void KyraEngine_MR::timerFleaDeath(int arg) { _timer->setCountdown(4, 5400); saveGameStateIntern(999, "Autosave", 0); _screen->hideMouse(); _timer->disable(4); runAnimationScript("FLEADTH1.EMC", 0, 0, 1, 1); runAnimationScript("FLEADTH2.EMC", 0, 0, 1, 0); showBadConscience(); delay(60, true); const char *str1 = (const char *)getTableEntry(_cCodeFile, 130); const char *str2 = (const char *)getTableEntry(_cCodeFile, 131); if (str1 && str2) { badConscienceChat(str1, 204, 130); badConscienceChat(str2, 204, 131); } delay(60, true); hideBadConscience(); runAnimationScript("FLEADTH3.EMC", 0, 0, 0, 1); _deathHandler = 9; _screen->showMouse(); }
int KyraEngine_MR::o3_makeSecondChanceSave(EMCState *script) { debugC(3, kDebugLevelScriptFuncs, "KyraEngine_MR::o3_makeSecondChanceSave(%p) ()", (const void *)script); saveGameStateIntern(999, "Autosave", 0); return 0; }
void KyraEngine_v1::checkAutosave() { if (shouldPerformAutoSave(_lastAutosave)) { saveGameStateIntern(999, "Autosave", 0); _lastAutosave = _system->getMillis(); } }
void KyraEngine_HoF::startup() { _sound->setSoundList(&_soundData[kMusicIngame]); // The track map is exactly the same // for FM-TOWNS and DOS _trackMap = _dosTrackMap; _trackMapSize = _dosTrackMapSize; allocAnimObjects(1, 10, 30); _screen->_curPage = 0; memset(_sceneShapeTable, 0, sizeof(_sceneShapeTable)); _gamePlayBuffer = new uint8[46080]; _unkBuf500Bytes = new uint8[500]; loadMouseShapes(); loadItemShapes(); _screen->setMouseCursor(0, 0, getShapePtr(0)); _screenBuffer = new uint8[64000]; _unkBuf200kByte = new uint8[200000]; loadChapterBuffer(_newChapterFile); loadCCodeBuffer("C_CODE.XXX"); if (_flags.isTalkie) { loadOptionsBuffer("OPTIONS.XXX"); showMessageFromCCode(265, 150, 0); _screen->updateScreen(); openTalkFile(0); _currentTalkFile = 1; openTalkFile(1); } else { _optionsBuffer = _cCodeBuffer; } showMessage(0, 207); _screen->setShapePages(5, 3); _mainCharacter.height = 0x30; _mainCharacter.facing = 4; _mainCharacter.animFrame = 0x12; memset(_sceneAnims, 0, sizeof(_sceneAnims)); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_sceneAnimMovie); ++i) _sceneAnimMovie[i] = new WSAMovie_v2(this); memset(_wsaSlots, 0, sizeof(_wsaSlots)); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(_wsaSlots); ++i) _wsaSlots[i] = new WSAMovie_v2(this); _screen->_curPage = 0; _talkObjectList = new TalkObject[72]; memset(_talkObjectList, 0, sizeof(TalkObject)*72); _shapeDescTable = new ShapeDesc[55]; memset(_shapeDescTable, 0, sizeof(ShapeDesc)*55); for (int i = 9; i <= 32; ++i) { _shapeDescTable[i-9].width = 30; _shapeDescTable[i-9].height = 55; _shapeDescTable[i-9].xAdd = -15; _shapeDescTable[i-9].yAdd = -50; } for (int i = 19; i <= 24; ++i) { _shapeDescTable[i-9].width = 53; _shapeDescTable[i-9].yAdd = -51; } _gfxBackUpRect = new uint8[_screen->getRectSize(32, 32)]; initItemList(30); loadButtonShapes(); resetItemList(); _characterShapeFile = 1; loadCharacterShapes(_characterShapeFile); initInventoryButtonList(); setupLangButtonShapes(); loadInventoryShapes(); _screen->loadPalette("PALETTE.COL", _screen->getPalette(0)); _screen->loadBitmap("_PLAYFLD.CPS", 3, 3, 0); _screen->copyPage(3, 0); _screen->showMouse(); _screen->hideMouse(); clearAnimObjects(); for (int i = 0; i < 