static char *mkCommonWhere(struct genomeInfo *genome, struct sqlConnection *conn, boolean inclStatus) /* Get the common clause. This is the where clause that selects GroupVersions * and CcdsUids that are currently selected by organism, build, and optionally status * values. WARNING: static return. */ { static char clause[1025]; safef(clause, sizeof(clause), "((Groups.tax_id = %d) " "AND (GroupVersions.group_uid = Groups.group_uid) " "AND (GroupVersions.build_uid = %d) " "AND (CcdsUids.group_uid = Groups.group_uid) ", genome->taxonId, genome->ccdsBuildId); if (inclStatus) { char clause2[1025]; safef(clause2, sizeof(clause2), "AND (CcdsStatusVals.ccds_status_val_uid = GroupVersions.ccds_status_val_uid) " "AND (CcdsStatusVals.ccds_status in (%s)) ", mkStatusValSet(conn)); safecat(clause, sizeof(clause), clause2); } safecat(clause, sizeof(clause), ")"); return clause; }
static void h1n1MkChimeraxTrashFullUrl(struct tempName *tmpPdb, char *fullUrl, int fullUrlSize) /* generate full URL for a chimerax file decompressed to trash */ { // FIXME: this is not generate (URL generation will not work on all web servers). // if this is kept, should address this. char *serverName = getenv("SERVER_NAME"); char *serverPort = getenv("SERVER_PORT"); char *scriptName = getenv("SCRIPT_NAME"); if ((serverName != NULL) && (serverPort != NULL) && (scriptName != NULL)) { // remote url safef(fullUrl, fullUrlSize, "http://%s", serverName); if (!sameString(serverPort, "80")) { safecat(fullUrl, fullUrlSize, ":"); safecat(fullUrl, fullUrlSize, serverPort); } safecat(fullUrl, fullUrlSize, scriptName); char *p = strrchr(fullUrl, '/'); if (p != NULL) *++p = '\0'; // drop cgi name, keeping directory safecat(fullUrl, fullUrlSize, tmpPdb->forHtml); } else { // local url safef(fullUrl, fullUrlSize, "file:///%s/%s", getCurrentDir(), tmpPdb->forHtml); } }
char *reverseComplementSlashSeparated(char *alleleStr) /* Given a slash-separated series of sequences (a common representation of variant alleles), * returns a slash-sep series with the reverse complement of each sequence (if it is a * nucleotide sequence). * Special behavior to support dbSNP's variant allele conventions: * 1. Reverse the order of sequences (to maintain alphabetical ordering). * 2. If alleleStr begins with "-/", then after reversing, move "-/" back to the beginning. */ { int len = strlen(alleleStr); char choppyCopy[len+1]; safecpy(choppyCopy, sizeof(choppyCopy), alleleStr); char *alleles[len]; int alCount = chopByChar(choppyCopy, '/', alleles, ArraySize(alleles)); char *outStr = needMem(len+1); int i; for (i = alCount-1; i >= 0; i--) { char *allele = alleles[i]; int alLen = strlen(allele); if (isAllNt(allele, alLen)) reverseComplement(allele, alLen); if (i != alCount-1) safecat(outStr, len+1, "/"); safecat(outStr, len+1, allele); } if (startsWith("-/", alleleStr)) { // Keep "-/" at the beginning: memmove(outStr+2, outStr, len-2); outStr[0] = '-'; outStr[1] = '/'; } return outStr; }
static void tempNameFromPrefix(struct tempName *name, struct tempName *prefix, char *suffix) /* build a tempName based on an existing tempName and a suffix */ { safecpy(name->forCgi, sizeof(name->forCgi), prefix->forCgi); safecat(name->forCgi, sizeof(name->forCgi), suffix); safecpy(name->forHtml, sizeof(name->forHtml), prefix->forHtml); safecat(name->forHtml, sizeof(name->forHtml), suffix); }
char *lsSnpPdbGetUrlPdbSnp(char *pdbId, char *snpId) /* get LS-SNP/PDB URL for a particular PDB and/or SNP. One or the two * ids maybe null */ { char url[256], sep='?'; safecpy(url, sizeof(url), ""); if (pdbId != NULL) { safecat(url, sizeof(url), fmtParam(sep, "pdbId", pdbId)); sep = '&'; } if (snpId != NULL) safecat(url, sizeof(url), fmtParam(sep, "snpId", snpId)); return cloneString(url); }
