예제 #1
ConfigFile::ConfigFile(std::string const& configFile) {
	std::ifstream file(configFile.c_str());

	std::string line;
	std::string name;
	std::string value;
	std::string inSection;
	int posEqual;
	while (safeGetline(file, line)) {

		if (!line.length()) continue;

		if (line[0] == '#') continue;
		if (line[0] == ';') continue;

		if (line[0] == '[') {
			inSection = trim(line.substr(1, line.find(']') - 1));

		posEqual = line.find('=');
		name = trim(line.substr(0, posEqual));
		value = trim(line.substr(posEqual + 1));

		content_[inSection + '/' + name] = Chameleon(value);
예제 #2
Properties parseToPropertiesMap(std::istream& file)
    Properties properties;

    std::string line;
    while (safeGetline(file, line)) {
        line = stripComments(line);

        boost::char_separator<char> sep("=");
        boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char>> tok(line, sep);

        auto word = tok.begin();
        if (word == tok.end()) {

        std::string key = stripWhitespace(*word);
        if (key == "") {

        if (++word == tok.end())
        std::string value = stripWhitespace(*word);

        properties[key] = value;

    return properties;
예제 #3
파일: bddata.cpp 프로젝트: ding-lab/pindel2
short CheckBreakDancerFileFormat(const std::string& filename) {

	std::ifstream CheckbdFileFirst( filename.c_str() );
	std::ifstream CheckbdFileSecond( filename.c_str() );
	char firstChar = 'k';
	std::string tempLine, errorLine;
	std::string Pos1, Pos2;
	while (!CheckbdFileFirst.eof()) {
		firstChar = CheckbdFileFirst.peek();// >> firstChar;
		if (firstChar == '#') {
			safeGetline(CheckbdFileFirst, tempLine);
			safeGetline(CheckbdFileSecond, tempLine);
		else {
			safeGetline(CheckbdFileFirst, errorLine);
			//safeGetline(CheckbdFileSecond, errorLine);
			//std::cout << "errorLine/" << errorLine << "/" << std::endl;
			if (AtLeast6Fields(errorLine)) {
				//std::cout << "at least 6 fields" << std::endl;
				CheckbdFileSecond >> tempLine >> Pos1 >> tempLine
					>> tempLine >> Pos2 >> tempLine;

				safeGetline(CheckbdFileSecond, tempLine);  // get rest of line
				//std::cout << errorLine << " " << Pos1 << " " << Pos2 << std::endl;
				if (isNumber(Pos1) && isNumber(Pos2)) {
				else {
					std::cout << "1 something is wrong with this line \"" << firstChar << errorLine << "\"" << std::endl;
					return 1;
			else if (errorLine != "") {
				std::cout << "2 something is wrong with this line \"" << firstChar << errorLine << "\"" << std::endl;
				return 1;
예제 #4
void WorldObject::SetModel(const char* modelFileName)
    this->transformedNormalsAreValid = false;
    this->vertexCount = 0;
    this->faceCount = 0;
    std::ifstream f(modelFileName);

    int vn = 0;
        std::string line;
        safeGetline(f, line);
        if(line.length() < 2)
        char token = line[0];
        std::string restOfLine = line.substr(2);
        if(token == '#') // Comentario
        else if(token == 'v' && line[1] == 'n') // Vertice normal
            restOfLine = line.substr(3);
            float x, y, z;
            sscanf(restOfLine.c_str(), "%f %f %f", &x, &y, &z);
            vector3 normal = { x, y, z };
            this->vertexNormals[vn] = normal;
            this->vertexHasNormal[vn++] = true;
        else if(token == 'v') // Vertice
            float x, y, z;
            sscanf(restOfLine.c_str(), "%f %f %f", &x, &y, &z);
            this->AddVertex(x, y, z);
        else if(token == 'f') // Face
            int v1, v2, v3;
            sscanf(restOfLine.c_str(), "%i %i %i", &v1, &v2, &v3);
            this->AddFace(v1 - 1, v2 - 1, v3 - 1);
예제 #5
bool getNextLine(std::ifstream& is, std::string& line) {
	bool more = true;

	while (more) {
		safeGetline(is, line);

		if (!is.eof()) {
			if (line.empty() || line[0] == '#') {
			more = false;
		else {
			return false;
	return true;
예제 #6
	// the main converter function for c++
	char* sass2scss (const string sass, const int options)

		// local variables
		string line;
		string scss = "";
		stringstream stream(sass);