19; ++i) memset(_conversationState[i], -1, sizeof(int8)*14); clearCauldronTable(); memset(_inputColorCode, -1, sizeof(_inputColorCode)); memset(_newSceneDlgState, 0, sizeof(_newSceneDlgState)); for (int i = 0; i < 23; ++i) resetCauldronStateTable(i); _sceneList = new SceneDesc[86]; memset(_sceneList, 0, sizeof(SceneDesc)*86); _sceneListSize = 86; runStartScript(1, 0); loadNPCScript(); if (_gameToLoad == -1) { snd_playWanderScoreViaMap(52, 1); enterNewScene(_mainCharacter.sceneId, _mainCharacter.facing, 0, 0, 1); saveGameStateIntern(0, "New Game", 0); } else { loadGameStateCheck(_gameToLoad); } _screen->showMouse(); if (_menuDirectlyToLoad) (*_inventoryButtons[0].buttonCallback)(&_inventoryButtons[0]); setNextIdleAnimTimer(); setWalkspeed(_configWalkspeed); }
void KyraEngine_LoK::startup() { static const uint8 colorMap[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 12, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; _screen->setTextColorMap(colorMap); _sound->selectAudioResourceSet(kMusicIngame); if (_flags.platform == Common::kPlatformPC98) _sound->loadSoundFile("SE.DAT"); else _sound->loadSoundFile(0); // _screen->setFont(Screen::FID_6_FNT); _screen->setAnimBlockPtr(3750); memset(_sceneAnimTable, 0, sizeof(_sceneAnimTable)); loadMouseShapes(); _currentCharacter = &_characterList[0]; for (int i = 1; i < 5; ++i) _animator->setCharacterDefaultFrame(i); for (int i = 5; i <= 10; ++i) setCharactersPositions(i); _animator->setCharactersHeight(); resetBrandonPoisonFlags(); _screen->_curPage = 0; // XXX for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { int size = _screen->getRectSize(3, 24); _shapes[361 + i] = new byte[size]; } _itemBkgBackUp[0] = new uint8[_screen->getRectSize(3, 24)]; memset(_itemBkgBackUp[0], 0, _screen->getRectSize(3, 24)); _itemBkgBackUp[1] = new uint8[_screen->getRectSize(4, 32)]; memset(_itemBkgBackUp[1], 0, _screen->getRectSize(4, 32)); for (int i = 0; i < _roomTableSize; ++i) { for (int item = 0; item < 12; ++item) { _roomTable[i].itemsTable[item] = kItemNone; _roomTable[i].itemsXPos[item] = 0xFFFF; _roomTable[i].itemsYPos[item] = 0xFF; _roomTable[i].needInit[item] = 0; } } loadCharacterShapes(); loadSpecialEffectShapes(); loadItems(); loadButtonShapes(); initMainButtonList(); loadMainScreen(); _screen->loadPalette("PALETTE.COL", _screen->getPalette(0)); if (_flags.platform == Common::kPlatformAmiga) _screen->loadPaletteTable("PALETTE.DAT", 6); // XXX _animator->initAnimStateList(); setCharactersInDefaultScene(); if (!_emc->load("_STARTUP.EMC", &_npcScriptData, &_opcodes)) error("Could not load \"_STARTUP.EMC\" script"); _emc->init(&_scriptMain, &_npcScriptData); if (!_emc->start(&_scriptMain, 0)) error("Could not start script function 0 of script \"_STARTUP.EMC\""); while (_emc->isValid(&_scriptMain)) _emc->run(&_scriptMain); _emc->unload(&_npcScriptData); if (!_emc->load("_NPC.EMC", &_npcScriptData, &_opcodes)) error("Could not load \"_NPC.EMC\" script"); snd_playTheme(1, -1); if (_gameToLoad == -1) { enterNewScene(_currentCharacter->sceneId, _currentCharacter->facing, 0, 0, 1); if (_abortIntroFlag && _skipIntroFlag && saveFileLoadable(0)) { _menuDirectlyToLoad = true; _screen->setMouseCursor(1, 1, _shapes[0]); _screen->showMouse(); _gui->buttonMenuCallback(0); _menuDirectlyToLoad = false; } else if (!shouldQuit()) { saveGameStateIntern(0, "New game", 0); } } else { _screen->setFont(_flags.lang == Common::JA_JPN ? Screen::FID_SJIS_FNT : Screen::FID_8_FNT); loadGameStateCheck(_gameToLoad); _gameToLoad = -1; } }
