예제 #1
 * Verify Schnorr signature 'sig' of length 'siglen' against public exponent
 * g_x (g^x) under group defined by 'grp_p', 'grp_q' and 'grp_g' using a
 * SHA256 hash.
 * Signature hash will be salted with 'idlen' bytes from 'id'.
 * Returns -1 on failure, 0 on incorrect signature or 1 on matching signature.
schnorr_verify_buf(const BIGNUM *grp_p, const BIGNUM *grp_q,
    const BIGNUM *grp_g,
    const BIGNUM *g_x, const u_char *id, u_int idlen,
    const u_char *sig, u_int siglen)
	Buffer b;
	int ret = -1;
	u_int rlen;
	BIGNUM *r, *e;

	e = r = NULL;
	if ((e = BN_new()) == NULL ||
	    (r = BN_new()) == NULL) {
		error("%s: BN_new", __func__);
		goto out;

	/* Extract g^v and r from signature blob */
	buffer_append(&b, sig, siglen);
	SCHNORR_DEBUG_BUF((buffer_ptr(&b), buffer_len(&b),
	    "%s: sigblob", __func__));
	buffer_get_bignum2(&b, e);
	buffer_get_bignum2(&b, r);
	rlen = buffer_len(&b);
	if (rlen != 0) {
		error("%s: remaining bytes in signature %d", __func__, rlen);
		goto out;

	ret = schnorr_verify(grp_p, grp_q, grp_g, SSH_DIGEST_SHA256,
	    g_x, id, idlen, r, e);

	return ret;
예제 #2
/* Shared parts of key derivation and confirmation calculation */
jpake_key_confirm(struct jpake_group *grp, BIGNUM *s, BIGNUM *step2_val,
    BIGNUM *mypriv2, BIGNUM *mypub1, BIGNUM *mypub2,
    BIGNUM *theirpub1, BIGNUM *theirpub2,
    const u_char *my_id, u_int my_id_len,
    const u_char *their_id, u_int their_id_len,
    const u_char *sess_id, u_int sess_id_len,
    const u_char *theirpriv2_s_proof, u_int theirpriv2_s_proof_len,
    BIGNUM **k,
    u_char **confirm_hash, u_int *confirm_hash_len)
	BN_CTX *bn_ctx;
	BIGNUM *tmp;

	if ((bn_ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL)
		fatal("%s: BN_CTX_new", __func__);
	if ((tmp = BN_new()) == NULL ||
	    (*k = BN_new()) == NULL)
		fatal("%s: BN_new", __func__);

	/* Validate step 2 values */
	if (BN_cmp(step2_val, BN_value_one()) <= 0)
		fatal("%s: step2_val <= 1", __func__);

	 * theirpriv2_s_proof is calculated with a different generator:
	 * tmp = g^(mypriv1+mypriv2+theirpub1) = g^mypub1*g^mypub2*g^theirpub1
	 * Calculate it here so we can check the signature.
	if (BN_mod_mul(tmp, mypub1, mypub2, grp->p, bn_ctx) != 1)
		fatal("%s: BN_mod_mul (tmp = mypub1 * mypub2 mod p)", __func__);
	if (BN_mod_mul(tmp, tmp, theirpub1, grp->p, bn_ctx) != 1)
		fatal("%s: BN_mod_mul (tmp = tmp * theirpub1 mod p)", __func__);

	JPAKE_DEBUG_BN((tmp, "%s: tmp = ", __func__));

	if (schnorr_verify(grp->p, grp->q, tmp, step2_val, 
	    their_id, their_id_len,
	    theirpriv2_s_proof, theirpriv2_s_proof_len) != 1)
		fatal("%s: schnorr_verify theirpriv2_s_proof failed", __func__);

	 * Derive shared key:
	 *     client: k = (b / g^(x2*x4*s))^x2 = g^((x1+x3)*x2*x4*s)
	 *     server: k = (a / g^(x2*x4*s))^x4 = g^((x1+x3)*x2*x4*s)
	 * Computed as:
	 *     client: k = (g_x4^(q - (x2 * s)) * b)^x2 mod p
	 *     server: k = (g_x2^(q - (x4 * s)) * b)^x4 mod p
	if (BN_mul(tmp, mypriv2, s, bn_ctx) != 1)
		fatal("%s: BN_mul (tmp = mypriv2 * s)", __func__);
	if (BN_mod_sub(tmp, grp->q, tmp, grp->q, bn_ctx) != 1)
		fatal("%s: BN_mod_sub (tmp = q - tmp mod q)", __func__);
	if (BN_mod_exp(tmp, theirpub2, tmp, grp->p, bn_ctx) != 1)
		fatal("%s: BN_mod_exp (tmp = theirpub2^tmp) mod p", __func__);
	if (BN_mod_mul(tmp, tmp, step2_val, grp->p, bn_ctx) != 1)
		fatal("%s: BN_mod_mul (tmp = tmp * step2_val) mod p", __func__);
	if (BN_mod_exp(*k, tmp, mypriv2, grp->p, bn_ctx) != 1)
		fatal("%s: BN_mod_exp (k = tmp^mypriv2) mod p", __func__);

