예제 #1
파일: segy_io.c 프로젝트: hertzsprung/gmt5
float *get_segy_data(FILE *file_ptr, SEGYHEAD *head_ptr) {
  float    *data_ptr;
  uint32_t num_samps;

  num_samps = samp_rd(head_ptr);

  data_ptr = calloc(num_samps, sizeof(float));
  if (data_ptr == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Out of memory for SEGY data ");
    return (NULL);
  /* read in data  */
  if (fread(data_ptr, sizeof (float), num_samps, file_ptr) != num_samps) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unable to read data ");
    return (NULL);
  return (data_ptr);
예제 #2
int main (int argc, char **argv)
	GMT_LONG error = FALSE;
	int xplot_cdp = FALSE, xplot_offset = FALSE, fix_x = FALSE, byte_x = 0; /* parameters for location plot */
	int yplot_cdp = FALSE, yplot_offset = FALSE, fix_y = FALSE, byte_y = 0;
	int doclip = FALSE;
	int normalize = FALSE, do_fill = FALSE, negative = FALSE, plot_wig = FALSE;
	int no_zero = FALSE, polarity=1;
	int swap_bytes = FALSE;
	int swap_bytes = TRUE;

	int i, nm;
	int ix, iz, n_traces=10000, n_samp=0, n_sampr=0, shade[3]={0,0,0}, trans[3]={-1,-1,-1};

	int check;

	double w, e, s, n, dx = 1.0, dz = 0.0; /* dx, dz are trace and sample interval */
	double xlen, ylen, xpix, ypix;
	double x0 = 0.0 , y0 = 0.0;

	float bias = 0.0, scale = 1.0, clip = 0.0, dev_x = 0.0, dev_y = 0.0;
	double redvel=0.0;
	float toffset=0.0;

	char input[512];
	char *text = NULL;
	char *head = NULL;
	int head2;

	char reelhead[3200];
	float *data = NULL;
	SEGYHEAD *header = NULL;
	SEGYREEL binhead;

	FILE *fpi = NULL;

	input[0] = 0;
	w = e = s = n = 0.0;

	argc = (int)GMT_begin (argc, argv);

	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
			switch (argv[i][1]) {
				/* Common parameters */

				case 'V':
				case 'R':
				case 'J':
				case 'O':
				case 'K':
				case 'P':
				case '\0':
					error += GMT_parse_common_options (argv[i], &w, &e, &s, &n);
                                case 'E':
					error += GMT_get_proj3D (&argv[i][2], &z_project.view_azimuth, &z_project.view_elevation);
				/* parameters for wiggle mode */
				case 'F':
					do_fill = TRUE;
					if (GMT_getrgb (&argv[i][2], shade)) {
						GMT_rgb_syntax ('F', " ");
				case 'I':
					negative = TRUE;
				case 'W':
					plot_wig = TRUE;
				/* trace norm., clip and bias */
				case 'N':
					normalize = TRUE;
				case 'C':
					doclip = TRUE;
					clip = (float) atof (&argv[i][2]);
				case 'B':
					bias = (float) atof (&argv[i][2]);
				case 'Z':
					no_zero = TRUE;
				/* variable spacing */
				case 'S':
				  if ((text = strstr(&argv[i][2], "/")) != NULL) {
				    	text = strtok(&argv[i][2], "/");
				    	if ((text[0] >='0' && text[0]<='9') || text[0] == '-'){
				      		fix_x = TRUE;
				      	x0 = (double) atof(text);
							case 'o':
								xplot_offset = TRUE;
							case 'c':
								xplot_cdp = TRUE;
							case 'b':
					  			byte_x = atoi(&text[1]);
				    	} /* now parameters for y */
				  	text = strtok(CNULL, "/");
				  	if (text != NULL){
				    		if ((text[0] >='0' && text[0]<='9') || text[0] == '-'){
				      			fix_y = TRUE;
				      			y0 = (double) atof(text);
								case 'o':
									yplot_offset = TRUE;
								case 'c':
									yplot_cdp = TRUE;
								case 'b':
							  	byte_y = atoi(&text[1]);
				    		fprintf(stderr,"%s:  Must specify parameters for x and y \n", GMT_program);
					fprintf(stderr,"%s:  Must specify parameters for x and y \n", GMT_program);
				/*error += (!xplot_cdp && !xplot_offset && !byte_x && !fix_x);
				error += (!yplot_cdp && !yplot_offset && !byte_x && !fix_y);*/
				/* trace scaling */
				case 'D':
				  	if ((text = strstr(&argv[i][2], "/")) != NULL) {
				   	 	text = strtok(&argv[i][2], "/");
						dev_x = (float) atof (text);
				  		text = strtok(CNULL, "/");
						dev_y = (float) atof (text);
						dev_x = (float) atof (&argv[i][2]);
					/*error += ((dev_x < 0.0) && (dev_y < 0.0));*/
					error += (!dev_x && !dev_y);
			/*fprintf (stderr, "dev_x %f \t dev_y %f \n",dev_x, dev_y);*/
				/* over-rides of header info */
				case 'X': /* -X and -Y can be changed in gmt routines to lower case...*/
				case 'x':
					dx = atof (&argv[i][2]);
				case 'Y':
				case 'y':
					dz = atof (&argv[i][2]);
				case 'L':
					n_sampr = atoi (&argv[i][2]);
				case 'M':
					n_traces = atoi (&argv[i][2]);
				/* reduction velocity application */
				case 'U':
					redvel = atof (&argv[i][2]);
				case 'A':
					swap_bytes = !swap_bytes;
					error = TRUE;
		else if ((fpi = fopen (argv[i], "rb")) == NULL) {
			fprintf (stderr, "%s: Cannot find segy file %s\n",  GMT_program, argv[i]);
			exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

