static SCM expand_lambda_star_case (SCM clause, SCM alternate, SCM env) { SCM req, opt, kw, allow_other_keys, rest, formals, vars, body, tmp; SCM inits; int nreq, nopt; const long length = scm_ilength (clause); ASSERT_SYNTAX (length >= 1, s_bad_expression, scm_cons (sym_lambda_star, clause)); ASSERT_SYNTAX (length >= 2, s_missing_expression, scm_cons (sym_lambda_star, clause)); formals = CAR (clause); body = CDR (clause); nreq = nopt = 0; req = opt = kw = SCM_EOL; rest = allow_other_keys = SCM_BOOL_F; while (scm_is_pair (formals) && scm_is_symbol (CAR (formals))) { nreq++; req = scm_cons (CAR (formals), req); formals = scm_cdr (formals); } if (scm_is_pair (formals) && scm_is_eq (CAR (formals), kw_optional)) { formals = CDR (formals); while (scm_is_pair (formals) && (scm_is_symbol (CAR (formals)) || scm_is_pair (CAR (formals)))) { nopt++; opt = scm_cons (CAR (formals), opt); formals = scm_cdr (formals); } } if (scm_is_pair (formals) && scm_is_eq (CAR (formals), kw_key)) { formals = CDR (formals); while (scm_is_pair (formals) && (scm_is_symbol (CAR (formals)) || scm_is_pair (CAR (formals)))) { kw = scm_cons (CAR (formals), kw); formals = scm_cdr (formals); } } if (scm_is_pair (formals) && scm_is_eq (CAR (formals), kw_allow_other_keys)) { formals = CDR (formals); allow_other_keys = SCM_BOOL_T; } if (scm_is_pair (formals) && scm_is_eq (CAR (formals), kw_rest)) { ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (formals) == 2, s_bad_formals, CAR (clause)); rest = CADR (formals); } else if (scm_is_symbol (formals)) rest = formals; else { ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_is_null (formals), s_bad_formals, CAR (clause)); rest = SCM_BOOL_F; } /* Now, iterate through them a second time, building up an expansion-time environment, checking, expanding and canonicalizing the opt/kw init forms, and eventually memoizing the body as well. Note that the rest argument, if any, is expanded before keyword args, thus necessitating the second pass. Also note that the specific environment during expansion of init expressions here needs to coincide with the environment when psyntax expands. A lot of effort for something that is only used in the bootstrap expandr, you say? Yes. Yes it is. */ vars = SCM_EOL; req = scm_reverse_x (req, SCM_EOL); for (tmp = req; scm_is_pair (tmp); tmp = scm_cdr (tmp)) { vars = scm_cons (scm_gensym (SCM_UNDEFINED), vars); env = scm_acons (CAR (tmp), CAR (vars), env); } /* Build up opt inits and env */ inits = SCM_EOL; opt = scm_reverse_x (opt, SCM_EOL); for (tmp = opt; scm_is_pair (tmp); tmp = scm_cdr (tmp)) { SCM x = CAR (tmp); vars = scm_cons (scm_gensym (SCM_UNDEFINED), vars); env = scm_acons (x, CAR (vars), env); if (scm_is_symbol (x)) inits = scm_cons (CONST (SCM_BOOL_F, SCM_BOOL_F), inits); else { ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (x) == 2 && scm_is_symbol (CAR (x)), s_bad_formals, CAR (clause)); inits = scm_cons (expand (CADR (x), env), inits); } env = scm_acons (scm_is_symbol (x) ? x : CAR (x), CAR (vars), env); } if (scm_is_null (opt)) opt = SCM_BOOL_F; /* Process rest before keyword args */ if (scm_is_true (rest)) { vars = scm_cons (scm_gensym (SCM_UNDEFINED), vars); env = scm_acons (rest, CAR (vars), env); } /* Build up kw inits, env, and kw-canon list */ if (scm_is_null (kw)) kw = SCM_BOOL_F; else { SCM kw_canon = SCM_EOL; kw = scm_reverse_x (kw, SCM_UNDEFINED); for (tmp = kw; scm_is_pair (tmp); tmp = scm_cdr (tmp)) { SCM x, sym, k, init; x = CAR (tmp); if (scm_is_symbol (x)) { sym = x; init = SCM_BOOL_F; k = scm_symbol_to_keyword (sym); } else if (scm_ilength (x) == 2 && scm_is_symbol (CAR (x))) { sym = CAR (x); init = CADR (x); k = scm_symbol_to_keyword (sym); } else if (scm_ilength (x) == 3 && scm_is_symbol (CAR (x)) && scm_is_keyword (CADDR (x))) { sym = CAR (x); init = CADR (x); k = CADDR (x); } else syntax_error (s_bad_formals, CAR (clause), SCM_UNDEFINED); inits = scm_cons (expand (init, env), inits); vars = scm_cons (scm_gensym (SCM_UNDEFINED), vars); kw_canon = scm_cons (scm_list_3 (k, sym, CAR (vars)), kw_canon); env = scm_acons (sym, CAR (vars), env); } kw_canon = scm_reverse_x (kw_canon, SCM_UNDEFINED); kw = scm_cons (allow_other_keys, kw_canon); } /* We should check for no duplicates, but given that psyntax does this already, we can punt on it here... */ vars = scm_reverse_x (vars, SCM_UNDEFINED); inits = scm_reverse_x (inits, SCM_UNDEFINED); body = expand_sequence (body, env); return LAMBDA_CASE (SCM_BOOL_F, req, opt, rest, kw, inits, vars, body, alternate); }
static int supports_source_props (SCM obj) { return SCM_NIMP (obj) && !scm_is_symbol (obj) && !scm_is_keyword (obj); }