예제 #1
vector< vector<const Word*> > MosesDecoder::getNBest(const std::string& source,
    size_t sentenceid,
    size_t nBestSize,
    float bleuObjectiveWeight,
    float bleuScoreWeight,
    vector< ScoreComponentCollection>& featureValues,
    vector< float>& bleuScores,
    vector< float>& modelScores,
    size_t numReturnedTranslations,
    bool realBleu,
    bool distinct,
    bool avgRefLength,
    size_t rank,
    size_t epoch,
    string filename)
  StaticData &staticData = StaticData::InstanceNonConst();
  bool chartDecoding = staticData.IsChart();
  initialize(staticData, source, sentenceid, bleuObjectiveWeight, bleuScoreWeight, avgRefLength, chartDecoding);

  // run the decoder
  if (chartDecoding) {
    return runChartDecoder(source, sentenceid, nBestSize, bleuObjectiveWeight, bleuScoreWeight,
                           featureValues, bleuScores, modelScores, numReturnedTranslations, realBleu, distinct, rank, epoch);
  } else {
    SearchAlgorithm search = staticData.GetSearchAlgorithm();
    return runDecoder(source, sentenceid, nBestSize, bleuObjectiveWeight, bleuScoreWeight,
                      featureValues, bleuScores, modelScores, numReturnedTranslations, realBleu, distinct, rank, epoch,
                      search, filename);
예제 #2
void DocumentDecoder::translate() {
	namespace mpi = boost::mpi;

	mpi::request reqs[2];
	reqs[1] = communicator_.irecv(0, TAG_STOP_TRANSLATING);
	NumberedInputDocument input;
	for(;;) {
		reqs[0] = communicator_.irecv(0, TAG_TRANSLATE, input);
		std::pair<mpi::status, mpi::request *> wstat = mpi::wait_any(reqs, reqs + 2);
		if(wstat.first.tag() == TAG_STOP_TRANSLATING) {
			LOG(logger_, debug, "T: Received STOP_TRANSLATING.");
			communicator_.send(0, TAG_STOP_COLLECTING);
		} else {
			NumberedOutputDocument output;
			LOG(logger_, debug, "T: Received document " << input.first << " for translation.");
			output.first = input.first;
			output.second = runDecoder(input);
			LOG(logger_, debug, "T: Sending translation of document " << input.first << " to collector.");
			communicator_.send(0, TAG_COLLECT, output);