inline typename enable_if2< is_Mat<vec_type>::value && (is_signed<sT>::value == true), vec_type >::result regspace ( const typename vec_type::pod_type start, const sT delta, const typename vec_type::pod_type end ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); arma_extra_debug_print("regspace(): signed version"); vec_type x; if( ((delta == sT(+1)) && (start <= end)) || ((delta == sT(-1)) && (start > end)) ) { internal_regspace_default_delta(x, start, end); } else { internal_regspace_var_delta(x, start, delta, end); } if(x.n_elem == 0) { if(is_Mat_only<vec_type>::value) { x.set_size(1,0); } } return x; }
void morgan_and_string() { std::shared_ptr<std::istream> input; #if 1 std::cout.setf(std::ios_base::unitbuf); std::string filename("Input1.txt"); input.reset(new std::ifstream(filename.c_str())); #else input.reset(&std::cin, [](...){}); #endif std::string line; std::getline(*input, line); std::stringstream sT(line); std::int32_t T; sT >> T; std::cout << T << std::endl; for (std::int32_t i = 0; i < T; ++i) { std::string s1; std::string s2; std::getline(*input, s1); std::getline(*input, s2); lexicographic_minimal_string(s1, s2); } return; }
void Tracker::Add(const char *s, long64 tExpires) { // If it exists, just update the entry, otherwise add new std::string sT(s); TrackMap::iterator it = map_.find(sT); if (it != map_.end()) { it->second = tExpires; return; } map_.insert(TrackMap::value_type(sT, tExpires)); }
double SoftsusyMSSM_convergence_tester::sumTol(const SoftsusyMSSM<Two_scale>& in, const SoftsusyMSSM<Two_scale>& out) const { softsusy::drBarPars inforLoops(in.displayDrBarPars()), outforLoops(out.displayDrBarPars()); softsusy::DoubleVector sT(32); ::sumTol(inforLoops, outforLoops, sT); return sT.max(); }
inline typename enable_if2< (is_signed<sT>::value == true), void >::result internal_regspace_var_delta ( Mat<eT>& x, const typename Mat<eT>::pod_type start, const sT delta, const typename Mat<eT>::pod_type end ) { arma_extra_debug_sigprint(); arma_extra_debug_print("internal_regspace_var_delta(): signed version"); typedef typename Mat<eT>::pod_type T; if( ((start < end) && (delta < sT(0))) || ((start > end) && (delta > sT(0))) || (delta == sT(0)) ) { return; } const bool ascend = (start <= end); const T inc = (delta < sT(0)) ? T(-delta) : T(delta); const T M = ((ascend) ? T(end-start) : T(start-end)) / T(inc); const uword N = uword(1) + ( (is_non_integral<T>::value) ? uword(std::floor(double(M))) : uword(M) ); x.set_size(N); eT* x_mem = x.memptr(); if(ascend) { for(uword i=0; i < N; ++i) { x_mem[i] = eT( start + T(i*inc) ); } } else { for(uword i=0; i < N; ++i) { x_mem[i] = eT( start - T(i*inc) ); } } }
void loop() { lBreak(); sM(); sE(); sR(); sR(); sY(); wBreak(); sC(); sH(); sR(); sI(); sS(); sT(); sM(); sA(); sS(); lBreak(); }
std::vector<std::uint32_t> read_values(std::shared_ptr<std::istream> input) { std::string line; if (!std::getline(*input, line)) { return std::move(std::vector<std::uint32_t>()); } const std::string delimiter(" "); std::vector<std::string> sline; std::size_t next = -1; std::size_t current; do { current = next + 1; next = line.find_first_of(delimiter, current); sline.push_back(line.substr(current, next - current)); } while (next != std::string::npos); std::vector<std::uint32_t> val; val.reserve(sline.size()); for (const auto& s : sline) { std::stringstream sT(s); std::uint32_t x; sT >> x; val.push_back(x); } #if DEBUG2 for (const auto& v : val) { std::cout << v << " "; } std::cout << std::endl; #endif return std::move(val); }