	if (argc == 1 || GMT_give_synopsis_and_exit) {
		fprintf (stderr, "pssegyz %s - Plot a segy file in PostScript\n\n", GMT_VERSION);
		fprintf (stderr, "usage: pssegyz [<segyfile>] %s %s -D<dev>\n", GMT_Jx_OPT, GMT_Rx_OPT);
		fprintf (stderr, "	[%s] [-C<clip>] [-B<bias>] [-N] [-Z]\n", GMT_E_OPT);
		fprintf (stderr, "	[-F<gray>|<r/g/b>] [-I] [-W] [-S<x>/<y>]\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "	[-X<dx>] [-Y<dz>] [-L<nsamp>] [-M<ntraces>] \n");
		fprintf (stderr, "	[-U<redvel>] [-A] [-O] [-K] [-P]\n");

		if (GMT_give_synopsis_and_exit) exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

		fprintf (stderr, 
			"\n\t-Jx for projection.  Scale in INCH/units.  Specify one:\n\t -Jx<x-scale>              Linear projection\n\t-Jx<x-scale>l             Log10 projection\n\t  -Jx<x-scale>p<power>      x^power projection\n\tUse / to specify separate x/y scaling.\n\t If -JX is used then give axes lengths rather than scales\n\t regular map projections may not work!\n");
		GMT_explain_option ('R');
		fprintf (stderr, "	NB units for y are s or km\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "	-D<dev> to give deviation in X units of plot for 1.0 on scaled trace.\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "	<dev> is single number (applied equally in X and Y directions or <devX>/<devY>.\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "	 IEEE SEGY file [or standard input] \n\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "\n\tOPTIONS:\n");
		GMT_explain_option ('E');
		GMT_explain_option ('V');
		fprintf (stderr, "	-C<clip> to clip scaled trace excursions at <clip>, applied after bias\n");
		fprintf (stderr, "	-B<bias> to bias scaled traces (-B-0.1 subtracts 0.1 from values)\n");
		fprintf (stderr,"	-N to trace normalize the plot\n");
		fprintf (stderr,"		order of operations: [normalize][bias][clip](deviation)\n");
		fprintf (stderr,"	-Z to suppress plotting traces whose rms amplitude is 0 \n");
		fprintf (stderr,"	-F<gray>|<r/g/b> to fill variable area with shade\n");
		fprintf (stderr,"		only single color for the bitmap though\n");
		fprintf (stderr,"	-I to fill negative rather than positive excursions\n");
		fprintf (stderr,"	-W to plot wiggle trace\n");
		fprintf (stderr,"	must specify either -W or -F\n");
		fprintf (stderr,"	-X<mult> multiply trace locations by <mult>\n");
		fprintf (stderr,"	-Y<dz> to override sample interval\n");
		fprintf (stderr,"	-S<x/y> to set variable spacing\n");
		fprintf (stderr,"		x,y are (number) for fixed location, c for cdp, o for offset, b<n> for long int at byte n\n");
		fprintf (stderr,"	-L<nsamp> to override number of samples\n");
		fprintf (stderr,"	-M<ntraces> to fix number of traces. Default reads all traces.\n\t\t-M0 will read number in binary header, -Mn will attempt to read only n traces.\n");
		fprintf (stderr,"	-U<redvel> to apply reduction velocity (-ve removes reduction alreadz present)\n");
		fprintf (stderr,"	-A flips the default byte-swap state (default assumes data have a bigendian byte-order)\n");
		GMT_explain_option ('O');
		GMT_explain_option ('K');
		GMT_explain_option ('P');
		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

