void printShippingForm::sHandleSo() { if (_so->isValid()) { _to->setId(-1); QString sql("SELECT cohead_id AS order_id, cohead_shiptoname AS shipto, " " cohead_shiptoaddress1 AS addr1, shiphead_order_type, " " shiphead_id, shiphead_shipchrg_id, shiphead_shipped, " " COALESCE(shiphead_shipform_id, cohead_shipform_id) AS shipform_id " "FROM cohead, shiphead " "WHERE ((cohead_id=shiphead_order_id)" " AND (shiphead_order_type='SO')" " AND (cohead_id=<? value(\"sohead_id\") ?> )" "<? if exists(\"shiphead_id\") ?>" " AND (shiphead_id=<? value(\"shiphead_id\") ?> )" "<? endif ?>" ") " "ORDER BY shiphead_shipped " "LIMIT 1;"); ParameterList params; MetaSQLQuery mql(sql); params.append("sohead_id", _so->id()); if (_shipment->isValid()) params.append("shiphead_id", _shipment->id()); q = mql.toQuery(params); if (q.first()) { if (_shipment->id() != q.value("shiphead_id").toInt()) _shipment->setId(q.value("shiphead_id").toInt()); _shipToName->setText(q.value("shipto").toString()); _shipToAddr1->setText(q.value("addr1").toString()); _shippingForm->setId(q.value("shipform_id").toInt()); _shipchrg->setId(q.value("shiphead_shipchrg_id").toInt()); } else if (q.lastError().type() != QSqlError::None) { systemError(this, q.lastError().databaseText(), __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } else if (_shipment->isValid()) { _shipment->setId(-1); sHandleSo(); } else { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Could not find data"), tr("<p>Could not find a Shipment for this Sales Order.")); depopulate(); } } else { depopulate(); } }
void printShippingForm::sHandleOrder() { if (_order->isSO()) sHandleSo(); else if (_order->isTO()) sHandleTo(); else { _shipment->removeOrderLimit(); _shipment->clear(); depopulate(); } }
void shipOrder::sHandleOrder() { if (_order->id() < 0 || _warehouse->id() < 0) { _shipment->clear(); _billToName->setText(""); _shipToName->setText(""); _shipToAddr1->setText(""); _shipValue->setDouble(0); _coitem->clear(); _order->setFocus(); return; } else if (_order->isSO()) sHandleSo(); else if (_order->isTO()) sHandleTo(); }