bool HistorySearch::search(int startColumn, int startLine, int endColumn, int endLine) { qDebug() << "search from" << startColumn << "," << startLine << "to" << endColumn << "," << endLine; int linesRead = 0; int linesToRead = endLine - startLine + 1; qDebug() << "linesToRead:" << linesToRead; // We read process history from (and including) startLine to (and including) endLine in // blocks of at most 10K lines so that we do not use unhealthy amounts of memory int blockSize; while ((blockSize = std::min(10000, linesToRead - linesRead)) > 0) { QString string; QTextStream searchStream(&string); PlainTextDecoder decoder; decoder.begin(&searchStream); decoder.setRecordLinePositions(true); // Calculate lines to read and read them int blockStartLine = m_forwards ? startLine + linesRead : endLine - linesRead - blockSize + 1; int chunkEndLine = blockStartLine + blockSize - 1; m_emulation->writeToStream(&decoder, blockStartLine, chunkEndLine); // We search between startColumn in the first line of the string and endColumn in the last // line of the string. First we calculate the position (in the string) of endColumn in the // last line of the string int endPosition; // The String that Emulator.writeToStream produces has a newline at the end, and so ends with an // empty line - we ignore that. int numberOfLinesInString = decoder.linePositions().size() - 1; if (numberOfLinesInString > 0 && endColumn > -1 ) { endPosition = decoder.linePositions().at(numberOfLinesInString - 1) + endColumn; } else { endPosition = string.size(); } // So now we can log for m_regExp in the string between startColumn and endPosition int matchStart; if (m_forwards) { matchStart = string.indexOf(m_regExp, startColumn); if (matchStart >= endPosition) matchStart = -1; } else { matchStart = string.lastIndexOf(m_regExp, endPosition - 1); if (matchStart < startColumn) matchStart = -1; } if (matchStart > -1) { int matchEnd = matchStart + m_regExp.matchedLength() - 1; qDebug() << "Found in string from" << matchStart << "to" << matchEnd; // Translate startPos and endPos to startColum, startLine, endColumn and endLine in history. int startLineNumberInString = findLineNumberInString(decoder.linePositions(), matchStart); m_foundStartColumn = matchStart - decoder.linePositions().at(startLineNumberInString); m_foundStartLine = startLineNumberInString + startLine + linesRead; int endLineNumberInString = findLineNumberInString(decoder.linePositions(), matchEnd); m_foundEndColumn = matchEnd - decoder.linePositions().at(endLineNumberInString); m_foundEndLine = endLineNumberInString + startLine + linesRead; qDebug() << "m_foundStartColumn" << m_foundStartColumn << "m_foundStartLine" << m_foundEndLine << "m_foundEndColumn" << m_foundEndColumn << "m_foundEndLine" << m_foundEndLine; return true; } linesRead += blockSize; } qDebug() << "Not found"; return false; }
vector<Page*>* QueryProcessor::process(int structure, string search) { bool is_not = false; int not_pos = 0; unsigned long length = 0; vector<Page*> hold; unordered_set<string>::const_iterator probe; istringstream searchStream(search); vector<string> tokens{istream_iterator<string>{searchStream}, istream_iterator<string>{}}; //Clear Results(reusable funct.) processedResults->clear(); rawResults->clear(); //Remove Stop Words for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i) { probe = stopWords->find(tokens[i]); if(probe != stopWords->end()) { tokens.erase(tokens.begin()+i); } } //Checking for NOT, Lowercase, & Stem for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i) { //cout << tokens[i] << endl; if (tokens[i] == "NOT") { is_not = true; not_pos = i; } transform(tokens[i].begin(), tokens[i].end(), tokens[i].begin(), ::tolower); Porter2Stemmer::stem(tokens[i]); } //Length of Search Terms