static void printHeaderColumns(struct annoFormatTab *self, struct annoStreamer *source, boolean isFirst) /* Print names of included columns from this source. */ { FILE *f = self->f; char *sourceName = source->name; boolean isAvg = isWiggle(source->asObj->columnList) && doAvg; struct asColumn *col; int i; for (col = source->asObj->columnList, i = 0; col != NULL; col = col->next, i++) { if (columnIsIncluded(self, sourceName, col->name)) { if (isFirst) { fputc('#', f); isFirst = FALSE; } else fputc('\t', f); char fullName[PATH_LEN]; makeFullColumnName(fullName, sizeof(fullName), sourceName, col->name); if (isAvg && sameString(col->name, "value")) safecat(fullName, sizeof(fullName), "Average"); fputs(fullName, f); } } }
static char *mkCommonFrom(boolean inclStatus) /* Get common FROM clause. WARNING: static return. */ { static char clause[257]; safecpy(clause, sizeof(clause), "Groups, " "GroupVersions, " "CcdsUids"); if (inclStatus) safecat(clause, sizeof(clause), ", CcdsStatusVals"); return clause; }
static struct hashEl *mkDefault(struct prefixElems *dbElems, struct hashEl *defEl) /* generate a database-specific value from a default */ { char name[128]; safecpy(name, sizeof(name), dbElems->prefix); safecat(name, sizeof(name), strchr(defEl->name, '.')); struct hashEl *dbDefEl; AllocVar(dbDefEl); dbDefEl->name = cloneString(name); dbDefEl->val = defEl->val; return dbDefEl; }
static struct pgSnp *vcfFileToPgSnp(struct vcfFile *vcff, struct trackDb *tdb) /* Convert vcff's records to pgSnp; don't free vcff until you're done with pgSnp * because it contains pointers into vcff's records' chrom. */ { struct pgSnp *pgsList = NULL; struct vcfRecord *rec; int maxLen = 33; int maxAlCount = 5; for (rec = vcff->records; rec != NULL; rec = rec->next) { struct pgSnpVcfStartEnd *psvs = needMem(sizeof(*psvs)); psvs->vcfStart = vcfRecordTrimIndelLeftBase(rec); psvs->vcfEnd = vcfRecordTrimAllelesRight(rec); struct pgSnp *pgs = pgSnpFromVcfRecord(rec); memcpy(&(psvs->pgs), pgs, sizeof(*pgs)); pgs = (struct pgSnp *)psvs; // leak mem // Insertion sequences can be quite long; abbreviate here for display. int len = strlen(pgs->name); if (len > maxLen) { int maxAlLen = (maxLen / min(rec->alleleCount, maxAlCount)) - 1; pgs->name[0] = '\0'; int i; for (i = 0; i < rec->alleleCount; i++) { if (i > 0) safencat(pgs->name, len+1, "/", 1); if (i >= maxAlCount) { safecat(pgs->name, len+1, "..."); pgs->alleleCount = maxAlCount; break; } if (strlen(rec->alleles[i]) > maxAlLen-3) strcpy(rec->alleles[i]+maxAlLen-3, "..."); safencat(pgs->name, len+1, rec->alleles[i], maxAlLen); } } slAddHead(&pgsList, pgs); } slReverse(&pgsList); return pgsList; }
static boolean matchingFilesExist(char *db, char* varName, char *val, char *replacePre, char *replaceVal) /* Check that files specified by variable value exist */ { char path[PATH_LEN]; if ((replacePre != NULL) && startsWith(replacePre, val)) { safecpy(path, sizeof(path), replaceVal); safecat(path, sizeof(path), val+strlen(replacePre)); } else safecpy(path, sizeof(path), val); char *name = strrchr(path, '/'); if (name == NULL) errAbort("must have absolute path: %s.%s = %s", db, varName, val); *name++ = '\0'; struct slName *hits = listDir(path, name); boolean have = (hits != NULL); slFreeList(&hits); verbose(3, "%s.%s\t%s\t%s/%s\n", db, varName, (have ? "have" : "missing"), path, name); return have; }
INLINE void abbrevAndHandleRC(char *abbrevAl, size_t abbrevAlSize, const char *fullAl) /* Limit the size of displayed allele to abbrevAlSize-1 and handle reverse-complemented display. */ { boolean fullLen = strlen(fullAl); boolean truncating = (fullLen > abbrevAlSize-1); if (truncating) { int truncLen = abbrevAlSize - 4; if (revCmplDisp) { safencpy(abbrevAl, abbrevAlSize, (fullAl + fullLen - truncLen), truncLen); reverseComplement(abbrevAl, truncLen); } else safencpy(abbrevAl, abbrevAlSize, fullAl, truncLen); safecat(abbrevAl, abbrevAlSize, "..."); } else { safecpy(abbrevAl, abbrevAlSize, fullAl); if (revCmplDisp) reverseComplement(abbrevAl, fullLen); } }
