 * Fills the give from number with the string from
 * the board file.
 * This function fills the board object at the given
 * rowNum with the contents of toParse
 * @param[in]   int::rowNum     The row number to fill
 * @param[in]   str::toParse    The string to parse for entries
 * @returns None
void sudokuBoardReader::fillRow(int rowNum, std::string toParse) {
    std::vector<char> entries;
    std::stringstream rowStream(toParse);
    char entry;
    while(rowStream >> entry){

    if (entries.size() != n)
	    std::cout << "Bad N. Expected: " << n << " and got " << entries.size() << " \n";
예제 #2
void Matrix::initializeFrom(FileReader& r){
	if (ns_debug::trace) cout << "Matrix::initializeFrom(): Reading a rank-" << rank() << " matrix.\n";
	// Consume and ignore the "matrix:" line.
	auto_ptr<string> ignore = r.getLine_ignoreComments();
	if (ns_debug::trace) cout << "Matrix::initializeFrom(): Ignoring line: [" << *ignore << "].\n";

	// Read in the lines.
	for(size_t i=0; i<this->rank(); i++){
		if (ns_debug::trace) cout << "Matrix::initializeFrom(): About to read row #" << i << "...\n";
		// Get the next line as a string.
		auto_ptr<string> rowString = r.getLine_ignoreComments();
		if (ns_debug::trace) cout << "Matrix::initializeFrom(): The row text is: [" << *rowString << "].\n";
		// Convert it to a stream so we can use >> on it.
		istringstream rowStream(*rowString);
		// Get the complex numbers for each entry in the row.
		for(size_t j=0; j<rank(); j++){
			if (ns_debug::trace) cout << "Matrix::initializeFrom(): About to read entry #" << j << " on row #" << i << ".\n";
			if (ns_debug::trace) {
				cout << "Matrix::initializeFrom(): Read the complex number: ";
				cout << ".\n";

		if (ns_debug::trace) {
			cout << "Matrix::initializeFrom(): row #" << i << " has " << rows[i].indices_of_nz_elems().size() << " nonzero elements.\n";
			cout << "Matrix::initializeFrom(): The nonzero elements in row #" << i << " have the following indices: ";
			for(size_t j=0; j<rows[i].indices_of_nz_elems().size(); j++){
				cout << rows[i].indices_of_nz_elems().at(j);
				if (j<rows[i].indices_of_nz_elems().size()-1) cout<<",";
			cout << ".\n";

	// Initialize the column representation.
 *	loop over table columns and template to get the IPFIX values in correct order to store in database
 *	The result is written into row, the firstSwitched time is returned in flowstartsec
string& IpfixDbWriter::getInsertString(string& row, time_t& flowstartsec, const IpfixRecord::SourceID& sourceID,
		TemplateInfo& dataTemplateInfo,uint16_t length, IpfixRecord::Data* data)
	uint64_t intdata = 0;
	uint64_t intdata2 = 0;
	uint32_t k;
	bool notfound, notfound2;
	bool first = true;
	ostringstream rowStream(row);

	flowstartsec = 0;
	rowStream << "(";