dword TokenAuth::Authenticate(const char *username, const char *token) { if (strlen(token) > kcbTokenMax) { return knAuthResultFail; } // base64 decode it char output[kcbTokenMax * 2]; int cb = base::base64decode((byte *)token, strlen(token), (byte *)output, sizeof(output)); if (cb == -1) { return knAuthResultFail; } output[cb] = 0; // example // [{"c":30782,"u":"c2NvdHRsdQ==","t":1239744982},"cad14dfc03ad28caa83d9bd298f91e31"] // Pull out the pieces we need. First, read out the bytes between the {}, // inclusive std::string t(output); int start = t.find('{'); if (start < 0) { return knAuthResultFail; } int end = t.find('}'); if (end < 0) { return knAuthResultFail; } std::string s(t, start, end - start + 1); // Pull out the hash end = t.rfind('"'); if (end < 0) { return knAuthResultFail; } start = t.rfind('"', end - 1); if (start < 0) { return knAuthResultFail; } std::string h(t, start + 1, end - (start + 1)); // Compare the passed username with the token username // Need to base64 decode the name first. start = t.find("\"u\":\""); if (start < 0) { return knAuthResultFail; } end = t.find("\",", start); if (end < 0) { return knAuthResultFail; } std::string username64(t, start + 5, end - (start + 5)); // base64 decode it cb = base::base64decode((byte *)username64.c_str(), username64.size(), (byte *)output, sizeof(output)); if (cb == -1) { return knAuthResultFail; } output[cb] = 0; if (strcmp(username, output) != 0) { return knAuthResultFail; } // Hash the first string with token auth secret appended MD5_CTX md5; MD5Init(&md5); std::string sT(s + kszTokenAuthSecret); MD5Update(&md5, (const byte *)sT.c_str(), sT.size()); byte hash[16]; MD5Final(hash, &md5); // Compare to the passed in hash. This validates the token. if (strcmp(h.c_str(), base::Format::ToHex(hash, sizeof(hash))) != 0) { return knAuthResultFail; } // Compare the timestamp with the current time. start = t.find("\"t\":"); if (start < 0) { return knAuthResultFail; } int startN = start + 4; int endN = startN; while (t[endN] >= '0' && t[endN] <= '9') { endN++; } std::string ts(t, startN, endN - startN); dword tToken; if (!base::Format::ToDword(ts.c_str(), 10, &tToken)) { return knAuthResultFail; } // Compare to current time - seconds since epoch. Current time must be // less than or equal. If this fails, return stale so the client // knows to get a new token. time_t tCurrent = time(NULL); if (tCurrent > tToken) { return knAuthResultStaleToken; } // It's good! return knAuthResultSuccess; }
int main() { sf::Vector2i screenDimensions(800, 600); sf::RenderWindow w(sf::VideoMode(screenDimensions.x, screenDimensions.y), L"Whee"); w.setKeyRepeatEnabled(false); enum Direction { Down, Left, Right, Up }; sf::Vector2i source(1, Down); float frameCounter = 1, switchFrame = 30, frameSpeed = 200; sf::Clock c; bool updateFrame = true; bool animateSprite = true; sf::Texture pT; sf::Sprite pS; pT.loadFromFile("../data/sprites/player1.png"); pS.setTexture(pT); // let's draw text // for this to work we need a font file sf::Font fnt; fnt.loadFromFile("../data/fonts/ForMateKonaVe.ttf");// we can wrap this in an if/then to test that it loads sf::String words = " "; sf::Text sT(words, fnt, 40); // we can style our text as well sT.setColor(sf::Color(44, 27, 180, 197)); sT.setStyle(sf::Text::Bold | sf::Text::Italic); // in my several tests, I've found the text handling to be INCREDIBLY buggy // if the string is not set (eg. null) OR is empty (eg. "") we get an malloc error // for whatever reason when the application ends it is trying to free a pointer to null or empty string // my solution (besides a submitting a patch) is to create a string with a space character as a placeholder // to handle word-wrapping we would need to create a vector of strings // and use the size via getGlobalBounds against the window size to handle the width // it gets much more complex with translations, but meh while (w.isOpen()) { sf::Event e; while (w.pollEvent(e)) { if (e.type == sf::Event::Closed || e.