SliderDialog::SliderDialog(QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, Qt::WFlags fl): CWindowInterface(parent, fl), mpParentWindow(NULL), mpContextMenu(NULL), mpCurrSlider(NULL), mSliderMap(), mTaskMap(), mCurrentFolderId(0), mSliderValueChanged(false), mSliderPressed(false), mFramework(0), mChanged(false) { #ifndef Darwin setWindowIcon(CQIconResource::icon(CQIconResource::copasi)); #endif // not Darwin setupUi(this); addToMainWindow(mpParentWindow); setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8(name)); setWindowTitle("Slider Window"); mpSliderBox->layout()->addItem(new QSpacerItem(0, 5, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding)); this->mpContextMenu = new QMenu(this); mpaCreateNewSlider = this->mpContextMenu->addAction("Add New Slider", this, SLOT(createNewSlider())); mpaRemoveSlider = this->mpContextMenu->addAction("Remove Slider", this, SLOT(removeSlider())); mpaEditSlider = this->mpContextMenu->addAction("Edit Slider", this, SLOT(editSlider())); mpaResetValue = this->mpContextMenu->addAction("Reset Value", this, SLOT(resetValue())); mpaSetDefault = this->mpContextMenu->addAction("Set new default value", this, SLOT(setDefault())); this->mSliderMap[C_INVALID_INDEX].push_back(new QLabel("<p>There are no sliders available for this task. If you select one of the tasks that supports sliders in the copasi object tree, this dialog will become active.</p>", mpSliderBox)); this->mTaskMap[23] = &SliderDialog::runTimeCourse; this->mTaskMap[21] = &SliderDialog::runSteadyStateTask; this->mTaskMap[31] = &SliderDialog::runScanTask; this->mTaskMap[24] = &SliderDialog::runMCATask; this->mTaskMap[35] = &SliderDialog::runLNATask; this->mTaskMap[33] = &SliderDialog::runParameterEstimationTask; this->mTaskMap[32] = &SliderDialog::runOptimizationTask; this->mTaskMap[28] = &SliderDialog::runCrossSectionTask; connect(this->mpRunTaskButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(runTask())); connect(this->mpNewSliderButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createNewSlider())); this->setCurrentFolderId(C_INVALID_INDEX); init(); }
QString Netctl::getExtIp(const QString cmd) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG; if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Cmd" << cmd; // test network connection if (!isNetworkActive()) return QString("N\\A"); TaskResult process = runTask(cmd); if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Cmd returns" << process.exitCode; if (process.exitCode != 0) if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Error" << process.error; QString extIp = QTextCodec::codecForMib(106)->toUnicode(process.output).trimmed(); return extIp; }
void AsyncTask::run() { runningMutex.lock(); running = true; logBuffer = ""; emit logChanged(logBuffer); runTask(); running = false; emit finished(); runningMutex.unlock(); }
void Task::run() { try { runTask(); } catch (Error const &er) { LOG_AS("Task"); LOG_WARNING("Aborted due to exception: ") << er.asText(); } // Cleanup. if (_pool) _pool->taskFinishedRunning(*this); Log::disposeThreadLog(); }
/** * @fn startWpaSupplicant */ bool WpaSup::startWpaSupplicant() { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG; if (ctrlDir.isEmpty()) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not find directory"; return false; } if (ctrlGroup.isEmpty()) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not find group"; return false; } if (pidFile.isEmpty()) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not find PID file"; return false; } if (wpaDrivers.isEmpty()) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not find drivers"; return false; } if (wpaSupPath.isEmpty()) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not find wpa_supplicant"; return false; } if (netctlCommand == nullptr) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not find library"; return false; } QStringList interfaces = netctlCommand->getWirelessInterfaceList(); if (interfaces.isEmpty()) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not find interfaces"; return false; } if (QFile(pidFile).exists()) return true; QString cmd = QString("%1 %2 -B -P \"%3\" -i %4 -D %5 -C \"DIR=%6 GROUP=%7\"") .arg(sudoCommand).arg(wpaSupPath).arg(pidFile).arg(interfaces[0]) .arg(wpaDrivers).arg(ctrlDir).arg(ctrlGroup); if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Run cmd" << cmd; TaskResult process = runTask(cmd, useSuid); waitForProcess(1); if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Cmd returns" << process.exitCode; if (process.exitCode != 0) if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Error" << process.error; return (process.exitCode == 0); }
void Scheduler::process() { // uint64 frameStartTime = mClock->UpdateAndGetTime(); // while(runTask() && ((mClock->UpdateAndGetTime() - frameStartTime) < mProcessTimeLimit)); uint64 frameStartTime = mClock->getLocalTime(); //Check for throttle if(frameStartTime < (mLastProcessTime + mThrottleLimit)) { return; } while(runTask() && ((mClock->getLocalTime() - frameStartTime) < mProcessTimeLimit)); //Set internal Clock so we know when the last call was mLastProcessTime = mClock->getLocalTime(); }
void DatabaseTasks::run() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> taskLockUnique(taskLock, std::defer_lock); while (threadState != THREAD_STATE_TERMINATED) { taskLockUnique.lock(); if (tasks.empty()) { taskSignal.wait(taskLockUnique); } if (!tasks.empty()) { DatabaseTask task = std::move(tasks.front()); tasks.pop_front(); taskLockUnique.unlock(); runTask(task); } else { taskLockUnique.unlock(); } } }
/** * @fn removeProfile */ bool NetctlProfile::removeProfile(const QString profile) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG; if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Profile" << profile; if (profileDirectory == nullptr) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not find directory"; return false; } QString profilePath = QString("%1/%2").arg(profileDirectory->absolutePath()).arg(QFileInfo(profile).fileName()); QString cmd = QString("%1 /usr/bin/rm \"%2\"").arg(sudoCommand).arg(profilePath); if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Run cmd" << cmd; TaskResult process = runTask(cmd, useSuid); if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Cmd returns" << process.exitCode; if (process.exitCode != 0) if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Error" << process.error; return (process.exitCode == 0); }
/** * @fn copyProfile */ bool NetctlProfile::copyProfile(const QString oldPath) { if (debug) qDebug() << "[NetctlProfile]" << "[copyProfile]"; if (debug) qDebug() << "[NetctlProfile]" << "[copyProfile]" << ":" << "Path" << oldPath; if (profileDirectory == 0) { if (debug) qDebug() << "[NetctlProfile]" << "[copyProfile]" << ":" << "Could not find directory"; return false; } QString newPath = profileDirectory->absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + QFileInfo(oldPath).fileName(); QString cmd = sudoCommand + QString(" /usr/bin/mv ") + oldPath + QString(" ") + newPath; if (debug) qDebug() << "[NetctlProfile]" << "[copyProfile]" << ":" << "Run cmd" << cmd; TaskResult process = runTask(cmd); if (debug) qDebug() << "[NetctlProfile]" << "[copyProfile]" << ":" << "Cmd returns" << process.exitCode; if (process.exitCode == 0) return true; else return false; }
QString Netctl::getNetctlAutoStatus(const QString cmdNetctlAuto) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG; TaskResult process = runTask(cmdNetctlAuto + QString(" list")); if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Cmd returns" << process.exitCode; if (process.exitCode != 0) if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Error" << process.error; QString status; QString cmdOutput = QTextCodec::codecForMib(106)->toUnicode(process.output); if (cmdOutput.isEmpty()) { netctlAutoStatus = false; status = QString("false"); } else { netctlAutoStatus = true; status = QString("true"); } return status; }
