예제 #1
void processState(GDExplorerRef explorer, GDExplorationStackItem state) {
  GDTriangleListPush(explorer->triangleList, state.node);
  GDBool closed = GDTriangleListIsLastTriangleClosed(explorer->triangleList, explorer->graph);
  if ( closed ) {
  GDBool expanded = NO;
  if ( canExistsBetterSolution(explorer) ) {
    if ( !closed ) {
      expanded = expandToNeighbours(explorer, state);
    } else {
      expanded = expandToAnyNode(explorer, state);
  if ( !expanded ) {
    if ( explorer->explorationStack->count > 0 ) {
      GDExplorationStackItem nextTopContext = GDExplorationStackTop(explorer->explorationStack);
      GDTriangleListPopMultiple(explorer->triangleList, state.level - nextTopContext.level);
예제 #2
void nasolver<nr_type_t>::steepestDescent (void)
    nr_double_t alpha = 1.0, sl, n;

    // compute solution deviation vector
    tvector<nr_type_t> dx = *x - *xprev;
    tvector<nr_type_t> dz = *z - *zprev;
    n = norm (*zprev);

        // apply current damping factor and see what happens
        *x = *xprev + alpha * dx;

        // recalculate Jacobian and right hand side
        saveSolution ();
        calculate ();
        createZVector ();

        // check gradient criteria, ThinkME: Is this correct?
        dz = *z - *zprev;
        sl = real (sum (dz * -dz));
        if (norm (*z) < n + alpha * sl) break;
        alpha *= 0.7;
    while (alpha > 0.001);

    // apply final damping factor
    *x = *xprev + alpha * dx;
예제 #3
void nasolver<nr_type_t>::lineSearch (void)
    nr_double_t alpha = 0.5, n, nMin, aprev = 1.0, astep = 0.5, adiff;
    int dir = -1;

    // compute solution deviation vector
    tvector<nr_type_t> dx = *x - *xprev;
    nMin = std::numeric_limits<nr_double_t>::max();

        // apply current damping factor and see what happens
        *x = *xprev + alpha * dx;

        // recalculate Jacobian and right hand side
        saveSolution ();
        calculate ();
        createZVector ();

        // calculate norm of right hand side vector
        n = norm (*z);

        // TODO: this is not perfect, but usable
        astep /= 2;
        adiff = fabs (alpha - aprev);
        if (adiff > 0.005)
            aprev = alpha;
            if (n < nMin)
                nMin = n;
                if (alpha == 1) dir = -dir;
                alpha += astep * dir;
                dir = -dir;
                alpha += 1.5 * astep * dir;
    while (adiff > 0.005);

    // apply final damping factor
    assert (alpha > 0 && alpha <= 1);
    *x = *xprev + alpha * dx;
예제 #4
bool MIQPSolver::Solve()
	if (status < Formulated)
		return false;
	if (ContigCount == 1)
		U[0] = true;
		T[0] = false;
		X[0] = 0;
			cplex.setParam(cplex.ParallelMode, (Options.UseOpportunisticSearch ? -1 : 1));
			cplex.setParam(cplex.Threads, Options.Threads);
			if (Options.SuppressOutput)
			if (Options.TimeLimit > 0)
				cplex.setParam(cplex.TiLim, Options.TimeLimit);
			if (Options.UseObjectiveHeuristic)
				cplex.use(BestObjectiveReachedCallback(environment, cplex.getParam(cplex.EpGap), false, bestObjective));
			//cplex.setParam(cplex.NumericalEmphasis, 1);
			if (!cplex.solve())
				cout << cplex.getStatus() << endl; // REMOVE ME
				return false;
		catch (...)
			status = Fail;
			return false;
	status = Success;
	return true;
예제 #5
void nasolver<nr_type_t>::applyNodeset (bool nokeep)
    if (x == NULL || nlist == NULL) return;

    // set each solution to zero
    if (nokeep) for (int i = 0; i < x->size (); i++) x->set (i, 0);