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && e.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape) { w.close(); } else if (e.type == sf::Event::TextEntered) { if (e.text.unicode >= 32 && e.text.unicode <= 126) { // add character words += (char) e.text.unicode; } else if (e.text.unicode == 8) { // backspace words.erase(words.getSize() - 1, words.getSize()); } sT.setString(words); } } if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Up)) { source.y = Up; pS.move(0, -1 * c.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() * frameSpeed); animateSprite= true; } else if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Down)) { source.y = Down; pS.move(0, 1 * c.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() * frameSpeed); animateSprite= true; } else if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Left)) { source.y = Left; pS.move(-1 * c.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() * frameSpeed, 0); animateSprite= true; } else if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Right)) { source.y = Right; pS.move(1 * c.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() * frameSpeed, 0); animateSprite= true; } if (sf::Mouse::isButtonPressed(sf::Mouse::Left)) { sf::Vector2i mP = sf::Mouse::getPosition(w); pS.setPosition(mP.x - pS.getTextureRect().width / 2, mP.y - pS.getTextureRect().height / 2); } frameCounter = (updateFrame) ? frameCounter + frameSpeed * c.restart().asSeconds() : 1; if (frameCounter >= switchFrame) { frameCounter = 1; } if (animateSprite) { source.x++; if (source.x * 32 >= pT.getSize().x) { source.x = 0; } } pS.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(source.x * 32, source.y * 32, 32, 32)); w.draw(pS); // now we draw the text w.draw(sT); w.display(); w.clear(); animateSprite = false; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ # ifdef UNIX static char state[256]; initstate(1997,state,256); # else Exit_wait(1); # endif Set_comment_char(';'); StartTime(); char *cfgfile="Params.dta"; if(argc>1)cfgfile=argv[1]; int no_remove=1; if(argc>2)if(strstr(argv[2],"new"))no_remove=0; Open_param_file(cfgfile); int nions,i; Read_param("Number of ions: %d",&nions); Read_param("Ionisation degree: %d",&i); ion_charge=i; double imass=1.; Set_stop(0); if(Read_param("Ion mass: %lf",&imass)){ printf("Non-symmetric plasma specified!\n"); non_symm=1; } char tmpstr[256]; int sep_cm=0; if(Read_param("Center-of-mass for components: %s",tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"separate")){ printf("Plasma with separated center of masses specified!\n"); sep_cm=1; } } Plasma *TheGas; // allocation of the Gas double bdens, bTv; int bq; int bunch=Read_param("Bunch propagation: %lf, %lf, %d",&bdens,&bTv,&bq); if(bunch>0){ printf("Bunch in plasma specified!\n"); if(bunch!=3){ msg_error("Invalid bunch specification!\n"); exit(1); } bunch=1; bTv=sqrt(3*nions*i*bTv); // converting temperature to velocity TheGas=(Plasma *)new PlasmaBunch(bdens,bTv,bq,nions,i,imass); } else{ TheGas=new Plasma(nions,i,imass); bunch=0; } Plasma &Gas=*TheGas; Gas.non_symm=non_symm; Gas.one_center=1-sep_cm; char dataname[50]; Read_param("Data name: %s",dataname); strncpy(Gas.dataname,dataname,50); char ofile[256], pfile[256]="poten.dat"; strcat(strcpy(pfile,dataname),".pot"); Read_param("Output file: %s",ofile); if(strstr(ofile,"default")){ strcpy(ofile,dataname); strcat(ofile,".eq"); } Read_param("Log file: %s",logfile); if(strstr(logfile,"default")){ strcpy(logfile,dataname); strcat(logfile,".log"); } Parameter *p; int np=InitParameters(&p); double T,Gamma; potspec_t reader; reader.read_spec(cfgfile); Gas.potential=reader.potential; strncpy(Gas.charpot,reader.charpot,50); /* Read_param("Potential: %s",tmpstr); strncpy(Gas.charpot,tmpstr,50); if(strstr(tmpstr,"Kelbg"))Gas.potential=PotentialKELBG; else if(strstr(tmpstr,"Lennard-Johnes"))Gas.potential=PotentialJONES; else if(strstr(tmpstr,"Deutsch"))Gas.potential=PotentialDEUTSCH; else if(strstr(tmpstr,"Erf"))Gas.potential=PotentialERF; else if(strstr(tmpstr,"Cutoff")){ if(!strcmp(tmpstr,"Cutoff1")){ Gas.potential=PotentialCUT1; } else{ Gas.potential=PotentialCUT; Read_param("Cutoff value*: %lf",&E_cut); } } else if(strstr(tmpstr,"ln")){ Gas.potential=PotentialLN; Read_param("Cutoff value*: %lf",&E_cut); } else if(strstr(tmpstr,"table")){ Gas.potential=PotentialTAB; Read_param("Potential table file: %s",tmpstr); Close_param_file(); ReadPotential(tmpstr); Open_param_file(cfgfile); } else serror("Unknown potential type specified!\n"); Read_param("Pauli part: %s",tmpstr); if(strstr(tmpstr,"n"))Pauli_part=0; double Lambda, Lambda_set; Read_param("R0: %s",tmpstr); if(strstr(tmpstr,"default"))Lambda_set=0.; else Lambda_set=atof(tmpstr); double Clam_ep=1.,Clam_ee=1; Read_param("e-e R0 coefficient: %lf",&Clam_ee); Read_param("e-p R0 coefficient: %lf",&Clam_ep); */ int ask=0; Read_param("Dialog: %s",tmpstr); if(strstr(tmpstr,"y"))ask=1; auto_rf=0; Gf=10.; Read_param("Random force strength: %s",tmpstr); if(strstr(tmpstr,"auto"))auto_rf=1; else if(strstr(tmpstr,"fluct"))auto_rf=2; if(!sscanf(tmpstr,"%lf",&Gf) && auto_rf==0)serror("Can't read Random force strength\n"); Read_param("Scale velocities: %s",tmpstr); if(strstr(tmpstr,"y"))scale_vel=1; Read_param("Delta: %lf",&delta); Read_param("Trajectory write interval: %ld",&wr_int); if(wr_int<=0)wr_int=-1; int new_rec=0; long wr_ions=0, wr_enseq=-1; Set_stop(0); if(Read_param("Ions write interval: %ld",&wr_ions)){ new_rec=1; if(!Read_param("Electrons write sequence: %ld",&wr_enseq))wr_enseq=-1; } Set_stop(1); Read_param("Steps to check equillibrium: %ld",&chk_nsteps); Read_param("Steps with random force: %ld",&rf_nsteps); Read_param("Check steps with random force: %ld",&tst_nsteps); Read_param("Steps in equillibrium: %ld",&eq_nsteps); Read_param("Time step in equillibrium: %lf",&eq_dt); Read_param("Time step for random force: %lf",&rf_dt0); char trfile[256]="trajectory"; int wr_tr=0; Set_stop(0); /*int pot_corr=0; if(Read_param("Potential correction: %s",tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"y")){ pot_corr=1; strcat(Gas.charpot," corr."); } }*/ if(Read_param("Total energy stability: %lf",&stab_acc))e_stab=1; if(Read_param("Positive cutoff: %lf",&E_negcut))neg_cut=1; else neg_cut=0; if(!Read_param("Random generator *:>",tmpstr))strcpy(tmpstr,"3"); cList rndlist(tmpstr); int nrepeats=1; if(!Read_param("Repeats: %d",&nrepeats))nrepeats=1; char mdistrfile[256]="r-r.distrib"; double rr_r0=0., rr_r1=-1.; if(Read_param("Write r-r distribution: %s",tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"y")){ write_distr=1; if(!Read_param("r-r file: %s",mdistrfile)||strstr(mdistrfile,"default")){ strcpy(mdistrfile,"%s%d.rr"); } if(Read_param("r-r range: %lf, %lf",&rr_r0,&rr_r1)!=2){ rr_r0=0.; rr_r1=-1.; } } } if(Read_param("Soft step: %s",tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"n"))soft_step=0; } if(Read_param("Soft random force: %s",tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"y")){ rf_sw_off=1; Set_stop(1); Read_param("Switch off steps: %ld",&sw_nsteps); Set_stop(0); } else rf_sw_off=0; } if(Read_param("Relative step: %s",tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"y"))rel_step=1; } if(Read_param("Animation : %s",&tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"y")){ if(!Read_param("Film directory: %s",filmdir)||strstr(filmdir,"default")){ strcpy(filmdir,"film/"); } } } in_cs=-1.; Read_param("Initial cluster size: %lf",&in_cs); int