	if (negative && !do_fill){ /* negative with no fill */
		fprintf(stderr,"%s: SYNTAX ERROR: Must specify -F with -I\n", GMT_program);
	if (!do_fill && !plot_wig){ /* no plotting specified */
 		fprintf(stderr,"%s: SYNTAX ERROR: Must specify -F or -W\n", GMT_program);
 	if (dev_x < 0.0 || dev_y < 0.0){
 		fprintf(stderr,"%s: SYNTAX ERROR: Must specify a positive deviation\n",GMT_program);
 	if (!GMT_IS_LINEAR){
 		fprintf(stderr,"%s: WARNING: you asked for a non-rectangular projection. \n It will probably still work, but be prepared for problems\n",GMT_program);
  	if (!project_info.z_bottom && !project_info.z_top){ /* no z range in the -R parameter */
 		fprintf(stderr,"%s: ERROR: must specify z range in -R option.",GMT_program);
  	if (!project_info.region_supplied){ /* no -R parameter */
 		fprintf(stderr,"%s: ERROR: must specify -R option.",GMT_program);
	if (z_project.view_azimuth > 360.0 || z_project.view_elevation <= 0.0 || z_project.view_elevation > 90.0) {
                fprintf (stderr, "%s: GMT SYNTAX ERROR -E option:  Enter azimuth in 0-360 range, elevation in 0-90 range\n", GMT_program);

 	if ((xplot_cdp && xplot_offset) || (yplot_cdp && yplot_offset) || (xplot_cdp && byte_x) || (yplot_cdp && byte_y) || (byte_x && xplot_offset) || (byte_y && yplot_offset)){
 		fprintf(stderr,"%s: SYNTAX ERROR: Can't specify more than one trace location key\n",GMT_program);
 	if (error) exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

	if (fpi == NULL) fpi = stdin;

/* set up map projection and PS plotting */
	GMT_err_fail (GMT_map_setup (w, e, s, n), "");
	GMT_plotinit (argc, argv);

        /*if (project_info.three_D) ps_transrotate (-z_project.xmin, -z_project.ymin, 0.0);*/

/* define area for plotting and size of array for bitmap */
	xlen = z_project.xmax-z_project.xmin;
	xpix = xlen*gmtdefs.dpi; /* pixels in x direction */
	/*xpix /= 8.0;
	bm_nx = 1 +(int) xpix;*/
	bm_nx = (int) ceil (xpix/8.0); /* store 8 pixels per byte in x direction but must have
				whole number of bytes per scan */
	ylen = z_project.ymax-z_project.ymin;
	ypix = ylen*gmtdefs.dpi; /* pixels in y direction */
	bm_ny = (int) ypix;
	nm = bm_nx*bm_ny;

/* read in reel headers from segy file */
	if ((check = get_segy_reelhd (fpi, reelhead)) != TRUE) exit(1);
	if ((check = get_segy_binhd (fpi, &binhead)) != TRUE) exit(1);

/* this is a little-endian system, and we need to byte-swap ints in the reel header - we only
use a few of these*/
		if (gmtdefs.verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s: swapping bytes for ints in the headers\n", GMT_program);
		binhead.num_traces = GMT_swab2(binhead.num_traces);
		binhead.nsamp = GMT_swab2(binhead.nsamp);
		binhead.dsfc = GMT_swab2(binhead.dsfc);
		binhead.sr = GMT_swab2(binhead.sr);

/* set parameters from the reel headers */
	if (!n_traces)
		n_traces = binhead.num_traces;

	if (gmtdefs.verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Number of traces in header is %d\n", GMT_program, n_traces);

	if (!n_sampr){/* number of samples not overridden*/
		n_sampr = binhead.nsamp;
		fprintf(stderr,"%s: Number of samples per trace is %d\n", GMT_program, n_sampr);
	else if ((n_sampr != binhead.nsamp) && (binhead.nsamp))
		fprintf(stderr,"%s: warning nsampr input %d, nsampr in header %d\n", GMT_program, n_sampr, binhead.nsamp);

	if (!n_sampr){ /* no number of samples still - a problem! */
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, number of samples per trace unknown\n", GMT_program);
		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Number of samples is %dl\n", GMT_program, n_samp);

	if(binhead.dsfc != 5) fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING data not in IEEE format\n", GMT_program);

	if (!dz){
		dz = binhead.sr; /* sample interval of data (microseconds) */
		dz /= 1000000.0;
		fprintf(stderr,"%s: Sample interval is %f s\n", GMT_program, dz);
	else if ((dz != binhead.sr) && (binhead.sr)) /* value in header overridden by input */
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning dz input %f, dz in header %f\n", GMT_program, dz, (float)binhead.sr);