		// create converter variable
		converter converter;
		// initialise all options
		converter.comma = false;
		converter.property = false;
		converter.selector = false;
		converter.semicolon = false;
		converter.end_of_file = false;
		converter.comment = "";
		converter.whitespace = "";
		converter.options = options;

		// read line by line and process them
		while(safeGetline(stream, line) && !stream.eof())
		{ scss += process(line, converter); }

		// create mutable string
		string closer = "";
		// set the end of file flag
		converter.end_of_file = true;
		// process to close all open blocks
		scss += process(closer, converter);

		// allocate new memory on the heap
		// caller has to free it after use
		char * cstr = (char*) malloc (scss.length() + 1);
		// create a copy of the string
		strcpy (cstr, scss.c_str());
		// return pointer
		return &cstr[0];

예제 #7
파일: ParseSNP.cpp 프로젝트: Cibiv/BODscore
void ParseSNP::init() {
    // Process Fasta File  ================================================
    ifstream fastaFile;
    fastaFile.open(reffile.c_str(), ifstream::in);
    if (!fastaFile.good()) {
        cerr << "Fasta Parser: could not open file: `" << reffile.c_str() << "`" <<endl;

        clog << "reading the reference FASTA file : `" << reffile.c_str() << "`"<< endl;

    safeGetline(fastaFile ,  buffer, buffer_size);
    // fastaFile.getline(buffer, buffer_size);
    int chr_ref = 0;
        while (!fastaFile.eof()) {

            if (buffer[0] == '>') {
            string chr;
            for (size_t i = 1;
                    i < buffer_size && buffer[i] != '\0' && ( buffer[i] != '\r' )  && buffer[i] != '\n'
                            && buffer[i] != ' '; i++) {
                chr += buffer[i];
            chromosome_vector[chr.c_str()] = chr_ref; // fill in a mapping : chromosome name [char] -> chr_ref [size_t]
        fastaFile.getline(buffer, buffer_size);
    clog << "In reference, " << chromosome_vector.size() << " contigs have been detected." << endl;
//    std::sort( chromosome_vector.begin(), chromosome_vector.end());
    // read_register_table();
   for (std::vector<string>::iterator it = exclude_contigs.begin(); it != exclude_contigs.end(); ++it){
          if (chromosome_vector.erase( *it ) )    clog << endl << "Excluded contig: \t" << *it << endl;
예제 #8
파일: ParseSNP.cpp 프로젝트: Cibiv/BODscore
void ParseSNP::parseVCF() {
    size_t COMMIT_EACH = 200;
    bool IMMEDIATE = false;

    ifstream vcfFile;
    vcfFile.open(snpfile.c_str(), ifstream::in);
    if (!vcfFile.good()) {
        clog << "SNP Parser: could not open file: " << snpfile.c_str()
                << endl;
        clog << "reading the VCF file" << endl;
//    vcfFile.getline(buffer, buffer_size);

    vector<int> tmp;
    string broken_chromosome = "";
//    snps.resize(chromosome_vector.size(), tmp);
    Parser * mapped_file = 0;
    FastaParser * fasta = new FastaParser(reffile);
    string ref;
    FILE * plotFile = NULL;
    // sqlite3pp::transaction * xct;
    bool transaction_flag = false;
    if (db_flag){
        clog << "writing to database: " <<  plot_file.c_str() << endl;
        db = new SqliteDb( plot_file.c_str() , verbose );
        db->init_sql_table( sample_label );
        db->place_register_record_begin(  snpfile , read_filename);
        if (!db) {  throw std::range_error("null pointer to the database");   
        } else { clog<< "table has been successfully initialized\t" << db << endl;} ;

    } else {
        plotFile = fopen(plot_file.c_str(), "a");
        if (plotFile == NULL) {
            cerr << "Error in printing: The file or path that you set "
//                << output.c_str()
                << " is not valid. It can be that there is no disc space available."
                << endl;
                ios_base::failure("cannot open output file for writing!");

    if (read_filename.find(".bam") != string::npos) {
        mapped_file = new BamParser(read_filename);
    clog << "======================================" << endl;
    clog << mapped_file->get_header() << endl;
    clog << "======================================" << endl;

//    clog << "num of chr " << genome.size() << endl;
 //   clog << "first chr size " << genome[0].size() << endl;
    clog << "`range` has been set to: " << range << endl;
    size_t chr_bam = 0;
    size_t temp_chr_ref = NA;
    size_t chr_ref = NA;
    int pos = 0;
    //    int n_snp = 0;  // <- global
    // ref = fasta->getChr(chr_ref);