void KyraEngine_MR::startup() { _album.wsa = new WSAMovie_v2(this); assert(_album.wsa); _album.leftPage.wsa = new WSAMovie_v2(this); assert(_album.leftPage.wsa); _album.rightPage.wsa = new WSAMovie_v2(this); assert(_album.rightPage.wsa); _gamePlayBuffer = new uint8[64000]; _interface = new uint8[17920]; _interfaceCommandLine = new uint8[3840]; _screen->setFont(Screen::FID_8_FNT); _stringBuffer = new char[500]; allocAnimObjects(1, 16, 50); memset(_sceneShapes, 0, sizeof(_sceneShapes)); _screenBuffer = new uint8[64000]; if (!loadLanguageFile("ITEMS.", _itemFile)) error("Couldn't load ITEMS"); if (!loadLanguageFile("SCORE.", _scoreFile)) error("Couldn't load SCORE"); if (!loadLanguageFile("C_CODE.", _cCodeFile)) error("Couldn't load C_CODE"); if (!loadLanguageFile("SCENES.", _scenesFile)) error("Couldn't load SCENES"); if (!loadLanguageFile("OPTIONS.", _optionsFile)) error("Couldn't load OPTIONS"); if (!loadLanguageFile("_ACTOR.", _actorFile)) error("couldn't load _ACTOR"); openTalkFile(0); _currentTalkFile = 0; openTalkFile(1); loadCostPal(); for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { _sceneAnims[i].flags = 0; _sceneAnimMovie[i] = new WSAMovie_v2(this); assert(_sceneAnimMovie[i]); } _screen->_curPage = 0; _talkObjectList = new TalkObject[88]; memset(_talkObjectList, 0, sizeof(TalkObject)*88); for (int i = 0; i < 88; ++i) _talkObjectList[i].sceneId = 0xFF; _gfxBackUpRect = new uint8[_screen->getRectSize(32, 32)]; initItemList(50); resetItemList(); loadShadowShape(); loadExtrasShapes(); _characterShapeFile = 0; loadCharacterShapes(_characterShapeFile); updateMalcolmShapes(); initMainButtonList(true); loadButtonShapes(); loadInterfaceShapes(); _screen->loadPalette("PALETTE.COL", _screen->getPalette(0)); _paletteOverlay = new uint8[256]; _screen->generateOverlay(_screen->getPalette(0), _paletteOverlay, 0xF0, 0x19); loadInterface(); clearAnimObjects(); _scoreMax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _scoreTableSize; ++i) { if (_scoreTable[i] > 0) _scoreMax += _scoreTable[i]; } memset(_newSceneDlgState, 0, sizeof(_newSceneDlgState)); memset(_conversationState, -1, sizeof(_conversationState)); _sceneList = new SceneDesc[98]; assert(_sceneList); memset(_sceneList, 0, sizeof(SceneDesc)*98); _sceneListSize = 98; runStartupScript(1, 0); _res->exists("MOODOMTR.WSA", true); _invWsa = new WSAMovie_v2(this); assert(_invWsa); _invWsa->open("MOODOMTR.WSA", 1, 0); _invWsaFrame = 6; saveGameStateIntern(0, "New Game", 0); if (_gameToLoad == -1) enterNewScene(_mainCharacter.sceneId, _mainCharacter.facing, 0, 0, 1); else loadGameStateCheck(_gameToLoad); if (_menuDirectlyToLoad) (*_mainButtonData[0].buttonCallback)(&_mainButtonData[0]); _screen->updateScreen(); _screen->showMouse(); setNextIdleAnimTimer(); setWalkspeed(_configWalkspeed); }
