예제 #1
파일: font.c 프로젝트: arczi84/NetSurf-68k
 * Paint a string.
 * \param  fstyle  plot style for this text
 * \param  string  UTF-8 string to measure
 * \param  length  length of string
 * \param  x       x coordinate
 * \param  y       y coordinate
 * \return  true on success, false on error and error reported
bool nsfont_paint(const plot_font_style_t *fstyle, const char *string,
		size_t length, int x, int y)
	const char *font_family;
	unsigned int font_size;
	unsigned int flags = rufl_BLEND_FONT;
	rufl_style font_style;
	rufl_code code;

	nsfont_read_style(fstyle, &font_family, &font_size, &font_style);
	if (font_size == 0)
		return true;

	if (no_font_blending || print_active)
		flags = 0;

	code = rufl_paint(font_family, font_style, font_size,
			string, length, x, y, flags);
	if (code != rufl_OK) {
		if (code == rufl_FONT_MANAGER_ERROR) {
			LOG("rufl_paint: rufl_FONT_MANAGER_ERROR: 0x%x: %s", rufl_fm_error->errnum, rufl_fm_error->errmess);
		} else {
			LOG("rufl_paint: 0x%x", code);

	return true;
예제 #2
static PyObject *
pyrufl_paint(PyObject *self /* Not used */, PyObject *args)
	const char *font_family;
	rufl_style font_style;
	unsigned int font_size;
	const char *string;
	int length;
	int x;
	int y;
	unsigned int flags;

	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "siIs#iiI",
			&font_family, &font_style, &font_size,
			&string, &length, &x, &y, &flags))
		return NULL;

	rufl_paint(font_family, font_style, font_size, string, length,
			x, y, flags);

	return Py_None;
예제 #3
int main(void)
	char utf8_test[] = "Hello,	world! ὕαλον "
			"Uherské Hradiště. 𐀀";
	int width;
	size_t char_offset;
	int x;
	int actual_x;
	struct rufl_decomp_funcs funcs = { move_to, line_to, cubic_to };
	int bbox[4];

	try(rufl_init(), "rufl_init");
	try(rufl_paint("NewHall", rufl_WEIGHT_400, 240,
			utf8_test, sizeof utf8_test - 1,
			1200, 1000, 0), "rufl_paint");
	try(rufl_width("NewHall", rufl_WEIGHT_400, 240,
			utf8_test, sizeof utf8_test - 1,
			&width), "rufl_width");
	printf("width: %i\n", width);
	for (x = 0; x < width + 100; x += 100) {
		try(rufl_x_to_offset("NewHall", rufl_WEIGHT_400, 240,
				utf8_test, sizeof utf8_test - 1,
				x, &char_offset, &actual_x),
		printf("x to offset: %i -> %i %zi \"%s\"\n", x, actual_x,
				char_offset, utf8_test + char_offset);
		try(rufl_split("NewHall", rufl_WEIGHT_400, 240,
				utf8_test, sizeof utf8_test - 1,
				x, &char_offset, &actual_x),
		printf("split: %i -> %i %zi \"%s\"\n", x, actual_x,
				char_offset, utf8_test + char_offset);
	try(rufl_decompose_glyph("Homerton", rufl_WEIGHT_400, 1280,
				"A", 1, &funcs, 0),
	try(rufl_paint_callback("NewHall", rufl_WEIGHT_400, 240,
			utf8_test, sizeof utf8_test - 1,
			1200, 1000, callback, 0), "rufl_paint_callback");
	try(rufl_font_bbox("NewHall", rufl_WEIGHT_400, 240, bbox),
	printf("bbox: %i %i %i %i\n", bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]);

	return 0;

void try(rufl_code code, const char *context)
	if (code == rufl_OK)
	else if (code == rufl_OUT_OF_MEMORY)
		printf("error: %s: out of memory\n", context);
	else if (code == rufl_FONT_MANAGER_ERROR)
		printf("error: %s: Font Manager error %x %s\n", context,
	else if (code == rufl_FONT_NOT_FOUND)
		printf("error: %s: font not found\n", context);
	else if (code == rufl_IO_ERROR)
		printf("error: %s: io error: %i %s\n", context, errno,
	else if (code == rufl_IO_EOF)
		printf("error: %s: eof\n", context);
		printf("error: %s: unknown error\n", context);

int move_to(os_coord *to, void *user)
	(void) user;