restart=0,load_fried=0; int new_input=0; char inptrj[256]; if(Read_param("Restart: %s",tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"y")){ restart=1; if(Read_param("Load Friedemann: %s",tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"y"))load_fried=1; } if(Read_param("Input from: %s",inptrj))new_input=1; } } long wtype=0; if(Read_param("Trajectory file: %s",&trfile)){ if(strstr(trfile,"default"))strcpy(trfile,"%s%d.r"); Set_stop(1); wr_tr=1; Read_param("In output:>",tmpstr); if(strstr(tmpstr,"vel"))wtype|=VEL; if(strstr(tmpstr,"coord"))wtype|=COORD; if(strstr(tmpstr,"flow"))wtype|=FLOW; Set_stop(0); } else printf("Warning: no trajectory file\n"); int mc_one=0; int mc_diff=0; int auto_adjust=1; double mc_inistep; int no_equilibr=0; Set_stop(1); if(Read_param("Equilibration procedure: %s",tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"monte-carlo")){ Set_stop(1); mc_equil=1; Read_param("One particle MC-step: %s",tmpstr); if(strstr(tmpstr,"y")){ mc_one=1; // rf_dt0/=Gas.n; } Read_paramn(2,"MC step mode and value: %s %lf",tmpstr, &mc_inistep); if(strstr(tmpstr,"auto"))auto_adjust=1; else if(strstr(tmpstr,"stable"))auto_adjust=0; else serror("Unknown MC step mode.\n"); Set_stop(0); mc_diff=0; if(Read_param("MC different temperatures: %s",tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"y")){ if(mc_one)serror("Can use different MC temperatures\n" "only in MC one-particle mode!\n"); mc_diff=1; } } } else{ mc_equil=0; if(strstr(tmpstr,"off"))no_equilibr=1; else if(!strstr(tmpstr,"random-force")){ serror("Unknown equilibration procedure: %s\n",tmpstr); } } } Set_stop(0); mc_calc=0; if(Read_param("Equilibrium calculation: %s",tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"monte-carlo")){ Set_stop(1); mc_calc=1; Read_param("One particle MC-step: %s",tmpstr); if(strstr(tmpstr,"y")){ mc_one=1; // rf_dt0/=Gas.n; } Read_paramn(2,"MC step mode and value: %s %lf",tmpstr, &mc_inistep); if(strstr(tmpstr,"auto"))auto_adjust=1; else if(strstr(tmpstr,"stable"))auto_adjust=0; else serror("Unknown MC step mode.\n"); Set_stop(0); mc_diff=0; if(Read_param("MC different temperatures: %s",tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"y")){ if(mc_one)serror("Can use different MC temperatures\n" "only in MC one-particle mode!\n"); mc_diff=1; } } } } //# ifdef UNIX char out_dirs[250]="./",out_dirl[250]="./"; if(Read_param("Data output directory: %s",out_dirs)){ if(out_dirs[strlen(out_dirs)-1]!='/')strcat(out_dirs,"/"); sprintf(tmpstr,out_dirs,dataname); strcpy(out_dirs,tmpstr); # ifdef UNIX if(mkdir(out_dirs,S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH)){ if(errno!=EEXIST)serror("Can not create directory: %s.\n%s\n", out_dirs,strerror(errno)); } sprintf(tmpstr,"cp %s %s%s.cfg",cfgfile,out_dirs,dataname); //strcat(strcat(tmpstr,dataname),".cfg"); if(system(tmpstr)==-1) printf("\nExec: %s\n",strerror(errno)); # else if(_mkdir(out_dirs)){ if(errno!=EEXIST)serror("Can not create directory: %s.\n%s\n", out_dirs,strerror(errno)); } char cfgfilef[_MAX_PATH], out_dirsf[_MAX_PATH]; _fullpath(cfgfilef, cfgfile, _MAX_PATH); _fullpath(out_dirsf, out_dirs, _MAX_PATH); sprintf(tmpstr,"copy %s %s%s.cfg",cfgfilef,out_dirsf,dataname); //strcat(strcat(tmpstr,dataname),".cfg"); if(system(tmpstr)==-1) printf("\nExec: %s\n",strerror(errno)); # endif strcpy(ofile,strcat(strcpy(tmpstr,out_dirs),ofile)); strcpy(mdistrfile,strcat(strcpy(tmpstr,out_dirs),mdistrfile)); strcpy(sfile,strcat(strcpy(tmpstr,out_dirs),sfile)); strcpy(pfile,strcat(strcpy(tmpstr,out_dirs),pfile)); if(wr_film){ strcpy(filmdir,strcat(strcpy(tmpstr,out_dirs),ofile)); # ifdef UNIX if(mkdir(filmdir,S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH)){ # else if(_mkdir(filmdir)){ # endif if(errno!