	jpake_confirm_hash(*k, my_id, my_id_len, sess_id, sess_id_len,
	    confirm_hash, confirm_hash_len);
예제 #3
/* Shared parts of step 2 exchange calculation */
jpake_step2(struct jpake_group *grp, BIGNUM *s,
    BIGNUM *mypub1, BIGNUM *theirpub1, BIGNUM *theirpub2, BIGNUM *mypriv2,
    const u_char *theirid, u_int theirid_len,
    const u_char *myid, u_int myid_len,
    const u_char *theirpub1_proof, u_int theirpub1_proof_len,
    const u_char *theirpub2_proof, u_int theirpub2_proof_len,
    BIGNUM **newpub,
    u_char **newpub_exponent_proof, u_int *newpub_exponent_proof_len)
	BN_CTX *bn_ctx;
	BIGNUM *tmp, *exponent;

	/* Validate peer's step 1 values */
	if (BN_cmp(theirpub1, BN_value_one()) <= 0)
		fatal("%s: theirpub1 <= 1", __func__);
	if (BN_cmp(theirpub2, BN_value_one()) <= 0)
		fatal("%s: theirpub2 <= 1", __func__);

	if (schnorr_verify(grp->p, grp->q, grp->g, theirpub1,
	    theirid, theirid_len, theirpub1_proof, theirpub1_proof_len) != 1)
		fatal("%s: schnorr_verify theirpub1 failed", __func__);
	if (schnorr_verify(grp->p, grp->q, grp->g, theirpub2,
	    theirid, theirid_len, theirpub2_proof, theirpub2_proof_len) != 1)
		fatal("%s: schnorr_verify theirpub2 failed", __func__);

	if ((bn_ctx = BN_CTX_new()) == NULL)
		fatal("%s: BN_CTX_new", __func__);

	if ((*newpub = BN_new()) == NULL ||
	    (tmp = BN_new()) == NULL ||
	    (exponent = BN_new()) == NULL)
		fatal("%s: BN_new", __func__);

	 * client: exponent = x2 * s mod p
	 * server: exponent = x4 * s mod p
	if (BN_mod_mul(exponent, mypriv2, s, grp->q, bn_ctx) != 1)
		fatal("%s: BN_mod_mul (exponent = mypriv2 * s mod p)",

	 * client: tmp = g^(x1 + x3 + x4) mod p
	 * server: tmp = g^(x1 + x2 + x3) mod p
	if (BN_mod_mul(tmp, mypub1, theirpub1, grp->p, bn_ctx) != 1)
		fatal("%s: BN_mod_mul (tmp = mypub1 * theirpub1 mod p)",
	if (BN_mod_mul(tmp, tmp, theirpub2, grp->p, bn_ctx) != 1)
		fatal("%s: BN_mod_mul (tmp = tmp * theirpub2 mod p)", __func__);

	 * client: a = tmp^exponent = g^((x1+x3+x4) * x2 * s) mod p
	 * server: b = tmp^exponent = g^((x1+x2+x3) * x4 * s) mod p
	if (BN_mod_exp(*newpub, tmp, exponent, grp->p, bn_ctx) != 1)
		fatal("%s: BN_mod_mul (newpub = tmp^exponent mod p)", __func__);

	JPAKE_DEBUG_BN((tmp, "%s: tmp = ", __func__));
	JPAKE_DEBUG_BN((exponent, "%s: exponent = ", __func__));

	/* Note the generator here is 'tmp', not g */
	if (schnorr_sign(grp->p, grp->q, tmp, exponent, *newpub,
	    myid, myid_len,
	    newpub_exponent_proof, newpub_exponent_proof_len) != 0)
		fatal("%s: schnorr_sign newpub", __func__);

	BN_clear_free(tmp); /* XXX stash for later use? */
	BN_clear_free(exponent); /* XXX stash for later use? (yes, in conf) */
