예제 #1
void CBaselinePositions::Init( const scMuPoint& org,
							   MicroPoint		vjOffset,
							   TypeSpec 		spec,
							   const scFlowDir& fd )
	scAssert( spec != 0 );
	MicroPoint	ptsize = scCachedStyle::GetCachedStyle( spec ).GetPtSize();
	if ( fd.IsHorizontal() ) {
		fTop	= org.y - scRoundMP( (REAL)ptsize * RLU_BASEfmTop / scBaseRLUsystem );
		fMiddle = org.y - scRoundMP( (REAL)ptsize * ( RLU_BASEfmTop - (scBaseRLUsystem/2)) / scBaseRLUsystem );
		fRoman	= org.y;
		fBottom = org.y + scRoundMP( (REAL)ptsize * RLU_BASEfmBottom / scBaseRLUsystem );
		fTop	+= vjOffset;
		fMiddle += vjOffset;
		fRoman	+= vjOffset;
		fBottom += vjOffset;
	else {
		fLeft	= org.x - ptsize / 2;
		fMiddle = org.x;
		fRight	= org.x + ptsize / 2;
		fLeft	-= vjOffset;
		fMiddle -= vjOffset;
		fRight	-= vjOffset;
예제 #2
void scLEADRefData::ComputeAboveBelow( MicroPoint lead, const scFlowDir& fd )
	if ( fd.IsHorizontal() ) {
		static REAL realAbove = (REAL)RLU_BASEfmTop / scBaseRLUsystem;
		static REAL realBelow = (REAL)RLU_BASEfmBottom / scBaseRLUsystem;
		static MicroPoint lastlead;
		static MicroPoint abovelead;
		static MicroPoint belowlead;

		if ( lastlead != lead ) {
			abovelead	= scRoundMP( realAbove * lead );
			belowlead	= scRoundMP( realBelow * lead );
			lastlead 	= lead;
		fAboveLead = abovelead;
		fBelowLead = belowlead;
	else {
		fAboveLead	= lead / 2;
		fBelowLead	= lead / 2;	
예제 #3
static void BezCompute(	scVertex*		dstV,
						const scVertex*	srcV )
    int					i;

    dstV[0]   				= srcV[0];
    dstV[scBezBlendSize-1]	= srcV[3];

    for ( i = 1;  i < scBezBlendSize - 1;  i++ ) {
		dstV[i].x = scRoundMP( srcV[0].x * bezblend[i].ca +
							 srcV[1].x * bezblend[i].cb +
							 srcV[2].x * bezblend[i].cc +
							 srcV[3].x * bezblend[i].cd );
		dstV[i].y = scRoundMP( srcV[0].y * bezblend[i].ca +
							 srcV[1].y * bezblend[i].cb	+
							 srcV[2].y * bezblend[i].cc +
							 srcV[3].y * bezblend[i].cd );
		dstV[i].fPointType	= eCornerPoint;
예제 #4
GlyphSize scCachedStyle::GetEscapement( UCS2 ch )
	if ( GetDeviceValues() ) {

		if ( ch >= 256 )
			return FIgetDEVEscapement( fSpec, ch );
		if ( fWidths[ch] == kInvalMP ) {
			if ( GetSmallCaps() && CTIsLowerCase( ch ) )
				fWidths[ch] = scRoundMP( FIgetDEVEscapement( fSpec, ::CTToUpper( ch ) ) * kSmallCapCorrection );				
				fWidths[ch] = FIgetDEVEscapement( fSpec, GetCorrectedGlyph( ch ) );
	else {
		REAL		conversion; 

		if ( fFlowDir.IsHorizontal() )
			conversion = fSetConv;
			conversion = fPtConv;

		if ( ch >= 256 ) {
			RLU rluWidth = FIgetRLUEscapement( fSpec, ch );
			if ( rluWidth == scBaseRLUsystem ) {
				if ( fFlowDir.IsHorizontal() ) 
					return GetSetSize();
					return GetPtSize();
			return scRoundGS( conversion * rluWidth ) + GetOptLSP();

		if ( fWidths[ch] == kInvalMP ) {
				// it has not been previously computed
			switch ( ch ) {
						RLU rluWidth;
						if ( GetSmallCaps() && CTIsLowerCase( ch ) )
							rluWidth = (RLU)scRoundGS( FIgetRLUEscapement( fSpec, ::CTToUpper( ch ) ) * kSmallCapCorrection );
							rluWidth = FIgetRLUEscapement( fSpec, GetCorrectedGlyph( ch ) );
						if ( rluWidth == scBaseRLUsystem ) {
							fWidths[ch] = scRoundMP( conversion * rluWidth );
							if ( fFlowDir.IsHorizontal() )		
								fWidths[ch] = GetSetSize() + GetOptLSP();
								fWidths[ch] = GetPtSize() + GetOptLSP();
							fWidths[ch] = scRoundMP( conversion * rluWidth );

				case 0:
				case scVertTab:
				case scHardReturn:
					if ( fFlowDir.IsHorizontal() )
						fWidths[ch] = GetSetSize();
						fWidths[ch] = GetPtSize();

				case scNoBreakSpace:
					fWidths[ch] = GetOptWord();