=EEXIST)serror("Can not create directory: %s.\n%s\n", filmdir,strerror(errno) ); } strcat(filmdir,dataname); } } if(Read_param("Process output directory: %s",out_dirl)){ if(out_dirl[strlen(out_dirl)]!='/')strcat(out_dirl,"/"); sprintf(tmpstr,out_dirl,dataname); strcpy(out_dirl,tmpstr); # ifdef UNIX if(mkdir(out_dirl,S_IRWXU|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH)){ # else if(_mkdir(out_dirl)){ # endif if(errno!=EEXIST)serror("Can not create directory: %s.\n%s\n", out_dirl,strerror(errno)); } strcpy(logfile,strcat(strcpy(tmpstr,out_dirl),logfile)); strcpy(trfile,strcat(strcpy(tmpstr,out_dirl),trfile)); } //# endif // UNIX int spwn_trj=0; if(Read_param("Spawn trajectories: %s",tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"y")){ spwn_trj=1; //Read_paramn(1,"Spawn frame: %d",&spwn_frame); no_test=1; // no RF test for equilibrartion } } Gas.stable_ions=0; if(Read_param("Stable ions: %s",tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"y")){ Gas.stable_ions=1; } } int repc_i=0; if(!Read_param("Repeat counter start: %d",&repc_i))repc_i=0; int irescale=0; if(Read_param("Ion velocity rescale: %s",tmpstr)){ if(strstr(tmpstr,"y"))irescale=1; if(strstr(tmpstr,"reset"))irescale=2; } /* int limrescale=0; if(Read_param("Rescale on electron temperature reached: %lf %ld",&limTe,&limstpe)==2){ limrescale=1; limspec=0x2; limrescale_switch(0); } */ int limrescale=0; int inc_mes=0; if(Read_param("Incremental measurement (T0,dT,mes_steps): %lf,%lf,%ld",&incT0,&incdT,&incStp)==3){ inc_mes=1; fixT=incT0; limstpe=1; limstpi=1; } Set_stop(1); Gas.ini_Te=Gas.ini_Ti=1.; // by default equal temperatures Read_param("Initial velocity distribution: %s",tmpstr); if(strstr(tmpstr,"maxwell"))in_distr=MAXWELL; else if(strstr(tmpstr,"max_polak"))in_distr=MAXWELL_P; else if(strstr(tmpstr,"zero")){ if(mc_equil){ in_distr=MAXWELL; printf("Warning: setting 'maxwell' initial vel. distribution for MC!\n"); } else in_distr=ZEROVEL; } else if(strstr(tmpstr,"separate")){ in_distr=SEPARATE; int &ndistr=Gas.idistr; int nr; char relstr[200]; for(i=0;i<2;i++){ if(i==0)nr= Read_param("Electron velocity distribution: %s %lf %s",tmpstr,&Gas.ini_Te,relstr); else{ nr= Read_param("Ion velocity distribution: %s %lf %s",tmpstr,&Gas.ini_Ti,relstr); Gas.edistr=ndistr; } if(nr<2){ serror("Can't read velocity distribution parameters!\n"); } if(nr>=2){ if(strstr(relstr,"abs")){ if(i==0)Gas.rel_Te=0; else Gas.rel_Ti=0; } } if(strstr(tmpstr,"maxwell"))ndistr=MAXWELL; else if(strstr(tmpstr,"max_polak"))ndistr=MAXWELL_P; else if(strstr(tmpstr,"zero"))ndistr=ZEROVEL; else { printf("Warning: unknown distribution '%s', setting to 'zero'\n",tmpstr); ndistr=ZEROVEL; } } } else{ printf("Warning: unknown distribution '%s', setting to 'zero'\n",tmpstr); in_distr=ZEROVEL; } Close_param_file(); Statistics sT(&Gas.T),sEcoul(&Gas.Ecoul),sEpotent(&Gas.Epotent),sQuant(&Gas.Quant), sEtot(&Gas.Etot); Statistics sTi(&Gas.Ti),sTe(&Gas.Te); const int nstat=7; Statistics *stats[nstat]={&sT,&sEcoul,&sEpotent,&sQuant,&sEtot,&sTi,&sTe}; SetTableform(GNU); if(no_remove){ no_remove=CheckData(sfile,ofile,dataname,np,p,ask); } if(restart && !wr_tr && !new_input)serror("No trajectory file specified, cannot restart.\n"); if(restart && new_input && wr_tr) if(!strcmp(trfile,inptrj)) serror("Equal names for input and output trj-files.