예제 #1
int_T ZenomMatlab::Xrt_GetParameterInfo(void *rtw_mpi){

    rtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo*      capiMap; 
    const rtwCAPI_BlockParameters* blockParams;
    const rtwCAPI_DataTypeMap*     dataTypeMap;
    const rtwCAPI_DimensionMap*    dimMap;
    const rtwCAPI_FixPtMap*        fxpMap;
    const uint_T*                  dimArray;
    void**                         dataAddrMap;
    void* paramAddress;
    uint_T paramIdx;
 capiMap= (rtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo *)rtw_mpi;

    const char_T* paramName;
    const char_T* blockName;
    uint_T        addrIdx;
    uint16_T      dataTypeIdx;
    uint16_T      dimIndex;
    uint16_T      fxpMapIdx;
    uint8_T       slDataID;

    const char_T*        cDataName;
    unsigned short       isComplex;
    uint8_T              numDims;
    uint_T               dimArrayIdx;
    rtwCAPI_Orientation  orientation;
    uint_T            actualDimensions[10];
    uint_T numRows;
    uint_T numColumns;  

    int    idx;
    real_T slope = 1.0;
    real_T bias  = 0.0;
    unsigned short modParamFlag = 0;

    uint_T rowIdx;
    uint_T colIdx;
    uint_T pageIdx;
  uint_T nBlockParams;
/******************** GET Model Name **************************/ 
    strncpyz(xrtpi[paramIdx].modelName, STR(MODEL), MAX_NAMES_SIZE);

  /* Assert the parameter index is less than total number of parameters */
    assert(paramIdx < rtwCAPI_GetNumBlockParameters(capiMap));

    /* Get blockParams, an array of rtwCAPI_ModelParameters structure  */
    blockParams = rtwCAPI_GetBlockParameters(capiMap);
    if (blockParams == NULL) 
/********************GET Block Name**********************************************************/
 strncpyz(xrtpi[paramIdx].blockName,rtwCAPI_GetBlockParameterBlockPath(blockParams,paramIdx), MAX_NAMES_SIZE);

/***********************Get Parameters Names*****************************************************/
for(paramIdx=0;paramIdx<nBlockParams;paramIdx++) {
strncpyz(xrtpi[paramIdx].paramName,rtwCAPI_GetBlockParameterName(blockParams, paramIdx), MAX_NAMES_SIZE);
strncpyz(xrtpi[paramIdx].blockName,rtwCAPI_GetBlockParameterBlockPath(blockParams, paramIdx), MAX_NAMES_SIZE);

    /* Get Data Type attributes of the Model Parameter                       */
    /* Accessing the data type information from capiMap is a 3 step process  *
     * 1) Get the dataTypeMap Array from capiMap.                            *
     * 2) Get the index into the above array, dataTypeIdx, from ModelParameter*
     *    structure. The index will point to a rtwCAPI_DataTypeMap structure.*
     * 3) From the structure, get the member values of the structure, namely *
     *       o Simulink Data ID, can be one of the enumerated value          *
     *           SS_DOUBLE, SS_SINGLE, SS_INT8, SS_UINT8, SS_INT16, SS_UINT16*
     *            , SS_INT32, SS_UINT32, SS_BOOLEAN                          *
     *       o Complexity                                                    *
     *       o Data Size                                                     *
     *    For complete structure see matlabroot/rtw/c/src/rtw_capi.h         */

    dataTypeMap = rtwCAPI_GetDataTypeMap(capiMap);
    if (dataTypeMap == NULL)
    dataTypeIdx = rtwCAPI_GetBlockParameterDataTypeIdx(blockParams, paramIdx);
    slDataID    = rtwCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId(dataTypeMap, dataTypeIdx);

 /*************GET DATA TYPEs*************************************************/

    cDataName   = rtwCAPI_GetDataTypeCName(dataTypeMap,dataTypeIdx);
   xrtpi[paramIdx].isComplex   = rtwCAPI_GetDataIsComplex(dataTypeMap,dataTypeIdx);}