	printf("Move to (%d,%d)\n", to->x, to->y);

	return 0;

int line_to(os_coord *to, void *user)
	(void) user;

	printf("Line to (%d,%d)\n", to->x, to->y);

	return 0;

int cubic_to(os_coord *control1, os_coord *control2, os_coord *to,
		void *user)
	(void) user;

	printf("Bezier to (%d,%d),(%d,%d),(%d,%d)\n",
			control1->x, control1->y,
			control2->x, control2->y,
			to->x, to->y);

	return 0;

void callback(void *context,
		const char *font_name, unsigned int font_size,
		const char *s8, unsigned short *s16, unsigned int n,
		int x, int y)
	(void) context;

	printf("callback: \"%s\", %u, ", font_name, font_size);
	if (s8)
		printf("s8 \"%.*s\" ", n, s8);
	else {
		printf("s16 \"");
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i != n; i++)
			printf("%x ", (unsigned int) s16[i]);
		printf("\" ");
	printf("%i %i\n", x, y);
예제 #4
 * Internal textarea redraw routine
 * \param redraw Redraw/update request block
 * \param update True if update, false if full redraw
void ro_textarea_redraw_internal(wimp_draw *redraw, bool update)
	struct text_area *ta;
	int clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1;
	int line0, line1, line;
	osbool more;
	rufl_code code;
	os_error *error;

	ta = (struct text_area *)ro_gui_wimp_event_get_user_data(redraw->w);

	if (update)
		error = xwimp_update_window(redraw, &more);
		error = xwimp_redraw_window(redraw, &more);
	if (error) {
		LOG(("xwimp_redraw_window: 0x%x: %s",
				error->errnum, error->errmess));

	while (more) {
		clip_x0 = redraw->clip.x0 - (redraw->box.x0-redraw->xscroll);
		clip_y0 = (redraw->box.y1-redraw->yscroll) - redraw->clip.y1;
		clip_x1 = redraw->clip.x1 - (redraw->box.x0-redraw->xscroll);
		clip_y1 = (redraw->box.y1-redraw->yscroll) - redraw->clip.y0;

		error = xcolourtrans_set_gcol(
				(ta->flags & TEXTAREA_READONLY) ? 0xD9D9D900
								: 0xFFFFFF00,
				colourtrans_SET_BG_GCOL | colourtrans_USE_ECFS_GCOL,
				os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0, 0);
		if (error) {
			LOG(("xcolourtrans_set_gcol: 0x%x: %s",
					error->errnum, error->errmess));

		error = xos_clg();
		if (error) {
			LOG(("xos_clg: 0x%x: %s",
					error->errnum, error->errmess));

		if (!ta->lines)
			/* Nothing to redraw */

		line0 = clip_y0 / ta->line_height - 1;
		line1 = clip_y1 / ta->line_height + 1;

		if (line0 < 0)
			line0 = 0;
		if (line1 < 0)
			line1 = 0;
		if (ta->line_count - 1 < (unsigned)line0)
			line0 = ta->line_count - 1;
		if (ta->line_count - 1 < (unsigned)line1)
			line1 = ta->line_count - 1;
		if (line1 < line0)
			line1 = line0;

		for (line = line0; line <= line1; line++) {
			if (ta->lines[line].b_length == 0)

			error = xcolourtrans_set_font_colours(font_CURRENT,
					(ta->flags & TEXTAREA_READONLY) ?
						0xD9D9D900 : 0xFFFFFF00,
					0x00000000, 14, 0, 0, 0);
			if (error) {
				LOG(("xcolourtrans_set_font_colours: 0x%x: %s",
					error->errnum, error->errmess));

			code = rufl_paint(ta->font_family, ta->font_style,
					ta->text + ta->lines[line].b_start,
					redraw->box.x0 - redraw->xscroll + MARGIN_LEFT,
					redraw->box.y1 - redraw->yscroll -
						((line + 1) *
						ta->line_height - ta->line_spacing),
			if (code != rufl_OK) {
				if (code == rufl_FONT_MANAGER_ERROR)
					LOG(("rufl_paint: rufl_FONT_MANAGER_ERROR: 0x%x: %s",
					LOG(("rufl_paint: 0x%x", code));

		error = xwimp_get_rectangle(redraw, &more);
		if (error) {
			LOG(("xwimp_get_rectangle: 0x%x: %s",
					error->errnum, error->errmess));