if(is_not) { length = tokens.size() - (tokens.size()-not_pos) - 1; } else if (tokens.size() > 1) { length = tokens.size()-1; } else if (tokens.size() == 1) { length = 0; rawResults->push_back(index->getListOfPages(structure, tokens[0])); } //Length > 0, add to results for(int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { rawResults->push_back(index->getListOfPages(structure, tokens[i+1])); } //Single Search Term if(length == 0) { rawResults->push_back(index->getListOfPages(structure, tokens[0])); length = 1; } //AND... if( (tokens[0].compare("AND") == 0 || tokens[0].compare("and") == 0) && length >= 2 ) { size_t size = 0; vector<Page*> temp; set_intersection(rawResults->operator[](0).begin(), rawResults->operator[](0).end(), rawResults->operator[](1).begin(), rawResults->operator[](1).end(), back_inserter(temp)); if(length > 2) { for (int i = 2; i < length; ++i) { size = temp.size(); set_intersection(temp.begin(), temp.end(), rawResults->operator[](i).begin(), rawResults->operator[](i).end(), back_inserter(temp)); vector<Page*> vec(temp.begin()+size, temp.begin()+temp.size()); sort(temp.begin(), temp.end()); *processedResults = vec; } } else if(length == 2) { *processedResults = temp; } } //OR... else if(( tokens[0].compare("OR") == 0 || tokens[0].compare("or") == 0 ) && length >= 2) { vector<Page*> temp = rawResults->operator[](0); for (int i = 1; i < length; ++i) { temp = merge_copy(temp, rawResults->operator[](i)); sort( temp.begin(), temp.end() ); temp.erase( unique( temp.begin(), temp.end() ), temp.end() ); } *processedResults = temp; } //Single Term else { *processedResults = rawResults->operator[](0); } //NOT... if(is_not && tokens.size() >= 3) { size_t size = 0; int notLength = 0; vector<Page*> temp; for(int i = not_pos + 1; i < tokens.size(); ++i, ++notLength) { rawResults->push_back(index->getListOfPages(structure, tokens[i])); } set_difference(processedResults->begin(), processedResults->end(), rawResults->operator[](length).begin(), rawResults->operator[](length).end(), back_inserter(temp) ); if(notLength > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < notLength; ++i) { size = (size_t)temp.size(); set_difference(temp.begin(), temp.end(), rawResults->operator[](length+i).begin(), rawResults->operator[](length+i).end(), back_inserter(temp)); vector<Page*> vec(temp.begin()+size, temp.begin()+temp.size()); temp = vec; sort(temp.begin(), temp.end()); *processedResults = vec; } } else { *processedResults = temp; } } //Calculate Relevancy relevancy->clear(); relevancy->reserve(processedResults->size()); for(int i = 0; i < processedResults->size(); ++i) { int temp = 0; if(tokens[0] == "and" || tokens[0] == "or") { for (int j = 0; j < length ; ++j) { temp += processedResults->operator[](i)->getCount(tokens[j+1]); } } else { temp += processedResults->operator[](i)->getCount(tokens[0]); } relevancy->operator[](i) = temp; } //Sorting Results(relevancy) int pos_min,temp; Page* temp2; if (processedResults->size() > 1) { //Selection Sort: for (int i=0; i < processedResults->size()-1; i++) { pos_min = i;//set pos_min to the current index of array for (int j=i+1; j < processedResults->size(); j++) { if (relevancy->operator[](j) > relevancy->operator[](pos_min)) pos_min=j; //pos_min will keep track of the index that min is in, this is needed when a swap happens } //if pos_min no longer equals i than a smaller value must have been found, so a swap must occur if (pos_min != i) { temp = relevancy->operator[](i); temp2 = processedResults->operator[](i); relevancy->operator[](i) = relevancy->operator[](pos_min); processedResults->operator[](i) = processedResults->operator[](pos_min); relevancy->operator[](pos_min) = temp; processedResults->operator[](pos_min) = temp2; } } } return processedResults; }