    /* Get Dimensions of the Model Parameter                                 */
    /* Accessing the dimension from capiMap is a 4 step process              *
     * 1) Get the dimMap array, an array of CAPI_DimensionMap struct         *
     * 2) Get the dimArray array, an array of all the dimensions in the Map  *
     * 3) Get the index into the dimMap array (dimIdx) from ModelParameter   *
     *    structure. the index will point to rtwCAPI_Dimension structure     *
     * 4) From the rtwCAPI_Dimension structure, get the following information*
     *       o orientation (scalar | vector | matrix)                        *
     *       o Number of dimensions (numDims)                                *
     *       o index into the dimArray (dimArrayIdx)                         *
     * 5) Using numDims and the dimArrayIdx, get the actual dimensions from  *
     *    the dimArray                                                       *
     *       uint_T ActualDims[numDims] = {dimArray[dimArrayIdx],            *
     *                                     dimArray[dimArrayIdx+1],          *
     *                     ...                                   *
     *                     dimArray[dimArrayIdx+(numDims-1)]}    *
     *    For e.g, scalar and 2-D parameters will have numDims = 2, So       *
     *       uint_T ActualDims[2] = {dimArray[dimArrayIdx],                  *
     *                               dimArray[dimArrayIdx +1]}               */
     //uint8_T             nDims  = rtwCAPI_GetNumDims(dimMap, dimIdx);
    //    uint_T              dIndex = rtwCAPI_GetDimArrayIndex(dimMap, dimIdx);
      //uint_T   addrIdx  =  rtwCAPI_GetSignalAddrIdx(bioSig,sigIdx);xrt_HostInterfaceTask
       // uint16_T dTypeIdx =  rtwCAPI_GetSignalDataTypeIdx(bioSig,sigIdx);
       // uint16_T dimIdx   =  rtwCAPI_GetSignalDimensionIdx(bioSig,sigIdx);
    dimMap   = rtwCAPI_GetDimensionMap(capiMap);
    dimArray = rtwCAPI_GetDimensionArray(capiMap);

    if ((dimMap == NULL) || (dimArray == NULL))

for(paramIdx=0;paramIdx<nBlockParams;paramIdx++) {

    dimIndex    = rtwCAPI_GetBlockParameterDimensionIdx(blockParams, paramIdx);
    numDims     = rtwCAPI_GetNumDims(dimMap, dimIndex); 
    //actualDimensions=(uint_T *) calloc(numDims, sizeof(uint_T));
    dimArrayIdx = rtwCAPI_GetDimArrayIndex(dimMap, dimIndex);
    orientation = rtwCAPI_GetOrientation(dimMap, dimIndex);
  /******************************* GET ORIENTATIONs******************************/
   for(idx=0; idx < numDims; idx++) {
        actualDimensions[idx] = dimArray[dimArrayIdx + idx];
    // printf(" t param numRows,cols::%d %d\n",xrtpi[paramIdx].numRows,xrtpi[paramIdx].numColumns);


    /* Get fixed-point information of the parameter */
    fxpMap = rtwCAPI_GetFixPtMap(capiMap);
    if (fxpMap == NULL)
    fxpMapIdx = rtwCAPI_GetBlockParameterFixPtIdx(blockParams, paramIdx);
    if(fxpMapIdx > 0) {
        /* Only Fixed-point parameters have fxpMapIdx > 0 */
        real_T fracslope = rtwCAPI_GetFxpFracSlope(fxpMap,fxpMapIdx);
        int8_T expt      = rtwCAPI_GetFxpExponent(fxpMap,fxpMapIdx);
        /* slope = fractional slope * 2^exponent 
         * fractional slope is also called Slope Adjustment Factor. 
         * Type "help fixdt" in MATLAB command window for more information
         * on fixed point data types  
        slope = fracslope*pow(2.0,expt);
        bias  = rtwCAPI_GetFxpBias(fxpMap,fxpMapIdx);