					// these really need to be further up stream
				case scNoBreakHyph:
				case scDiscHyphen:
					fWidths[ch] = 0;
				case scFigureSpace:
					fWidths[ch] = scRoundMP( conversion * FIgetRLUEscapement( fSpec, '0' ) );
				case scThinSpace:
					fWidths[ch] = scRoundMP( conversion * scBaseRLUsystem / 6 );
				case scEnSpace:
					fWidths[ch] = scRoundMP( conversion * scBaseRLUsystem / 2 );
				case scEmSpace:
					fWidths[ch] = scRoundMP( conversion * scBaseRLUsystem );
		if ( fWidths[ch] == 0 )
			return 0;
	return fWidths[ch] + GetOptLSP();
예제 #5
void scCachedStyle::ComputeExtentsnCursor( void )
	if ( GetDeviceValues() ) {
		scXRect 		rect;
		MicroPoint		a,b,c,d;

		FIgetDEVFontExtents( fSpec, a, b, c, d, rect );

		if ( fFlowDir.IsHorizontal() ) {
			scAssert( rect.Valid( eFirstQuad ) );
			rect.FirstToFourth( GetPtSize() );
			scAssert( rect.Valid( eFourthQuad ) );
			fInkExtents.y1	= rect.y1;
			fInkExtents.y2	= rect.y2;
			fInkExtents.x1	= rect.x1;
			fInkExtents.x2	= rect.x2;
		else {
			fInkExtents.y1	= 0;
			fInkExtents.y2	= rect.y1 - rect.y2;
			fInkExtents.x1	= -(rect.x2/2) - rect.x1;
			fInkExtents.x2	= rect.x2/2;
	else {
		scRLURect		rect;
		RLU 			a,b,c,d;

		FIgetRLUFontExtents( fSpec, a, b, c, d, rect );

		if ( fFlowDir.IsHorizontal() ) {
			scAssert( rect.Valid( eFirstQuad ) );
			rect.FirstToFourth( scBaseRLUsystem );
		scAssert( rect.Valid( eFourthQuad ) );

		fInkExtents.y1	= scRoundMP( fPtConv * rect.rluTop );
		fInkExtents.y2	= scRoundMP( fPtConv * rect.rluBottom );
		fInkExtents.x1	= scRoundMP( fSetConv * rect.rluLeft );
		fInkExtents.x2	= scRoundMP( fSetConv * rect.rluRight );		


	REAL obliqOff = 0;
	if (  GetHorzOblique()	)
		obliqOff = (REAL)tan( AngleToRadians( GetHorzOblique() ) );

	if ( GetHorzOblique() < 0 )
		 fInkExtents.x1 += scRoundMP( GetPtSize() * obliqOff );

	if ( GetHorzOblique() < 0 ) 
		fInkExtents.x2 += scRoundMP( GetPtSize() * obliqOff );

	scAssert( fInkExtents.Valid( eFourthQuad ) );
	if ( fFlowDir.IsHorizontal() )
		fInkExtents.Translate( 0, -GetBaseline() );
		fInkExtents.Translate( GetBaseline(), 0 );	
	if ( fFlowDir.IsHorizontal() ) {
		scLEADRefData	ld;

		ld.Set( GetPtSize(), fFlowDir );
		fLogicalExtents.Set( 0, -ld.GetAboveLead(),
							 GetSetSize(), ld.GetBelowLead() ); 												
		fLogicalExtents.Set( -GetSetSize()/2, 0, GetSetSize()/2, GetPtSize() );

	if ( fFlowDir.IsHorizontal() ) {
		fCursorY1		= -scRoundMP( fPtConv * RLU_BASEfmTop );
		fCursorY2		= scRoundMP( fPtConv * RLU_BASEfmBottom );
	else {
		fCursorX1		= -GetSetSize() / 2;
		fCursorX2		= GetSetSize() / 2;