

        case IO_NO_SOCKET:
            if (1) t = i18n (1638, "Couldn't create socket"); else
        case IO_NO_NONBLOCK:
            if (1) t = i18n (1950, "Couldn't set socket nonblocking"); else
        case IO_NO_HOSTNAME:
            if (1) t = i18n (2743, "Can't find hostname"); else
        case IO_CONN_TO:
            if (1) t = i18n (2744, "Connection timed out"); else
        case IO_NO_CONN:
                   t = i18n (1952, "Couldn't open connection");
            if (prG->verbose || (conn->serv && conn == conn->serv->conn))
                Contact *cont = conn->cont;
                char *semi = strchr (conn->server, ';');
                if (semi)
                    *semi = 0;
                rl_log_for (cont->nick, COLCONTACT);
                rl_printf (i18n (2745, "Opening connection to %s:%s%ld%s "),
                          s_wordquote (conn->server), COLQUOTE, UD2UL (conn->port), COLNONE);
                if (semi)
                    *semi = ';';
                rl_print (i18n (1949, "failed:\n"));
                rl_printf ("%s [%d]\n",
                    s_sprintf  ("%s: %s (%d).", t, conn->dispatcher->funcs->f_err (conn, conn->dispatcher), e),
            UtilIOClose (conn);
            return IO_RW;
        case IO_CLOSED:
            if (!errno)
                errno = ECONNRESET;
        case IO_RW:
            if (prG->verbose || (conn->serv && conn == conn->serv->conn))
                Contact *cont;
                if ((cont = conn->cont))
                    rl_log_for (cont->nick, COLCONTACT);
                    rl_printf (i18n (1878, "Error while reading from socket: %s (%d, %d)\n"), conn->dispatcher->funcs->f_err (conn, conn->dispatcher), rc, errno);
            UtilIOClose (conn);
            return IO_RW;
            assert (0);