void GenGraphForm::taskFinished() { std::cout << "TASK FINISHED" << std::endl; if (currentTask == NULL) return; //#ifdef SOFA_QT4 // if (currentTask->state() != QProcess::NotRunning) return; //#else // if (currentTask->isRunning()) return; //#endif delete currentTask; currentTask = NULL; if (tasks.empty()) { displayButton->setEnabled(true); exportButton->setText("&Export"); } else { runTask(); } }
QStringList Netctl::getProfileList(const QString cmdNetctl, const QString cmdNetctlAuto) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG; getNetctlAutoStatus(cmdNetctlAuto); QString cmd; if (netctlAutoStatus) cmd = cmdNetctlAuto; else cmd = cmdNetctl; if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Cmd" << cmd; TaskResult process = runTask(cmd + QString(" list")); if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Cmd returns" << process.exitCode; if (process.exitCode != 0) if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Error" << process.error; QString cmdOutput = QTextCodec::codecForMib(106)->toUnicode(process.output); QStringList profileList = cmdOutput.split(QChar('\n'), QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (int i=0; i<profileList.count(); i++) profileList[i].remove(0, 2); return profileList; }
QVariantHash PlayerSource::getPlayerMpdInfo(const QString mpdAddress) const { qCDebug(LOG_ESM) << "MPD" << mpdAddress; QVariantHash info = defaultInfo(); // build cmd QString cmd = QString("bash -c \"echo 'currentsong\nstatus\nclose' | curl " "--connect-timeout 1 -fsm 3 telnet://%1\"") .arg(mpdAddress); qCInfo(LOG_ESM) << "cmd" << cmd; TaskResult process = runTask(cmd); qCInfo(LOG_ESM) << "Cmd returns" << process.exitCode; qCInfo(LOG_ESM) << "Error" << process.error; QString qoutput = QTextCodec::codecForMib(106)->toUnicode(process.output).trimmed(); for (auto str : qoutput.split(QChar('\n'), QString::SkipEmptyParts)) { if (str.split(QString(": "), QString::SkipEmptyParts).count() == 2) { // "Metadata: data" QString metadata = str.split(QString(": "), QString::SkipEmptyParts) .first() .toLower(); QString data = str.split(QString(": "), QString::SkipEmptyParts) .last() .trimmed(); // there are one more time... if ((metadata == QString("time")) && (data.contains(QChar(':')))) { QStringList times = data.split(QString(":")); info[QString("player/duration")] =; info[QString("player/progress")] =; } else if (m_metadata.contains(metadata)) { info[QString("player/%1").arg(metadata)] = data; } } } return info; }
/** * @fn wpaCliCall */ bool WpaSup::wpaCliCall(const QString commandLine) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG; if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Command" << commandLine; if (ctrlDir.isEmpty()) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not find directory"; return false; } if (pidFile.isEmpty()) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not find PID file"; return false; } if (wpaCliPath.isEmpty()) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not find wpa_cli"; return false; } if (netctlCommand == nullptr) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not find library"; return false; } QStringList interfaces = netctlCommand->getWirelessInterfaceList(); if (interfaces.isEmpty()) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Could not find interfaces"; return false; } QString interface = interfaces[0]; QString cmd = wpaCliPath + QString(" -i ") + interface + QString(" -p ") + ctrlDir + QString(" -P ") + pidFile + QString(" ") + commandLine; if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Run cmd" << cmd; TaskResult process = runTask(cmd); waitForProcess(1); if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Cmd returns" << process.exitCode; if (process.exitCode != 0) if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Error" << process.error; return (process.exitCode == 0); }