	if (!dz){ /* still no sample interval at this point is a problem! */
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, no sample interval in reel header\n", GMT_program);
		exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

	bitmap = (unsigned char *) GMT_memory (NULL, (size_t)nm, sizeof (char), "pssegyz");

	while ((ix<n_traces) && (header = get_segy_header(fpi))){   /* read traces one by one */
	/* check true location header for x */
		if (xplot_offset){ /* plot traces by offset, cdp, or input order */
			int32_t offset = ((swap_bytes)? GMT_swab4(header->sourceToRecDist): header->sourceToRecDist);
			x0 = (double) offset;
		else if (xplot_cdp){
			int32_t cdpval = ((swap_bytes)? GMT_swab4(header->cdpEns): header->cdpEns);
			x0 = (double) cdpval;
		else if (byte_x){ /* ugly code - want to get value starting at byte_x of header into a double... */
		   	head = (char *) header;
			memcpy(&head2, &head[byte_x], 4); /* edited to fix bug where 8bytes were copied from head.
                                                Caused by casting to a long directly from char array*/ 
			x0 = (double) ((swap_bytes)? GMT_swab4(head2): head2);
		else if (fix_x)
			x0 /= dx;
			x0 = (1.0 + (double) ix); /* default x to input trace number */

	/* now do same for y */
		if (yplot_offset){ /* plot traces by offset, cdp, or input order */
			int32_t offset = ((swap_bytes)? GMT_swab4(header->sourceToRecDist): header->sourceToRecDist);
			y0 = (double) offset;
		else if (yplot_cdp){
			int32_t cdpval = ((swap_bytes)? GMT_swab4(header->cdpEns): header->cdpEns);
			y0 = (double) cdpval;
		else if (byte_y){
			head =  (char *) header;
			memcpy(&head2, &head[byte_y], 4); /* edited to fix bug where 8bytes were copied from head.
                                                Caused by casting to a long directly from char array*/ 
			y0 = (double) ((swap_bytes)? GMT_swab4(head2): head2);
		else if (fix_y)
			y0 /= dx;
			y0 = s / dx; /* default y to s edge of projection */

		x0 *= dx;
		y0 *= dx; /* scale x and y by the input dx scalar */

		if (swap_bytes){
/* need to permanently byte-swap some things in the trace header 
do this after getting the location of where traces are plotted in case the general byte_x case
overlaps a defined header in a strange way */

		if (gmtdefs.verbose) 
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: trace %d at x=%f, y=%f \n", GMT_program, ix+1, x0, y0);

		if (redvel){
			toffset = (float) -(fabs((double)(header->sourceToRecDist))/redvel);
			if (gmtdefs.verbose)
				fprintf(stderr, "%s: time shifted by %f\n", GMT_program, toffset);

		data = (float *) get_segy_data(fpi, header); /* read a trace */
	/* get number of samples in _this_ trace (e.g. OMEGA has strange ideas about SEGY standard)
                or set to number in reel header */
                if ( !(n_samp = samp_rd(header)) ) n_samp = n_sampr;

		if(swap_bytes){ /* need to swap the order of the bytes in the data even though assuming IEEE format */
			int *intdata = (int *) data;
			for (iz=0; iz<n_samp; iz++){

		if(normalize || no_zero){
			scale= (float) rms(data, n_samp);
			if (gmtdefs.verbose) 
				fprintf(stderr, "%s: \t\t rms value is %f\n", GMT_program, scale);
		for (iz=0; iz<n_samp; iz++){ /* scale bias and clip each sample in the trace */
			if (normalize) data[iz] /= scale;
			data[iz] += bias; 
			if(doclip && (fabs(data[iz]) > clip)) data[iz] = (float)(clip*data[iz]/fabs(data[iz])); /* apply bias and then clip */

		if (!no_zero || scale)
			plot_trace (data, dz, x0, y0, n_samp, do_fill, negative, plot_wig, toffset, dev_x, dev_y);
		free (data);
		free (header);

	/* map_clip_on (-1, -1, -1, 3); */
	/* set a clip at the map boundary since the image space overlaps a little */
	ps_bitimage (0.0,0.0,xlen, ylen, bitmap, 8*bm_nx, bm_ny, polarity, shade, trans);

	/* map_clip_off ();*/

	if (fpi != stdin) fclose (fpi);

	/*ps_rotatetrans (z_project.xmin, z_project.ymin, 0.0);*/
	GMT_plotend ();

	GMT_end (argc, argv);
