static gboolean
step_process_multiple (FilesCtx *ctx,
                       const gchar **orig_uris,
                       GError **err)
    SeahorseWidget *swidget;
    gboolean done = FALSE;
    FileInfo *pkg_info = NULL;
    gchar *package = NULL;
    gchar *ext;
    GFile *file, *parent;
    gboolean ok = FALSE;
    GtkWidget *dlg;
    guint nfolders, nfiles;
    gchar *uris[2];
    gchar *uri;
    GList *l;

    g_assert (err && !*err);

    for (l = ctx->finfos, nfolders = nfiles = 0; l; l = g_list_next (l)) {
        FileInfo *finfo = (FileInfo*)l->data;
        if (g_file_info_get_file_type (finfo->info) == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY)

    /* In the case of one or less files, no dialog */
    if(nfolders == 0 && nfiles <= 1)
        return TRUE;

    /* The package extension */
    if ((ext = g_settings_get_string (seahorse_tool_settings, "package-extension")) == NULL)
        ext = g_strdup (".zip"); /* Yes this happens when the schema isn't installed */

    /* Figure out a good URI for our package */
    for (l = ctx->finfos; l; l = g_list_next (l)) {
        if (l->data) {
            pkg_info = (FileInfo*)(l->data);

    /* This sets up but doesn't run the dialog */
    swidget = prepare_dialog (ctx, nfolders, nfiles, pkg_info->info, ext);

    g_free (ext);

    dlg = seahorse_widget_get_toplevel (swidget);

    /* Inhibit popping up of progress dialog */
    seahorse_tool_progress_block (TRUE);

    while (!done) {
        switch (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dlg)))
        case GTK_RESPONSE_HELP:
            /* TODO: Implement help */

        case GTK_RESPONSE_OK:
            package = get_results (swidget);
            ok = TRUE;
            /* Fall through */

            done = TRUE;

    /* Let progress dialog pop up */
    seahorse_tool_progress_block (FALSE);

    seahorse_widget_destroy (swidget);

    /* Cancelled */
    if (!ok)
        return FALSE;

    /* No package was selected? */
    if (!package)
        return TRUE;

    /* A package was selected */

    /* Make a new path based on the first uri */
    parent = g_file_get_parent (pkg_info->file);
    if (!parent)
    	parent = pkg_info->file;
    file = g_file_get_child_for_display_name (parent, package, err);
    if (!file)
	    return FALSE;

    uri = g_file_get_uri (file);
    g_return_val_if_fail (uri, FALSE);
    g_object_unref (file);

    if (!seahorse_util_uris_package (uri, orig_uris)) {
        g_free (uri);
        return FALSE;

    /* Free all file info */
    g_list_foreach (ctx->finfos, (GFunc)free_file_info, NULL);
    g_list_free (ctx->finfos);
    ctx->finfos = NULL;

    /* Reload up the new file, as what to encrypt */
    uris[0] = uri;
    uris[1] = NULL;
    ok = step_check_uris (ctx, (const gchar**)uris, err);
    g_free (uri);

    return ok;
static gboolean
step_operation (FilesCtx *ctx,
                SeahorseToolMode *mode,
                GError **err)
    SeahorsePGPOperation *pop = NULL;
    gpgme_data_t data = NULL;
    gboolean ret = FALSE;

    SeahorseOperation *op;
    FileInfo *finfo;
    GList *l;
    gchar *filename;

    /* Reset our done counter */
    ctx->done = 0;

    for (l = ctx->finfos; l; l = g_list_next (l)) {

        finfo = (FileInfo*)l->data;
        if (!finfo || !finfo->file)

        ctx->cur = finfo;

        /* A new operation for each context */
        pop = seahorse_pgp_operation_new (NULL);
        op = SEAHORSE_OPERATION (pop);

        data = seahorse_vfs_data_create_full (finfo->file, SEAHORSE_VFS_READ,
                                              ctx, err);
        if (!data)
            goto finally;

        /* Inhibit popping up of progress dialog */
        seahorse_tool_progress_block (TRUE);

        /* Embed filename during encryption */
        if (mode_encrypt)
            filename = g_file_get_basename (finfo->file);
            gpgme_data_set_file_name (data, filename);
            g_free (filename);

        /* The start callback */
        if (mode->startcb) {
            if (!(mode->startcb) (mode, finfo->uri, data, pop, err))
                goto finally;

        /* Let progress dialog pop up */
        seahorse_tool_progress_block (FALSE);

        /* Run until the operation completes */
        seahorse_util_wait_until ((!seahorse_operation_is_running (op) ||
                                   !seahorse_tool_progress_check ()));

        /* If cancel then reflect that */
        if (seahorse_operation_is_running (op)) {
            seahorse_operation_cancel (op);
            goto finally;

        if (!seahorse_operation_is_successful (op)) {
            seahorse_operation_copy_error (op, err);
            goto finally;

        /* The done callback */
        if (mode->donecb) {
            if (!(mode->donecb) (mode, finfo->uri, data, pop, err))
                goto finally;

        ctx->done += g_file_info_get_size (finfo->info);
        ctx->cur = NULL;

        g_object_unref (pop);
        pop = NULL;

        gpgme_data_release (data);
        data = NULL;

    seahorse_tool_progress_update (1.0, "");
    ret = TRUE;

    if (pop)
        g_object_unref (pop);
    if (data)
        gpgme_data_release (data);

    return ret;
예제 #3
static gboolean
verify_start (SeahorseToolMode *mode, const gchar *uri, gpgme_data_t uridata,
              SeahorsePGPOperation *pop, GError **err)
    gpgme_data_t plain;
    gpgme_error_t gerr;
    gchar *original, *unesc_uri;

    /* File to decrypt to */
    original = seahorse_util_remove_suffix (uri, NULL);

    /* The original file doesn't exist, prompt for it */
    if (!seahorse_util_uri_exists (original)) {

        GtkWidget *dialog;
        gchar *t;

        unesc_uri = g_uri_unescape_string (seahorse_util_uri_get_last (uri), NULL);
        t = g_strdup_printf (_("Choose Original File for '%s'"),

        dialog = gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new (t,
                                NULL, GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN,
                                GTK_STOCK_CANCEL, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL,
                                GTK_STOCK_OPEN, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT,

        g_free (unesc_uri);
        g_free (t);

        gtk_file_chooser_set_uri (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), original);
        gtk_file_chooser_set_local_only (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog), FALSE);

        g_free (original);
        original = NULL;

        seahorse_tool_progress_block (TRUE);

        if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT)
            original = gtk_file_chooser_get_uri (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog));

        seahorse_tool_progress_block (FALSE);

        gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);

    if (!original)
        return FALSE;

    g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (pop), "original-file", original, g_free);

    /* Open necessary files, release with operation */
    plain = seahorse_vfs_data_create (original, SEAHORSE_VFS_READ, err);
    if (!plain)
        return FALSE;
    g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (pop), "plain-data", plain,

    /* Start actual verify */
    gerr = gpgme_op_verify_start (pop->gctx, uridata, plain, NULL);
    if (gerr != 0) {
        seahorse_util_gpgme_to_error (gerr, err);
        return FALSE;

    return TRUE;