void checkFilename(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *table, struct hash *allBbiNames) { char buffer[10 * 1024]; char fileName[10 * 1024]; char oldSymlink[10 * 1024]; verbose(2, "checking for fileName field in table %s \n", table); // see if this is even a bbi table boolean bbiTable = FALSE; struct slName *fnames = sqlFieldNames(conn, table); if ((slCount(fnames) == 1) && (sameString(fnames->name, "fileName"))) bbiTable = TRUE; slFreeList(&fnames); if (!bbiTable) return; sqlSafef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "select fileName from %s limit 1", table); if (sqlQuickQuery(conn, buffer, fileName, sizeof fileName) != NULL) { while(1) // loop to catch .bai as well as .bam { hashAdd(allBbiNames, fileName, NULL); verbose(2,"got table.fileName %s\n", fileName); // file exists FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r"); if (f == NULL) { warn("fileName %s from table %s can't be opened", fileName, table); return; } else fclose(f); // check that the filename and object base match char *base = strrchr(fileName, '/'); if (base == NULL) { warn("fileName %s in table %s not absolute path", fileName, table); return; } else { base++; char *dot = strchr(base, '.'); if (dot == NULL) { warn("fileName %s in table %s does not have suffix", fileName, table); return; } else { char saveChar = *dot; *dot = 0; if (!sameString(table, base)) { warn("fileName %s doesn't match table %s", base, table); return; } *dot = saveChar; } } // this file is really a symlink, so check its link target ssize_t bufRead = readlink(fileName, oldSymlink, sizeof oldSymlink); if (bufRead == -1) { errnoWarn("error reading symlink %s", fileName); return; } else { oldSymlink[bufRead] = 0; // needs termination. if (!fileExists(oldSymlink)) { warn("symlink target %s does not exist!", oldSymlink); return; } else verbose(2,"got symlink %s\n", oldSymlink); } // check that the symlink and object base match base = strrchr(oldSymlink, '/'); if (base == NULL) { warn("symlink %s in fileName %s not absolute path",oldSymlink, fileName); return; } else { base++; char *dot = strchr(base, '.'); if (dot == NULL) { warn("symlink %s in fileName %s does not have suffix", oldSymlink, fileName); return; } else { char saveChar = *dot; *dot = 0; if (!sameString(table, base)) { warn("symlink %s doesn't match table %s", base, table); return; } *dot = saveChar; } } /* Note "fileIndex" for .bai has been made obsolete so we'll just hard-wire in the .bai support */ if (!endsWith(fileName, ".bam")) break; safecat(fileName, sizeof(fileName), ".bai"); } } }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int daf_service_delete(void) { char cmd[1024]; char msg[1024]; char timestamp[16]; char backup_inittab_filename[64]; #if defined AIX print_msg_to_console("Updating /etc/inittab entry\n"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // remove any previous entry //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- safecpy(backup_inittab_filename, "/etc/inittab.", sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); get_current_time_as_timestamp(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), '.'); safecat(backup_inittab_filename, timestamp, sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); sprintf(msg, "Backing up /etc/inittab in %s\n", backup_inittab_filename); print_msg_to_console(msg); if (copy_file("/etc/inittab", backup_inittab_filename) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Backup of inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } print_msg_to_console(" Removing any previous daf service entry in /etc/inittab\n"); safecpy(cmd, "cat /etc/inittab | grep \"daf:\"", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd(cmd, 1) == 0) { safecpy(cmd, "rmitab \"daf\"", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd_and_print_all_output(cmd) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Removal of daf service entry in /etc/inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } } else { safecpy(msg, "No daf entry found in /etc/inittab so none was removed\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); } print_msg_to_console("/etc/inittab entry updated successfully\n"); #elif defined LINUX || defined SOLARIS || defined HPUX //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // remove any previous entry //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This could be Debian/Ubuntu and could be before we have installed DAF so there might not // be a /etc/inittab file existing yet - check