    // then apply the nodeset itself
    for (nodeset * n = subnet->getNodeset (); n; n = n->getNext ())
        struct nodelist_t * nl = nlist->getNode (n->getName ());
        if (nl != NULL)
            x->set (nl->n, n->getValue ());
            logprint (LOG_ERROR, "WARNING: %s: no such node `%s' found, cannot "
                      "initialize node\n", getName (), n->getName ());
    if (xprev != NULL) *xprev = *x;
    saveSolution ();
예제 #6
int main (int argc, char const *argv[])
	if (argc < 2){
		std::cout << "Usage:\n./pso <filename> <pop_size>" << std::endl;
		return 0;
	int pop_size = 2000;
	const std::string filename = argv[1];
	if (argc > 2) pop_size = int(atoi(argv[2]));
	int iterations = 500;
	if (argc > 3) iterations = int(atoi(argv[3]));
	double alpha = 0.75;
	if (argc > 4) alpha = double(atof(argv[4]));
	double beta = 0.1;
	if (argc > 5) alpha = double(atof(argv[5]));
	std::vector<double> optHistory(iterations);
	std::vector<double>* objCost = readObjFunArray(filename.c_str());
	const int n_vars = (int)(sqrt(objCost->size()));
	std::clock_t start;
	start = std::clock();
	// create X
	std::vector<std::vector<int> > X(pop_size, std::vector<int>(n_vars));
	// these vector will store V
	std::vector<std::vector<swap> > V(pop_size, std::vector<swap>(0));
	// these vectors will store best individual positions
	std::vector<std::vector<int> > P(pop_size, std::vector<int>(n_vars));
	// this vector will store global best position
	std::vector<int> Pg(n_vars);
	// this  will store global best obj function value
	double fevalsPg = 0;
	// this vector will store current obj function values 
	std::vector<double> fevals(pop_size);
	// this vector will store individual best obj function values
	std::vector<double> fevalsP(pop_size);
	int n_swaps = 0;
	int first = 0;
	int second = 0;

	// generate random V == swap sequences
	// also generate random initial positions
	for (int i=0; i<pop_size; i++){
		for (int j=0; j<n_vars; j++){
			X[i][j] = j;  // fill X with nodes from 0 to n_vars-1
		std::random_shuffle (X[i].begin(), X[i].end());  // shuffle
		P[i] = X[i];  // deep copy
		//for (int j=0; j<n_vars; j++){std::cout << X[i][j] << " ";}
		//std::cout << std::endl;
		n_swaps = rand() % (n_vars) + 1;
		for (int j=0; j<n_swaps; j++){
			first = rand() % n_vars;
			second = rand() % n_vars;
			V[i].push_back(swap (first, second));
			//std::cout << V[i][j].first << " " <<  V[i][j].second << std::endl;
		//std::cout << V[i].size() << std::endl;
	//evaluate global best
	for (int i=0; i<pop_size; i++){
		fevals[i] = evalSolution(applySwaps(X[i], V[i]), objCost, n_vars);
		fevalsP[i] = evalSolution(applySwaps(X[i], V[i]), objCost, n_vars);
		//std::cout << evals[i] << std::endl;
	int globBestIndex = distance(fevals.begin(), min_element(fevals.begin(), fevals.end()));
	// std::cout << globBestIndex << std::endl;
	// save global best position and value
	Pg = applySwaps(X[globBestIndex], V[globBestIndex]);
	fevalsPg = fevals[globBestIndex];
	//start pso