	/**loop over the columname and loop over the IPFIX_TYPEID of the record
	 to get the corresponding data to store and make insert statement*/
	for(vector<Column>::iterator col = tableColumns.begin(); col != tableColumns.end(); col++) {
		if (col->ipfixId == EXPORTERID) {
			// if this is the same source ID as last time, we get the exporter id from currentExporter
			if ((currentExporter != NULL) && equalExporter(sourceID, currentExporter->sourceID)) {
				DPRINTF("Exporter is same as last time (ODID=%d, id=%d)", sourceID.observationDomainId, currentExporter->id);
				intdata = (uint64_t)currentExporter->id;
			} else {
			// lookup exporter buffer to get exporterID from sourcID and expIp
				intdata = (uint64_t)getExporterID(sourceID);
		} else {
			notfound = true;
			// try to gather data required for the field
			if(dataTemplateInfo.fieldCount > 0) {
				// look inside the ipfix record
				for(k=0; k < dataTemplateInfo.fieldCount; k++) {
					if(dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type.enterprise ==  col->enterprise && dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type.id == col->ipfixId) {
						notfound = false;
						intdata = getData(dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type,(data+dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].offset));
						DPRINTF("IpfixDbWriter::getData: really saw ipfix id %d in packet with intdata %llX, type %d, length %d and offset %X", col->ipfixId, intdata, dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type.id, dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type.length, dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].offset);
			if( dataTemplateInfo.dataCount > 0 && notfound) {
				// look in static data fields of template for data
				for(k=0; k < dataTemplateInfo.dataCount; k++) {
					if(dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type.enterprise == col->enterprise && dataTemplateInfo.dataInfo[k].type.id == col->ipfixId) {
						notfound = false;
						intdata = getData(dataTemplateInfo.dataInfo[k].type,(dataTemplateInfo.data+dataTemplateInfo.dataInfo[k].offset));
			if(notfound) {
				notfound2 = true;
				// for some Ids, we have an alternative
				if(col->enterprise == 0) {
					switch (col->ipfixId) {
						case IPFIX_TYPEID_flowStartSeconds:
							if(dataTemplateInfo.fieldCount > 0) {
								for(k=0; k < dataTemplateInfo.fieldCount; k++) {
									// look for alternative (flowStartMilliSeconds/1000)
									if(dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type.id == IPFIX_TYPEID_flowStartMilliSeconds) {
										intdata = getData(dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type,(data+dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].offset)) / 1000;
										notfound = false;
									// if no flow start time is available, maybe this is is from a netflow from Cisco
									// then - as a last alternative - use flowStartSysUpTime as flow start time
									if(dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type.id == IPFIX_TYPEID_flowStartSysUpTime) {
										intdata2 = getData(dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type,(data+dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].offset));
										notfound2 = false;
								if(notfound && !notfound2) {
									intdata = intdata2;
									notfound = false;
						//TODO: replace by enterprise number (Gerhard 12/2009)
						case IPFIX_ETYPEID_revFlowStartSeconds:
							// look for alternative (revFlowStartMilliSeconds/1000)
							if(dataTemplateInfo.fieldCount > 0) {
								for(k=0; k < dataTemplateInfo.fieldCount; k++) {
									if(dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type.id == IPFIX_ETYPEID_revFlowStartMilliSeconds) {
										intdata = getData(dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type,(data+dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].offset)) / 1000;
										notfound = false;
						case IPFIX_TYPEID_flowEndSeconds:
							if(dataTemplateInfo.fieldCount > 0) {
								for(k=0; k < dataTemplateInfo.fieldCount; k++) {
									// look for alternative (flowEndMilliSeconds/1000)
									if(dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type.id == IPFIX_TYPEID_flowEndMilliSeconds) {
										intdata = getData(dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type,(data+dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].offset)) / 1000;
										notfound = false;
									// if no flow end time is available, maybe this is is from a netflow from Cisco
									// then use flowEndSysUpTime as flow start time
									if(dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type.id == IPFIX_TYPEID_flowEndSysUpTime) {
										intdata2 = getData(dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type,(data+dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].offset));
										notfound2 = false;
								if(notfound && !notfound2) {
									intdata = intdata2;
									notfound = false;
						//TODO: replace by enterprise number (Gerhard 12/2009)
						case IPFIX_ETYPEID_revFlowEndSeconds:
							// look for alternative (revFlowEndMilliSeconds/1000)
							if(dataTemplateInfo.fieldCount > 0) {
								for(k=0; k < dataTemplateInfo.fieldCount; k++) {
									if(dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type.id == IPFIX_ETYPEID_revFlowEndMilliSeconds) {
										intdata = getData(dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].type,(data+dataTemplateInfo.fieldInfo[k].offset)) / 1000;
										notfound = false;
				// if still not found, get default value
					intdata = col->defaultValue;

			// we need extra treatment for timing related fields
			if(col->enterprise == 0 ) {
				switch (col->ipfixId) {
					case IPFIX_TYPEID_flowStartSeconds:
						// save time for table access
						if (flowstartsec==0) flowstartsec = intdata;
					case IPFIX_TYPEID_flowEndSeconds:

					case IPFIX_TYPEID_flowStartMilliSeconds:
						// if flowStartSeconds is not stored in one of the columns, but flowStartMilliSeconds is,
						// then we use flowStartMilliSeconds for table access
						// This is realized by storing this value only if flowStartSeconds has not yet been seen.
						// A later appearing flowStartSeconds will override this value.
						if (flowstartsec==0)
							flowstartsec = intdata/1000;
					case IPFIX_TYPEID_flowEndMilliSeconds:
					//TODO: replace by enterprise number (Gerhard 12/2009)
					case IPFIX_ETYPEID_revFlowStartMilliSeconds:				
					case IPFIX_ETYPEID_revFlowEndMilliSeconds:
						// in the database the millisecond entry is counted from last second
						intdata %= 1000;
		DPRINTF("saw ipfix id %d in packet with intdata %llX", col->ipfixId, intdata);

			rowStream << intdata;
			rowStream << "," << intdata;
		first = false;
	rowStream << ")";

	if (flowstartsec == 0) {
		msg(MSG_ERROR, "IpfixDbWriter: Failed to get timing data from record. Will be saved in default table.");

	row = rowStream.str();
	DPRINTF("Insert row: %s", row.c_str());
	return row;