예제 #1
 static inline A0 reduce(const A0& a0, A0&, A0&, A0& x)
   A0 k  = round2even(double_constant<A0,0x400a934f0979a372ll>()*a0);
   x     = a0-k*double_constant<A0,0x3fd3440000000000ll>();
   x    -=  k*double_constant<A0,0x3ed3509f79fef312ll>();
   return k;
예제 #2
 static inline A0 reduce(const A0& a0, A0&, A0&, A0& x)
     A0 k  = round2even(Invlog10_2<A0>()*a0);
     x = fnms(k, Log10_2hi<A0>(), a0);
     x = fnms(k, Log10_2lo<A0>(), x);
     return k;
예제 #3
 static inline A0 reduce(const A0& a0, A0&, A0&, A0& x)
   A0 k = round2even(Const<A0,0x40549a78>()*a0);
   x = a0-k*Const<A0,0x3e9a0000>();
   x -=  k*Const<A0,0x39826a13>();
   return k;
예제 #4
 static inline A0 reduce(const A0& a0, A0& hi, A0& lo, A0& x)
   A0 k  = round2even(Invlog_2<A0>()*a0);
   hi    = a0 - k * Const<A0,0x3fe62e42fee00000ll>();
   lo    =      k * Const<A0,0x3dea39ef35793c76ll>();
   x     = hi-lo;
   return k;
예제 #5
 static inline int_type reduce(const A0& x,  A0& xr, A0&xc)
   A0 xi = round2even(x*Two<A0>());
   A0 x2 = x - xi * Half<A0>();
   xr = x2*Pi<A0>();
   xc = Zero<A0>();
   return toint(xi);
예제 #6
 static inline int_type reduce(const A0& x, A0& xr, A0& xc)
   A0 xi = round2even(x*single_constant<A0,0x3c360b61>()); //  1.111111111111111e-02f
   A0 x2 = x - xi * Ninety<A0>();//90.0f
   xr =  x2*single_constant<A0,0x3c8efa35>(); //0.0174532925199432957692f
   xc = Zero<A0>();
   return toint(xi);
예제 #7
 static inline A0 reduce(const A0& a0, A0& hi, A0& lo, A0& x)
   A0 k = round2even(Invlog_2<A0>()*a0);
   hi = a0-k*Const<A0,0x3f318000>();
   lo = k*Const<A0,0xb95e8083>();
   x =  hi-lo;
   return k;
예제 #8
	static inline A0 finalize(const A0& a0, const A0&  ,
				  const A0& c , const A0& k,
				  const A0&   , const A0& )
	  A0 y = fast_ldexp(c, toint(k));
	  //adjust for 10^n n flint
	  return  sel(b_and(is_gtz(a0), is_flint(a0)),  round2even(y), y);
예제 #9
	static inline A0 finalize(const A0& a0, const A0& x,
				  const A0& c, const A0 & k,
				  const A0& ,const A0& )
	  A0 y = oneminus(((-(x*c)/(Two<A0>()-c))-x));
	  y = fast_ldexp(y, toint(k));
	  // adjust for 2^n n flint
	  return  sel(b_and(is_gtz(a0), is_flint(a0)),  round2even(y), y);
예제 #10
	static inline int_type fdlibm_medium_reduction(const A0& t, A0& xr, A0& xc)
	  A0 fn = round2even(t*single_constant<A0,0x3f22f984>());
	  A0 r  = t-fn*single_constant<A0,0x3fc90f80>();
	  A0 w  = fn*single_constant<A0,0x37354443>();	/* 1st round good to 40 bit */
	  A0 t2 = r;
	  w  = fn*single_constant<A0,0x37354400>();
	  r  = t2-w;
	  w  = fn*single_constant<A0,0x2e85a308>()-((t2-r)-w);
	  t2 = r;	                        /* 2nd round will cover all possible cases */
	  w  = fn*single_constant<A0,0x2e85a300>();
	  r  = t2-w;
	  w  = fn*single_constant<A0,0x248d3132>()-((t2-r)-w);
	  xr = r-w;
	  xc = (r-xr)-w;
	  return  toint(fn);
예제 #11
 static inline A0 reduce(const A0& a0, const A0&, const A0&, A0& x)
   A0 k = round2even(a0);
   x = (a0 - k)*Log_2<A0>();
   return k;
예제 #12
파일: lcm.hpp 프로젝트: francescog/nt2
// Implementation when type  is arithmetic_
NT2_REGISTER_DISPATCH(tag::lcm_, tag::cpu_,

namespace nt2 { namespace ext
  template<class X, class Dummy>
  struct call<tag::lcm_(tag::simd_<tag::arithmetic_, X> ,
                        tag::simd_<tag::arithmetic_, X> ),
              tag::cpu_, Dummy> : callable
    template<class Sig> struct result;
    template<class This,class A0>
    struct result<This(A0,A0)>
      : meta::strip<A0>{};//

      return nt2::abs(round2even(a0)*rdivide(round2even(a1), gcd(a0,a1)));

} }

// modified by jt the 05/01/2011