\n"); FILE *f1; if(!no_remove || no_remove==2){ if(!no_remove)f1=Err_fopen(ofile,"wt"); else f1=Err_fopen(ofile,"at"); BeginFrame(f1,dataname,np,p); fprintf(f1,"%9.9s %9.9s %9.9s %9.9s %9.9s %9.9s %9.9s %9.9s\n", "T","Ecoul","Epotent","Equant","dT","dEcoul","dEpotent","dEquant"); fclose(f1); } double t=0; f1=fopen(logfile,"rt"); if(f1){ if(!restart && !no_remove){ fclose(f1); remove(logfile); } else {// reading 'log' time fseek(f1,0,SEEK_END); long pos=ftell(f1)-4; do{ fseek(f1,pos,SEEK_SET); if(fgetc(f1)=='\n'){ fscanf(f1,"%lf",&t); //printf("new t: %f\n",t); break; } pos--; }while(pos>=0); fclose(f1); } } int ccount=CurrentCount(np,p); WriteStatus(!ccount,sfile,dataname,np,p); do{ //Gamma=get_pc(p[0]); //T=get_pc(p[1]); char ctrfile[256]; sprintf(ctrfile,trfile,dataname,ccount); char ss[100]; sprintf(ss,"%s%d",dataname,ccount); sprintf(distrfile,mdistrfile,dataname,ccount); // StatusLine(str,np,p); //show_status(440,str); long i,n,m,nf=0; //Gas.adjustTG(T,Gamma); AdjustGas(Gas,p,np); T=Gas.par_T; Gamma=Gas.par_Gamma; double me=0.9109534e-30; double qe=1.602e-19; double Kb=1.38e-23; double unit_t=qe*qe/(4*M_PI*8.854e-12)*sqrt(me); // overcoming g++ bug with -O3 double jojo=Kb*T*1.e4; //printf("c2: %e\n",jojo); jojo=jojo*jojo*jojo; jojo=sqrt(jojo); //printf("c21: %e\n",jojo); unit_t/=jojo; //printf("c3:\n"); double unit_h=Kb*T*1e4*unit_t; double h_qwer=1.0545887e-34; reader.calc_lambda(T,Gas.ini_Te,Gas.ini_Ti,Gas.mass); /* if(!non_symm){ if(Lambda_set!=0.0){ Lambda=Lambda_set/unit_l; equal_lambda=0; } else { Lambda=0.179*sqrt(T); equal_lambda=1; } Lambda_pauli=0.179*sqrt(T); //non_symm=0; Lambda_ee=Lambda_pp=Lambda*Clam_ee; if(fabs(Clam_ee-1.)>1e-5)equal_lambda=0; Lambda_ep=Lambda*Clam_ep; } else{ if(Lambda_set!=0.0){ serror("Can not setup lambda for nonsymmetric plasma.\n"); //Lambda=Lambda_set/unit_l; //Lambda_ep=Lambda*Clam_ep; //Lambda_ee=Lambda*Clam_ee; //equal_lambda=0; } else{ if(strstr(Gas.charpot,"Deutsch")){ printf("Setting lambda values for Deutsch potential !!!\n"); Lambda_pauli=h_qwer/(unit_h); Lambda=Lambda_pauli/sqrt(2*M_PI); double m_ee=0.5, m_pp=0.5*Gas.mass, m_ep=Gas.mass/(1.+Gas.mass); Lambda_ee=Lambda/sqrt(m_ee); Lambda_pp=Lambda/sqrt(m_pp); Lambda_ep=Lambda/sqrt(m_ep); } else { //if(strstr(Gas.charpot,"Kelbg")){ printf("Setting lambda values for Kelbg potential !!!\n"); Lambda_pauli=h_qwer/(unit_h); Lambda=Lambda_pauli; double m_ee=0.5, m_pp=0.5*Gas.mass, m_ep=Gas.mass/(1.+Gas.mass); double t_ep=Gas.ini_Te; double t_pp=Gas.ini_Ti; double t_ee=Gas.ini_Te; Lambda_ee=Lambda/sqrt(2*m_ee*t_ee); Lambda_pp=Lambda/sqrt(2*m_pp*t_pp); Lambda_ep=Lambda/sqrt(2*m_ep*t_ep); } } } */ if(rel_step)rf_dtcoeff=1./Gas.Wpe; double kk=(1.602e-19)*(1.602e-19)/(4*M_PI*1.38e-23*T*1e4*8.854e-12); printf("Simulation parameters:\n"); printf("Gamma =%f\n" "L=%f=%12e m\n" "lambda=%f=%12e m\n" "1/Wp=%f\n" "Rd=%f\n",Gamma,Gas.L, Gas.L*kk,reader.Lambda,reader.Lambda*kk,1./Gas.Wpe,RDebye); printf("Density = %1.2e cm^(-3)\n" "T= %f K\n",Gas.par_density*1e19,T*1e4); printf("Time step relations:\n"); printf("dtrf*Wp= %f, dteq*Wp= %f\n", (rel_step ? rf_dt0 : rf_dt0*Gas.Wpe), (rel_step ? eq_dt : eq_dt*Gas.Wpe)); double t_inter=RDebye/sqrt(2*getEmax(Gas)); printf("dtrf/tint= %f, dteq/tint= %f\n", rf_dt0*rf_dtcoeff/t_inter, eq_dt*rf_dtcoeff/t_inter); reader.calc_correction(Gas.par_T); reader.write_pot(pfile, Gas.L); /* //if(ccount==1)t/=Gas.Wpe; if(pot_corr){ //Correction(IONION,Gas.potential,Gas.par_T); Correction(IONELC,Gas.potential,Gas.par_T); Correction(ELCELC,Gas.potential,Gas.par_T); }*/ Statistics rs[nstat]; int repi=0; int repc=repc_i; do{ //through nrepeats printf("\nStarting calculation #%d...\n",repc); flm_count=0; if(repc>0){ repi++; sprintf(tmpstr,"%02d",repc); if(repi>1){ distrfile[strlen(distrfile)-2]=0; ctrfile[strlen(ctrfile)-2]=0; } strcat(distrfile,tmpstr); strcat(ctrfile,tmpstr); } if(write_distr){ DRRee.init(rr_r0,(rr_r1>0 ? rr_r1 : Gas.L/2),400); DRRep.init(rr_r0,(rr_r1>0 ? rr_r1 : Gas.L/2),400); if(non_symm)DRRpp.init(0,(rr_r1>0 ? rr_r1 : Gas.L/2),400); } long ftype=wtype; if(restart){ printf("restarting...