    Coverage * cov;
    cov = new Coverage(range);

    while (!vcfFile.eof()) {

//        vcfFile.getline(buffer, buffer_size);
        safeGetline(vcfFile ,  buffer, buffer_size);
        if (buffer[0] == '#'){
            if (verbose){ clog << "skipping comment" << endl ;
                std::string s( buffer );
                if (s.find_last_of("\r") > 0){
                    clog << "this file contains Windows / MacOS specific end-of-line character \'\\r\'\n" <<  \
                        "@ position:\t" <<  s.find_last_of("\r") << "\n" << \
                        "consider running `dos2unix` or similar!" << endl;
        int field_count = 0;
        string current_chr;
        // read vcf file:
        // `i` -- runs for symbols
        // `field_count` -- runs for fields
        for (size_t i = 0; field_count< 2 && i < buffer_size && buffer[i] != '\0' && buffer[i] != '\n'; i++) {
            if (field_count == 0 && buffer[i] != '\t') {
                current_chr += buffer[i];

            if (field_count == 1 && buffer[i - 1] == '\t') { //start: pos column
                pos = atoi(&buffer[i]) - 1;
            } // end: pos column
            if (buffer[i] == '\t') {
        // process chromosome:
        if (verbose) { clog << "reading\t" << current_chr.c_str() << "\t" << pos << endl;}; 
        if ( chromosome_vector.count(current_chr.c_str()) > 0){ //found

            temp_chr_ref = chromosome_vector[current_chr.c_str()];
            if  (temp_chr_ref != chr_ref) { // new chromosome
                chr_ref = chromosome_vector[current_chr.c_str()];
                clog << endl; // "; getting next bam chromosome..." << endl;
                chr_bam = mapped_file->GetReferenceID( current_chr);
                if (chr_ref != chr_bam ){
                    cerr << "contig: " << current_chr << "; [fasta#:] " << chr_ref << "; [bam#:] " << chr_bam << ";  mismatch!" << endl;
                if (verbose) {
                    cout << endl;
                    cout << "contig [fasta#:]\t " << chr_ref + 1 \
                    << "\t[bam#:]\t" << chr_bam + 1 \
                    << "\t[vcf:]\t" << current_chr.c_str() << "\t[fasta:]\t " << fasta->contig_name[chr_ref] << endl;
                } else {
                    clog << "contig # " << chr_ref+1 << endl;
                ref = fasta->getChr(chr_ref);

                if (db_flag) {
                    if (transaction_flag){
                        clog << "commiting" << endl;
                        if (!db) {  throw std::range_error("null pointer to the database");    };
                    } else {
                        if (!db) {  throw std::range_error("null pointer to the database");    };
                        transaction_flag = true;
                    db->place_contig_table_record( chr_ref, current_chr);
                n_snp = 0;
        } else if (broken_chromosome.compare(current_chr)!=0){
            broken_chromosome = current_chr;
            cerr << endl << "Contig not found: \"\t" << broken_chromosome << "\t\"" << endl;
        } else {
            if (verbose){ cerr << "\rskipping:\t" << current_chr << "\t" << pos << endl; }

        // process position
        if (verbose){
           if (num_test && (n_snp >= num_test )){
           } else {
                n_snp ++;
          //  clog << endl;
            // the info will be printed later in the `process_snp` routine
        } else {
            clog << "\r" << setfill(' ') << setw(8) << pos+1;
        cov->reset(current_chr, chr_ref, pos); // cov->reset(chr_ref, pos);

        if (! process_snp(cov, ref, mapped_file, chr_ref, chr_bam) ){
            if (verbose>1) {
                throw std::logic_error(" error while processing a snp!!! ");
            } else {
                cerr << "  error while processing a snp! skipping... " << endl;
        if (db_flag){
            db->print_cov_db( *cov );
        } else { cov->print_cov(chr_ref, plotFile); }

        cov->estimate( read_length );

        if ( !(n_snp % COMMIT_EACH) && n_snp >0 ){
            clog << " | commiting" << endl;
        // finally:       
        // vcfFile.getline(buffer, buffer_size);
    clog << endl << "VCF file `" << snpfile.c_str() << "` has been successfully processed" << endl;

    if (db_flag){
        db->place_register_record( );
         // xct->rollback(); // sqlite
    } else  fclose(plotFile);