 for(paramIdx=0;paramIdx<nBlockParams;paramIdx++) {
  /* Get the address to this paxeno_Starrameter                     */
   dataAddrMap = rtwCAPI_GetDataAddressMap(capiMap);
    addrIdx     = rtwCAPI_GetBlockParameterAddrIdx(blockParams,paramIdx);
    paramAddress= (void *) rtwCAPI_GetDataAddress(dataAddrMap,addrIdx); 

uint_T numPages = 0;
    if (numDims == 3) numPages = actualDimensions[2];

  switch ( xrtpi[paramIdx].dataType) {

      RT_GET_PARAM_INFO_IF(SS_INT16, int16_T)
      RT_GET_PARAM_INFO_IF(SS_UINT16, uint16_T)
      RT_GET_PARAM_INFO_IF(SS_INT32, int32_T)
      RT_GET_PARAM_INFO_IF(SS_UINT32, uint32_T)
        return -1;

 return 0;
예제 #2
/* Abstract:
 *   This function takes in ModelMappingInfo structure prints the value of 
 *   ModelParameter - rtModelParameters[paramIdx] to STDOUT
 *     capiMap  - Pointer to the ModelMappingInfo structure in Real-Time model.
 *                Map of all C-API arrays and structures. 
 *     paramIdx - Index of the Parameter in the rtModelParameters array 
 *                generated by RTW in <MODEL>_capi.c
void capi_PrintModelParameter(rtwCAPI_ModelMappingInfo* capiMap,
                              uint_T                    paramIdx) {
    const rtwCAPI_ModelParameters* modelParams;
    const rtwCAPI_DataTypeMap*     dataTypeMap;
    const rtwCAPI_DimensionMap*    dimMap;
    const rtwCAPI_FixPtMap*        fxpMap;
    const uint_T*                  dimArray;
    void**                         dataAddrMap;

    const char_T* paramName;
    uint_T        addrIdx;
    uint16_T      dataTypeIdx;
    uint16_T      dimIndex;
    uint16_T      fxpMapIdx;
    uint8_T       slDataID;

    void*                paramAddress;
    const char_T*        cDataName;
    unsigned short       isComplex;
    uint8_T              numDims;
    uint_T               dimArrayIdx;
    rtwCAPI_Orientation  orientation;
    uint_T*              actualDimensions;

    int    idx;
    real_T slope = 1.0;
    real_T bias  = 0.0;
    unsigned short modParamFlag = 0; 

    /* Assert the parameter index is less than total number of parameters */
    assert(paramIdx < rtwCAPI_GetNumModelParameters(capiMap));

    /* Get modelParams, an array of rtwCAPI_ModelParameters structure  */
    modelParams = rtwCAPI_GetModelParameters(capiMap);
    if (modelParams == NULL) return;
    /* Get Parameter Name */
    paramName   = rtwCAPI_GetModelParameterName(modelParams, paramIdx); 

    /* Get Data Type attributes of the Model Parameter                       */
    /* Accessing the data type information from capiMap is a 3 step process  *
     * 1) Get the dataTypeMap Array from capiMap.                            *
     * 2) Get the index into the above array, dataTypeIdx, from ModelParameter*
     *    structure. The index will point to a rtwCAPI_DataTypeMap structure.*
     * 3) From the structure, get the member values of the structure, namely *
     *       o Simulink Data ID, can be one of the enumerated value          *
     *           SS_DOUBLE, SS_SINGLE, SS_INT8, SS_UINT8, SS_INT16, SS_UINT16*
     *            , SS_INT32, SS_UINT32, SS_BOOLEAN                          *
     *       o Complexity                                                    *
     *       o Data Size                                                     *
     *    For complete structure see matlabroot/rtw/c/src/rtw_capi.h         */

    dataTypeMap = rtwCAPI_GetDataTypeMap(capiMap);
    if (dataTypeMap == NULL) return;
    dataTypeIdx = rtwCAPI_GetModelParameterDataTypeIdx(modelParams, paramIdx);
    slDataID    = rtwCAPI_GetDataTypeSLId(dataTypeMap, dataTypeIdx);
    cDataName   = rtwCAPI_GetDataTypeCName(dataTypeMap,dataTypeIdx);
    isComplex   = rtwCAPI_GetDataIsComplex(dataTypeMap,dataTypeIdx);