for this if (! does_file_exist("/etc/inittab")) { if (does_file_exist(DAF_DEBIAN_ETC_INIT_CONF_PATH)) { safecpy(cmd, "rm " DAF_DEBIAN_ETC_INIT_CONF_PATH, sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd(cmd, 1) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Removal of " DAF_DEBIAN_ETC_INIT_CONF_PATH " failed\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } } print_msg_to_console(DAF_DEBIAN_ETC_INIT_CONF_PATH " removed\n"); } else { print_msg_to_console("Updating /etc/inittab entry\n"); safecpy(backup_inittab_filename, "/etc/inittab.", sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); get_current_time_as_timestamp(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), '.'); safecat(backup_inittab_filename, timestamp, sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); sprintf(msg, "Backing up /etc/inittab in %s\n", backup_inittab_filename); print_msg_to_console(msg); if (copy_file ("/etc/inittab", backup_inittab_filename) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Backup of inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } print_msg_to_console(" Removing any previous daf service entry in /etc/inittab\n"); safecpy(cmd, "cat ", sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, backup_inittab_filename, sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, " | grep -v \""DAF_SERVICE_INVOCATION"\" > /etc/inittab", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd(cmd, 0) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Removal of previous daf service in inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } print_msg_to_console("/etc/inittab entry updated successfully\n"); } #endif if (is_daf_service_running()) { print_msg_to_console("daf daemon is running - and will now be stopped\n"); if (stop_daf_service_running() != 0) { print_msg_to_console("Problem trying to stop daf daemon\n"); } } return(0); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int daf_service_install(char *daf_binary_path, char *argv0) { char cmd[1024]; char msg[1024]; char daf_path[64]; char daf_binary_to_install[64]; char timestamp[16]; char backup_inittab_filename[64]; struct stat fileStat; char *pathname = "/etc/inittab"; if (daf_binary_path == NULL) { if (get_current_executable_path(argv0, daf_binary_to_install, sizeof(daf_binary_to_install)) !=0) { print_msg_to_console("Problem trying to determine path of current executable\n"); return(1); } } else { safecpy(daf_binary_to_install, daf_binary_path, sizeof(daf_binary_to_install)); } // ensure that directories that are needed do actually exist and delelete existing profile // and start up script ensure_directory_path_exists(DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_DIR); ensure_directory_path_exists(DAF_SERVICE_LOG_DIR); delete_file(DAF_SERVICE_START_SCRIPT_PATH); delete_file(DAF_SERVICE_PROFILE_PATH); // are we trying to copy the same file onto itself, -if so then // do not do the copy as it it will fail if (strcmp(daf_binary_to_install, DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_PATH) == 0) { sprintf(msg, "Requested install image %s is identical to install destination: %s\n", daf_binary_to_install, DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_PATH); print_msg_to_console(msg); } else { if (copy_file(daf_binary_to_install, DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_PATH) != 0) { /* make sure the SETuid bit is on so that daf can assume root priviledges if it is run by a non root user */ /* is this a security hole ?? <<<<<<<<<< */ sprintf(msg, "Could not copy %s into installation directory at %s\n", daf_binary_to_install, DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_PATH); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } else { if (chmod_file(DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_PATH, "u+s") != 0) { sprintf(msg, "Could not set setuid permission bit on %s\n", DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_PATH); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } } } if (create_default_daf_service_profile() != 0) { print_msg_to_console("Could not install