int scanForEdge(int first,int last){
	//direction parameters for edge tracking
  //moves to first edge location
	int i;
	direction=(rsigns[nstep-1]-rsigns[0])/2;  //is it getting brighter or darker?
	if(last<first) direction*=-1;
	while(direction*(threshold-readings[i])>0) i++;

int scanForLine(int first,int last){
	//looks for transition
	//assumes line is brighter
	int i;
	int rmax,imax;
		if(readings[i]>rmax) { imax=i; rmax=readings[i]; }
	threshold=(rmax+avgM)/2; //adjustment for thin line (average of peak can be depressed)
	return(first+imax*step);//returns location of max
예제 #3
void stroke_autofill_learn(const TVectorImageP &imgToLearn, TStroke *stroke) {
  if (!imgToLearn || !stroke || stroke->getControlPointCount() == 0) return;
  TVectorImage appImg;
  TStroke *appStroke = new TStroke(*stroke);

  double pbx, pby;
  double totalArea = 0;
  pbx = pby = 0;

  if (!regionsReference.isEmpty()) regionsReference.clear();

  int i, j, index = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < (int)imgToLearn->getRegionCount(); i++) {
    TRegion *currentRegion = imgToLearn->getRegion(i);
    for (j = 0; j < (int)appImg.getRegionCount(); j++) {
      TRegion *region = appImg.getRegion(j);
      if (contains(region, currentRegion)) {
        scanRegion(currentRegion, index, regionsReference, region->getBBox());
        int k, subRegionCount = currentRegion->getSubregionCount();
        for (k = 0; k < subRegionCount; k++) {
          TRegion *subRegion = currentRegion->getSubregion(k);
          if (contains(region, subRegion))
            scanSubRegion(subRegion, index, regionsReference,

  QMap<int, Region>::Iterator it;
  for (it = regionsReference.begin(); it != regionsReference.end(); it++) {
    pbx += it.value().m_barycentre.x;
    pby += it.value().m_barycentre.y;
    totalArea += it.value().m_area;

  if (totalArea > 0)
    referenceB = TPointD(pbx / totalArea, pby / totalArea);
    referenceB = TPointD(0.0, 0.0);
예제 #4
  bool do_card_ptr(jbyte* card_ptr, int worker_i) {
    // Construct the region representing the card.
    HeapWord* start = _ct_bs->addr_for(card_ptr);
    // And find the region containing it.
    HeapRegion* r = _g1->heap_region_containing(start);
    assert(r != NULL, "unexpected null");

    // Scan oops in the card looking for references into the collection set
    HeapWord* end   = _ct_bs->addr_for(card_ptr + 1);
    MemRegion scanRegion(start, end);

    UpdateRSetImmediate update_rs_cl(_g1->g1_rem_set());
    FilterIntoCSClosure update_rs_cset_oop_cl(NULL, _g1, &update_rs_cl);
    FilterOutOfRegionClosure filter_then_update_rs_cset_oop_cl(r, &update_rs_cset_oop_cl);

    // We can pass false as the "filter_young" parameter here as:
    // * we should be in a STW pause,
    // * the DCQS to which this closure is applied is used to hold
    //   references that point into the collection set from the prior
    //   RSet updating,
    // * the post-write barrier shouldn't be logging updates to young
    //   regions (but there is a situation where this can happen - see
    //   the comment in G1RemSet::concurrentRefineOneCard below -
    //   that should not be applicable here), and
    // * during actual RSet updating, the filtering of cards in young
    //   regions in HeapRegion::oops_on_card_seq_iterate_careful is
    //   employed.
    // As a result, when this closure is applied to "refs into cset"
    // DCQS, we shouldn't see any cards in young regions.
    HeapWord* stop_point =
                                        false /* filter_young */);

    // Since this is performed in the event of an evacuation failure, we
    // we shouldn't see a non-null stop point
    assert(stop_point == NULL, "saw an unallocated region");
    return true;
예제 #5
void rect_autofill_learn(const TVectorImageP &imgToLearn, const TRectD &rect)

  if (rect.getLx() * rect.getLy() < MIN_SIZE) return;

  double pbx, pby;
  double totalArea = 0;
  pbx = pby = 0;

  if (!regionsReference.isEmpty()) regionsReference.clear();

  int i, index = 0, regionCount = imgToLearn->getRegionCount();
  for (i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
    TRegion *region = imgToLearn->getRegion(i);
    if (rect.contains(region->getBBox())) {
      scanRegion(region, index, regionsReference, rect);
    int j, subRegionCount = region->getSubregionCount();
    for (j = 0; j < subRegionCount; j++) {
      TRegion *subRegion = region->getSubregion(j);
      if (rect.contains(subRegion->getBBox()))
        scanSubRegion(subRegion, index, regionsReference, rect);