QStringList Netctl::getProfileStringStatus(const QString cmdNetctl, const QString cmdNetctlAuto) { if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG; getNetctlAutoStatus(cmdNetctlAuto); QStringList status; if (netctlAutoStatus) status.append(QString("netctl-auto")); else { QStringList profiles = getCurrentProfile(cmdNetctl, cmdNetctlAuto); for (int i=0; i<profiles.count(); i++) { TaskResult process = runTask(cmdNetctl + QString(" is-enabled ") + profiles[i]); if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Cmd returns" << process.exitCode; if (process.exitCode != 0) if (debug) qDebug() << PDEBUG << ":" << "Error" << process.error; if (process.exitCode == 0) status.append(QString("enabled")); else status.append(QString("static")); } } return status; }
QVariant HDDTemperatureSource::data(QString source) { qCDebug(LOG_ESM) << "Source" << source; QString device = source.remove(QString("hdd/temperature")); float value = 0.0; // run cmd TaskResult process = runTask(QString("%1 %2").arg(m_cmd).arg(device)); qCInfo(LOG_ESM) << "Cmd returns" << process.exitCode; qCInfo(LOG_ESM) << "Error" << process.error; // parse QString qoutput = QTextCodec::codecForMib(106)->toUnicode(process.output).trimmed(); if (m_smartctl) { for (auto str : qoutput.split(QChar('\n'), QString::SkipEmptyParts)) { if (!str.startsWith(QString("194"))) continue; if (str.split(QChar(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts).count() < 9) break; value = str.split(QChar(' '), QString::SkipEmptyParts) .at(9) .toFloat(); break; } } else { if (qoutput.split(QChar(':'), QString::SkipEmptyParts).count() >= 3) { QString temp = qoutput.split(QChar(':'), QString::SkipEmptyParts).at(2); temp.remove(QChar(0260)).remove(QChar('C')); value = temp.toFloat(); } } return value; }
void Dispatcher::thread() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> uniqueLock(_mutex, std::defer_lock); while (_state == State::STARTED) { uniqueLock.lock(); if (_tasks.empty()) { _signal.wait(uniqueLock); } if (_state != State::STARTED || _tasks.empty()) { uniqueLock.unlock(); continue; } auto task = std::move(_tasks.front()); _tasks.pop_front(); uniqueLock.unlock(); auto& game =; auto messagePool = OutputMessagePool::getInstance(); runTask(*task, game, messagePool); } _mutex.lock(); auto tasks = std::move(_tasks); _mutex.unlock(); runTasks(tasks); _mutex.lock(); _state = State::STOPPED; _mutex.unlock(); }
void IOThreadPoolExecutor::add( Func func, std::chrono::milliseconds expiration, Func expireCallback) { RWSpinLock::ReadHolder{&threadListLock_}; if (threadList_.get().empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("No threads available"); } auto thread = threadList_.get()[nextThread_++ % threadList_.get().size()]; auto ioThread = std::static_pointer_cast<IOThread>(thread); auto moveTask = folly::makeMoveWrapper( Task(std::move(func), expiration, std::move(expireCallback))); auto wrappedFunc = [this, ioThread, moveTask] () mutable { runTask(ioThread, std::move(*moveTask)); ioThread->pendingTasks--; }; ioThread->pendingTasks++; if (!ioThread->eventBase->runInEventBaseThread(std::move(wrappedFunc))) { ioThread->pendingTasks--; throw std::runtime_error("Unable to run func in event base thread"); } }
void GenGraphForm::addTask(QStringList argv) { tasks.push_back(argv); if (currentTask == NULL) runTask(); }
void taskTask() { const char *res = runTask("ls -l -a"); printf("%s\n", res); }
void Queue::runTask(const Kernel& kernel, Event& event) { runTask(queue, kernel.getId(), 0, NULL, event.getId()); }
void ScriptCore::executeString(const char* string) { runTask(new RunString(m_pInternal, string)); }
void ThreadTask::run() { Q_ASSERT(!autoDelete()); runTask(); ThreadTaskCourier::notify(this); }
void RunnerTask::run() { runTask(); emit finished( this ); }