command profile into standard daf service directory\n"); return(1); } else { print_msg_to_console("daf service command profile installed successfully\n"); } if (create_daf_service_start_script() != 0) { print_msg_to_console("Could not install start script into standard daf service directory\n"); return(1); } else { print_msg_to_console("daf service start script installed successfully\n"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- safecpy(daf_path, DAF_SERVICE_BINARY_PATH, sizeof(daf_path)); if (is_daf_service_running()) { print_msg_to_console("daf daemon is running - and will now be stopped\n"); if (stop_daf_service_running() != 0) { print_msg_to_console("Problem trying to stop daf daemon\n"); } } print_msg_to_console("Updating /etc/inittab entry\n"); #if defined AIX //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // remove any previous entry //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_msg_to_console("Removing any previous daf service entry in /etc/inittab\n"); safecpy(cmd, "cat /etc/inittab | grep \"daf:\"", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd(cmd, 1) == 0) { safecpy(cmd, "rmitab \"daf\"", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd_and_print_all_output(cmd) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Removal of daf service entry in /etc/inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add daf daemon to /etc/inittab //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- safecpy(backup_inittab_filename, "/etc/inittab.", sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); get_current_time_as_timestamp(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), '.'); safecat(backup_inittab_filename, timestamp, sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); sprintf(msg, "Backing up /etc/inittab in %s\n", backup_inittab_filename); print_msg_to_console(msg); if (copy_file("/etc/inittab", backup_inittab_filename) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Backup of inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "Could not copy /etc/inittab to %s", backup_inittabl_filename, sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } print_msg_to_console("Adding daf service entry to /etc/inittab\n"); safecpy(cmd, "mkitab \"daf:2:once:", sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, DAF_SERVICE_INVOCATION, sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, " >/dev/null 2>&1", sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, "\"", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd_and_print_all_output(cmd) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Update of inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } #elif defined LINUX || defined SOLARIS || defined HPUX //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add daf daemon to /etc/inittab // First check to see if /etc/inittab exists - if it does not this may be // Debian or Ubuntu in which case we must create an empty file // (Debian/Ubuntu use the Startup mechanism instead of /etc/inittab but // still support the old /etc/inittab file it is present // see for instance: //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!does_file_exist("/etc/inittab")) { sprintf(msg, "/etc/inittab did not exist - assuming Debian/Ubuntu - so creating /etc/init entry\n"); print_msg_to_console(msg); create_etc_init_conf(); return(0); } if (stat(pathname, &fileStat) < 0) { sprintf(msg, "stat(%s) failed - it seems %s is missing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \n", pathname, pathname ); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } // Later versions of Redhat etc do not use /etc/inittab (but will still honour it if exists - so if the file is empty, // we just put a single comment line into so that later code that updates the /etc/inittab file will work if (fileStat.st_size == 0) { if (run_system_cmd("cat '* just a comment' >>/etc/inittab", 0) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "cat \"* just a comment\" >>/etc/inittab failed\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // remove any previous entry, making