예제 #1
elem_t select(elem_t* list, size_t begin, size_t end, size_t pos) {
    if (begin == end) {
        return list[begin];

    size_t pivot = select_pivot(list, begin, end);
    size_t new_pivot = partition(list, begin, end, pivot);

    if (begin + pos == new_pivot) return list[new_pivot];
    else if (begin + pos < new_pivot) return select(list, begin, new_pivot - 1, pos);
    else return select(list, new_pivot + 1, end, pos - new_pivot - 1);
예제 #2
파일: qsort.c 프로젝트: Eric--/cowry
void quick_sort(int *a, int left, int right)
	int pivotIndex;
	int storeIndex;

	if (left < right) {
		pivotIndex = select_pivot(a, left, right);
		storeIndex = partition(a, left, right, pivotIndex);
		quick_sort(a, left, storeIndex - 1);
		quick_sort(a, storeIndex + 1, right);
예제 #3
파일: bz_sort.c 프로젝트: Booley/nbis
/* return values: 0 == successful, 1 == error */
static int qsort_decreasing( struct cell v[], int left, int right )
int pivot;
int llen, rlen;
int lleft, lright, rleft, rright;

if ( pushstack( left  ))
	return 1;
if ( pushstack( right ))
	return 2;
while ( stack_pointer != stack ) {
	if (popstack(&right))
		return 3;
	if (popstack(&left ))
		return 4;
	if ( right - left > 0 ) {
		pivot = select_pivot( v, left, right );
		partition_dec( v, &llen, &rlen, &lleft, &lright, &rleft, &rright, pivot, left, right );
		if ( llen > rlen ) {
			if ( pushstack( lleft  ))
				return 5;
			if ( pushstack( lright ))
				return 6;
			if ( pushstack( rleft  ))
				return 7;
			if ( pushstack( rright ))
				return 8;
		} else{
			if ( pushstack( rleft  ))
				return 9;
			if ( pushstack( rright ))
				return 10;
			if ( pushstack( lleft  ))
				return 11;
			if ( pushstack( lright ))
				return 12;
return 0;
예제 #4
int* quicksort(int* array, int length) {

  if((length < 2) || (length == 2 && array[0] == array[1])){
    return array;

  int* __greater = (int*) malloc(length * sizeof(int));
  int* __less = (int*) malloc(length * sizeof(int));

  int i = 0, greater_length = 0, less_length = 0;
  int pivot = select_pivot(array, length);

  for(; i < length; i++) {
      if(array[i] < pivot) {
        __less[less_length] = array[i];
        less_length ++;
      else {
        __greater[greater_length] = array[i];
        greater_length ++;

  int* greater = copy_array(__greater, greater_length);
  int* less = copy_array(__less, less_length);


  int* less_sorted = quicksort(less, less_length);
  int* greater_sorted = quicksort(greater, greater_length);
  int* merged = merge(less_sorted, less_length, greater_sorted, greater_length);


  return merged;
예제 #5
* Thread function that will attempt to sort locally
void *parallel_qsort(void *arg_struct)
    int st_idx, en_idx, rc;
    double median = 0;
    struct thread_data index_left, index_right;
    void *status;

    pthread_t first_thread;
    pthread_t second_thread;

     * Extract the thread args from the structure passed in 
    struct thread_data *args;
    args = (struct thread_data *) arg_struct;
    st_idx = args->st_idx;
    en_idx = args->en_idx;

    if (en_idx > st_idx) {

        int N = en_idx - st_idx + 1;    // Get number of
        // elements in
        // this array

        if (floor_log2(thread_count) < MAXDEPTH && N > floor_log2(MAXLEN)) {    // If 

             * 1. Pivot Selection Strategy 
            median = select_pivot(st_idx, en_idx);
            // printf("Median chosen ---> %ld\n", median);

             * 2. Partition the data into subarrays lesser and greater
             * than pivot 
            int pivot_index = partition_new(st_idx, en_idx, median);    // partition_new( 

             * Update the thread counter 
            pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexthread);   /* Lock Mutex */
            thread_count += 2;
            pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexthread); /* Unlock Mutex */

             * Fire the thread to sort the lesser than sub-array 
            index_left.st_idx = st_idx;
            index_left.en_idx = pivot_index - 1;
             * Re-use current thread to sort the greater array ... so no
             * new thread creation 
            index_right.st_idx = pivot_index + 1;
            index_right.en_idx = en_idx;
            // printf("****** Parallel Sorting now (%d,%d) and (%d,%d) N = 
            // %d depth = %d\n", st_idx, pivot_index - 1, pivot_index + 1, 
            // en_idx, N, floor_log2( thread_count ) );

             * Now we have called a new thread to sort the lesser array 
            rc = pthread_create(&first_thread, NULL, parallel_qsort,
                                (void *) &index_left);

            rc = pthread_create(&second_thread, NULL, parallel_qsort,
                                (void *) &index_right);
            pthread_join(first_thread, NULL);
            pthread_join(second_thread, NULL);
        } else {
            // printf("****** Serial Sorting now (%d,%d) N = %d depth =
            // %d\n", st_idx, en_idx, N, floor_log2( thread_count ) );
            serial_quickSort(st_idx, en_idx);   // Sort Serially the list 

         * void *pquick(void *arg){ ... pthread_t leftthr,rightthr; ...
         * if (right > left){ if (recursionlev<MAXLEVELS) { ...
         * pthread_create(&leftthr, NULL, pquick, (void *) &leftarg);
         * pthread_create(&rightthr, NULL, pquick, (void *) &rightarg);
         * pthread_join(leftthr, NULL); pthread_join(rightthr, NULL); }
         * else { quicksort(left); // Serial quicksort quicksort(right); }
         * } }
    }                           // End of main if 

     * And... EXIT 
예제 #6
static void test_select_pivot_short_array(){
  int array[2] = {6,5};
  int pivot = select_pivot(array, 2);
  assert(contains_element(pivot, array, 2));
예제 #7
static void test_select_pivot_long_array(){
  int array[10] = {6,5,1,9,4,7,5,12,8,4};
  int pivot = select_pivot(array, 10);
  assert(contains_element(pivot, array, 10));