 * prep and build bounding volumes... unfortunately, generating the
 * bounding sphere is too 'loose' (I think) and O(n^2).
rt_metaball_prep(struct soltab *stp, struct rt_db_internal *ip, struct rt_i *rtip)
    struct rt_metaball_internal *mb, *nmb;
    struct wdb_metaballpt *mbpt, *nmbpt;
    fastf_t minfstr = +INFINITY;

    if (rtip) RT_CK_RTI(rtip);

    mb = (struct rt_metaball_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

    /* generate a copy of the metaball */
    BU_ALLOC(nmb, struct rt_metaball_internal);
    nmb->threshold = mb->threshold;
    nmb->method = mb->method;

    /* and copy the list of control points */
    for (BU_LIST_FOR(mbpt, wdb_metaballpt, &mb->metaball_ctrl_head)) {
	BU_ALLOC(nmbpt, struct wdb_metaballpt);
	nmbpt->fldstr = mbpt->fldstr;
	if (mbpt->fldstr < minfstr)
	    minfstr = mbpt->fldstr;
	nmbpt->sweat = mbpt->sweat;
	VMOVE(nmbpt->coord, mbpt->coord);
	BU_LIST_INSERT(&nmb->metaball_ctrl_head, &nmbpt->l);

    /* find the bounding sphere */
    stp->st_aradius = rt_metaball_get_bounding_sphere(&stp->st_center, mb->threshold, mb);
    stp->st_bradius = stp->st_aradius * 1.01;

    /* XXX magic numbers, increase if scalloping is observed. :(*/
    nmb->initstep = minfstr / 2.0;
    if (nmb->initstep < (stp->st_aradius / 200.0))
	nmb->initstep = (stp->st_aradius / 200.0);
    else if (nmb->initstep > (stp->st_aradius / 10.0))
	nmb->initstep = (stp->st_aradius / 10.0);
    nmb->finalstep = /*stp->st_aradius * */minfstr / 1e5;

    /* generate a bounding box around the sphere...
     * XXX this can be optimized greatly to reduce the BSP presence... */
    if (rt_metaball_bbox(ip, &(stp->st_min), &(stp->st_max), &rtip->rti_tol)) return 1;
    stp->st_specific = (void *)nmb;
    return 0;
예제 #2
 * R T _ M E T A B A L L _ T E S S
 * Tessellate a metaball.
rt_metaball_tess(struct nmgregion **r, struct model *m, struct rt_db_internal *ip, const struct rt_tess_tol *ttol, const struct bn_tol *tol)
    struct rt_metaball_internal *mb;
    fastf_t mtol, radius;
    point_t center, min, max;
    fastf_t i, j, k, finalstep = +INFINITY;
    struct bu_vls times = BU_VLS_INIT_ZERO;
    struct wdb_metaballpt *mbpt;
    struct shell *s;
    int numtri = 0;

    if (r == NULL || m == NULL)
	return -1;
    *r = NULL;


    mb = (struct rt_metaball_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;


    /* since this geometry isn't necessarily prepped, we have to figure out the
     * finalstep and bounding box manually. */
    for (BU_LIST_FOR(mbpt, wdb_metaballpt, &mb->metaball_ctrl_head))
	V_MIN(finalstep, mbpt->fldstr);
    finalstep /= (fastf_t)1e5;

    radius = rt_metaball_get_bounding_sphere(&center, mb->threshold, mb);
    if(radius < 0) {	/* no control points */
	bu_log("Attempting to tesselate metaball with no control points");
	return -1;
    rt_metaball_bbox(ip, &min, &max, tol);

    /* TODO: get better sampling tolerance, unless this is "good enough" */
    mtol = ttol->abs;
    V_MAX(mtol, ttol->rel * radius * 10);
    V_MAX(mtol, tol->dist);

    *r = nmg_mrsv(m);	/* new empty nmg */
    s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &(*r)->s_hd);

    /* the incredibly naïve approach. Time could be cut in half by simply
     * caching 4 point values, more by actually marching or doing active
     * refinement. This is the simplest pattern for now.
    for (i = min[X]; i < max[X]; i += mtol)
	for (j = min[Y]; j < max[Y]; j += mtol)
	    for (k = min[Z]; k < max[Z]; k += mtol) {
		point_t p[8];
		int pv = 0;

		/* generate the vertex values */
#define MEH(c,di,dj,dk) VSET(p[c], i+di, j+dj, k+dk); pv |= rt_metaball_point_inside((const point_t *)&p[c], mb) << c;
		MEH(0, 0, 0, mtol);
		MEH(1, mtol, 0, mtol);
		MEH(2, mtol, 0, 0);
		MEH(3, 0, 0, 0);
		MEH(4, 0, mtol, mtol);
		MEH(5, mtol, mtol, mtol);
		MEH(6, mtol, mtol, 0);
		MEH(7, 0, mtol, 0);
#undef MEH

		if ( pv != 0 && pv != 255 ) {	/* entire cube is either inside or outside */
		    point_t edges[12];
		    int rval;

		    /* compute the edge values (if needed) */
#define MEH(a,b,c) if(!(pv&(1<<b)&&pv&(1<<c))) { \
    rt_metaball_find_intersection(edges+a, mb, (const point_t *)(p+b), (const point_t *)(p+c), mtol, finalstep); \

		    /* magic numbers! an edge, then the two attached vertices.
		     * For edge/vertex mapping, refer to the awesome ascii art
		     * at the beginning of this file. */
		    MEH(0 ,0,1);
		    MEH(1 ,1,2);
		    MEH(2 ,2,3);
		    MEH(3 ,0,3);
		    MEH(4 ,4,5);
		    MEH(5 ,5,6);
		    MEH(6 ,6,7);
		    MEH(7 ,4,7);
		    MEH(8 ,0,4);
		    MEH(9 ,1,5);
#undef MEH

		    rval = nmg_mc_realize_cube(s, pv, (point_t *)edges, tol);
		    numtri += rval;
		    if(rval < 0) {
			bu_log("Error attempting to realize a cube O.o\n");
			return rval;

    nmg_region_a(*r, tol);

    nmg_model_fuse(m, tol);

    rt_get_timer(&times, NULL);
    bu_log("metaball tesselate (%d triangles): %s\n", numtri, bu_vls_addr(&times));

    return 0;