sure we backup /etc/inittab //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- safecpy(backup_inittab_filename, "/etc/inittab.", sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); get_current_time_as_timestamp(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), '.'); safecat(backup_inittab_filename, timestamp, sizeof(backup_inittab_filename)); sprintf(msg, "Backing up /etc/inittab in %s\n", backup_inittab_filename); print_msg_to_console(msg); print_msg_to_console("Removing any previous daf service entry in /etc/inittab\n"); if (copy_file("/etc/inittab", backup_inittab_filename) != 0) { snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Copy of /etc/inittab to %s failed\n", backup_inittab_filename); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } safecpy(cmd, "cat ", sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, backup_inittab_filename, sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, " | grep -v \""DAF_SERVICE_INVOCATION"\" > /etc/inittab", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd(cmd, 0) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Removal of previous daf service in inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } safecpy(cmd, "cat ", sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, backup_inittab_filename, sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, " | grep -v \""DAF_SERVICE_INVOCATION"\" > /etc/inittab", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd(cmd, 0) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Removal of previous daf service in inittab failed: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add daf daemon to /etc/inittab //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_msg_to_console("Adding daf service entry to /etc/inittab\n"); safecpy(cmd, "echo \"daf:345:once:", sizeof(msg)); safecat(cmd, DAF_SERVICE_INVOCATION, sizeof(cmd)); safecat(cmd, " \" 2>/dev/null >>/etc/inittab", sizeof(cmd)); if (run_system_cmd(cmd, 0) != 0) { safecpy(msg, "Adding daf service entry to /etc/inittab: ", sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, cmd, sizeof(msg)); safecat(msg, "\n", sizeof(msg)); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } #endif print_msg_to_console("/etc/inittab entry updated successfully\n"); return(0); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int get_current_executable_path(char *executable, char *path, int max_path_length) { char cwdpath[64]; #if defined AIX char cmd[256]; char msg[1024]; #elif defined LINUX char cmd[256]; char msg[1024]; #elif defined SOLARIS const char *pexecpath; #elif defined HPUX char *pexecpath; #elif defined WIN32 #endif if (strlen(executable) == 0 ) { safecpy(path, "notknown", max_path_length); return(1); } if (executable[0] == '/') { safecpy(path, executable, max_path_length); return(0); } if (strlen(executable) > 1) { if ((executable[0] == '.') && (executable[1] == '/')) { getcwd(cwdpath, sizeof(cwdpath)); safecpy(path, cwdpath, max_path_length); safecat(path, &executable[1], max_path_length); return(0); } } #if defined AIX sprintf(cmd, "which %s", executable); if (run_system_cmd_and_capture_single_line_output(cmd, path , max_path_length)) { sprintf(msg, "command to find path of current executable: %s failed\n", cmd); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } #elif defined LINUX // readlink("/proc/self/exe", path, max_path_length); sprintf(cmd, "which %s", executable); if (run_system_cmd_and_capture_single_line_output(cmd, path , max_path_length)) { sprintf(msg, "command to find path of current executable: %s failed\n", cmd); print_msg_to_console(msg); return(1); } #elif defined SOLARIS getcwd(cwdpath, sizeof(cwdpath)); pexecpath = getexecname(); safecpy(path, pexecpath, max_path_length); if (path[0] != '/') { safecpy(path, cwdpath, max_path_length); safecat(path, pexecpath, max_path_length); } #elif defined HPUX pexecpath = pathfind(getenv("PATH"), executable, "x"); safecpy(path, pexecpath, max_path_length); #elif defined WIN32 || defined NETWARE safecpy(path, "not done yet", max_path_length); #endif chomp(path); return(0); }