\n"); if((mc_equil && spwn_trj) || mc_calc){ mc_equil=-1; MC = new mc_simm(Gas,mc_inistep*Gas.L /*Gas.L/Gas.n*/,0.5, mc_one,mc_diff); if(!MC)serror("Cannot allocate MCsimm\n"); MC->auto_adjust=auto_adjust; } else mc_equil=0; if(!new_input)strcpy(inptrj,ctrfile); if(load_fried){ LoadFriedemann(inptrj,Gas); Gas.dt=eq_dt; if(rel_step)Gas.dt/=Gas.Wpe; if(eq_nsteps<wr_int)eq_nsteps=wr_int; m=wr_int; n=eq_nsteps/m; Gas.ext_force=void_force1; wr_tr=0; ftype=0; } else{ Gas.dt=(rel_step ? eq_dt/Gas.Wpe : eq_dt); Trajectory.Check(inptrj,wtype,Gas,wr_int,wr_ions,wr_enseq,new_input); if(Trajectory.wtype !=0 && !new_input){ Gas.dt=Trajectory.AdjustInterval(Gas.dt); } long stp; if(!new_input){ stp=Trajectory.ReloadGas(Gas,1); t=stp*Trajectory.file_dt(); nf=(long)(t/Gas.dt/wr_int+0.01); } else{ stp=Trajectory.ReloadGas(Gas,0); t=0; nf=0; } printf("t= %f, nf= %ld, %f\n",t,nf,(t/Gas.dt/wr_int)); //serror("Restart is not yet implemented !\n"); Gas.ext_force=void_force1; } //restart=0; } else{ rand_init=rndlist.step(); if(rand_init<0){ rndlist.rewind(); rand_init=rndlist.step(); } strcat(distrfile,"e"); if((mc_equil && (!spwn_trj || (repc==repc_i && spwn_trj))) || mc_calc){ mc_equil=1; MC = new mc_simm(Gas,mc_inistep*Gas.L /*Gas.L/Gas.n*/,0.5, mc_one,mc_diff); if(!MC)serror("Cannot allocate MCsimm\n"); MC->auto_adjust=auto_adjust; } if(!no_equilibr){ if(!spwn_trj || (spwn_trj && repc==repc_i)){ limrescale_switch(0); Equillibrium(t,Gas,stats,nstat); limrescale_switch(limrescale); } } else{ Gas.r0=0.05; Gas.init_config(in_cs,in_distr); } distrfile[strlen(distrfile)-1]=0; // deleting 'e' if(mc_equil){ if(spwn_trj){ Gas.init_vel(in_distr); } else if(!mc_calc){ delete MC; mc_equil=-1; } else mc_equil=1; } Gas.dt=eq_dt; if(rel_step)Gas.dt/=Gas.Wpe; } if(irescale){ if(irescale==1)Gas.ivel_scale(1.); else Gas.init_vel(in_distr); } if(eq_nsteps<wr_int)eq_nsteps=wr_int; if(wr_int>0){ n=eq_nsteps/wr_int; m=wr_int; } else if(eq_nsteps>=500){ n=eq_nsteps/500; m=500; } else{ n=1; m=eq_nsteps; } if(wr_tr && (!restart || new_input || (restart && ftype==0))){ //WriteHeader(ctrfile,wtype,Gas,Gamma,T, ss,m); // initializing PlasmaRec Trajectory.Clear(); Trajectory.Init(ctrfile,wtype,Gas,wr_int,wr_ions,wr_enseq); } if(wr_tr && (restart && ftype==0)){ //WriteStep(ctrfile,wtype,Gas,0); } Statistics statsl[nstat]; Trajectory.valid=wr_tr; // new cycle if(bunch){ PlasmaBunch *pb=(PlasmaBunch *)&Gas; pb->start_bunch(); } for(i=nf;i<n;i++){ double term_c=1.; if(Gas.stable_ions)term_c=(double); printf("Equilibrium calculation: %f%% complete, T= %f Et=%f\n",(i+1)*100./n,Gas.T,Gas.T*3/2*term_c+Gas.Epotent/Gas.n); if(StopStatus(sfile,3)){ StopStatus(sfile,-1); serror("Program interrupted!\n"); } if(mc_equil && spwn_trj){ mc_equil=1; double ratio=MC->get_ratio(); if(ratio<1e-10)printf("Estimated randomization steps: infinity\n"); else printf("Estimated randomization steps: %d\n",(int)(Gas.n*Gas.L/MC->dc[1]/ratio)); } MoveIt(t,m,m,Gas,stats,statsl,nstat); //if(wr_tr)WriteStep(ctrfile,wtype,Gas,i); if(write_distr)WriteDRR(distrfile); if(wr_film)WriteFilm(filmdir,Gas); } if(bunch){ PlasmaBunch *pb=(PlasmaBunch *)&Gas; pb->stop_bunch(); } if(write_distr)WriteDRR(distrfile); for(i=0;i<nstat;i++)rs[i]+=*(stats[i]); repc++; if(new_input)restart=0; }while(repc<nrepeats); if(spwn_trj)delete MC; f1=Err_fopen(ofile,"at"); MiddleFrame(f1,np,p); int gn=Gas.n; //fprintf(f1,"%9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f\n", // sT.av()*T,sEcoul.av()/gn,sEpotent.av()/gn,sQuant.av()/gn, //*T,,,; fprintf(f1,"%9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f\n", rs[0].av()*T,rs[1].av()/gn,rs[2].av()/gn,rs[3].av()/gn, rs[0].dev()*T,rs[1].dev()/gn,rs[2].dev()/gn,rs[3].dev()/gn); fclose(f1); ccount=CycleCount(np,p); WriteStatus(!ccount,sfile,dataname,np,p); restart=0; repc=0; }while(ccount); return 0; }