int BusyMode_RunTasks(BusyTask* tasks, int numTasks) { const char* currentTaskName = NULL; BusyTask* task; int i, mode; int result = 0; if(BusyMode_Active()) { App_Error("BusyMode: Internal error, already busy..."); exit(1); // Unreachable. } if(!tasks || numTasks <= 0) return result; // Hmm, no work? // Pick the first task. task = tasks; int initialMode = task->mode; preBusySetup(initialMode); // Process tasks. for(i = 0; i < numTasks; ++i, task++) { // If no new task name is specified, continue using the name of the previous task. if(task->name) { if(task->name[0]) currentTaskName = task->name; else // Clear the name. currentTaskName = NULL; } mode = task->mode; /// @todo Kludge: Force BUSYF_STARTUP here so that the animation of one task /// is not drawn on top of the last frame of the previous. if(numTasks > 1) { mode |= BUSYF_STARTUP; } // kludge end // Null tasks are not processed (implicit success). if(!task->worker) continue; /** * Process the work. */ #ifdef __CLIENT__ // Is the worker updating its progress? if(task->maxProgress > 0) Con_InitProgress2(task->maxProgress, task->progressStart, task->progressEnd); #endif // Invoke the worker in a new thread. /// @todo Kludge: Presently a temporary local task is needed so that we can modify /// the task name and mode flags. { BusyTask* tmp = newTask(mode, task->worker, task->workerData, currentTaskName); result = runTask(tmp); // We are now done with this task. deleteTask(tmp); if(result) break; } // kludge end. } postBusyCleanup(); return result; }
void Queue::runTask(const Kernel& kernel) { runTask(queue, kernel.getId(), 0, NULL, NULL); }
/** * @fn getRecommendedConfiguration */ QMap<QString, QString> WpaSup::getRecommendedConfiguration() { QMap<QString, QString> settings; int size = 99; TaskResult process; QStringList recommended; // ctrl directory // nothing to do settings[QString("CTRL_DIR")] = QString("/run/wpa_supplicant_netctl-gui"); // ctrl group // check group list and find out 'network', 'users', 'root' settings[QString("CTRL_GROUP")] = QString(""); gid_t gtpList[99]; int grpSize = getgroups(size, gtpList); recommended.clear(); recommended.append("network"); recommended.append("users"); recommended.append("root"); for (int i=0; i<recommended.count(); i++) { for (int j=0; j<grpSize; j++) if (recommended[i] == QString(getgrgid(gtpList[j])->gr_name)) { settings[QString("CTRL_GROUP")] = recommended[i]; break; } if (!settings[QString("CTRL_GROUP")].isEmpty()) break; } // force sudo // find out helper exe settings[QString("FORCE_SUDO")] = QString("true"); recommended.clear(); recommended.append(QString("netctlgui-helper")); recommended.append(QString("netctlgui-helper-suid")); for (int i=0; i<recommended.count(); i++) { process = runTask(QString("which %1").arg(recommended[i]), false); if (process.exitCode == 0) { settings[QString("FORCE_SUDO")] = QString("false"); break; } } // pid file // nothing to do settings[QString("PID_FILE")] = QString("/run/"); // sudo path // find out sudo, kdesu, gksu exes settings[QString("SUDO_PATH")] = QString(""); recommended.clear(); recommended.append("sudo"); recommended.append("kdesu"); recommended.append("gksu"); for (int i=0; i<recommended.count(); i++) { process = runTask(QString("which %1").arg(recommended[i]), false); if (process.exitCode == 0) { settings[QString("SUDO_PATH")] = process.output.trimmed(); break; } } // wpa_cli path // find out wpa_cli exe settings[QString("WPACLI_PATH")] = QString("true"); recommended.clear(); recommended.append("wpa_cli"); for (int i=0; i<recommended.count(); i++) { process = runTask(QString("which %1").arg(recommended[i]), false); if (process.exitCode == 0) { settings[QString("WPACLI_PATH")] = process.output.trimmed(); break; } } // wpa drivers // nothing to do settings[QString("WPA_DRIVERS")] = QString("nl80211,wext"); // wpa_supplicant path // find out wpa_supplicant exe settings[QString("WPASUP_PATH")] = QString("true"); recommended.clear(); recommended.append("wpa_supplicant"); for (int i=0; i<recommended.count(); i++) { process = runTask(QString("which %1").arg(recommended[i]), false); if (process.exitCode == 0) { settings[QString("WPASUP_PATH")] = process.output.trimmed(); break; } } return settings; }