struct segFile *segReadAll(char *fileName) /* Read in full segment file */ { struct segFile *sf = segOpen(fileName); struct segBlock *block, *tail = NULL; while ((block = segNext(sf)) != NULL) { if (sf->blocks == NULL) sf->blocks = block; else { tail->next = block; block->prev = tail; } tail = block; } return sf; }
void segSplitPairwise(char *inSeg, char *outSeg) /* segSplitPairwise - Split a segment file pairwise. */ { struct segFile *sf = segOpen(inSeg); FILE *of = mustOpen(outSeg, "w"); struct segBlock *sb; struct segBlock newSb; struct segComp *refComp, *sc, *refSc, *newSc; char *splitName = NULL; int sNum, bNum = 1; segWriteStart(of); while ((sb = segNext(sf)) != NULL) { /* Set ref if it wasn't set on the commandline. */ if (ref == NULL && ((ref = segFirstCompSpecies(sb, '.')) == NULL)) errAbort("ref is not set and the first segment block has no " "components."); /* Find and clone the reference species component. */ refComp = segFindCompSpecies(sb, ref, '.'); refSc = cloneSegComp(refComp); sNum = 1; for (sc = sb->components; sc != NULL; sc = sc->next) { if (sc == refComp) continue; /* Clone the current component. */ newSc = cloneSegComp(sc); newSc->next = NULL; /* Point the reference component to the newly cloned component. */ refSc->next = newSc; /* Set up the segment block to hold the two components above. */ if (number) { if (sb->name == NULL) { AllocArray(sb->name, 6 + digitsBaseTen(bNum)); sprintf(sb->name, "Block%d", bNum); } AllocArray(splitName, strlen(sb->name) + digitsBaseTen(sNum) + 2); sprintf(splitName, "%s.%d", sb->name, sNum++); = splitName; } else = sb->name; newSb.val = sb->val; newSb.components = refSc; /* Output this new block. */ segWrite(of, &newSb); if (number) freeMem(splitName); /* Free the cloned component. */ segCompFree(&newSc); } /* Free the cloned reference component. */ segCompFree(&refSc); segBlockFree(&sb); bNum++; } segWriteEnd(of); carefulClose(&of); segFileFree(&sf); }