    /* Get Dimensions of the Model Parameter                                 */
    /* Accessing the dimension from capiMap is a 4 step process              *
     * 1) Get the dimMap array, an array of CAPI_DimensionMap struct         *
     * 2) Get the dimArray array, an array of all the dimensions in the Map  *
     * 3) Get the index into the dimMap array (dimIdx) from ModelParameter   *
     *    structure. the index will point to rtwCAPI_Dimension structure     *
     * 4) From the rtwCAPI_Dimension structure, get the following information*
     *       o orientation (scalar | vector | matrix)                        *
     *       o Number of dimensions (numDims)                                *
     *       o index into the dimArray (dimArrayIdx)                         *
     * 5) Using numDims and the dimArrayIdx, get the actual dimensions from  *
     *    the dimArray                                                       *
     *       uint_T ActualDims[numDims] = {dimArray[dimArrayIdx],            *
     *                                     dimArray[dimArrayIdx+1],          *
     *				       ...                                   *
     *				       dimArray[dimArrayIdx+(numDims-1)]}    *
     *    For e.g, scalar and 2-D parameters will have numDims = 2, So       *
     *       uint_T ActualDims[2] = {dimArray[dimArrayIdx],                  *
     *                               dimArray[dimArrayIdx +1]}               */
    dimMap   = rtwCAPI_GetDimensionMap(capiMap);
    dimArray = rtwCAPI_GetDimensionArray(capiMap);

    if ((dimMap == NULL) || (dimArray == NULL)) return;

    dimIndex    = rtwCAPI_GetModelParameterDimensionIdx(modelParams, paramIdx);
    numDims     = rtwCAPI_GetNumDims(dimMap, dimIndex); 
    dimArrayIdx = rtwCAPI_GetDimArrayIndex(dimMap, dimIndex);
    orientation = rtwCAPI_GetOrientation(dimMap, dimIndex);

    actualDimensions = (uint_T *) malloc(numDims*sizeof(uint_T));
    for(idx=0; idx < numDims; idx++) {
        actualDimensions[idx] = dimArray[dimArrayIdx + idx];
    /* Get fixed-point information of the parameter */
    fxpMap = rtwCAPI_GetFixPtMap(capiMap);
    if (fxpMap == NULL) return;
    fxpMapIdx = rtwCAPI_GetModelParameterFixPtIdx(modelParams, paramIdx);
    if(fxpMapIdx > 0) {
        /* Only Fixed-point parameters have fxpMapIdx > 0 */
        real_T fracslope = rtwCAPI_GetFxpFracSlope(fxpMap,fxpMapIdx);
        int8_T expt      = rtwCAPI_GetFxpExponent(fxpMap,fxpMapIdx);
        /* slope = fractional slope * 2^exponent 
         * fractional slope is also called Slope Adjustment Factor. 
         * Type "help fixdt" in MATLAB command window for more information
         * on fixed point data types  
        slope = fracslope*pow(2.0,expt);
        bias  = rtwCAPI_GetFxpBias(fxpMap,fxpMapIdx);

    /* Get the address to this parameter                                     */
    dataAddrMap = rtwCAPI_GetDataAddressMap(capiMap);
    addrIdx     = rtwCAPI_GetModelParameterAddrIdx(modelParams,paramIdx);
    paramAddress= (void *) rtwCAPI_GetDataAddress(dataAddrMap,addrIdx); 

    if (paramAddress == NULL) return;
    /* Print the parameter value */
    capi_PrintParameter(paramName, paramAddress, slDataID, isComplex,
                        actualDimensions, numDims, slope, bias);

    /* Modify parameter with itself */
    /* modParamflag is used as a flag to indicate whether you want to modify
     * the parameter after you print the value. Set flag to 1 to modify    */
    if(modParamFlag &&
       capi_ModifyParameter(paramAddress, paramAddress, orientation,
                            actualDimensions, numDims, slDataID, isComplex)) {
                                printf("Parameter modified with itself\n");