void ro_gui_url_complete_resize(struct toolbar *toolbar, wimp_open *open) { os_box extent = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; os_box url_extent; wimp_window_state toolbar_state; wimp_window_state state; os_error *error; int lines; int scroll_v = 0; /* only react to our window */ if (open->w != url_complete_parent) return; /* if there is no toolbar, or there is no URL bar shown, * or there are no URL matches, close it */ if (!ro_toolbar_get_display_url(toolbar) || (!url_complete_matches) || (url_complete_matches_available == 0)) { ro_gui_url_complete_close(); return; } /* get our current auto-complete window state for the scroll values */ state.w = dialog_url_complete; error = xwimp_get_window_state(&state); if (error) { LOG("xwimp_get_window_state: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess); ro_warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } if (url_complete_matches_reset) state.yscroll = 0; /* move the window to the correct position */ toolbar_state.w = ro_toolbar_get_window(toolbar); error = xwimp_get_window_state(&toolbar_state); if (error) { LOG("xwimp_get_window_state: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess); ro_warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } if (!ro_toolbar_get_url_field_extent(toolbar, &url_extent)) { LOG("Failed to read URL field extent."); return; } lines = url_complete_matches_available; extent.y0 = -(lines * 44); extent.x1 = 65536; error = xwimp_set_extent(dialog_url_complete, &extent); if (error) { LOG("xwimp_set_extent: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess); ro_warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } state.next = open->next; state.flags &= ~wimp_WINDOW_VSCROLL; state.flags &= ~(4095 << 16); /* clear bits 16-27 */ if (lines > MAXIMUM_VISIBLE_LINES) { lines = MAXIMUM_VISIBLE_LINES; scroll_v = ro_get_vscroll_width(NULL) - 2; state.flags |= wimp_WINDOW_VSCROLL; } state.visible.x0 = open->visible.x0 + 2 + url_extent.x0; state.visible.x1 = open->visible.x0 - 2 + url_extent.x1 - scroll_v; state.visible.y1 = open->visible.y1 - url_extent.y1 + 2; state.visible.y0 = state.visible.y1 - (lines * 44); if (state.visible.x1 + scroll_v > toolbar_state.visible.x1) state.visible.x1 = toolbar_state.visible.x1 - scroll_v; if (state.visible.x1 - state.visible.x0 < 0) { error = xwimp_close_window(dialog_url_complete); if (error) { LOG("xwimp_close_window: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess); ro_warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); } } else { error = xwimp_open_window_nested_with_flags(&state, (wimp_w)-1, 0); if (error) { LOG("xwimp_open_window: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess); ro_warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } open->next = dialog_url_complete; } }
void ro_gui_options_theme_load(void) { os_error *error; os_box extent = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; struct theme_descriptor *descriptor; struct toolbar_display *link; struct toolbar_display *toolbar_display; struct toolbar *toolbar; wimp_icon_create new_icon; wimp_window_state state; int parent_width, nested_y, min_extent, base_extent; int item_height; int *radio_icons, *radio_set; int theme_count; /* delete our old list and get/open a new one */ ro_gui_options_theme_free(); theme_list = ro_gui_theme_get_available(); ro_gui_theme_open(theme_list, true); /* create toolbars for each theme */ theme_count = 0; descriptor = theme_list; while (descriptor != NULL) { /* try to create a toolbar */ toolbar = ro_toolbar_create(descriptor, NULL, THEME_STYLE_BROWSER_TOOLBAR, TOOLBAR_FLAGS_DISPLAY, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (toolbar != NULL) { ro_toolbar_add_buttons(toolbar, brower_toolbar_buttons, nsoption_charp(toolbar_browser)); ro_toolbar_add_url(toolbar); ro_toolbar_add_throbber(toolbar); ro_toolbar_rebuild(toolbar); toolbar_display = calloc(sizeof(struct toolbar_display), 1); if (!toolbar_display) { LOG(("No memory for calloc()")); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } toolbar_display->toolbar = toolbar; toolbar_display->descriptor = descriptor; if (!toolbars) { toolbars = toolbar_display; } else { link = toolbars; while (link->next) link = link->next; link->next = toolbar_display; } theme_count++; } descriptor = descriptor->next; } /* nest the toolbars */ state.w = theme_pane; error = xwimp_get_window_state(&state); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_get_window_state: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } parent_width = state.visible.x1 - state.visible.x0; min_extent = state.visible.y0 - state.visible.y1; nested_y = 0; base_extent = state.visible.y1 - state.yscroll; extent.x1 = parent_width; link = toolbars; new_icon.w = theme_pane; new_icon.icon.flags = wimp_ICON_TEXT | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED | (wimp_COLOUR_BLACK << wimp_ICON_FG_COLOUR_SHIFT) | (wimp_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY << wimp_ICON_BG_COLOUR_SHIFT); while (link) { /* update the toolbar */ item_height = 44 + 44 + 16; if (link->next) item_height += 16; ro_toolbar_process(link->toolbar, parent_width, false); extent.y0 = nested_y - ro_toolbar_height(link->toolbar) - item_height; if (link->next) extent.y0 -= 16; if (extent.y0 > min_extent) extent.y0 = min_extent; xwimp_set_extent(theme_pane, &extent); /* create the descriptor icons and separator line */ new_icon.icon.extent.x0 = 8; new_icon.icon.extent.x1 = parent_width - 8; new_icon.icon.flags &= ~wimp_ICON_BORDER; new_icon.icon.flags |= wimp_ICON_SPRITE; new_icon.icon.extent.y1 = nested_y - ro_toolbar_height(link->toolbar) - 8; new_icon.icon.extent.y0 = nested_y - ro_toolbar_height(link->toolbar) - 52; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text_and_sprite.text = (char *)&link->descriptor->name; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text_and_sprite.size = strlen(link->descriptor->name) + 1; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text_and_sprite.validation = theme_radio_validation; new_icon.icon.flags |= (wimp_BUTTON_RADIO << wimp_ICON_BUTTON_TYPE_SHIFT); xwimp_create_icon(&new_icon, &link->icon_number); new_icon.icon.flags &= ~wimp_ICON_SPRITE; new_icon.icon.extent.x0 = 52; new_icon.icon.extent.y1 -= 44; new_icon.icon.extent.y0 -= 44; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.text = (char *)&link->descriptor->author; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.size = strlen(link->descriptor->author) + 1; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.validation = theme_null_validation; new_icon.icon.flags &= ~(wimp_BUTTON_RADIO << wimp_ICON_BUTTON_TYPE_SHIFT); xwimp_create_icon(&new_icon, 0); if (link->next) { new_icon.icon.flags |= wimp_ICON_BORDER; new_icon.icon.extent.x0 = -8; new_icon.icon.extent.x1 = parent_width + 8; new_icon.icon.extent.y1 -= 52; new_icon.icon.extent.y0 = new_icon.icon.extent.y1 - 8; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.text = theme_null_validation; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.validation = theme_line_validation; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.size = 1; xwimp_create_icon(&new_icon, 0); } /* nest the toolbar window */ state.w = ro_toolbar_get_window(link->toolbar); state.yscroll = 0; state.visible.y1 = nested_y + base_extent; state.visible.y0 = state.visible.y1 - ro_toolbar_height(link->toolbar) + 2; xwimp_open_window_nested(PTR_WIMP_OPEN(&state), theme_pane, wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_WORK_AREA << wimp_CHILD_BS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_WORK_AREA << wimp_CHILD_TS_EDGE_SHIFT); /* continue processing */ nested_y -= ro_toolbar_height(link->toolbar) + item_height; link = link->next; } /* set the icons as radios */ radio_icons = (int *)calloc(theme_count + 1, sizeof(int)); radio_set = radio_icons; for (link = toolbars; link; link = link->next) *radio_set++ = link->icon_number; *radio_set = -1; ro_gui_wimp_event_register_radio(theme_pane, radio_icons); /* update our display */ xwimp_force_redraw(theme_pane, 0, -16384, 16384, 16384); }