static SSERV_Info* s_GetInfo(const char* service, TSERV_Type types, unsigned int preferred_host, unsigned short preferred_port, double preference, const SConnNetInfo* net_info, const SSERV_InfoCPtr skip[], size_t n_skip, int /*bool*/ external, const char* arg, const char* val, HOST_INFO* host_info) { SSERV_Info* info = 0; SERV_ITER iter = s_Open(service, 0/*not mask*/, types, preferred_host, preferred_port, preference, net_info, skip, n_skip, external, arg, val, &info, host_info); if (iter && iter->op && !info) { /* All LOCAL/DISPD searches end up here, but none LBSMD ones */ info = s_GetNextInfo(iter, host_info, 1/*internal*/); } SERV_Close(iter); return info; }
SERV_ITER SERV_Open(const char* service, TSERV_Type types, unsigned int preferred_host, const SConnNetInfo* net_info) { return s_Open(service, 0/*not mask*/, types, preferred_host, 0/*preferred_port*/, 0.0/*preference*/, net_info, 0/*skip*/, 0/*n_skip*/, 0/*not external*/, 0/*arg*/, 0/*val*/, 0/*info*/, 0/*host_info*/); }
SERV_ITER SERV_OpenP(const char* service, TSERV_Type types, unsigned int preferred_host, unsigned short preferred_port, double preference, const SConnNetInfo* net_info, const SSERV_InfoCPtr skip[], size_t n_skip, int/*bool*/ external, const char* arg, const char* val) { return s_Open(service, service && (!*service || strpbrk(service, "?*")), types, preferred_host, preferred_port, preference, net_info, skip, n_skip, external, arg, val, 0/*info*/, 0/*host_info*/); }
static EIO_Status s_VT_Open(CONNECTOR connector, const STimeout* timeout) { SServiceConnector* uuu = (SServiceConnector*) connector->handle; SMetaConnector* meta = connector->meta; EIO_Status status; for (;;) { const SSERV_Info* info; SConnNetInfo* net_info; CONNECTOR conn; int stateless; assert(!uuu->meta.list && !uuu->name && !uuu->descr); if (!uuu->iter && !s_OpenDispatcher(uuu)) { status = eIO_Closed; break; } if (uuu->net_info->firewall && strcasecmp(uuu->iter->name, "local")) info = 0; else if (!(info = s_GetNextInfo(uuu))) { status = eIO_Closed; break; } if (!(net_info = ConnNetInfo_Clone(uuu->net_info))) { status = eIO_Unknown; break; } net_info->scheme = eURL_Unspec; conn = s_Open(uuu, timeout, info, net_info, 0/*!second_try*/); if (conn) uuu->descr = ConnNetInfo_URL(net_info); stateless = net_info->stateless; ConnNetInfo_Destroy(net_info); if (!conn) { if (!info) { status = eIO_Closed; break; } continue; } /* Setup the new connector on a temporary meta-connector... */ memset(&uuu->meta, 0, sizeof(uuu->meta)); METACONN_Add(&uuu->meta, conn); /* ...then link it in using current connection's meta */ conn->meta = meta; conn->next = meta->list; meta->list = conn; if (!uuu->descr && uuu->meta.descr) CONN_SET_METHOD(meta, descr, uuu->meta.descr, uuu->meta.c_descr); CONN_SET_METHOD (meta, wait, uuu->meta.wait, uuu->meta.c_wait); CONN_SET_METHOD (meta, write, uuu->meta.write, uuu->meta.c_write); CONN_SET_METHOD (meta, flush, uuu->meta.flush, uuu->meta.c_flush); CONN_SET_METHOD (meta, read, uuu->, uuu->meta.c_read); CONN_SET_METHOD (meta, status,uuu->meta.status,uuu->meta.c_status); if (uuu->meta.get_type) { const char* type; if ((type = uuu->meta.get_type(uuu->meta.c_get_type)) != 0) { size_t slen = strlen(uuu->service); size_t