	bool terminate = false;
	std::vector<int> pp1 = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
	std::vector<int> pp2 = {3,2,1,6,8,5,7,4};
	std::vector<swap> pp3 = diff(pp1, pp2);
	for (int k=0; k<iterations && !terminate; k++){
	    for (int i=0; i<pop_size; i++){
			//3.1 calculate difference between P_i and X_i
			// A = P_i - X_i, where A is a basic sequence.
			std::vector<swap> A = diff(P[i], applySwaps(X[i], V[i]));
			std::vector<swap> B = diff(Pg, applySwaps(X[i], V[i]));
			// now lets compute A*alpha and B*beta
			for (int j=A.size()-1; j>=0; j--){
				double p1 = ((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX);
				if (p1>alpha){
					A.erase(A.begin() + j);
			for (int j=B.size()-1; j>=0; j--){
				double p2 = ((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX);
				if (p2>beta){
					B.erase(B.begin() + j);
			std::vector<swap> newV = V[i];
			// concatenate all the swaps in a single sequence
			newV.insert(newV.end(), A.begin(), A.end());
			newV.insert(newV.end(), B.begin(), B.end());
			// transform the swap sequence in Basic sequence form
			V[i] = toBasicSequence(newV, n_vars);
			// update position with formula X_i = X_i + V_i
			// X[i] = applySwaps(X[i], newV);
			// V[i].clear();
			// update fevals
			fevals[i] = evalSolution(applySwaps(X[i], V[i]), objCost, n_vars);
			// possibly update P
			if (fevals[i] < fevalsP[i]){
				fevalsP[i] = fevals[i];
				P[i] = applySwaps(X[i], V[i]);
		// possibly update Pg
		globBestIndex = distance(fevals.begin(), min_element(fevals.begin(), fevals.end()));
		Pg = applySwaps(X[globBestIndex], V[globBestIndex]);
		if (fevals[globBestIndex] < fevalsPg){
			fevalsPg = fevals[globBestIndex];
			Pg = applySwaps(X[globBestIndex], V[globBestIndex]);
		optHistory[k] = fevalsPg;
	double elapsedtime = (std::clock() - start) / (double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
	//std::cout << "Time: " << elapsedtime << std::endl;
	//std::cout << "best: " << fevalsPg << std::endl;
	saveSolution(elapsedtime, fevalsPg, optHistory);
예제 #7
int nasolver<nr_type_t>::solve_nonlinear_continuation_Source (void)
    qucs::exception * e;
    int convergence, run = 0, MaxIterations, error = 0;
    nr_double_t sStep, sPrev;

    // fetch simulation properties
    MaxIterations = getPropertyInteger ("MaxIter") / 4 + 1;
    updateMatrix = 1;
    fixpoint = 0;

    // initialize the stepper
    sPrev = srcFactor = 0;
    sStep = 0.01;
    srcFactor += sStep;

        // run solving loop until convergence is reached
        run = 0;
            subnet->setSrcFactor (srcFactor);
            error = solve_once ();
            if (!error)
                // convergence check
                convergence = (run > 0) ? checkConvergence () : 0;
                savePreviousIteration ();
            else break;
        while (!convergence && run < MaxIterations);
        iterations += run;

        // not yet converged, so decreased the source-step
        if (run >= MaxIterations || error)
            if (error)
                sStep *= 0.1;
                sStep *= 0.5;
            restorePreviousIteration ();
            saveSolution ();
            // here the absolute minimum step checker
            if (sStep < std::numeric_limits<nr_double_t>::epsilon())
                error = 1;
                e = new qucs::exception (EXCEPTION_NO_CONVERGENCE);
                e->setText ("no convergence in %s analysis after %d sourceStepping "
                            "iterations", desc.c_str(), iterations);
                throw_exception (e);
            srcFactor = std::min (sPrev + sStep, 1.0);
        // converged, increased the source-step
        else if (run < MaxIterations / 4)
            sPrev = srcFactor;
            srcFactor = std::min (srcFactor + sStep, 1.0);
            sStep *= 1.5;
            srcFactor = std::min (srcFactor + sStep, 1.0);
    // continue until no source factor is necessary
    while (sPrev < 1);

    subnet->setSrcFactor (1);
    return error;
예제 #8
int nasolver<nr_type_t>::solve_once (void)
    qucs::exception * e;
    int error = 0, d;

    // run the calculation function for each circuit
    calculate ();

    // generate A matrix and z vector
    createMatrix ();

    // solve equation system
    try_running ()
        runMNA ();
    // appropriate exception handling
    catch_exception ()
        e = new qucs::exception (EXCEPTION_NA_FAILED);
        d = top_exception()->getData ();
        pop_exception ();
        if (d >= countNodes ())
            d -= countNodes ();
            e->setText ("voltage source `%s' conflicts with some other voltage "
                        "source", findVoltageSource(d)->getName ());
            e->setText ("circuit admittance matrix in %s solver is singular at "
                        "node `%s' connected to [%s]", desc.c_str(), nlist->get (d).c_str(),
                        nlist->getNodeString (d).c_str());
        throw_exception (e);
            d = top_exception()->getData ();
            pop_exception ();
            if (d < countNodes ())
                logprint (LOG_ERROR, "WARNING: %s: inserted virtual resistance at "
                          "node `%s' connected to [%s]\n", getName (), nlist->get (d).c_str(),
                          nlist->getNodeString (d).c_str());
        while (top_exception() != NULL &&
                top_exception()->getCode () == EXCEPTION_SINGULAR);
        estack.print ();

    // save results into circuits
    if (!error) saveSolution ();
    return error;