예제 #1
파일: filter.c 프로젝트: fschiettecatte/mps

    Function:   iSrchFilterProcessTerm()

    Purpose:    This function processes the passed term, stripping the field
                name (if present), setting the field ID bit map if needed
                and stemming the term

    Parameters: pssSrchSearch           search structure
                psiSrchIndex            index structure
                pvLngStemmer            stemmer
                pwcTerm                 term
                pucFieldIDBitmap        field ID bitmap (optional)
                uiFieldIDBitmapLength   field ID bitmap length (optional)
                ppwcTerm                return pointer for the processed term
                pbFieldIDBitmapSet      return flag set to true if the field ID bitmap was set

    Globals:    none

    Returns:    SRCH error code

static int iSrchFilterProcessTerm
    struct srchSearch *pssSrchSearch,
    struct srchIndex *psiSrchIndex,
    void *pvLngStemmer,
    wchar_t *pwcTerm,
    unsigned char *pucFieldIDBitmap,
    unsigned int uiFieldIDBitmapLength,
    wchar_t **ppwcTerm,
    boolean *pbFieldIDBitmapSet

    int             iError = SRCH_NoError;
    unsigned char   pucFieldName[SRCH_INFO_SYMBOL_MAXIMUM_LENGTH + 1] = {'\0'};
    unsigned int    uiFieldID = 0;
    unsigned int    uiFieldOptions = SRCH_INFO_FIELD_OPTION_NONE;
    boolean         bFieldIDBitmapSet = false;
    boolean         bContainsUpperCase = false;
    wchar_t         *pwcPtr = NULL;

    ASSERT(pssSrchSearch != NULL);
    ASSERT(psiSrchIndex != NULL);
    ASSERT(pvLngStemmer != NULL);
    ASSERT(bUtlStringsIsStringNULL(pwcTerm) == false);
    ASSERT(((pucFieldIDBitmap == NULL) && (uiFieldIDBitmapLength <= 0)) || ((pucFieldIDBitmap != NULL) && (uiFieldIDBitmapLength > 0)));
    ASSERT(ppwcTerm != NULL);
    ASSERT(pbFieldIDBitmapSet != NULL);

    /* Set the field option defaults */
    iSrchInfoGetFieldOptionDefaults(psiSrchIndex, &uiFieldOptions);

    /* Extract field name if present */
    if ( (bUtlStringsIsWideStringUrl(pwcTerm) == false) && ((pwcPtr = s_wcspbrk(pwcTerm, SRCH_FILTER_FIELD_NAME_SEPARATORS)) != NULL) ) {
        wchar_t     *pwcFieldNamePtr = NULL;
        /* Set the field name */
        pwcFieldNamePtr = pwcTerm;
        /* Set the term */
        pwcTerm = pwcPtr + 1;

        /* Null terminate the field name, separating the term from the field name */
        *pwcPtr = L'\0';

        /* Convert the field name from wide characters to utf-8 */
        if ( (iError = iLngConvertWideStringToUtf8_s(pwcFieldNamePtr, 0, pucFieldName, SRCH_INFO_SYMBOL_MAXIMUM_LENGTH + 1)) != LNG_NoError ) {
            iUtlLogError(UTL_LOG_CONTEXT, "Failed to convert a field name from wide characters to utf-8, lng error: %d.", iError);
            return (SRCH_FilterCharacterSetConvertionFailed);

        /* Look up the field ID for this field */
        if ( (iError = iSrchInfoGetFieldID(psiSrchIndex, pucFieldName, &uiFieldID)) == SRCH_NoError ) {
            /* Get the field options, reset them to the default if we cant get them */
            if ( (iError = iSrchInfoGetFieldInfo(psiSrchIndex, uiFieldID, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, &uiFieldOptions)) != SRCH_NoError ) {
                /* Set the field option defaults */
                iSrchInfoGetFieldOptionDefaults(psiSrchIndex, &uiFieldOptions);

            /* Set the field ID in the bitmap */
            if ( pucFieldIDBitmap != NULL ) {

                /* Set the field ID in the bitmap - field ID 0 is not a field */
                UTL_BITMAP_SET_BIT_IN_POINTER(pucFieldIDBitmap, uiFieldID - 1);
                /* Field ID bit map is set */
                bFieldIDBitmapSet = true;

    /* Check if there is an unfielded search option if the field ID bit map was not set, and if the field name is not the wildcard field name */
    if ( (bFieldIDBitmapSet == false) && ((pucFieldName == NULL) || (s_strcmp(pucFieldName, SRCH_PARSER_WILDCARD_FIELD_NAME_STRING) != 0)) ) {
        unsigned char   pucUnfieldedSearchFieldNames[SPI_FIELD_NAME_MAXIMUM_LENGTH + 1] = {"\0"};