tlen = strlen(type); char* name = (char*) malloc(slen + tlen + 2); if (name) { memcpy(name, uuu->service, slen); name[slen++] = '/'; memcpy(name + slen, type, tlen); tlen += slen; name[tlen] = '\0'; uuu->name = name; } } } status = uuu-> ? uuu->>meta.c_open, timeout) : eIO_Success; if (status == eIO_Success) break; if (!stateless && (!info || info->type == fSERV_Firewall)) { static const char kFWLink[] = { "" "/IEB/ToolBox/NETWORK" "/dispatcher.html#Firewalling"}; CORE_LOGF_X(6, eLOG_Error, ("[%s] %s connection failed (%s) indicating possible " "firewall configuration problem; please consult <%s>", uuu->service, !info ? "Firewall" : "Stateful relay", IO_StatusStr(status), kFWLink)); } s_Close(connector, timeout, 0/*don't close dispatcher just as yet*/); } uuu->status = status; return status; }
static CONNECTOR s_Open(SServiceConnector* uuu, const STimeout* timeout, const SSERV_Info* info, SConnNetInfo* net_info, int/*bool*/ second_try) { int/*bool*/ but_last = 0/*false*/; const char* user_header; /* either "" or non-empty dynamic string */ char* iter_header; EReqMethod req_method; if (info && info->type != fSERV_Firewall) { /* Not a firewall/relay connection here */ assert(!second_try); /* We know the connection point, let's try to use it! */ if (info->type != fSERV_Standalone || !net_info->stateless) { SOCK_ntoa(info->host, net_info->host, sizeof(net_info->host)); net_info->port = info->port; } switch (info->type) { case fSERV_Ncbid: /* Connection directly to NCBID, add NCBID-specific tags */ if (net_info->stateless) { /* Connection request with data */ user_header = "Connection-Mode: STATELESS\r\n"; /*default*/ req_method = eReqMethod_Post; } else { /* We will be waiting for conn-info back */ user_header = "Connection-Mode: STATEFUL\r\n"; req_method = eReqMethod_Get; } user_header = s_AdjustNetParams(uuu->service, net_info, req_method, NCBID_WEBPATH, SERV_NCBID_ARGS(&info->u.ncbid), 0, user_header, info->mime_t, info->mime_s, info->mime_e, 0); break; case fSERV_Http: case fSERV_HttpGet: case fSERV_HttpPost: /* Connection directly to CGI */ req_method = info->type == fSERV_HttpGet ? eReqMethod_Get : (info->type == fSERV_HttpPost ? eReqMethod_Post : eReqMethod_Any); user_header = "Client-Mode: STATELESS_ONLY\r\n"; /*default*/ user_header = s_AdjustNetParams(uuu->service, net_info, req_method, SERV_HTTP_PATH(&info->u.http), SERV_HTTP_ARGS(&info->u.http), 0, user_header, info->mime_t, info->mime_s, info->mime_e, 0); break; case fSERV_Standalone: if (!net_info->stateless) return s_CreateSocketConnector(net_info, 0, 0); /* Otherwise, it will be a pass-thru connection via dispatcher */ user_header = "Client-Mode: STATELESS_ONLY\r\n"; /*default*/ user_header = s_AdjustNetParams(uuu->service, net_info, eReqMethod_Post, 0, 0, 0, user_header, info->mime_t, info->mime_s, info->mime_e, 0); but_last = 1/*true*/; break; default: user_header = 0; break; } } else { EMIME_Type mime_t; EMIME_SubType mime_s; EMIME_Encoding mime_e; if (net_info->stateless || (info && (info->u.firewall.type & fSERV_Http))) { if (info) { req_method = info->u.firewall.type == fSERV_HttpGet ? eReqMethod_Get : (info->u.firewall.type == fSERV_HttpPost ? eReqMethod_Post : eReqMethod_Any); net_info->stateless = 1/*true*/; } else req_method = eReqMethod_Any; } else req_method = eReqMethod_Get; if (info) { mime_t = info->mime_t; mime_s = info->mime_s; mime_e = info->mime_e; } else { mime_t = eMIME_T_Undefined; mime_s = eMIME_Undefined; mime_e = eENCOD_None; } /* Firewall/relay connection to dispatcher, special tags */ user_header = net_info->stateless ? "Client-Mode: STATELESS_ONLY\r\n" /*default*/ : "Client-Mode: STATEFUL_CAPABLE\r\n"; user_header = s_AdjustNetParams(uuu->service, net_info, req_method, 0, 0, 0, user_header, mime_t, mime_s, mime_e, 0); } if (!user_header) return 0; if ((iter_header = SERV_Print(uuu->iter, net_info, but_last)) != 0) { size_t uh_len; if ((uh_len = strlen(user_header)) > 0) { char* ih; size_t ih_len = strlen(iter_header); if ((ih = (char*) realloc(iter_header, ih_len + uh_len + 1)) != 0){ strcpy(ih + ih_len, user_header); iter_header = ih; } free((char*) user_header); } user_header = iter_header; } else if (!*user_header) user_header = 0; /* special case of assignment of literal "" */ if (uuu->user_header) { ConnNetInfo_DeleteUserHeader(net_info, uuu->user_header); free((void*) uuu->user_header); } uuu->user_header = user_header; if (user_header && !ConnNetInfo_OverrideUserHeader(net_info, user_header)) return 0; if (!second_try) { ConnNetInfo_ExtendUserHeader (net_info, "User-Agent: NCBIServiceConnector/" DISP_PROTOCOL_VERSION #ifdef NCBI_CXX_TOOLKIT " (C++ Toolkit)" #else " (C Toolkit)" #endif "\r\n"); } if (!net_info->stateless && (!info || info->type == fSERV_Firewall || info->type == fSERV_Ncbid)) { /* Auxiliary HTTP connector first */ EIO_Status status = eIO_Success; CONNECTOR c; CONN conn; /* Clear connection info */ uuu->host = 0; uuu->port = 0; uuu->ticket = 0; net_info->max_try = 1; c = HTTP_CreateConnectorEx(net_info, (uuu->params.flags & fHCC_Flushable) | fHCC_SureFlush/*flags*/, s_ParseHeader, 0/**/, uuu/**/, 0/**/); /* Wait for connection info back (error-transparent by DISPD.CGI) */ if (c && (status = CONN_Create(c, &conn)) == eIO_Success) { CONN_SetTimeout(conn, eIO_Open, timeout); CONN_SetTimeout(conn, eIO_ReadWrite, timeout); CONN_SetTimeout(conn, eIO_Close, timeout); CONN_Flush(conn); /* This also triggers parse header callback */ CONN_Close(conn); } else { const char* error = c ? IO_StatusStr(status) : 0; CORE_LOGF_X(4, eLOG_Error, ("[%s] Unable to create auxiliary HTTP %s%s%s", uuu->service, c ? "connection" : "connector", error && *error ? ": " : "", error ? error : "")); assert(0); } if (!uuu->host) return 0/*failed, no connection info returned*/; if (uuu->host == (unsigned int)(-1)) { /* Firewall mode only in stateful mode, fallback requested */ assert((!info || info->type == fSERV_Firewall) && !second_try); /* Try to use stateless mode instead */ net_info->stateless = 1/*true*/; return s_Open(uuu, timeout, info, net_info, 1/*second try*/); } SOCK_ntoa(uuu->host, net_info->host, sizeof(net_info->host)); net_info->port = uuu->port; return s_CreateSocketConnector(net_info, &uuu->ticket, uuu->ticket ? sizeof(uuu->ticket) : 0); } return HTTP_CreateConnectorEx(net_info, (uuu->params.flags & (fHCC_Flushable | fHCC_NoAutoRetry)) | fHCC_AutoReconnect, s_ParseHeader, s_AdjustNetInfo, uuu/**/, 0/**/); }