bool EoBCoreEngine::importOriginalSaveFile(int destSlot, const char *sourceFile) { Common::Array<Common::String> origFiles; Common::Array<int> newSlots; if (sourceFile) { // If a source file is specified via the console command we just check whether it exists. if (Common::File::exists(sourceFile)) origFiles.push_back(sourceFile); else return false; } else { // Check for original save files in the game path (usually at least the "Quick Start Party" file will be present). int numMax = (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) ? 1 : 6; const char *pattern = (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB1) ? "EOBDATA.SAV" : "EOBDATA%d.SAV"; for (int i = 0; i < numMax; ++i) { Common::String temp = Common::String::format(pattern, i); Common::SeekableReadStream *fs = _res->createReadStream(temp); if (fs) { Common::String dsc; if (_flags.gameID == GI_EOB2) { char descStr[20]; fs->read(descStr, 20); dsc = Common::String::format("(\"%s\")", descStr).c_str(); } delete fs; ::GUI::MessageDialog dialog(Common::String::format(_("The following original save game file has been found in your game path:\n\n%s %s\n\nDo you wish to use this save game file with ScummVM?\n\n"), temp.c_str(), dsc.c_str()), _("Yes"), _("No")); if (dialog.runModal()) origFiles.push_back(temp); } } } int numFilesFound = origFiles.size(); if (!numFilesFound) return false; _gui->updateSaveSlotsList(_targetName, true); // Find free save slots for the original save files if (destSlot == -1) { int assignedSlots = 0; for (int testSlot = 0; testSlot < 990 && assignedSlots < numFilesFound; testSlot++) { if (Common::find(_gui->_saveSlots.begin(), _gui->_saveSlots.end(), testSlot) == _gui->_saveSlots.end()) { newSlots.push_back(testSlot); assignedSlots++; } } // This will probably never happen, since we do have 990 save slots if (assignedSlots != numFilesFound) warning("%d original save files could not be converted due to missing save game slots", numFilesFound - assignedSlots); } else { newSlots.push_back(destSlot); } if (destSlot != -1) { if (Common::find(_gui->_saveSlots.begin(), _gui->_saveSlots.end(), destSlot) != _gui->_saveSlots.end()) { ::GUI::MessageDialog dialog(Common::String::format(_("A save game file was found in the specified slot %d. Overwrite?\n\n"), destSlot), _("Yes"), _("No")); if (!dialog.runModal()) return false; } } int importedCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numFilesFound; i++) { Common::String desc = readOriginalSaveFile(origFiles[i]); if (desc.empty()) { warning("Unable to import original save file '%s'", origFiles[i].c_str()); } else { // We can't make thumbnails here, since we do not want to load all the level data, monsters, etc. for each save we convert. // Instead, we use an empty surface to avoid that createThumbnailFromScreen() makes a completely pointless thumbnail from // whatever screen that is currently shown when this function is called. Graphics::Surface dummy; saveGameStateIntern(newSlots[i], desc.c_str(), &dummy); warning("Imported original save file '%s' ('%s')", origFiles[i].c_str(), desc.c_str()); importedCount++; } } _currentLevel = 0; _currentSub = 0; _currentBlock = 0; _currentDirection = 0; _itemInHand = 0; _hasTempDataFlags = 0; _partyEffectFlags = 0; memset(_characters, 0, sizeof(EoBCharacter) * 6); _inf->reset(); if (destSlot == -1 && importedCount) { ::GUI::MessageDialog dialog(Common::String::format(_("%d original save game files have been successfully imported into\nScummVM. If you want to manually import original save game files later you will\nneed to open the ScummVM debug console and use the command 'import_savefile'.\n\n"), importedCount)); dialog.runModal(); } return true; }