예제 #1
  Main loop of top most process
void coordinator( void ) {


    // create the timer for controller quantum management
    int result = create_timer_controller();
    if( result != 0 ) {
        //throw std::runtime_error( "Failed to open timercontroller_to_coordinator pipe." ) ;
        printf( "ERROR: Failed to create controller process timer: code %d\n", result );
        // Note: Returning here leaves the child processes running!

    char input_buffer;
    char output_buffer;

    // Suspend both to begin
    kill( controller_pid, SIGSTOP );
    //kill( dynamics_pid, SIGSTOP );

    // 0 read channel, 1 write channel
    // coordinator uses only the read from controller channel on this pipe
    close( fd_controller_to_coordinator[1] );
    // coordinator uses only the write to controller channel on this pipe
    close( fd_coordinator_to_controller[0] );

    bool simulating = false;
    bool controlling = true;

    int delay;
    while( 1 ) {
        // block waiting for controller to complete computation
        //read( fd_timercontroller_to_coordinator[0], &input_buffer, 1 );

        struct timeval tv_timenow;
        struct timespec ts;

        gettimeofday( &tv_timenow, NULL );

        clock_gettime( controller_clock, &ts );

        printf( "Controller Quantum has expired: %d\n", ts.tv_sec );

        if ( read( fd_timercontroller_to_coordinator[0], &input_buffer, 1 ) > 0 ) {
            // must determine the time differential at this point.  If controller
            // ahead of dynamics then suspend controller if controller behind
            // dynamics, controller needs to catch up

            if( _DEBUG_TO_STDOUT ) {
                printf( "Controller Quantum has expired\n" );

            // for now brute force suspend
            // and suspend the timer

            // if x the resume controller where x is whether dynamics and controller are synch'd enough

        if (read(fd_sensor_to_coordinator[0], &input_buffer, 1) > 0) {
            // Sensor has published a state

            if( _DEBUG_TO_STDOUT ) {
                printf("Sensor has published a message\n");

        run_dynamics( DEFAULT_NSEC_QUANTUM_DYNAMICS );

        if (read(fd_controller_to_coordinator[0], &input_buffer, 1) > 0) {
            // Controller has published either (1) a state request or (2) a command

            if( _DEBUG_TO_STDOUT ) {
                printf("Controller has published a message\n");

            // This is just to make it send messages through the whole cycle
            //write(fd_coordinator_to_dynamics[1], &output_buffer, 1);


        // These are prototypes.  Don't really need this code but used to validate process control
        delay = 1;
        if( controlling ) {
            // Continue the controller
            kill( controller_pid, SIGCONT );

            // DO STUFF - ARBITRARY
            for( int i = 1; i < 1000; i++ ) delay *= i;

            // Suspend the controller
            kill( controller_pid, SIGSTOP );
            controlling = false;
            simulating = true;
        delay = 1;
        if( simulating ) {
            // Continue the dynamics
            kill( dynamics_pid, SIGCONT );

            // DO STUFF - ARBITRARY
            for( int i = 1; i < 1000; i++ ) delay *= i;

            // Suspend the dynamics
            kill( dynamics_pid, SIGSTOP );
            controlling = true;
            simulating = false;

    // cleanup - unreachable but noted for now
    close( fd_controller_to_coordinator[0] );
    close( fd_coordinator_to_controller[1] );
예제 #2
파일: smdvrpn.C 프로젝트: ASPePeX/vrpn
int main(int argc, char **argv) {       
  if (argc < 2) {
    printf("%s: Invalid parms\n", argv[0]);
    printf("usage: \n");
    printf("  %s Tracker0@host\n", argv[0]);

    return -1;
  char *server = argv[1];
  pos *phan_position = new pos;
  pos *phan_offset   = new pos;
  force *phan_force  = new force;
  state *atom_state  = new state;

  int ff_enabled, ff_active;
  double kspr = 500.0;  // Units???

  vrpn_Tracker_Remote *tkr;
  vrpn_Button_Remote *btn;
  vrpn_ForceDevice_Remote *fdv;

  printf("Opening: %s ...\n",  server);

  tkr = new vrpn_Tracker_Remote(server);
  tkr->register_change_handler(phan_position, handle_tracker);

  btn = new vrpn_Button_Remote(server);
  btn->register_change_handler(&ff_enabled, handle_button);

  fdv = new vrpn_ForceDevice_Remote(server);
  fdv->register_force_change_handler(phan_force, handle_force);

  void * myglwin = glwin_create(700, 700);
  if (myglwin == NULL) {
    printf("Failed to open OpenGL window!!\n");
    return -1;
  atom_state->x = 0.0; atom_state->y = 0.0; atom_state->z = 0.0;
  atom_state->vx = 0.0; atom_state->vy = 0.0; atom_state->vz = 0.0;
  atom_state->ax = 0.0; atom_state->ay = 0.0; atom_state->az = 0.0;
  atom_state->mass = .001;

  ff_active = 0;
  GLUquadricObj *qobj  = gluNewQuadric();
  GLUquadricObj *qatom = gluNewQuadric();

   * main interactive loop
  while (1) {
    // Let the tracker do its thing

    run_dynamics(atom_state, phan_force);


    if (ff_enabled ) {
      if (!ff_active) {
	// Set up force field so initially the force is zero
	phan_offset->x = phan_position->x - .2*atom_state->x;
	phan_offset->y = phan_position->y - .2*atom_state->y;
	phan_offset->z = phan_position->z - .2*atom_state->z;

      // Now turn the force field on
      // scene -> haptic: rotate 180 about the y axis
      float cpos[3];
      cpos[0] = -(.2*atom_state->x + phan_offset->x);
      cpos[1] =  (.2*atom_state->y + phan_offset->y);
      cpos[2] = -(.2*atom_state->z + phan_offset->z);
      fdv->enableConstraint(1); // enable force field

      ff_active = 1;
    else if (ff_active) {
      fdv->enableConstraint(0); // disable force field
      ff_active = 0;


    draw_tracker_and_atom(phan_force, qobj, atom_state, qatom);

}   /* main */