        /* Get the unfielded search field names and, if they exist, use them for this search */
        if ( iSrchInfoGetUnfieldedSearchFieldNames(psiSrchIndex, pucUnfieldedSearchFieldNames, SPI_FIELD_NAME_MAXIMUM_LENGTH + 1) == SRCH_NoError ) {
            unsigned char   *pucUnfieldedSearchFieldNamePtr = NULL;
            unsigned char   *pucUnfieldedSearchFieldNamesStrtokPtr = NULL;

            /* Loop parsing the unfielded search field names */
            for ( pucUnfieldedSearchFieldNamePtr = (unsigned char *)s_strtok_r(pucUnfieldedSearchFieldNames, SRCH_INFO_UNFIELDED_SEARCH_FIELD_NAMES_SEPARATORS, (char **)&pucUnfieldedSearchFieldNamesStrtokPtr); 
                    pucUnfieldedSearchFieldNamePtr != NULL; 
                    pucUnfieldedSearchFieldNamePtr = (unsigned char *)s_strtok_r(NULL, SRCH_INFO_UNFIELDED_SEARCH_FIELD_NAMES_SEPARATORS, (char **)&pucUnfieldedSearchFieldNamesStrtokPtr) ) {

                /* Set the field ID in the bitmap */
                if ( iSrchInfoGetFieldID (psiSrchIndex, pucUnfieldedSearchFieldNamePtr, &uiFieldID) == SRCH_NoError ) {

                    ASSERT(uiFieldID <= uiFieldIDBitmapLength);

                    /* Set the field ID in the bitmap, we know there are fields other than field ID 0 
                    ** since there are unfielded search field names - field ID 0 is not a field 
                    UTL_BITMAP_SET_BIT_IN_POINTER(pucFieldIDBitmap, uiFieldID - 1);

                    /* Field ID bit map is set */
                    bFieldIDBitmapSet = true;

    /* Set the mixed case flag, which really means 'does this term contain upper case, or non-alphanumerics' */
    bContainsUpperCase = bLngCaseDoesWideStringContainUpperCase(pwcTerm);

    /* Stem the term if we are stemming on this field and if the term does not end in a wildcard  */
    if ( (bSrchInfoFieldOptionStemming(uiFieldOptions) == true) && (bContainsUpperCase == false) && (s_wcschr(SRCH_PARSER_WILDCARDS_WSTRING    , pwcTerm[s_wcslen(pwcTerm) - 1]) == NULL) ) {
        if ( (iError = iLngStemmerStemTerm(pvLngStemmer, pwcTerm, 0)) != LNG_NoError ) {
            iUtlLogError(UTL_LOG_CONTEXT, "Failed to stem a term, lng error: %d.", iError);
            return (SRCH_FeedbackStemmingFailed);

    /* Set the return pointers */
    *ppwcTerm = pwcTerm;
    *pbFieldIDBitmapSet = bFieldIDBitmapSet;

    return (SRCH_NoError);

예제 #2
파일: str_list.c 프로젝트: Cyofanni/speect
 * Create a new string list by splitting the given @c string with
 * the given @c separator.
S_API s_str_list *s_str_list_split(const char *string, const char *separator,
								   s_erc *error)
	s_str_list *self = NULL;
	char *str_copy = NULL;
	char *nstr_copy;
	char *s;

	if ((string == NULL) || (separator == NULL))
		goto error_return;

	self = s_str_list_new(error);
	if (S_CHK_ERR(error, S_CONTERR,
				  "Call to \"s_str_list_new\" failed"))
		goto error_return;

	str_copy = s_strdup(string, error);
	if (S_CHK_ERR(error, S_CONTERR,
				  "Call to \"s_strdup\" failed"))
		goto error_return;

	nstr_copy = str_copy;
	s = s_strtok_r(NULL, separator, &nstr_copy, error);
	if (S_CHK_ERR(error, S_CONTERR,
				  "Call to \"s_strtok_r\" failed"))
		goto error_return;

	while (s != NULL)
		s_str_list_append(self, s, error);
		if (S_CHK_ERR(error, S_CONTERR,
					  "Call to \"s_str_list_append\" failed"))
			goto error_return;

		s = s_strtok_r(NULL, separator, &nstr_copy, error);
		if (S_CHK_ERR(error, S_CONTERR,
					  "Call to \"s_strtok_r\" failed"))
			goto error_return;

	/* all OK, clean and return */
	return self;

	/* errors occurred, clean and return */
		s_erc local_err = S_FAILURE;

		if (str_copy != NULL)

		if (self != NULL)
			s_list_delete(self, &local_err);

	return NULL;