  QMap<int, Region>::Iterator it;
  for (it = regionsReference.begin(); it != regionsReference.end(); it++) {
    pbx += it.value().m_barycentre.x;
    pby += it.value().m_barycentre.y;
    totalArea += it.value().m_area;

  if (totalArea > 0)
    referenceB = TPointD(pbx / totalArea, pby / totalArea);
    referenceB = TPointD(0.0, 0.0);
예제 #6
bool stroke_autofill_apply(const TVectorImageP &imgToApply, TStroke *stroke,
                           bool selective) {
  if (!imgToApply || !stroke || stroke->getControlPointCount() == 0)
    return false;
  TVectorImage appImg;
  TStroke *appStroke = new TStroke(*stroke);

  if (regionsReference.size() <= 0) return false;

  double pbx, pby;
  double totalArea = 0;
  pbx = pby = 0.0;

  if (!regionsWork.isEmpty()) regionsWork.clear();

  int i, j, index = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < (int)imgToApply->getRegionCount(); i++) {
    TRegion *currentRegion = imgToApply->getRegion(i);
    for (j = 0; j < (int)appImg.getRegionCount(); j++) {
      TRegion *region = appImg.getRegion(j);
      if (contains(region, currentRegion)) {
        scanRegion(currentRegion, index, regionsWork, region->getBBox());
        int k, subRegionCount = currentRegion->getSubregionCount();
        for (k = 0; k < subRegionCount; k++) {
          TRegion *subRegion = currentRegion->getSubregion(k);
          if (contains(region, subRegion))
            scanSubRegion(subRegion, index, regionsWork, region->getBBox());

  if (regionsWork.size() <= 0) return false;

  QMap<int, Region>::Iterator it;
  for (it = regionsWork.begin(); it != regionsWork.end(); it++) {
    pbx += it.value().m_barycentre.x;
    pby += it.value().m_barycentre.y;
    totalArea += it.value().m_area;

  workB = TPointD(pbx / totalArea, pby / totalArea);

  std::vector<MatchingProbs> probVector;

  RegionDataList::Iterator refIt, workIt;
  for (refIt = regionsReference.begin(); refIt != regionsReference.end();
    for (workIt = regionsWork.begin(); workIt != regionsWork.end(); workIt++)
      assignProbs(probVector, refIt.value(), workIt.value(), refIt.key(),

  bool filledRegions = false;
  for (refIt = regionsReference.begin(); refIt != regionsReference.end();
       refIt++) {
    int to = 0, from = 0;
    int valore = 0;
      valore = match(probVector, from, to);
    while ((regionsWork[to].m_match != -1 ||
            regionsReference[from].m_match != -1) &&
           valore > 0);
    if (valore > AMB_TRESH) {
      regionsWork[to].m_match        = from;
      regionsReference[from].m_match = to;
      regionsWork[to].m_styleId      = regionsReference[from].m_styleId;
      TRegion *reg                   = regionsWork[to].m_region;
      if (reg && (!selective || selective && reg->getStyle() == 0)) {
        filledRegions = true;
  return filledRegions;
예제 #7
bool rect_autofill_apply(const TVectorImageP &imgToApply, const TRectD &rect,
                         bool selective) {
  if (rect.getLx() * rect.getLy() < MIN_SIZE) return false;

  if (regionsReference.size() <= 0) return false;

  double pbx, pby;
  double totalArea = 0;
  pbx = pby = 0.0;

  if (!regionsWork.isEmpty()) regionsWork.clear();

  int i, index = 0, regionCount = imgToApply->getRegionCount();
  for (i = 0; i < regionCount; i++) {
    TRegion *region = imgToApply->getRegion(i);
    TRectD bbox     = region->getBBox();
    if (rect.contains(bbox)) {
      scanRegion(region, index, regionsWork, rect);
    int j, subRegionCount = region->getSubregionCount();
    for (j = 0; j < subRegionCount; j++) {
      TRegion *subRegion = region->getSubregion(j);
      if (rect.contains(subRegion->getBBox()))
        scanSubRegion(subRegion, index, regionsWork, rect);

  if (regionsWork.size() <= 0) return false;

  QMap<int, Region>::Iterator it;
  for (it = regionsWork.begin(); it != regionsWork.end(); it++) {
    pbx += it.value().m_barycentre.x;
    pby += it.value().m_barycentre.y;
    totalArea += it.value().m_area;

  workB = TPointD(pbx / totalArea, pby / totalArea);

  std::vector<MatchingProbs> probVector;

  RegionDataList::Iterator refIt, workIt;
  for (refIt = regionsReference.begin(); refIt != regionsReference.end();
    for (workIt = regionsWork.begin(); workIt != regionsWork.end(); workIt++)
      assignProbs(probVector, refIt.value(), workIt.value(), refIt.key(),

  bool filledRegions = false;
  for (refIt = regionsReference.begin(); refIt != regionsReference.end();
       refIt++) {
    int to = 0, from = 0;
    int valore = 0;
      valore = match(probVector, from, to);
    while ((regionsWork[to].m_match != -1 ||
            regionsReference[from].m_match != -1) &&
           valore > 0);
    if (valore > AMB_TRESH) {
      regionsWork[to].m_match        = from;
      regionsReference[from].m_match = to;
      regionsWork[to].m_styleId      = regionsReference[from].m_styleId;
      TRegion *reg                   = regionsWork[to].m_region;
      if (reg && (!selective || selective && reg->getStyle() == 0)) {
        filledRegions = true;
  return filledRegions;